Chapter 7
Sinking down on your mattress, you curled into a small ball, trying to reason with yourself. Sure, this was all new and unexpected, but you had known that your life would be forever changed once you became married.
You just hadn't expected Dean to be so handsome, and so hard to read. You hadn't expected to live away from everything you knew, the community life you had always known.
Then there was the business of Angels as best friends, and the fact that you and Dean were meant to be. That thought didn't bother you nearly as much as you had let on. Sure, it had all seemed overwhelming, but even with his grumpy and stubborn ways, you could easily see Dean was a good man. A man you could easily fall in love with.
A quiet knock echoed in your room, and you could hear Dean's voice muffled in the wood. "Y/N? You awake?"
Taking a deep breath, you stood up, opening your door. Dean stood there, a couple of beers in his hands. Holding one out to you, he raised an eyebrow when you didn't take it. "Don't tell me you've never had a beer before. I'm beginning to think you're as sheltered as an Angel."
"I've had a beer!" You exclaimed, placing your hands on your hips. "But only one, and my parents punished me for it."
Sitting down on your bed, he took a sip. "Why were you punished? I mean, I know you're only 20, but drinking is common among hunters."
Rolling the bottle between your hands, you cautiously took a sip. It was bitter and strong, but slightly satisfying. Especially since you knew how disappointed your parents would be. "My community was a dry community. There were no bars, no liquor sold know the stores. If a hunter wanted to drink, he had to find it elsewhere."
"Why?" Dean asked you, and you could see you had stumped him.
"The last leader, before my father, he was a drunk. So, when he was replaced, it was voted in." You explained, taking another sip. Shuddering at the last time beer had passed your lips.
"Can I show you something?" You whispered, the alcohol in your system bolstering your courage.
"Of course. I want you to feel free and comfortable around me. Even when I'm a grump." He answered, his mossy eyes twinkling with mischief.
Taking a deep breath, you handed him your beer bottle before standing up. With your back to him, you pulled your hair over your shoulder. Reaching down to lift the hem of your shirt, Dean stopped you.
"Y/N, you don't have to do this." He said quietly, his voice deeper than normal.
"I need to. I need you to see the type of life I lived before I came here." You insisted, pulling your shirt up so he could see the light scars covering part of your back. They weren't deep, but the light pink stood out on your otherwise unblemished skin.
"What the...?" He muttered, and you jumped when you felt his calloused fingers lightly touching the scar. "Who did this?"
Turning to face him, your shirt modestly covering your breasts, you nervously nibbled on your lower lip. His gaze followed the movement for a second before he reached out, grasping your hand and pulling you back down beside him.
"My dad did this. Almost a year ago. I was restless, and thought about life outside the compound. I got together with some people, people that I shouldn't have been near. We snuck out, and I... Well, I might have kissed the man, and shared a beer. But then my Dad showed up, and I was punished for disobeying the laws of the community."
"I wish you didn't have to go through that. But at least you're away from them now, and you don't have to ever go back if you don't want to." Dean assured you. But you could see how much your story had bothered him. "And Cas can take those scars off. That skin is too beautiful for that."
"Thanks Dean." You surprised the two of you by leaning over to him, pressing your lips gently to his cheek. As you moved to pull away, Dean reached out, his palm resting softly on your cheek. His eyes searching yours, he slowly moved know, his lips ghosting over yours.
"Is this okay?" He whispered, the movement tickling your lips, and you nodded. Ever so slowly his lips touched yours. It was sweet, like his lips were learning yours, and you tried to scoot closer, loving the feeling.
All too soon he was pulling away, a smile on his face as he kept his hand on your cheek. With his thumb gently brushing the skin, he leaned in once again, kissing you quickly. "That was nice." You mumbled, too lost in the feel of his lips against yours to speak coherently.
"I thought it was more than nice." He answered, leaning back, his hands sliding down and away. Handing you your beer, he downed the rest of his in one gulp.
"It was more than nice." You agreed, taking another sip of beer.
"You know, being married to me means we're allowed to do that, and more." He hinted at, and you blushed, glancing down at your beer bottle. "I'm not trying to pressure you, but whenever you're ready, I'm willing to take that next step with you."
As you opened your mouth, trying to think of something to say, there was a hard knock on your door, before Sam and Cas came barreling through into your room. Stopping dead in his tracks, Sam glanced between you and Dean, seeing how close the two of you were sitting, the redness of your cheeks. "Listen, um... I didn't mean to barge in. But Dean, we've maybe caught a lead on Lucifer, and wanted your opinion."
"Lucifer?" You repeated, knowing that Sam had to be pulling your leg. Sure, you had just learned of Angel's, but they were hunting Lucifer? You hadn't even heard that he had escaped his cage once again. "Lucifer is locked up. I heard about that, quite some time ago, when a couple of reckless hunters broke the 66 seals. It's practically legend in my community, and we all learned about it in class. They never named the hunters, but we heard the fixed the wrong, put him back before he could do any harm. I even heard that one of the hunters was lost forever in the cage."
Sam and Dean glanced between themselves, and you knew they were communicating silently amongst themselves. "What? I might even have the textbook somewhere."
"Sammy, you hear that? We're in a freaking textbook!" Dean exclaimed, throwing his head back, laughing heartily.
"Huh?" You stuttered.
Sam must have felt some sort of pity for you, because he started explaining. "Dean broke the first seal, I broke the last, and we were the reason Lucifer rose. And yes, we finally put him back in his cage."
"But then, who is down there with him?" You questioned.
"I was." Sam continued, surprising you. "But I came back, and the rest, I guess, is in your history books."
"Wow." You breathed out. "So, you mean I married a legend?"
Dean puffed his chest out at your words. "Yes, you did." He said proudly. "But seriously, the more I learn about your community, the more I want to burn it to the ground.
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