Chapter Forty-Seven: "United We Stand"
Mentally pushing his pain aside, Nathan grabbed the hospital robe and yanked it off his torso. Puffing himself up, he let out a deep growl as the distress of the Omegas spurred his adrenaline. Walking out through the doors, a City Wolf started to run toward the door until Nathan Snarled at him. The City Wolf slipped, falling onto his ass to avoid him, before yelping with fearful distress as he bolted away from him. The City Wolves closest to the entrance backed up a step or two but growled at him in stubborn challenge. On their own they were no match for him, but together they could swarm him. Not caring if they did, he stepped out toward them, snarling at each of them in turn. The largest of the group spit on the ground and started to move toward him. Nathan braced himself, until deep growls sounded from behind him. Nathan didn't look, he kept his eyes on the large Beta. The Beta looked at the others closing in behind Nathan, before looking to his own. The lesser Betas whimpered a little, looking to the bigger one with fearful eyes. The larger Beta took in their looks with worry. Even if he felt strong enough to take them... if his buddies fled, he'd be outnumbered. The large Beta gave them all stern looks, before shouting out. "What are you afraid of?! They're injured! Look at them! KILL THEM!"
Nathan cracked his neck, locking eyes with the large Beta as he challenged loudly. "Just try it!" The large Beta snorted, then removed a set of brass knuckles from his pockets to slip over his fingers. With one last snarl at his friends, the large Beta rushed up to Nate. Nathan didn't move, saving his energy. The man swung at his face, prompting Nathan to buck and slam into his waist to tackle him. The man yelped as he fell back across the pavement. Gripping onto the man, Nathan bit the man's side until he tasted blood. The man screamed in pain, then started punching Nathan in the side. Nathan took a few hits, before grabbing the man's throat during his fury of punches. Tightening his grip on the man's throat, Nathan released his side and sat up only to yank him up to slam him down on the pavement. Growling wildly, Nathan lost control of himself as he kept slamming the man down against the pavement to knock the wind from his lungs. Then when he grabbed Nathan's wrist, Nathan pulled him up and punched him across the face. The man yelped, spiting blood, before taking a swing at Nathan's throat. Nathan countered by dropping over him, going for his throat with his teeth!
The second his teeth grabbed the soft flesh, the man started whimpering and screaming in distress. The man removed his hands from Nathan, trembling as he tried to go still. Nathan growled against his neck, forcing the man to squeal and surrender. With great effort, Nathan let him go and got up to his feet. All around him a small group of City Wolves were watching with wide eyes. Nathan growled at them, causing them to jump back. Nathan moved off the man, glaring at them to see if the others were going to try challenging him. None of them made a move, but they weren't kneeling to him either. He caught two tensing up, their eyes drifting to something behind him. The Betas guarding the hospital started to call out to him, but Nathan beat them to it. The man behind him let out a subtle snarl and Nathan let out a snarl of his own as he whirled around. Ducking the man's swing, Nathan brought his fist up to punch him in the throat. With the adrenaline still in his blood, the blow hit hard enough that there was a sickening crack. The man fell to the ground limply, his last breath exhaling out. This time when Nathan turned his eyes on the others, they dropped to their knees. The Omegas across the parking lot, started screaming as the other City Wolves farther out tore open their clothes and tried to pin them down.
The Betas behind him didn't linger any longer. Running out across the parking lot to attack the City Wolves off the Omegas. When one overpowered them, those that managed to chase off the other Betas would jump into the brawl. Nathan glared at the kneeling Betas, snapping out. "Either help us or get the fuck out of the valley while you still can!" Some of them took off, but one or two lingered with uneasy allegiance. Nathan didn't have time to babysit them or test their change of heart. Moving away from them, he quickly joined the fray to rescue the Omegas that had tougher looking City Wolves on them. Nathan favored his burning side as he shoved City Wolves around but tried not to show weakness to them by disguising his pain with angry growls. Across the parking lot, the smashing of glass drew Nate's attention to a Beta that was starting to run toward a truck, where a young puppy was crawling out of the window and crying. The windshield had been shattered and a City Wolf was crawling inside after the young boy. The Beta reached the back of the truck, yelling for the pup to jump into his arms. The little pup ran across the bed of the truck and leapt over the tailgate. While the City Wolf smashed through the back window after him.
Catching the pup, the Beta began to set him down to the ground, when the City Wolf jumped and tackled the Beta to the ground. The Beta dropped to all fours over the puppy, whimpering out as the City Wolf sank his teeth into his shoulder. "RUN!" The pup staggered up to his feet, starting to run toward an Omega nurse that was rushing across the lot to grab him. Loosing interest in the Beta, the crazed City Wolf shoved the Beta to the ground and took off to try reaching the pup first. Bolting toward them as fast as his own legs could go, Nathan managed to jump out at the same time as the City Wolf, colliding with him before he made contact with the pup. Tumbling over the pavement with him, Nathan used his momentum to fling the City Wolf onto the ground hard enough to stun him. The Omega snatched up the pup, running back toward the hospital. Getting to his feet, Nathan shouted out to the Betas with him. "Group up! Keep the Omegas-!" A loud 'BANG' rang out across the parking lot and the force of the hit caught Nathan off guard. Stumbling to the ground, Nathan whimpered and crawled behind a car as he held onto his bleeding arm. From close by, an engine revved, before Lexus called out to him. "There you are, Nate! Come on out so I can put you down! Traitor!"
Nathan groaned, peeking under the car to see her sitting on her bike with a few Alphas riding in with her. Climbing off her bike, she headed toward him, stating out sternly. "Here I was looking for Cliff... and who should I see causing a stir instead." Rolling his eyes, Nathan looked around to see the other Betas he was with trying to herd the Omegas and pups into the hospital discreetly. Lexus shot the glass door of the hospital as a group rushed inside, yelling out. "You can't save them! They belong to us now!" Shaking his head, Nathan decided to draw attention to himself as he shouted out. "They aren't yours until you defeat the Alpha and ME!" Lexus chuckled, telling him coolly. "Well, then... Come out and challenge me if they mean so much to you. Lay your life down for them!" Nathan banged his head back against the car, mumbling out under his breath. "Oh, fuck me..." Slowly easing up onto his feet, he locked eyes with her as she pointed the gun at him. Inhaling deep, he told her coolly. "You gonna fight me in my condition... Or will you just shoot me like a coward." Lexus slowly lowered the gun, smirking out. "I should just shoot you. But I'd love them to see how weak you are. And this time... Daddy won't save you."
Huffing, Nathan shot back. "He never saved me. He made me spare you." Nathan saw the last of the Betas escorting the last of the Omegas into the hospital. Taking a deep breath, he hoped to buy them time to get away or barricade themselves up. Setting down the gun on the car, Lexus beckoned him closer, chuckling out. "Shame you're in no condition to fight... but at least I'll get the pleasure of killing you myself. All traditional like..." Nathan winced as the pain in his arm flared when he moved it. He didn't want to go out like this, but he didn't feel like he had a choice. No sooner had he moved out away from the car, she attacked him. She slashed at him with her long nails, and he blocked a few of her swings before his arm locked up in pain. Allowing her to strike his sore ribs, before shoving him into the onlooking Alphas. The Alphas knocked him to the ground, and she laughed out to the other Alphas watching as the group ganged up on him. "He's making this too easy! I remember him being tougher to fight than this!" Nathan spit blood as they parted from him, trying to roll up onto all fours. His strength was leaving him, and his pain was almost unbearable. Grabbing his neck, she yanked him up to his feet and quickly kicked him into the car. The car rocked as he hit it, prompting a yelp from him as he fell to his knees.
Grabbing him, she threw him across the pavement with a loud growl. Hitting the pavement, Nathan yelped and felt his skin burn from being scuffed by the rough asphalt. Lexus stormed toward him, growling menacingly as she told him. "Are you even trying, bitch?! What happened? They neuter you?" Nathan panted, weakly telling her. "You're the ones playing with me... I have an excuse. What's yours?" Lexus rolled her eyes, pulling out a switchblade as she told him. "I just expected more from you. But this is pathetic. Some Beta you are." She raised her blade over him, until a familiar voice shouted out. "Leave him alone!" The Alphas started to laugh, prompting Lexus to turn around. Nathan's jaw dropped as he saw Matthew standing alone in the parking lot. He was unarmed and looked scared out of his mind. Shifting a bit, Nathan snapped out. "What are you doing?! Run!" Matthew ignored him and the Alphas laughter, telling Lexus in a shaky voice. "You're so tough when you outnumber him! COWARD!" Lexus started toward him, sneering out. "You better shut that mouth of yours, bitch. Stick to what you're good at. Breeding." The Alphas chuckled, until Matthew lifted his chin and shot back a little timidly. "At least I'm good at something. Cause from where I'm standing... you can't even fight. And isn't that the only thing YOUR built for?"
A few Alphas glanced at each other in shock at his statement. With all their eyes on Matthew, Nathan looked for something and grabbed Lexus' discarded gun that had fallen off the car. He started to lift it, but quickly stashed it in the back of his pants because Lexus grabbed Matthew by the front of his shirt. Yanking him close, she punched him before throwing him at Nathan! Managing to stash the gun in time, he caught Matthew and rolled with him, until he was on all fours over him. Lexus snorted, shrugging out. "You wanna die with your pathetic Beta, be my guest!" Nathan sat up on his knees, growling softly. Lexus snatched a gun from one of the Alphas, aiming it at Nathan as she told him with a shrug. "Fuck it. I was never one for tradition. Takes too long and I don't wanna get my hands dirt." Nathan started to reach behind him, until Lexus snapped out. "AH! Hands up where I can see them!" Nathan cursed, raising his hands. He hated that his body just couldn't move fast right now. Everything was so sore, and he was bleeding from almost everywhere. He was just thinking about risking an attempt to grab the gun and shoot in one final desperation move. However, as Matthew sat up to cower against his side... he felt his hand remove the gun from his pants. Nathan looked at Matthew as Lexus cocked her gun, but Matthew moved faster. Cocking the gun and quickly pointing it at her to shoot her!
The Alphas gasped, jumping back in horror as Lexus' body fell back across the ground. Matthew pointed the gun around at the other Alphas, firing a warning shot that made them scatter a bit. Wrapping his arm around Matthew's waist, Nathan turned to growl at the Alphas that attempted to try sneaking up behind Matthew. One of the Alphas started to risk moving closer but stopped when a deep voice stated out darkly. "I wouldn't do that." Nathan risked a look to see a group of Omegas moving closer. The Alphas smirked to each other, starting to move toward them menacingly. The Omegas slowly backed up, prompting the Alphas to smugly reach out for them. The second one of the Alphas touched an Omega, the Omega let out sharp distressed whines that were so loud in gave Nathan goosebumps. The Alphas looked at each other confused, until they noticed more Alphas and Betas stepping out into the parking lot. Nathan swallowed at the sight of the much older and bigger Alphas and Betas from the Valley. They didn't look much like fighters... but they wore grease stained uniforms that suggested they were mechanics or hard hat workers. There were even a few police officers and garage workers. Most had blood staining their arms, while others held tools that were not just for show.
At the sounds of the Omegas whining, the Valley Wolves all began to snarl and move in. The Alphas released the Omegas, turning their attention to the bigger threat. Only to become surprised when the Omegas pulled out tasers and jammed them into the ribs of the Alphas! It was a trap! Nathan weakly coughed, relaxing a bit as the others took up the fight to protect the Omegas and pups. Matthew wrapped an arm over him, whispering to him sweetly. "I may have called in for a little help... Cliff and his group are coming back to help us... but no one here seems to know where Mark and Sean are..." Back up in the woods, Sean panted heavily as his torso locked up in pain. His mom stroked his furry body, trying to keep him calm as she told him. "Deep breaths, puppy... Don't push..." Sean tried to curl his tail between his legs, but his mom kept his tail from doing that in order to see what he couldn't. He wanted to push. His body was telling him to push to end the pain. She rubbed his back, telling him gently. "It's ok. You're ok." Sean shook his head, then his ears perked up as someone moved through the bushes and said coldly. "There you are."
Sean whimpered, watching Zedekiah sniff the air before telling them with a chuckle. "That time already? Good. It will make killing them that much easier." Sean's mom staggered up onto her good leg, snarling out at him. "You're not going to touch him or his puppies!" Zedekiah huffed, lunging toward her. She scratched and bit his skin, but in her hurt and weakened condition, he simply threw her aside and into a tree. Sean yelped, trying to scoot away from him, but he grabbed Sean's back leg and pulled him close. Reaching out to grab the back of Sean's furry neck, he pinned him to the ground and snarled out. "Go on. Push them out. So, I can rip them apart in front of you!" Sean weakly put a padded hand on Zedekiah's, letting out strained whines. Zedekiah wasn't choking him, but his grip was uncomfortable. Staring him down, Zedekiah growled out to him angrily. "Who would you like me to send the body parts to? Nathan? Or Mark?" Clenching his teeth, Sean worked up the courage and energy to belt out a loud howl! Zedekiah punched Sean in the gut to end his howl short, snapping out. "Who do you think is listening?! Everyone is fleeing back to the Valley to save everyone... EXCEPT you."
Sean felt a tear run down his furry cheek. Zedekiah grinned, then yelped as something slammed into him to knock him away. Zedekiah rolled back up onto his feet with an aggressive snarl. While Mark stood on all fours completely wolfed out, his glinting eyes locked on Zedekiah as he barred his sharp white teeth. Sean couldn't help smiling at the sight of him. Mark had heard him like he knew he would. To Be Continued...
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