Chapter 6 - Walk To School Trio
Ayato's POV
The next day I began my journey to school earlier then I did before, in order to avoid the crowds. As I walked through the nearly empty streets of the town I began to look around. The way living organisms worked intrigued me, as they were all very different when it came to mannerisms and appearance, yet they were all working in harmony to create balance. This was the only thing that had ever brought me any kind of interest, a 'hobby' if you would. I found it fascinating to spend a while just watching the different animals and insects during their daily schedules, occasionally watching a bug fight or two where the winner gets to eat for the day and the loser will never eat again.
As I was lost in thought while watching some birds interact, I was suddenly bumped into by someone. I managed to keep my balance while the smaller male fell on top of me, instinctively clinging onto my shirt for support. I assisted him with getting back on his feet, as two men that I vaguely recognised approached from behind.
"I am so sorry about my brother," the black haired teen said, placing his hand on his brother's soldier as a light dusting of red fell over his cheeks.
"It's alright, I should of been watching where I was going instead of getting lost in my thoughts," I responded, smoothing out my shirt from where it had been pulled.
The orange haired boy muttered something while impatiently tapping his foot, his face also red. He began to talk to the smaller black-hair, who looked much younger then the other two. The taller of the two brothers scolded the pair about something, before the smaller brother looked at me, his face bright red and apologised for not paying attention.
Hanako's POV
I apologised to the extremely attractive man I had fallen onto a few movements earlier, and I could feel my face burning up. I had never been this embarrassed in my life, and I now understood why this boy had caused the entire school to be talking about him. He was so nice and dreamy...
I was dragged away from my thoughts when Onii-chan placed his hand on my shoulder and lead me in the direction of the school, as the man I had bumped into walked along side us, with Osano beginning to huff about this new guy joining our 'walk to school' trio. Onii-chan held conversation with the man, whose name I learned was Ayato Aishi. I envy how easy it is for him to socialise with such attractive people, but Onii-chan is the best, so it was to be expected!
Ayato's POV
These three intrigue me, as they all seem so close yet have such contrasting mannerisms. The taller black-hair, whose name I found out was Taro Yamada, was literal and polite. He was also the only one to hold conversation with me for long periods of time. I learned that he loved books and sweets, which probably contributed to one of his favourite books being 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'. I also learned that he was the older brother of Hanako, which was the boy who had fallen on me earlier, and that the age gap between them was only 2 years. I also figured out he tends to rant, but unlike the way my father rants, I did not find it annoying.
The red-head, Osano Najimi, was Taro's childhood best friend. Osano was very unique in his mannerisms, seeming to be agitated at all times, yet his face still being red. He was loud and short-tempered, easily pushed into yelling territory by the slightest hint of an insult, or even a compliment. I learned that he liked to cook, but was to embarrassed to join the cooking club. Taro got yelled at for telling me that information. Taro went on for a while about his cooking, and it seemed like it was good food, so I asked if maybe I could try some and Osano said yes, but immediately started to get defensive over the purpose of him allowing me to eat his food. For some reason I don't find his random outbursts annoying.
Lastly Hanako seemed to be very close to his brother, as he listened intently to everything he had to say and seemed to treat him with great respect. I also caught him reusing words he had picked up from Taro's conversations with me, much like how a child copies a role-model. He seemed very child-like, clinging onto his brother's arm or skipping down the road. He also seemed to be very cheeky with Osano, as he would slip in a comment or embarrassing fact aimed towards Osano every once in a while, which made the red-head agitated, but it seemed he was unable to bring himself to do anything while Taro was around.
Being around these 3 gave me an... odd feeling. It felt like what I had felt with Aso the day before and before I knew it I had smiled again. Father told me there was only one person who could fix me but that doesn't seem to be the case for me...
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