Chapter 15
Lucifer flashing his red eyes at you, his lips pulled back in a snarl had you curling back on the bed, fear making your hands shake. You knew he was Lucifer, the devil himself, but he had seemed so loose, so at ease. But it had change in once second, reminding you this was the man who could kill thousands of people with a snap of his fingers. And you were his play toy, living in his little house until he decided what he wanted to do with you.
Pacing the room, he mumbled to himself, never loud enough for you to hear what he was saying, but his eyes occasionally flashed red, his emotions getting in the way of his planning. Turning to face you, a smile slowly grew on his face, scaring you almost more than his glowing red eyes did. "I know exactly what I want to do!" He exclaimed, clapping his hands together in excitement. "We're going to go visit this wonderful little community I made you talk about."
"No!" You screamed. Sure, you weren't sure you ever wanted to have anything to do with the communities again, but you knew Lucifer visiting them was not a good thing. It could only bring pain and destruction, and there was no way you would be able to warn them.
Snapping his fingers, your voice immediately vanished. Chuckling, he walked over to you, running his finger along your cheek. "I can't have you giving my secret away. So, we'll go, but you won't be able to talk. Sure, they might think it's weird. But before they can figure things out, it will all go poof!"
Grateful you hadn't told him about the wards and sigils on the fences surrounding the compound, you hoped they would be strong enough to keep him out. Or at least give you enough time to figure out how to warn people.
Grabbing you roughly by the arm, Lucifer pulled you to your feet as the room spun before turning black.
Dean's POV
Following Cas' directions, I pulled up to a small, lakefront community. A grouping of about five cabins sat at the end of a culd-e-sac, quaint and serene. Nothing like the spot I imagined Lucifer would be holed up in. I figured somewhere dark and gothic, full of pain and torture. This was too light, too cozy for the Devil himself.
Stopping the Impala at the end of the road, I grabbed my gun from the trunk, along with a couple other items. Knowing that nothing would officially take out Lucifer, but I needed something. With Sam by my side, we began moving up the sidewalk, having no other choice. Sure, we were out in the open, but there was no cover in the back of the houses either. Passing each one, we searched for a sign that he was there.
The first cabin was full of toys, cozy and messy. Shaking my head no, we continued on to the next. An old woman sat in the living room, knitting away as classic rock played on the radio. Shrugging my shoulders in surprise, I made Sam move on to the next one.
It was empty, but something seemed off. I couldn't place my finger on it, but it seemed powerful and old. "This is it. The cabin Lucifer was in." Cas announced, giving me a heart attack as he popped up beside me. "I can feel his power rolling off it. But he's no longer here."
"Cas, dude!" I exclaimed. "You were supposed to be figuring out what his plans were! What are you doing here?"
"I found what I was looking for, and came to see if you needed help." He answered. "But you no longer need help as both Lucifer and Y/N are gone, and have been gone for at least an hour."
"Damn it!" I exclaimed. We had been so close, but Y/N had slipped through my grasp. The longer she was with Lucifer, the more scared I became for her. We had to find her, and soon. "Where could he have taken her?"
"I think that's only one of our problems." Cas stated solemnly.
"What's worse than Y/N being in Lucifer's grasp?" I grumbled, as I placed my gun back in the trunk, slamming it harder than normal.
"The fact that Lucifer is planning on starting the Apocalypse once again. By using the croatoan curse. He has a storage building clear full of the virus, and is in the process of seeding clouds with it."
Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath. This was worse, much worse than I imagined. If I went off looking for Y/N, it could mean the end of the world. But if I went to stop the spread of the virus, Y/N could be dead before I even attempted to find her.
Your POV
As soon as the spinning stopped, you fell to your knees, retching the little food left in your system. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you looked up to see Lucifer staring down at you in disgust. "I forgot exactly how weak and pathetic you humans are. But at least you all will be taken care of soon."
Opening your mouth to speak, you frowned when no sound came out. "Yep, you're still mute." He assured you, before turning to stare at the fence in front of him. Looking up, you realized you were back home, or at least the only home you had known before you were married off.
Seeing it now, all dark and dreary, made you realize exactly how much you didn't miss it. You didn't miss the grim way everyone moved about, the almost military like childhood that had seemed normal once upon a time. It was exactly the same as when you had left. Instead it had been you that had changed.
"So, this is where you grew up? I almost feel sorry for you." He muttered, his arms crossed, his feet spread as he stared at the tall brick fence in front of him. Even though the warding's were invisible, you knew he could probably see them. "Did they realize how pathetic these warding's are? Sure, they might keep out the Demons or Vampires, but they are no match for me."
Waving his hand, you watched in dismay as they burned a bright red before vanishing, no doubt leaving your old home easily accessible to the most powerful and evil being on the planet. "Let's go have some fun!" He exclaimed, reaching over and grabbing your hand. With no other choice, you were pulled behind him, fearing for the lives of the people who had at one time been close to you.
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