Flashback challengee
Mah life
Let us start
Story time!
So uh let's start in kindergarten... I had a friend... Her name shall be MIA for this story. Mia was my friend for about a year, but she broke her leg. I had the best seat ever, but they gave it to Mia, because she broke her leg. I was given a crappy sit. I hated Mia.
A year later, I found another friend who's name shall be Valerie. I was four years old. Mia and I were friends again. Then came another girl, let's call her, Christine. We were five years old, Christine, Mia, Valerie and I. Great friends. Christine brought up her friend Jan, she joined our squad. We were happy.
Valerie moved away. We were now in elementary school, first grade. There were four classes, Christine, Mia, Jan and I were all in different classes. We couldn't talk, only during recess. But we were in first grade and were pretty stupid, so we didn't know we could actually have our "place" we could meet at every day. Each of us went our own paths... Never talking to each other again. Not by choice, we were just really freaking stupid. I had recess alone every day. Pretty lonely. Then came this girl I used to hate, who's name will be Kim. The teachers a,ways confused us, calling me Kim, calling her nana. But one day, I decided to talk to Kim, or she decided to talk to me, I don't recall. We actually had lots of things in common, we became friends. Kim is a genius. She kept telling me this advanced stories about science. One day, I told her I didn't get a thing. So she got mad at me. We weren't friends anymore. I was left alone again.
Second grade, I found another friend, Alexia. She was kind. There was another girl, Giana. She was mean to Alexia. I pretended to be friends with Giana but I didn't like her. She always stole our food and color pencils. After a while, I went to play with Kim again. She had new friends now. Kim liked me, but her friends didn't. They kept telling me stuff like "go away!!1!! We no lyk u!! Ur dumb1!!!1" and I was sad. But I still had alexiA. Then those friends moved on and I went to play with Kim again. She had another friend called Coral. We always played the same game, which I hated, but I wanted to fit in so I played it anyways.
THIRD GRADE IS MY FAVOURITE YEAR. I was friends with Kim and five other people. We had a class group called the Wolves. We were the intelligent ones. Pretty amazing year. I also really liked my teacher, who had the same name I do.
Fourth grade was the year my preschool teacher died. She was really scary. She died because she was on a weird diet... I didn't have any friends in fourth grade. The Wolves were all in another classroom, I was with new people. Alexia left the school. I tried to join the wolves, but this one girl told me I couldn't eat with them anymore because I didn't have the imagination or the required amount of littlest pet shop. I had more than her though... Children are cruel. There was a new girl, DYLANA. We had something in common: we were loners. So we United forces. Woohoo. We made a THG fan club. We had friends now, yaaayyy. I started taking drawing seriously about now (2012).
Fifth grade was a messssss. DYLANA and I were in different classes and didn't talk much. I was friends with Kim again. I had some other friends. I really liked them, they didn't like me. But I didn't notice.
Sixth grade, I was with DYLANA again, but not with my other friends. This is my favourite class. In sixth grade was when I started noticing that the popular girls weren't that bad. (Some of em). They talked to me and worked with me just fine. I left the group of friends who I thought liked me but didn't. They thought I was really rude, not kind at all, never sharing anything and overly exaggerated. I am I guess but anyway. I left them along with Kim, Coral, DYLANA, a girl called Louise and a girl called Jena. I joined Wattpad.
Seventh grade is nowwwww. Everything was okayokay. Then Jena came out as homophobic. I told her being homophobic is horrible. She got mad. She's still mad. Louise is on Jena's side. Kim went to another school. So the ones left right now are DYLANA and Coral.
The end. I ya wanna know more about something (I'm guessing you don't) tell me, lol
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