BIO: Vivian the Skeleton:
Here's the 3rd girl and I'll be honest.
This one is my favorite, I love this Skeleton, she's just so cute.
I don't even care that sex is impossible with her, it doesn't matter, I just love her.
Vivian the Skeleton:
31 (When she died)
Mansion's Garden keeper
Flowers (Black Roses especially)
Everyone in the mansion
Plants dying
Any type of bug or parasite that's harmful to flowers or plants
Her flowers getting ruined
Long ago when she was still alive, Vivian was the mansion's garden keeper and she had no idea she was working for vampires at the time.
Despite that she and Missi were quite close, so close to the point that Missi began calling her Aunti Vivi, something Vivian did not mind at all.
Unfortunately she was killed by an unknown assailant one day who fled devestating Missi.
Filled with grief, Missi against the wishes of her parents attempted to resurrect Vivian.
However, since Missi was quite terrible with spells the resurrection went a bit wrong and instead of being fully brought back to life, Vivian was instead brought back as a Skeleton.
Despite that, Vivian was still the same kind and motherly woman despite being nothing but bones.
In fact she was just mildly surprised finding out about Missi and her family.
After all if her or her family wanted to drain her of blood they would have done that a long time ago.
Missi's parents scolded her for bringing Vivi back to life, but the new Skeleton woman said she didn't really mind her new state of existence.
She was happy to get a sort of second chance at life and she never left the mansion before anyway so this was fine.
And so Vivian became the Mansion's permanent garden keeper much to Missi's joy.
Vivian is without a doubt the kindest monster in the mansion.
Others do get annoyed or aggressive, but Vivi doesn't have a mean bone in her body...yeah I went there.
As a gardener she is incredibly patient and hardworking.
Because of that she is the designated peacekeeper of the mansion.
She's often the first to diffuse any kind of conflict that may arise and is basically the mom of the mansion.
The only thing that triggers her is if someone messes with her flowers and even then if she can tell it was by accident she'll forgive you.
She'll only get angry if it was on purpose, she wasn't even that mad at you during your first meeting.
She had grown a black rose, her favorite flower for you as a gift and when she tried to present it to you, you panicked and shoved her out of the way making her drop the potted plant.
She was a little sad, but not angry.
Because of her kind nature she was the one you warmed up to the fastest.
Vivian also doesn't mind the fact that she was murdered, or at least she doesn't let it bother her.
In fact she has absolutely no interest in finding the person that killed her, cause she understands what's done is done and nothing's gonna change the fact that she's a Skeleton now.
Literally, the spell is irreversible as far as anyone knows.
All that matters to this Skeleton is the here and now and right now what matters is helping you settle in.
Powers and Abilities:
As a Skeleton, Vivian can disassemble herself and each bone can function independently of her.
This is helpful in a lot of situations.
Her bones are also indestructible, they cannot be crushed, mashed or broken.
Even completely submerging her in lava won't do anything, all it would do is burn off her clothes.
Since she doesn't have nerves either she can't feel pain or really any sensation so she won't usually react to any stimuli.
Vivian is also surprisingly strong despite literally not having any muscles.
She's not overly strong, but still stronger than an average person let alone a Skeleton.
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