The Cawthon Conundrum
"'s officially quitting time!" Blaze said as he looked at the clock.
I sighed with relief as I wiped my face with my apron. Today was especially busy, probably because it was a Friday. At least I managed to get my orders done!
I walked out of the kitchen and towards the time clock with Blaze, aka BlazeBort555, a fellow chef at Freddy's.
"Not a bad shift, eh?" he asked as he punched out.
"Not at all," I replied. "Exhausting, sure, but not bad."
"And the best part about Friday," he continued, "is that it's payday, baby!"
"Oh, yeah!" I gasped with a smile. "My first Gaming Universe paycheck!"
"Oh, dude! It's an amazing feeling!"
"I'm sure!"
"Well, I'd go talk to Scott before you head out. Don't wanna miss on your money!"
"Will do. Have a nice night, Blaze!"
"You too, Awsome!"
He then slipped on his jacket and walked out the doors. I smiled and punched out for the night.
I turned around and saw Pat walking towards me. Something didn't seem right, though. She normally has a smile, but now, she looked upset.
"What's up?" I casually asked.
"You're going to get your paycheck, right?"
"Yeah. Why?"
"Well, when you do, can you talk to Scott for me?"
"About what...?"
"Well, he hasn't been himself this week."
"What do you mean?"
"He hasn't been outgoing or talkative or just happy in general."
"...Huh. Now that you mention it, I haven't seen the guy much since I started working. I just thought that was normal, though."
"Heck no! Scott is usually always supervising his employees and mingling with the customers. But this week, it's like he just...disappeared."
"Hm...well, why can't you talk to him?"
"Well, I already got my check earlier today. And between you and me...I don't wanna come off as a suck-up."
"It's no secret I'm one of the top employees, Awsome. It's not like I asked or really care about it, but talking to my boss about his own personal matters is just going to make me look bad, especially when I'm in my position."
"Don't you think you're exaggerating a bit?"
"Eh. Maybe. But I just wanna make sure he's okay."
"...well, I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask him myself."
"Yeah, sure. I'll let you know what's up with him."
"Sweet! Thanks, Dude! Well, have a good night!"
"You, too!"
She then gave a quick nod and smile before leaving the building.
I slowly looked towards the hallway that lead to the manager's office. Well, I guess I may as well see what's going on with Scott.
I walked to the office and found the door closed. I knocked and waited.
"Come in!"
I opened the door and found the bright-blue sick figure sitting behind the desk with his hand on his forehead. He looked annoyed. Or was it stress?
"Oh, hey Awsome!" he told me in a friendly tone. "What can I do for ya?"
"I, uh, was here for my paycheck."
"Hm...? Oh, yes, of course!"
He then opened a book and flipped through some pages before tapping on one and ripping a section of it out.
"Here ya go!"
He handed me the yellow rectangle, which I gladly accepted. I then took a look at it.
"120 Game Bucks to Awsome2464"
"Gotta keep it like FNaF, right?" I asked with a smile.
He gave a small nod in return.
"Will that be all?" he asked.
"Um...actually, there's something I was told to ask you."
"Oh? What's that?"
"Well, a certain employee seems concerned about your behavior this last week."
"I beg your pardon?"
"You're apparently more active during hours, but this week, it's like you've been invisible."
He stared at me with his expressionless face. I then heard a small chuckle.
"Well, you can tell Pat that I'm fine."
"Oh. Really?"
"Yep. Nothing wrong whatsoever."
"You sure?"
"Well...great, then!"
I smiled and walked towards the exit.
"It's just..."
My smile turned into an annoyed grimace as I turned back around.
"...well," he continued, "as you know, I just finished Five Nights 4 and...well..."
"Well, what?" I asked with curiosity.
"Heh. I probably shouldn't be telling a new employee this, but...I'm stuck."
"I'm at a loss for games."
"I don't think I follow, Sir."
"To put it simply, I don't know what to do next for a game."
"Well, isn't is obvious? Just do FNaF 5!"
"Awsome...there won't be a FNaF 5."
"Really. The story and clues I've given so far is all the community needs."
"Oh. Well, no wonder you're at a loss of ideas."
"Yeah. That's why I've been off the grid this last week. I've been trying to come up with ideas."
"Do you have anything so far?"
"Ha. Is Shigeru Miyamoto an American?"
"Correct. I got nothing!"
He then rubbed his head with a sigh. I stared at him awkwardly.
"Well, I know you'll find something, Scott! All of your games are spectacular!"
He just sighed again.
"Thanks, I suppose," he replied.
"I'm just saying that I've played a few of your older games and I've loved them all!"
"Well, that's good, I gue-"
He then froze and slowly turned towards me.
"That's it!" he told me. "Playing my older games!"
"Maybe all I need to do is go back to my older games to get my inspiration back!"
"Huh. Sounds like a good idea!"
"Plus, I've been in this building for too long. I need a break."
"Well, then, I suppose I'll let you get to that, then?"
"Actually, Awsome, do you have anything planned for the evening?"
"Huh? Me?"
"No, the other person in the room named Awsome."
"Oh, uh...well, not really. I was just gunna go home and watch some MarioKart races on TV."
"Well can that be put off? Because I want you to come with me."
"I need someone to give me some games of mine that others would love. It'll help narrow the search of the LOOONG list of games I have under my belt."
"Well, uh..."
"I'll give you an extra 50 Game Bucks!"
"Isn't overtime pay 50 cents here?"
"Oh, who cares? You in or not?"
"Uh, sure, then!"
"Excellent! Let's just wait for Mike to get here; then we can go!"
"Alright, then; sweet deal!"
* * *
"Okay, then; let's go!"
Scott then walked over to his car, with me following behind.
"So, any games you think we should start with?" he asked as we got in the vehicle.
"Well, I think the first non-FNaF game of yours that I played was There Is No Pause Button."
"Hm...a good game, I'll admit, but I think we need something a little more complex. It would be a massive downgrade to go from Five Nights to a simple platformer."
"Well, after that, I think I played Chipper and Sons."
"Perfect! That was the inspiration for Five Nights; maybe it'll inspire something else!"
"True enough."
He then pressed a button on the dashboard and a screen and keyboard appeared. He then started typing in the name of the game.
"Wait; you can access worlds without a bus station?" I asked.
"Of course!" he replied as he finished typing. "It's an upgrade you can get with the right amount of Game Bucks."
"How many Game Bucks?"
"Heh. More than 120, that's for sure."
He then buckled his seatbelt and put the car in reverse.
"Hold on tight!"
He then backed up quickly, turned towards the parking lot exit, and accelerated towards it! I grabbed the seat and screamed as we got faster! Suddenly, a bright light shone around the car and Scott hit the brakes.
"Here we are!" he told me as he unbuckled.
After calming myself down a bit, I looked out the window and saw that we were certainly in a new place. Instead of the dark, empty parking lot of a pizzeria, it was a bright, colorful wooden shack covered in beautiful flowers.
"C'mon," he told me as he opened the car door, "I'll introduce you to the guy in charge here."
"Uh, alright," I replied, still trying to calm myself down.
What, was this like Back to the Future and he needed to go fast to travel to game worlds? In any case, I got out of the car and followed him towards the shack, which had a sign reading "Chipper & Sons Lumber Co." in front of it.
After knocking on the front door, Scott waited a few seconds before we could both hear a voice from inside.
"A visitor? I wonder who it could be..."
A few more seconds passed before a door opened and we were greeted to what looked like a man-sized beaver with blue overalls and a tuft of brown hair on the top of his head. He took one quick glance at Scott and a smile spread across his face.
"Well, if it isn't my ol' pal Scott!" he said in an excited tone.
"Hey there, Chipper!" Scott replied as he extended his hand towards the beaver. "How are you doing?"
Chipper quickly extended his own hand and shook Scott's while replying, "I'm doing great, good friend! As great as anyone being visited by his creator would be! I mean, how would you feel if God just showed up at your door?"
Scott gave a small chuckle and replied, "Fair enough point."
He then gestured towards me before continuing, "This is Awsome2464, an employee of mine. Awsome, this is Chipper, head of Chipper and Sons Lumber Co."
"Hello, Awsome!" Chipper said as he extended his hand.
"Hey, Chipper," I replied while shaking his hand. "I must say, it's an honor to meet you; your game is pretty good!"
"Oh, psh, you're too kind! Oh, where are my manners? Please, come in!"
Scott nodded and he entered the building, with me close behind. When we were both in, Chipper closed the door and jumped in front of us.
"Can I get you gents anything?" he asked. "Lemonade? Water? Sweet tea?"
"I'm fine, thanks," Scott told him.
"I'll take some lemonade, actually," I said with a shrug.
"Coming right up!"
And with that, the beaver ran into the next room. While he was gone, I took a quick look around the room we were in, which looked like the living room. It was pretty much empty except for a fireplace, a rug, and a few chairs.
"It's like they don't get much company," I said aloud.
"Well, they really don't," Scott admitted. "It's a shame, really, but what can you do? At least they're getting more business now that people know who I am and what my games are, but still nowhere close to the Five Nights locations."
"I bet, but what can really top those?"
Scott shrugged and replied, "Nothing, I suppose."
Chipper then came back into the room with a glass of lemonade.
"Here you are!" he told me as he handed me the glass.
"Thank you," I replied with a grin as I took a sip. I gotta admit, for being lemonade created by an anthropomorphic beaver, it was very good! Not too sweet, not too tart.
"So, to what do I owe this visit?" Chipper asked Scott.
"Well, the truth is that I need inspiration for a new game," Scott replied.
"New game?" Chipper replied with a hint of confusion. "What do you mean? Do you mean another one of your Freddy games or a brand new game?"
"The latter. I'm done with the Five Nights series."
"That's a relief."
Scott and I then stared at the beaver in confusion. Chipper cleared his throat.
"I's a relief that you're trying something new and not milking the franchise. Yup, that's what I meant."
I looked at Scott, who was still staring at Chipper blankly. I'm sure the whole not having a face thing had something to do with that.
"Anyway," Scott continued, "I thought maybe visiting some of my older games could give me ideas for a new one."
"Well, I highly recommend making something nice and colorful, like this world you built!"
" certainly would be a change from the dark, scary worlds I've been making..."
"And maybe possibly include some characters from old games of yours...?"
"How so?"
"Oh, you know, have it star someone like, I don't know, me, Tyke, Seabill, the Termite King..."
"Chipper, are you implying you want a Chipper and Sons sequel?"
"What?? Noooo, that would be...okay, yes, that's what I'd like to happen, yes."
Scott sighed and crossed his arms in thought.
"I'll admit the idea has hit me," he finally told the beaver, "but I kinda want to draw away from sequels, at least for now, alright?"
Chipper rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.
"Alright, that's fair enough," he replied.
"But, the whole colorful, happy world thing isn't a bad idea."
Scott then pulled a notepad and pen from his pocket, or at least what I assumed to be a pocket, and began writing.
"Hey," I asked Chipper, "I couldn't help but notice you're the only one here; where's the "son" of "Chipper and Sons"?"
"Oh, Tyke?" he asked. "He's out planting some trees in his orchard. Should be out for a few more hours."
"Well, tell him I said hi, would you?" Scott asked as he put the pen and pad back in his pocket.
"Will do! I'll be sure to tell him before he goes to his blind date tonight!"
"You've set him up for another date, eh?"
"Sure did! I think this one's a real keeper; she loves the beach and has a giant appetite!"
"Well, I hope that goes well!"
"So do I, dear friend. So do I."
"Well, I should be heading off now. It was nice seeing you again, Chipper!"
"Likewise, Scott! Please stop by again sometime, won't ya?"
"Of course!"
I took that as my cue to gulp down the rest of my lemonade and hand the glass back to Chipper.
"Thanks again for the lemonade," I told him.
"You're welcome, Awsome!"
"Well, let's go, Awsome. We need to check out more games."
"Alright, Scott."
"Hey, Awsome?" Chipper suddenly asked.
"Can I talk to you for a second? Alone?"
"Sure," Scott answered for me. "I'll be in the car."
With that, he left the cabin, leaving me and Chipper alone.
"Be honest with me," Chipper asked. "Do you really love my game?"
"Well, it's not my favorite game ever, but it's certainly a good way to kill time."
"What about those Five Nights at Freddy's games everyone seems to be obsessed over? Do you love those?"
"...well, again, they're not my most favorite games ever, but they're pretty fun and intriguing."
"More fun and intriguing than my game...?"
"Chipper, what's going on? Why are you acting like this?"
The beaver sighed and looked at me with an expression that made me forget he was in a happy, cheerful game.
"The truth is...I hate Freddy Fazbear and every other character in those games."
"How would you feel if someone took the spotlight for something you were supposed to do?"
"Which would be...?"
"Being Scott's magnum opus! To be the game people think of when they hear the name Scott Cawthon! It was supposed to be me an Tyke, not 4 robots haunted by murdered children!"
"'re taking this pretty hard, aren't you?"
"That's an understatement...not to mention that bear only exists because people said we were too scary for them...I wasn't supposed to be scary, but apparently that's what people wanted in a game..."
"Hey, cheer up, buddy! You just said it yourself: the most popular indie game in recent years only exists because of you! You should be happy!"
"Maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that people don't think of me when they think of Scott Cawthon."
"Well, things like that happen all the time; it's life."
"And I'm just supposed to accept that?"
"I'm no therapist, but I'd at least cut Freddy some slack."
"...I guess I can try."
"Good. Well, it was nice meeting you, Chipper. Maybe I'll visit again sometime!"
"Really? I'd like that...thank you!"
"No problem," I finished with a smile. "Well, don't wanna keep Scott waiting. Have a nice day!"
"You too, Awsome!"
I gave a quick nod and left the shack. I made my way back to the car, where Scott seemed ready to go.
"What was that about?" he asked.
"He wanted to know what I thought of his game," I replied.
"What did you say?"
"The honest truth, that it's okay for what it is."
"By any chance, was he trying to compare his game with Five Nights?"
"How did you-?"
"I get people telling me all the time that he's jealous of Freddy and the gang. I can understand his feelings towards him, but it's kinda depressing."
"How so?"
"I hate when people, well, hate something. And to have my own creation hate another one of my creations is a bit upsetting and hurtful."
"Yeah, I couldn't imagine. It's like having one of your kids hate their sibling."
"In a way, yes. I just hope Chipper can Freddy can learn to get along...but enough about that; what's another game of mine you're interested in?"
"Hm...well, I think another adventure game could work. It's a reason I liked The Desolate Hope so much."
"Excellent! Then prepare yourself for space travel!"
He then typed the name of the game into the car and took the car off of park.
"Hold on!"
With that, he accelerated towards the forest for a few seconds before another bright light flashed, leading us to a different location.
I discovered we went from the bright, colorful world of the forest to the dark, cold world of space. All around me were nothing but rocks, craters, stars, and a building the size of a two-story house.
"Are we really in space?" I asked him.
"Technically," he replied as he proceeded to drive towards the building.
"'s so beautiful!"
"Thanks; it's what I was going for!"
After a few more minutes, we found ourselves pulling into a small glass container around the size of the car. Scott pressed a button and the side we drove in sealed up
"Pressure stabilized," a female robotic voice announced. "Oxygen levels safe. You may exit the vehicle."
On cue, Scott opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. Cautious, I did the same. He then walked towards a glass tunnel leading into the building. While we both walked down, I took a look at the views outside. The amazing mountains and craters were so amazing and vast, and the amount of stars in the sky just reminded me how amazing space was. You could say it was...Awsome.
Anyway, we got to the entrance and the automated doors opened. We were then greeted to a small but tall room filled with computer screens and wires. Systematic beeping and whirring could be heard throughout the room.
"Welcome," Scott told me, "to Lun Infinus!"
"It's even better in person!" I said in awe.
Suddenly, before he could reply, small footsteps could be heard from the hallway in front of us. A second later, what looked like a coffee pot with tiny robotic arms and legs appeared in the doorway.
"Oh, my! Scott! How wonderful it is to see you!" it told him in a robotic voice.
"Hello, Coffee," Scott told the machine. "How's the place holding up?"
"It's still functioning, so there's something."
"Fair enough. Coffee, this is Awsome2464, an employee at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza."
"Greetings, Awsome2464. Welcome to Lun Infinus!"
"Thank you, Coffee!" I replied with a smile.
"So, Coffee," Scott continued, "I'll just get to the point: I need inspiration for a new game, and perhaps the adventure-style game that this one offers may be helpful."
"Well, have no fear, Sir; I'll try and help you any way I can!"
"Great to hear! Oh, by the way, how are the Derelicts?"
"Why don't you see for yourself?"
Coffee then walked over to a computer screen and pressed a few buttons in front of it. A second later, the biggest screen in the room changed to reveal what appeared to be a battle.
On the right side were 4 humanoid machines firing weapons and placing shields and doing so many other crazy things while on the left was what looked like a giant bird firing back at them.
"They seem to be handling themselves well," Scott said aloud, though I'm sure it wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.
"Yes, Sir. We've been finding lots of gifts to give them to get them to help us out more!"
"Excellent! Good work, Coffee."
"Thank you, Sir."
I couldn't help but notice that Scott didn't keep his eyes off the screen. The battle was pursuing, and the Derelicts seemed to be winning. Was there something in particular he was looking at?
"You know," he finally said aloud again, "I realized something."
"What's that?" I asked.
"I miss making RPGs."
"Yeah. I mean, when I make such a unique style of combat, it makes me realize how much potential I have!"
"Well, I'm sure! I mean, I've never seen an RPG that isn't fully turn-based like yours."
"Hm...I think I've made my decision; I'm going to make another RPG for my next game!"
"Wow! That's cool!"
"But that's only half the struggle...I need to know the story that goes with it."
"Maybe The Desolate Hope 2?"
"I said I'm trying to stay away from sequels, Awsome. I need something new..."
Suddenly, the battle on the screen ended with the Derelicts being victorious! Flashes of light burst across the screen as the giant bird slowly faded away.
"Well, that's my cue to go back and congratulate the guys," Coffee told us. "Good luck with the new game, Scott! And it was nice to meet you, Awsome!"
"You too, Coffee!" I replied.
"Thanks, Coffee," Scott told him.
With that, the coffee pot robot went back into the hallway.
"So now what?" I asked.
"Well...I don't know," Scott replied slowly.
"I mean, at least we have a start, right? You want to make an RPG."
"Yes, but..."
He then quietly sighed and turned towards me.
"Can I be honest with you, Awsome?" he finally asked.
"Of course," I replied.
"I think the biggest reason I've been so down is because I'm tired of making games."
"Yeah, it sounds crazy, but I made 4 games within a year, all simply because there was so much demand for them...eventually, you get burned out by it."
"I can imagine, I suppose. But you can't just stop making games! Not right now, anyway. This is your career!"
"I understand that, but what motivation do I have? I'm only trying to make a new game right now because everyone is demanding one from me! At least I'm sensible enough to not make FNaF 5..."
"True, but you should only do something if you WANT to. I mean, look at our current situation. Do you really, honest-to-God want to make an RPG?"
Scott stared at me with his glowing blue face before finally looking down and quietly replying, "Yes."
"Then do it! Who cares if the fans want it or not? I mean, yeah, some of that should be taken into consideration, but your main motivation to do something is because YOU want to do it."
He then looked back up at me and nodded.
"You're right," he told me. "Thanks, Awsome."
"No problem, Scott," I said with a smile and nod.
"Well, I guess all I need to do now is figure out one more problem."
"What's that?"
"What to do with Five Nights."
"I thought you said you were done with it?"
"I said there wasn't going to be a FNaF 5," he corrected. "But part of me wants to do something special to give those characters a proper farewell. Something so every single generation of the animatronics can be appreciated and enjoyed one final time."
"Like what?"
"Well, I didn't know at the time, but after today, I think I have an idea."
"Yes. It's still an idea, though, but I think I know how I can end FNaF properly while doing something I love to do!"
"That's great to hear!"
He gave another quick nod and then sighed.
"Thanks, Awsome," he finally continued.
"For what?"
"For helping me. I think I still would've been stuck if not for you, so thank you."
"Oh! Well, you're welcome, Sir!"
"Please, call me Scott."
"Uh, sure thing, Scott!"
"C'mon; let's go. I'll drop you off at your place."
"Thanks, Scott!"
So, we left Lun Infinus and went back to Scott's car. After telling him my Gaming Universe address, he drove off and teleported us back to Gamers' HQ, in front of my house. I thanked him for the ride, he thanked me for the help, promised me he'd give the extra 50 Game Bucks on Monday, and drove off.
I walked back into my gaming house that was still practically empty and sat on my bed. It's crazy to think that THE Scott Cawthon asked me, of all people, to help him find inspiration for a new game and actually succeed! Hopefully whatever Scott does with this new idea is a success and does the Five Nights at Freddy's series justice. Let's just hope he doesn't rush it too much.
I laid down in bed and closed my eyes. My first full week in The Gaming Universe is over! It wasn't fully what I expected, but with a weekend off, maybe I can finally experience it for all its potential! But where should I go...?
Should I go to Los Santos? Hm...naw, don't wanna risk getting caught in a drive-by or something. Should I go to the Mushroom Kingdom and compete in a Mario Party? Hm...maybe, as long as it's not too complicated... Gosh, there are so many choices!
All I know for sure is that finding this universe is the best thing that ever happened to me!
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