To Hogwarts!
Okay I've got to get ready! "Let's think, I'm 16 so what book/ timeframe is that again? Goblet of Fire maybe?" I think aloud while getting dressed real quick so I can finish packing.
"No, it was Order of the Phoenix wasn't it? Yeah! Cause Harry is 15 right now according to the series. This is so exciting!" In case you can't tell, I'm freaking out on the inside. "Alright I have my wand, my suitcase, my books are already there, hmmm... is there anything I'm missing?" Oh yeah! "Ashivon!" I got a short eared owl as my companion, I love him! He quietly screeches and lands on my shoulder. He was well trained when I got him but he warmed up to me pretty fast, though he doesn't fancy his cage so he stays out with me most of the time. "Now where did I put Dumble-dee's letter?" I say shuffling around my stuff to try and find it. He sent a small portkey - a ring- in the envelope, to send me to his office -as well as for sending me back home at the end of the year- so a teacher wouldn't have to come get me and apperate me there. Ashi jumps off my shoulder to the floor, and ducks under my bed to get something. He pops back out after a second, with the letter. I haven't the slightest idea how it got under there but alright. He flaps his wings and lands back on my shoulder. Once he does I gently scratch his head. "Good detective work." I say smiling as he hands me the letter. "Alright Ashi, you ready?" He trills happily, and I take out the ring and put it on. "Off we go!" When we get to the office I stumbled a bit and Ashivon almost falls off my shoulder. I steady myself -I'm a few feet away from his desk- and notice Dumbledore sitting as his desk talking to somebody. A strikingly blonde somebody. I smirk to myself. Who other than Draco Malfoy. "Professor I'm going to guess and say this is going to be my guide?"
He tilts his head to see around Draco -hearing my voice-, to see me standing there and smiles.
Draco looks at me rather confused as to when I got there but quickly wipes the confusion off his face, and steps a bit closer to me. "That would be correct (Y/N) is it? Professor Dumbledore has assigned me to essentially, keep you from getting lost." He smirks, likely thinking I'm some lost puppy in need of his 'asteemed' help. Oh, I'll set him straight. Once he knows what I know. I smirk inwardly. "Wonderful, well I get my things to my room we can properly introduce ourselves." I say smiling, slightly knowingly. "Let's be off then." Draco says as we head out of Dumbledore's office and I wave goodbye to the professor.
As soon as I leave, I remember I don't know where my room is or where the Hufflepuff common room is... oop. Draco picks up on my slight distress. "Oh that's right, we should get your things taken to your room." He whisks out his wand and Accioed my things to my room. How the hell did he do that, maybe the magic of the castle knows where to take it? "In the great hall, you can meet up with some other Hufflepuff's and they can help you to your room, as well as the password." "Thanks" I say as I smile brightly at him. I whispered to Ashivon for him to go explore until I whistle for him, he nuzzles against my face and takes off. "Now let's get to the fun part, the introductions." I say. "My name is (Y/N)" I say smiling. "My name is-" Draco starts to say be fore I cut him off. "Draco Malfoy I know." As expected he looks at me with a look of confusion and then defeat.
"I see so they've already told you about me then." Oh you poor dear. "Oh no no no, I've just heard it somewhere else." I say waving my hands around. Come to think of it... he probably gets treated pretty badly here too, by other houses. "Oh.. well, alright then." He says slightly relieved, looking away. "Now seeing as I've only just got to Hogwarts could ask you a few questions?" I say changing the subject. "Oh you're the transfer from America? Dumbledore told me only told me a few things before you came in, and left out a few details. I had heard that this was your first year here, how does that work?" He said rather interested, surprisingly. "Oh well Dumbledore just had to mettle with things that he didn't need to, as you may or may have not noticed he tends to do that." I say smirking a bit and put my hands on my hips. He chuckles a bit.
"Seems accurate, carry-on with your questions." I put my hand half over my mouth and lean over to him. "I'm going to tell you some things that I'm not supposed to because Dumbledore told me not to but I'm going to anyways." He looks at me slightly confused as to why I'm telling him, but nods. "In the muggle world there is a series of books and movies that tell about the Wizarding world," His eyes widen and stays silent to let me Finnish my thought. "as well as shocker, Harry Potter." He looks at me skeptically. "Okay where are you going with this?" I put my hand up, as to say stop. "I'm getting to it hang on. It's really popular in the muggle world and due to that, there is a huge fan base." He scoffs.
"Potter already has quite the huge one here- " I cut him off one mace again. "Oh it's world wide, way bigger than the one here at Hogwarts. My point is, they love Harry and I know what you're thinking Saint Potter yeah yeah, but they also love you." He looks at me unconvinced by my last statement. "And a select group of said fan base, also loves the both of you together." He looks at me utterly gob-smacked and was blushing ever so faintly.
"Oh! where are my manners, you know my name but should I call you Malfoy or Draco?"
"Which ever is fine, get to your point." He says a little flustered. "Well one, I needed someone to confide in. And two, my 'point' is less of a statement and more of a question, that I'd like you to answer. Now my question is do you like him?" His face is One of confusion, horror and embarrassment. I figured him out hehe~ I knew it! I smirk "Your face says it all. Now I'm going to give you a bit of advice, I know you have to keep up airs about things but, try your very best not to be I total arse to Harry and his friends. And while I know it's not really my business, I know your dad's an asshole and that he's drilled all of that stupid pure blood mantra shit into your brain but you can't listen to him. I know you're better than he is for sure! And he's gonna try to make you do things, that you have to try to resist in order to stay on the right path." He looks ashamed, sad, but also intrigued in what I have to say as well as hopeful. "To change up the conversation topic a little bit, while we're on that subject -how come you're so chill with me? I mean, I'm both a muggle born and a Huffelpuff." Now it's his turn to talk, and mine to listen. "Honestly when it comes to my father, you're absolutely right but i don't really believe any of the superiority stuff, I guess I'm just expected to act that way. As for the other houses, personally I have nothing against them, they just tend to either avoid us or treat us like villains, so slytherins usually act like it." He looks away. "Me especially." I take a deep breath and act a bit bold. I cup my hand around his head and turn him back to me. *sigh* "I can understand why they would avoid Slytherins, your dad was a slytherin, Voldemort was a slytherin, and Salazar Slytherin had some...... interesting views, but I think it's stupid. Not every witch or wizard in Slytherin turns out bad and you're going to prove that, as long as you stay on the right path." He looks at me hopefully and pitifully, tearing up. Oh, it breaks my heart to see him like that. "How do you know?" He says smiling sadly, his tears threatening to fall. "Well because I'm a seer." I wipe his tearing eyes, as he looks at me with childlike awe. And it's kind of amusing. "And I'm here to change a few things, to make sure you get your happy ending." He smiles at me. "Now that I've told you a few things, I'm gonna go meet Harry and have a chat~" Draco grabs my arm. "Wait!" He says nervously. "Don't worry I won't tell him about your feelings, I just wanna see if he likes you too~" He blushes and let's go. "O-okay." I walk a few feet away, turn around and say; "Oh yah! You are my friend now, there's no getting rid of me!" I say and smile real big. Draco shakes his head and smiles a bit. "Yeah, yeah." He chuckles "Such a huffelpuff." I do finger guns and wink, while smiling. "Exactly!" I say and I run off to find the boy who won't die.
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