Chapter 2: Welcome to Your Nightmare Part 2:
Here's chapter 2, get ready to meet a few of the other girls.
You ran as fast as your scrawny legs could carry you throughout the halls of the Mansion.
You did not care where you were running to, you just wanted to get away from those 2 girls.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT!?" You screamed inside your head as you burst through a door into another room.
You then immediately slammed the door shut behind you and leaned against it.
Sure you weren't strong and you're pretty sure that ghost can just phase through anything, but you were too panicked to think straight right now.
"I didn't see that, I didn't see that I DID NOT SEE THAT!" You screamed in your head as you sunk into a sitting position against the door.
You kept on trying to deny what you saw, you kept telling yourself "I did not just see a ghost girl and some kind of other monster girl just now."
You were sweating up a storm and your heart was beating out of your chest.
"Am I dreaming, is this real, what is this!?" You kept questioning everything trying to come to grips with this situation.
You were brought out of your thoughts when you began hearing a pair of footsteps coming along with...odd rattling.
You finally noticed that you were in a very large kitchen and there was another door directly on the other side and a figure could be seen walking in.
A figure that was carrying a large stack of plates and glasses.
Your heart immediately stopped upon seeing this.
Those 2 girls weren't the only ones in here and for all you knew this also wasn't the last intruder in here.
Luckily the stack of dishes was so tall, whoever was holding them could not see you.
Unluckily, you couldn't keep quiet and let out a very loud scream.
(A/N: Don't ask why Scrat was at the end of this video, I have no idea either)
This loud scream also seemed to scare whoever this was as they let out a yelp of their own.
Their sudden movement caused the stack of dishes to start swaying from left to right.
The individual tried desperately to regain their balance, but it was in vain as they fell onto the ground hard immediately followed by the dishes which broke upon contact with the ground.
"Ouch..." They groaned and by the voice you could tell it was a female.
Not only that, you could now get a clear look at whoever this person was.
What you saw was extremely least in your opinion.
At first glance she seemed like a normal girl in a Maid outfit, however you could see she had pale skin which could have been brushed off if it weren't for the stitches running along her thigh, arm and shoulder.
Once again, those could have been brushed off, but what truly horrified you was her hand.
Her left hand had been completely severed from her wrist and was now right in front of you and was right between your legs.
It was also still moving, it's fingers wriggled wildly as if it were still attached to it's host.
Your whole face went pale with shock and fear as the hand began using it's fingers to drag itself closer to you.
The hand inched ever closer towards you, as if it were a predator about to pounce and you thought that would happen.
However, the other person in the room suddenly grabbed her severed hand preventing it from reaching you.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" She yelled desperately bowing still holding her own hand.
Her apologies fell on deaf ears as you were too afraid to even hear her.
You knew what she was...this was a zombie standing before you.
"Look, can you please help me clean up please, my mistress will be very upset if she finds this mess and..."
You let out another loud scream which caused Melissa to flinch back.
With her hand she got onto her knees and elbows and once again began frequently apologizing.
"I'm sorry I am so sorry..." She apologized with just as much fear as you had. "Getting near you was rude and I should have waited for you to speak first..."
As she kept on talking you suddenly felt a shiver run up your spine.
"Found you." Came a familiar childish voice.
You slowly looked down and turned even more pale when you saw Spooky looking up at you.
Her top half was poking out of your stomach and she was giving you a smirk.
"All I needed to do was follow the screams of terror." She giggled.
As expected you let out another scream and out of reflex you kicked ahead of you.
This caused your foot to make contact with Melissa's head and since she was a zombie, her head flew off and onto a kitchen counter.
"I'm sorry!" Her disembodied head yelled as her now headless body sprung up and began trying to find it's head.
This was too much and you immediately jumped up and ran out of the kitchen through the door Melissa had come through.
Finally, Melissa's body managed to get her head after her body reattached her hand.
Spooky shook her head disapprovingly at the Zombie Maid and said:
"Melissa, you were so ugly you scared him off."
Upon hearing that the head of Melissa immediately began crying her eyes out.
"I'M SORRY!" She sobbed before her body, still clutching her head ran off out through the other door.
"I love destroying people emotionally." Spooky giggled.
With adrenaline running all throughout your body, you ran as fast as your skinny legs could carry you.
So there was a ghost and a zombie along with what you guessed was a Vampire.
"Sorry Uncle, but I'm getting out of here!" You thought not wanting to die at the hands of literal monsters.
I mean how are you even gonna get them to leave?
You couldn't, and living on the streets sounded a lot better than becoming food for those women.
Which is what you assumed they were gonna use you for, at least you were pretty sure that's what the Vampire and Zombie were gonna do.
Once again, you were snapped out of your thoughts when your face came into contact with something hard and...oddly wet.
"Whoa there, watch where you're going Stringbean." Came yet another female's voice.
You placed your hands on whatever you hitpulled yourself from it and came face-to-face with a pair of hard abs drenched in sweat.
With your hands still on whoever's abs these were you stared up and you saw another monster Girl staring you down.
Judging from her arms being different colors and the massive bolts sticking out from her she was some kind of Frankenstein's Monster.
"Hey, are you the human that's gonna be living with us?" She asked with a bright smile.
You were too terrified to answer.
Her smile only grew as she reached out to envelop you in a tight hug.
The moment she hugged you, you let out a gasp as you could her a few crunch sounds which could only be your bones.
It was a struggle to breathe as Frankie kept on hugging you.
"(U/N) shoulda warned me his nephew was such a cutie." Frankie stated happily as she kept pushing you against her large, muscular and sweaty body.
"STOP!" You managed to wheeze out.
She seems to have heard this since Frankie let you go and you immediately dropped to the floor limp.
"Whoops and sorry." She chuckled awkwardly rubbing the back of her head. "Just couldn't help myself."
All you did was lie there attempting to regain your lost breath.
"Oh God, I'm REALLY sorry, I forgot how delicate humans were." She apologized as she grabbed your limp body and helped you stand.
With you up and still trying to catch your breath Frankie gave you a pat and giggled.
"So...what's you're name buddy?" She asked in a friendly manner.
You finally caught your breath and stared up at Frankie who kept her friendly smile awaiting your response.
After a brief moment you did this.
Then you immediately jumped out of the window on the side of the hallway breaking through the glass and shocking Frankie.
For a brief moment, she just stared on at the now broken window before giving one of her armpits a sniff.
She then immediately reeled back as her foul oder reached her nose.
"Jeeze, I woulda jumped too, I reek!" She stated heading off somewhere, most likely to get clean.
You groaned as you found yourself lying on top of an extremely large and soft hedge plant which helped cushion your fall.
You weren't that high up, but it still would have hurt like hell hitting the floor.
You sighed and got out and off of the hedge to begin dusting yourself off.
You looked ahead and saw you had made into some type of garden, if the flowers and various plants was anything to go by.
It was also very large, maze-like even, the garden stretched so far you couldn't even see the fence it probably had.
For a brief moment you calmed down, taking in it's beauty, forgetting about the whole host of monsters you just faced.
"NOOOO!" Yelled a female voice that snapped you out of your thoughts once again.
You turned and the fear you felt but moments ago came back all at once as you took a long look at the person before you.
Once again it was a woman, one that lacked skin or internal organs completely leaving only pure bone.
A Skeleton stood before you, somehow, with no muscle, organs or anything the human system needs to live, a Skeleton was before you as if it was fine and she was holding something.
You yelped once again and jumped to the side a bit.
This caused you to step off of a few flowers you were unintentionally trampling on.
"Oh dear, you ruined them!" Vivian yelled kneeling putting down whatever she was holding to examine the ruined flowers while you backed up slowly.
She got up and let out a sigh before glaring at you placing her hand on her hips.
In response you froze in place as the Skeleton girl approached you.
You let out an "eek" when she placed both her hands on your cheeks and began forcing you to turn your head.
It's like she was examining you for wounds.
"Judging from the broken window and the glass shards on the ground you jumped out the window didn't you?" She asked sternly. "That's dangerous, you still have skin and jumping out a window will cut you up..."
She then suddenly gave you a gentle smile.
"Cuts are going to ruin that handsome face of yours." She stated sweetly before letting go and grabbing whatever she put down.
She held it out to you and one could finally see what it was.
"Here's your welcoming gift since I assume you're (U/N)'s nephew." She declared happily. "I hope you like them, they took a lot of work to grow."
It took a moment for you to finally snap out of your frozen state and when it did of screamed.
You then smacked the pot of roses out of the Skeleton's hands causing said roses and dirt to spill on the floor along with a shattered pot.
You then ran off into the large garden leaving Vivian sad and distraught.
"I worked hard on those..." She muttered heartbroken. "I would cry if I could."
However, the Skeleton girl let out a sigh and followed after.
"I should go find him before he hurts himself even further." She thought. "Or before any of the other girls give him a heart attack."
Here's part 2 of chapter 1, once again, it was going to be longer, but I felt this was a good stopping point.
Hope you enjoy and see ya'll soon.
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