Chapter Eight: "Past & Present Sins"
Sean napped on and off in his bowl chair as he munched on Mark's homemade cookies. He was barely watching the movie playing on his tv. His body was in pain again, forcing him to put the heated fox against his pelvis to dull the pain. Yet, he was snuggled against the cool blanket to keep his head from feeling like it was boiling. His father told him symptoms would come and go throughout the day. He believed it. Just nibbling on the cookie, he set it aside as his stomach suddenly didn't want it. Rolling over to stare into the depths of his chair, he whined softly. He hated this feeling. It felt like his whole body hated him. Every few hours his dad would come up to check on him. Taking his blanket to put in the freezer for a bit to make it cooler or heating his fox back up. Sean wanted to take a shower but had no motivation to move or stand up. He just wanted everything to stop moving and making noise. Napping helped ease the pain. As night fell, Sean finally forced himself to sit up. He felt like pacing a little to stretch his legs. A sense of anxiousness was making him tense. He began pacing his room when the sound of a loud motorcycle made him wince and growl.
His ears were sensitive to the noise, but he liked the vibration it gave him. Moving to his window, he leaned against the frame to peek outside. It sounded like it was getting louder, and he wanted to see it go by. Sighing heavily, he watched a suitor across the street giving a gift to an Omega. The Omega grinned brightly, waving to the woman. The woman then moved to sit on the curb, growling at the two other suitors that were also sitting there. Sean glanced at his yard curiously. Mark and Nate weren't staking themselves at his house. Were they waiting until he went into heat? Were they chased off by his mother after their behavior? He wanted to be happy about it... but part of him was a little upset that he didn't have suitors eager to defend him. Scoffing, Sean rolled his eyes and let the curtain fall back into place. He didn't want horny wolves on his lawn. He tried to force himself to be happy about chasing such lust driven people... but his heart ached to have what that Omega had. The suitors on his lawn were tense, but they way they looked up at his window with such... affection in their eyes. It hurt to feel alone and unwanted. Turning from the window, he mumbled out himself. "They just want to fuck him... It's not love. They'd do anything for attention."
Sliding down the wall to sit down, Sean dropped his head on his bend knees. It frustrated him just how much he hated and loved himself. The motorcycle sounded like it was right outside, but he'd lost his interest. He guessed it was for the guy across the street. It was getting late. Suitors will have given their gifts by now. It was rare for a suitor to not use a Nesting time to make their interest known. Even anonymous gifts were given at Nesting times. Tilting his head back against the wall, he started to think about Mark and Nathan. They both had things he liked and things he hated. Yet, he could only pick one. Omegas only picked another mate if the previous one died. Omegas took mating more seriously than Alphas and Betas. It was important. Something personal and took a lot to open themselves enough to mate. Mating made an Omega vulnerable. While Alphas and Betas were not always as faithful, nor did they have to be. To them mating didn't hold the same consequences. It was an itch to scratch. A desire and nothing more. Sean shook his head in defeat. He didn't know who to present himself to. Some part of him didn't want to choose either. To choose meant he'd accept his role as an Omega, and he didn't want that.
It was bad enough his body was making him feel things he didn't want to feel. He didn't want to lose himself to it. He wanted to stay strong... but it was getting harder to do that. His emotions were a curse. It was hard to sort out what he wanted. He wanted to be loved but didn't want to be a victim of it. Just as his eyes were tearing up at the thought of being the only Omega that would never be truly happy with himself, his dad slipped into the room. Sean tightened his arms around his legs as he leaned forward off the wall. His dad turned to face him after seeing he wasn't in the chair and said as he pointed to the window excitedly. "Look outside. Quick." Sean peeked over the rim of the window briefly with disinterest, then did a double take. Rolling over onto his knees, he put his hands on the windowsill and looked at his lawn. A beautiful red motorcycle sat at the curb and a man he didn't recognize was climbing off it. Sean's eyes widened a little as curiosity piqued his interest. Almost kissing the windowsill, Sean asked softly. "Who is that? I've never seen him before. Is he with the City Wolves?" His dad moved closer, peaking out with him as he excitedly told him. "No. Not a chance. He's wearing a Country Wolf patch on his jacket. The Silver Timber Wolves. I haven't seen them since I was a pup. I thought the pack moved... but maybe they have moved back."
His dad kneeled, his eyes narrowing on Sean as he asked curiously. "What did you do to get this one's attention?" Sean gawked at his dad, blurting out in shock. "What? I haven't done anything! I've never even seen him before! I think I'd remember a wolf like that around this dull Valley." Sean watched the man remove a box from his bike's tan leather fringed saddlebag, before making his way to the mailbox to slip it inside. Sean raised an eyebrow completely confused by it. However, his dad practically purred out. "Ooo, he's old fashioned. I haven't seen a young pup do that since my puppy years. I like him already. Definitely a wolf from an old family to know something like that." Sean blushed, mumbling out. "Oh, great... Don't tell me this is another Alpha's son... I don't think I can handle the ones I have." His dad chuckled, teasing out. "Whatever your scent is. We should bottle it as bait for these leaders' pups. We'd make a fortune." Sean swatted his dad's leg, then shared a laugh with him. The man moved back to his bike, swinging his leg over the seat. Something about it made Sean blush and grip the windowsill tighter. He couldn't see his facial features under his silver helmet and nothing about him stood out as someone he'd seen around.
Having an anonymous suitor made Sean blush shyly. Someone had been watching him? Had he been in the cafeteria? Had he seen him race Mark? The man revved the engine, causing the hair on Sean's arms to rise as he felt the vibrations through the wall. He was a little sad that the man didn't come to the door but wondered if he was as old fashioned as his father thought he was. His dad nudged him with his foot, telling him with a smug smile. "He's different. You know... Country Wolves are pretty sweet and like to play in the woods. Maybe you can track this pup down and see what he's all about." Sean rolled his eyes with a blushing smile. Both him and his dad yelped as his mother asked from the doorway. "What are you two doing?" Both of them ducked and moved away from the window, uttering back almost in guilty unison. "Nothing." His mother narrowed her eyes on them, moving closer to peek out the window. After seeing the man, she pointed at her mate and stated out. "Very funny." His dad grinned at her, accepting her kiss before she huffed out lightly. "He's not your time, Baby." His dad giggled, sliding his hand down her arm, asking her sweetly. "Can you get his gift from the mailbox?" She squeezed his dad's hand with a smile, nodding as she left.
Sean forced himself to look away from his parents. He loved that they were so happy, but it made him envious at the same time. Looking back out the window, Sean saw the man looking up at his house. After a moment, he drove off and all eyes were on him from the suitors across the street. No one seemed to know who he was. Biting his lip, Sean scrambled back to his bowl chair and hopped into it. His dad smiled, telling him as he slipped from the room. "I do like his bike. I'm curious what he got you." Sean chewed on his pizza chew toy as he waited for his mom to return with the gift. He was curious himself. He turned his tv down to listen as his mom returned from outside and told his dad lightly. "That is interesting... He smells like a Beta. Don't you think?" His dad answered shortly after. "Ya. Wow. I thought from the look of him that he'd be an Alpha. What did he get him?" Sean listened harder then heard his mother chuckle out. "Oh! Well... I'll let you explain that." His dad chuckled to himself, then started up the steps. Sean pulled the blanket into his lap, hugging it anxiously. What was it? Was it bad? His dad walked into the room with a long white box.
Sean sat up straighter, asking nervously. "Is it bad?" His dad gave the box, telling him gently and as professionally as he could. "No. It's normal... but it might surprise you... Since you never go shopping with me. So, I'm not sure how much you are exposed too." Sean rolled his eyes and lifted the lid without a second thought. It couldn't be that bad. After opening it, Sean blushed the brightest shade of red and slammed the lid down. His dad chuckled, prompting Sean to blurt out. "What the hell?! Why would he...? I didn't think... How am I supposed to feel about this?!" His dad blushed a little but told him honestly. "Depends. He could be giving it to you as a way for you to picture him... Or he is giving it to you because he knows you'll need it tomorrow when your Heat hits. In my youth, it was flattering to get one because it meant the suitor wanted you to feel good. That mating wasn't on his mind because he wanted you to... do it yourself." Sean lifted the lid off the dildo, mumbling out as he looked it over. "This is the weirdest 'go fuck yourself' I've ever seen..." His dad snorted, pointing to something in the box as he told him. "It squirts by the way. It's fucking expensive. So, if you don't want it..." Sean laughed as his dad winked at him.
Snuggling into the seat, he tried to hide his embarrassment as his dad left him to look it over. Swallowing, Sean timidly touched it and blushed harder. It felt like really soft and smooth silicone. Biting his lip hard, he pulled out the directions and noticed another smaller box at the bottom. Removing it, he carefully opened the lid with caution. He wasn't sure what this would be. Inside the box was brown leather box lined in gold. Removing it, he opened it and gawked at it. It was an old compass with a chain to hook to his collar that he'd get at the festival. Opening the lid to see inside, he read the engraved inscription on it. "As soon as I saw you, I knew a grand adventure was about to begin. You're my true North." Sean closed the lid, feeling a little warm and fuzzy. He liked the compass. It was sweet. Looking at the dildo though, he chuckled and put the lid back on it. He could barely look at it without blushing. He told himself that he'd NEVER use something like that. He certainly wouldn't think about a guy he'd never met if he did. Stashing the box in the drawer under his bowl chair, he curled up and looked over the compass again. Despite the creepy dildo. He did like the engraved words on the compass.
As the night came, Sean fell into a deep sleep. He was a kid again. Crouched low in the bushes of the woods of the Valley. Mark was ordering the pack of kids with him to herd the bunny into their trap. It had worked. He sprang out with his group to cut off the bunny's escape, but it slipped through one of the puppy's hands when he grabbed it. The bunny dashed off and both himself and Mark sprang into action to chase it down. Mark ran just behind him, yelling out. "Don't let him reach the fence!" Sean's feet flew over the ground as he picked up his pace. The bunny reached the fence, but not the spot with the small hole. The bunny skidded to a stop and upon seeing the hole, dashed for it, but Sean jumped out to land on it. Laying over the bunny, Sean wrapped his arms around it and called out to Mark. "I got him! Help!" Mark rushed in, grabbing the bunny by the scruff of its neck to pull him out. Holding the bunny up, Mark told him with a broad smile. "Here. You got him. You finish him." Sean made the mistake of looking into the bunny's big brown eyes and pushed the bunny to Mark. Shaking his head, he told him nicely. "No. It was your plan that caught him. You do it." Mark held the bunny back out to him, telling him sweetly. "It escaped. YOU caught him. It's your kill. You earned it."
Sean watched the bunny's long ears falling down along its sides, its eyes on him as it shook. It smelled of fear. Sean started to reach for it but recoiled. He couldn't hurt it when it looked at him like that! Shaking his head, Sean sniffled out. "I can't... I can't hurt him, Mark... What if I mess up and hurt him... I... Please, Mark. Don't tell my mom. I can't..." Mark looked at Sean, then the bunny. Giving him a nod, Mark turned away from Sean and snapped the bunny's neck. The soft 'crack' of bone made Sean flinch. Turning back around, Mark gave him the bunny and reached up to brush Sean's tears away. Pulling him into a hug, Mark whispered to him. "I won't tell." Sean leaned against Mark, listening to him say warmly. "My first kill was hard too. But you don't have to worry. We're a team. Ok?" Sean nodded, stepping back as the Zetas rushed over to find them. Followed Mark and the image changed. Mark seemed to grow into a teenager before his eyes. Sean ran through the woods as a teenager with Mark trying his best to catch him. Sean ran around behind a tree and leaned around it as Mark leaned around to lock eyes with him. Sean laughed and Mark panted out to him with a smile. "I hate your long legs..." Sean shrugged, teasing out. "Jealous?" Mark narrowed his eyes on Sean, then pointed off in the distance with a sudden spooked face as he said. "Sean? Bear!"
Sean whirled around and Mark slammed into his back to tackle him to the ground. Sean looked around, realizing there was no bear and snapped out. "That's not funny, arsehole!" Mark laughed into his ear, teasing out to him. "Got you." Sean growled, rising on all fours to shake Mark off him. Mark sat back on his legs but nibbled on Sean's ear playfully. Sean swatted Mark in the gut to get him to release his ear and for a minute they laughed. Shifting to face Mark better, Sean was going to ask him something, but the words died in his mouth. As he stared at Mark, a strange new smell filled his nose. Mark's eyes slowly changed into his soft puppy brown eyes, before he leaned in to sniff Sean's neck. Sean sniffed the air, leaning closer to Mark to sniff his neck. The smell was coming from him. When they both realized it, they jerked back to stare at each other in shock. Sean smiled and Mark smiled in return. Filled with excitement, they rushed home to share the news with their family. Only for Sean to get the news he didn't want to hear about what his scent was. The dream took him to the school after everyone had been separated into different classes and Sean tried to stop himself from approaching Mark.
Mark was playing baseball with a few of there friends. As Sean approached the field, one of their friends called out to him. "Excuse me? What are you doing?" Sean narrowed his eyes on them, shrugging out. "What are you talking about? I was just going to-" The Beta rushed in to block him from the field, telling him sternly. "You should leave, Omega. We wouldn't want you to get hurt. Now, would we? Go play something more... for Omegas. Something without physical contact and more your speed." Sean's jaw dropped in shock at the way they were suddenly treating him, when Mark yelled out. "HEY! Leave him alone!" The Betas parted away from Mark as he came over. Sean gestured to their friends, uttering out. "What's gotten into them?! I've played with you before and have never gotten hurt...." Mark pulled him aside, telling him softly. "Don't worry about them. They are..." Sean saw something in Mark's face that told him he was hiding something. Putting a hand on Mark's arm, he watched Mark flinch and held his breath. Clearing his throat, Mark told him without looking at him. "Sean... I think you should stay away from the Betas and Alphas for a while. They... They just don't know any better."
Sean hugged himself, asking a bit heart broken. "Do you wanna stay away from me?" Mark finally looked him in the eyes, blurting out. "No! Of course not! But... I might not... be here." Sean gave him a confused expression that prompted Mark into telling him. "My dad has this this planned... I don't want to do it. But he's not giving me a choice." Sean shrugged, asking curiously. "For how long? Will I be able to write you at least?" Mark looked away, shrugging out. "I don't know for how long. But... you can write me. If you want too..." The dream changed to Sean sitting beside the mailbox before school. Then doing his homework next to it when he got back. Day after day. Sending letter after letter, but the mailman never dropped any off. Sitting with his back against the mailbox, Sean cried over his knees after a hard day at school. His coach had tried to be nice by not letting him play in sports with the Alphas and Betas. They didn't want him to get hurt, but it hurt him emotionally to be left out and laughed at for trying. Sean tried to wake himself. He didn't want to go through this again! The dream shifted just a little and a charming voice told him softly. "He's not coming." Sean looked up to find Nathan kneeling in front of him.
Nathan reached outfor his hand and Sean couldn't bring himself to take his hand. Nathan's hand pressed to his cheek insteadbefore he leaned in and kissed Sean. Sean savored the kiss as tears ran down his cheeks. It felt so good to be wanted. Sean shifted his legs apart to wrap his armsaround Nathan's neck, pulling him closer as their kiss turned into a morepassionate one. That's when the dreamchanged slightly to remove the mailbox, allowing Nathan to lay him back acrossthe grass. Sean smiled, until Nathan'shand slipped down between his legs to squeeze his crotch. Sean gasped, then jerked himself awake. Panting a little as he got his bearings, hegroaned loudly and laid back down in his bowl chair. He'd never had a dream like that. As he tried to get himself together, heblushed as he felt something leaking down his thigh. Without looking, he reached down and felt howwet and hard he was. Something told himthat his first Heat had finally arrived. To Be Continued...
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