Chapter Fifteen: "Moonstruck"
Sean dragged his feet as he moved up to the bike. Bill put his small erase board into his vest, then paused to look over his vest. Sean started to wonder if something was wrong. Bill slowly shrugged off his vest, before draping it over Sean's shoulders. The vest was a little damp on the outside, but the inside was warm enough. It didn't do much for his arms, but Sean pulled it on anyway. He welcomed the warmth over his damp chest. Hugging the vest, he asked Bill curiously. "Won't you be cold?" Bill swung onto his bike, shaking his head. Sean narrowed his eyes on him lightly. He was pretty sure that he was lying, but he doubted that he was going to get Bill to take his vest back. Bill kicked up the kickstand, then patted the seat behind. Taking his arm, Sean slid onto the bike and got settled. Bill checked his feet and waited until Sean put his hands on his waist before driving out. The wind rushed against his damp body, making him shiver now. He was thankful for the vest now. The leather was thick enough to fight the wind from chilling his core. Despite that though, he still snuggled closer to Bill's back to try and not get hit with the wind as much.
Being so close to Bill, he noticed things. The deep bite on his side above his hip where Nathan had bitten him. It looked raw and awful. Yet, Bill had never flinched from him holding onto him there. He avoided touching the spot now, feeling guilty. He hadn't seen the bite because Bill's shirt had covered it, but now that the wind was freely rustling his shirt, it was noticeable. Without his vest, Sean could feel every scar on him. He had scars along his back and down his arms. Most were old and healed over, but some were new. He wondered if the bear had given him most of them... or if they had come from fights. He couldn't picture a guy like Bill fighting. He seemed so gentle. So safe. Sean's hands moved up Bill's chest to hold him close. It made him smile a bit to feel Bill shivering but he was trying to hide it. Keeping his arms around his chest, he tried to warm Bill. With his palms over his chest though, he felt Bill's heart racing. He told himself that it was racing just because of the rush from riding a motorcycle. However, part of him hoped it was because he liked him. Sean blushed, unable to stop himself from smiling. He liked the idea of making a strong Beta act shy and nervous. He'd been around enough Alphas and Betas with strong personalities. Just once, he wanted to have a taste of that.
His thoughts affected him enough that he saw his one chance to see if he had that kind of control. His fingers lightly clawed Bill's chest, stroking him. Feeling out the curves of his chest. Bill shivered, getting a little restless in his seat. Scooting closer, Sean rubbed his cheek against Bill's shoulder. Bill stayed focus on the road and Sean held himself back from doing anything that might make him crash. He just wanted to see his reaction. It was hard to read Bill's face with his helmet, but his arms were tense on the handlebars, and he could feel him leaning into his hands. When Sean stopped, Bill stopped tensing as much and risked glancing back at him briefly. Unable to see his eyes behind the tinted visor, Sean turned away with a small chuckle. He felt strangely giddy and playful. Pulling into the parking lot though, Sean exhaled heavily as the weight of the world fell back on his shoulders. He could hear the Omegas playing more games and the Alphas and Betas cheering them on. If anyone saw him, they'd pressure him for an answer that he didn't feel like he was ready to give. Sliding off the bike, Sean anxiously stared off into the woods. He was starting to feel sick again. Sean hugged himself, his nails digging into his arms.
He'd been so lost in his failures that he hadn't noticed that the bike shut off. He didn't even hear or smell Bill, until his hands touched his. Sean jumped with a soft yelp, but Bill kept ahold of him. Prying his hands off his arms, he intertwined his fingers between his and hugged him back against his chest. Sean squeezed Bill's hands, mumbling out. "I can't... I just want to go home..." Sean started to shake in Bill's arms, sniffling before adding. "I'm not like them... I..." Bill's hands removed Sean's helmet, causing Sean to turn and bury his face into Bill's chest. He wanted him to take him home. Bill hugged him, rubbing his back. From the woods, people started to erupt with long howls. Prompting Sean to pull from Bill to look up at the sky. The dark sky was clearing, allowing the bright full moon to shine down over the Valley. Sean gasped as the light hit him. The cool light, calling to the wolf within him. Staggering away from Bill, he started to strip as his skin broke out in silvery grey fur. The transition happened quickly and was as flawless as breathing. Shaking himself, he snorted and then rose to his full height to unleash a beautiful howl of his own. When he finished, he crouched down and curled his tail around his ankles. His ears fell back nervously, his claws digging into the grass. He was the only silvery grey wolf in his pack, and he was shamed of it.
It was common knowledge that albino animals were most likely to die because they couldn't blend into their environment. In the Valley of lush green forests, he hadn't been a good hunter because of it. All his prey had always spotted him. Which was partly why his mother had told him to rely on his speed growing up. Almost all the werewolves in the Valley were dark colors or mixes of dark colors. From shades of brown to shades of grey to solid blacks. Looking back at Bill, he saw that he'd changed into a light brown werewolf. His fur was so light that it almost looked red in the moonlight, making his dark brown eyes look deep and captivating. Bill didn't howl, he just sank down from his back legs to walk on all fours over to him. Sean scooted away from him, his tail wedging between his legs. Bill sniffed him, then licked his ear before walking toward the woods in the opposite direction from the Festival. Sean's ears perked up as he watched him. Where was he going? Was he not going to join the pack for the midnight mate hunt? Rising to all fours, he trotted after him. Right about now, Omegas would be running off to hide, and the Alphas and Betas would soon run after them to see if they could find and catch them.
It was a stupid game that prompted other Alphas and Betas into finding and capturing their mates by their smell. Resulting in 'claiming' bites and mating. Then the puppy Bunny Hunt would start, before the final fireworks to end off the festival. Did Bill not know that? Bill stopped just inside the wood line, glancing back over his shoulder. Sean stopped short, his ears falling back as he sat down. Did he not want to be followed? Bill's muzzle broke out into a wolfish grin, before he rushed off into the woods. Sean's ears perked back up as the wolf in him got the impression that he WANTED him to chase him. Snorting, Sean bolted to his feet and ran after him. He would regret this. He was fast. He'd catch him in no time. The second he ran into the dark woods though, he lost sight of him. Skidding to a stop, Sean swallowed. This was bad. How did he lose a large wolf?! Scanning the woods with his eyes for movement, his ears twitched as he listened for sounds. The woods were full of noise from the other werewolves searching the woods. He started to get disheartened, when a mix between a hand and paw shoved him between the shoulder blades.
Whirling around with a soft growl, he looked for who had done it. Only to hear Bill chuckle from somewhere to his left. Leaping over a cluster of bushes, Sean let out a playful growl, but he wasn't there. Letting out a soft whine, Sean didn't understand. How was he able to evade him so easily? Looking around, his ears slowly flattened out. Bill blended into the dark woods. He was using the wrong senses to find him. Closing his eyes, he slid his hand across the dirt and sniffed the air. He could smell Bill's Beta scent in the air. It was distinct compared to the earthy smells of the woods. Lowering his nose to the dirt, he sniffed it and picked up the scent. Staying on all fours, he carefully sniffed the dirt and grass to follow the scent. It wasn't until he circled the same large tree three times, that he stopped and looked up. Bill was crouched on a branch above him. Bill grinned, giving him a little wave. Rising, Sean backed up to get a running start. He could get up there. Just before he started for it, Bill got up and ran along the branch to jump to a different tree. Turning quickly, Sean ran after him. Keeping an eye on him, he watched him jump easily from branch to branch with ease. When he ran out of trees, he dropped to the ground and started to run around the lake.
Sean grinned; this was his chance. Running as fast as his hind legs would take him, he tried to catch Bill before he reached the next wood line. Bill glanced back, noticing that he was gaining fast and dropped to all fours to go faster. Sean dropped down to all fours, his paws barely touching the ground as he flew over the grass. Just as the wood line came up, Sean slammed into Bill. Tumbling across the grass in a tangle of limbs, they rolled into the woods. When they stopped rolling, Sean chuckled through heavy pants. Rolling onto his stomach, he looked to see if Bill was alright. Bill's hand reached out to touch his neck, before licking the side of his muzzle. Sean bowed his head shyly, blushing under his fur. Bill rolled onto his feet, walking over to a little tent that was set up. Sitting up, Sean sniffed the air and smiled. The tent smelled like him. Glancing back where they came from though, he wondered why Bill was camping so far away from the pack. He wanted to ask but doubted that Bill could answer him without his board. Bill unzipped the tent, gesturing him inside. Sean hesitated, his tail curling between his legs. He was suddenly nervous to be alone with him.
Bill moved away from the tent, starting to dig a pit. For a bit, Sean just watched him build a little firepit. After getting a nice warm fire going, he curled up by it. Sean inched toward the tent, curling up in it to lay down. He watched Bill tend the fire, but he got up and left shortly after. Sean tensed, shrinking farther back into the tent. He didn't like being alone. Bill wasn't gone long, before he returned with a large bag of food from the Festival stalls. Together they ate the meat, cleaning the bones. Sean hadn't realized how hungry he was until that moment. It had been a while since he had eaten so much. He was stuffed and feeling genuinely happy with how things had turned out. Bill kept the fire low, but warm. Allowing them to enjoy the fireworks that burst into bright beautiful colors over the forest. Now it made sense why he had chosen this spot. It had the best view of the fireworks without the loud bangs of them being hard on the ears. It was beautiful. The combined warmth of the fire with his full belly made him drowsy as the fireworks came to a close. Before long, he was falling asleep to the soft crackling of the fire. He so tired that for a little bit, he thought he heard Bill humming as he tended the fire.
Sean wasn't out for long though. His dreams were plagued with stress. He kept reliving different scenes of the pack laughing at him, until he jerked awake with a sharp distressed whine. The fire had gone out and the moon was buried behind thick dark clouds now. Shrouding the woods in a pitch black darkness that his now human body couldn't see through. In a split second, he was overwhelmed with fear and called out shakily into the darkness. "Bill?" Feeling out the tent, Sean started to hyperventilate, until Bill's warm human hand found his hand. Pulling Bill into the tent, he huddled up against his chest and inhaled his scent to calm himself down. Bill's bare chest was so warm and smooth. Shaking a little, he told him still in a shaky voice. "Did I wake you? I'm sorry... I don't like the dark." Sean felt Bill's arms wrap around him, while his cheek pressed against his. Taking deep breaths, Sean found himself uttering out to fill the silence. "Some Betas locked me in the males locker room once with the lights off... They wanted to scare me... because Ethan told Thomas that I still planned to be Mark's second if he made lead Alpha. They wanted to show me that I wasn't... That I wasn't brave enough. That it wasn't my place..." Sean sniffled, burying his face in Bill's neck before adding grimly. "I was in there for hours before the janitor heard me..."
Sean sighed heavily, mumbling out against his skin. "Pathetic, right...?" Bill's hand seemed to stroke his arm absently like he was lost in thought, but he couldn't tell. Was he listening? Lifting his head, he asked through a sniffle. "Bill? Are you ok?" Sean felt Bill's hands slid up his sides to his neck, before his lips met his. Sean inhaled sharply. Bill's soft warm lips were a surprise. His hands tensed on Bill's chest, but he didn't break the kiss. Leaning back a little, he tested Bill's grip on his neck. Bill didn't stop him from leaning away, his thumbs simply brushing over his jaw so lovingly. A safe fuzzy feeling filled Sean, until he slid his hands up Bill's chest and around his neck. Bringing his lips back to his, Sean rose onto his knees and leaned his body against Bill's. Bill kissed him so lightly that Sean's heart flustered. Bill shifted to lay down and Sean straddled him in order to keep kissing him. Bill's hands moved along his skin in a way that made Sean blush and breathe heavy. It was addictive to have Bill skin to skin with him. The more Sean kissed him and ran his hands over his muscles, the more he subconsciously rocked over him. Bill's hands grabbed his thighs, squeezing them and pulling on them a little. Which prompted Sean to roll over as Bill shifted over him.
The way that Bill moved over him made Sean gasp breathlessly. Bill broke the kiss to kiss his throat, making Sean blush a deep red. There was something so personal and vulnerable about the way he nuzzled under his collar to kiss his throat so tenderly. Sean's legs trembled as they moved up to hold Bill's hips. Bill's hot breath panted over his flesh, giving Sean goosebumps everywhere. Bill swallowed loudly, before moving his head away from his throat to lick Sean's nipples. Sean squealed, arching his back as a pleasant tickle rippled through him. Sean could barely breathe or think. His body was just so caught up in the moment. Even Bill was panting hard and tensing like crazy over him. Gulping loudly, Sean clawed at Bill's back, wispily whispering into his ear. "More... It feels so good." Bill licked his neck with a soft shaky whine, then shifted his hips. The second Sean felt Bill's cock start to wedge into him, he jerked and gasped in a panic. How big was Bill? He could barely fit more than the tip of the toy into himself! Bill's lips returned to his, resulting in Sean calming down as his passionate kiss comforted him. Bill didn't move, until Sean's legs tensed to pull Bill's hips closer. The closer Bill's hips got; the more Sean moaned nervously into the kiss.
Bill's cock slid into him with ease, thanks to the Slick that Sean could feel leaking from him. The more turned on he got, the more his body seemed to produce. Once Bill was in, Sean couldn't control the moans that broke from his throat whenever Bill moved. That powerful sensation, added to the way Bill panted and licked his throat with need drove his senses crazy. Clinging to Bill, Sean rode out the pleasure and then gasped as Bill's cock swelled inside him. With just a few more thrusts, Bill's body tensed with a soft whine against his throat. Which in turn set off Sean. Lifting his hips up into Bill, he rode out his orgasm with a louder whimper. Sean's heart was beating so fast, and his body was so utterly exhausted like he'd run a long marathon. He expected Bill to pull out now, but he didn't. He stayed over him panting heavily, before finding his lips to give him brief loving kisses. Sean couldn't believe how swollen Bill's cock still felt inside him after all that. He put his hands on Bill's hips to try coaxing him off, but at the sudden pain, he stopped. Bill pulled his hands away from his hips, hugging him for a bit. With a minute or two more, Bill's cock finally shrank enough that he could pull out without issue.
Sean curled up into Bill's arms without a second thought about it. He brushed the pain off to it just being his first time. Then drifted off in his arms. As dawn streaked in through the trees and warmed the tent, Sean reluctantly woke up. The woods were so noisy in the morning. He could hear birds and squirrels all over. They annoyed him. Sitting up, he shook out his messy hair. Last night had felt like a fever dream. Looking at the sleeping bag, he froze though. Bill was sleeping next to him with his back to him. Sean's breath caught in his throat, his eyes getting wider in shock. What had he done?! Looking down at himself, panic shot through him. Scrambling from the tent, he bolted back through the woods as fast as he could to find his clothes. As much as he wanted to stay, there was only one thing on his mind. He needed to get to a pharmacy and take a morning after pill. He couldn't get pregnant. Not with an outsider! Mark was going to kill him. To Be Continued...
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