(A week later)
*Caleb POV*
Right now us guys and the three girls are at the studio working on music.
"Hey Caleb should we ask them now" Chad asks
"No" I say
"Ask us what" Nicole asks
"Nothing don't worry about it" I say
"Why can't we ask them yet" Spencer asks
"Because I said so" I say
"You sound like Alan" Joey says
"Too bad" I say
"Come on Cabey what do you guys want to ask us" Casey asks
"Don't worry about it. You'll find out soon enough" I say
"Fine then. Girls let's go. We have some business to take care of" Megan says
"what business" Chad asks
"We need to go prank text Luke Smallbone. Joel gave us both of their numbers and told us to prank Luke" Nicole says
"Alright. Have fun. Be back here by three" Joey says
The girls leave and the guys stare at me.
"What" I ask
"Why can't we tell them" Spencer whines
"Because I haven't finalized everything" I say
"We've all done our parts why haven't you done yours" Chad asks
"Because Chadwick my son is almost a year old. I'm not going to make Kelsey wake up every time he cries so I wake up at like three every morning to take car of him and don't go to bed till 10 or eleven every night. Maybe even midnight" I say
"Ok ok. Calm down Grimm" Chad says
I shake my head at them and go back to work.
*Nicole POV*
We go out to Spencer's car and get in. I start it and drive off to the park. We get there and go sit down under a tree. I send Spencer a quick text.
N-stole your car. We're at the park
S-thanks for telling me. How did you get my keys
N-they were laying on your desk
I leave that text message and put my phone down.
"Ok so how are we doing this" I ask
"We're creating a group message with the two Australians and messing with Luke" Megan says
I pull my phone back out and create a group chat.
L-um who are you and how did you get my number
J-hello girls
L-Joel stop it. You don't know they're girls
M-where are you guys at
J-at the park with my boys.
C-oh cool which one
L-not sure if we should give you three that information
N-oh yeah right because we might be stalkers
J-should we tell him
M-yellow Luke I'm Megan Graham. I'm Chad Graham from Anthem Lights adopted daughter
N-hey Luke I'm Nicole Kane. I'm Spencer Kane's cousin. He's also part of Anthem Lights.
C-hello I'm Casey stamper. I'm related to the idiot Joseph Patrick Stamper. He's my cousin.
J-I'm Joel David Smallbone from For King and Country and we were talking with my partner in crime and maybe favorite brother Luke James Smallbone.
L-wow Joel real smooth.
Us girls put our phones away. We look around and see over at the playground Luke and Joel arguing. Joel's back is too us. We go over and place a finger to our lips. We jump on Joel's back and he screams. We get off and fall to the ground laughing.
"That was great" I laugh
"It really was" Megan smiles
"Are you girls trying to annoy us" Joel asks
"Maybe. We're just really bored" I say
"where are the guys at" Luke asks
"They're working on stuff. We got bored and thought it was the perfect time to prank you" Casey says
"Oh ok" Luke says
Us girls stand up and walk over to Luke.
"Hello I'm Casey Stamper. Middle name is for me to know and you to find out. Maybe" Casey says
"Hey I'm Nicole Kane. Nicole could be my first name or it could be my middle name but you'll never find out" I say
"Yellow I'm Calisia Megan Graham. If you call me Calisia I will beat you to a pulp" megan says
"Good first impression megan" I say
"Thank you. I tried very hard" she says
"Jude, Pheonix come over here" Luke yells
We then see two small boys run over.
"Boys this is Megan, Nicole, and Casey. Girls these are my nephews Jude and Pheonix" Joel says
"Will you come play" Jude asks
"What time is it" Megan asks
"2:30" Joel says
"Oh sorry guys we wish we could but we have to leave. Maybe another time. Your dad and uncle have out numbers" Megan says
We say bye to the two Australians then head back to the studio. We get there with ten minutes to spare.
"We should be fashionably late" Casey says
"I agree" I say
"Whatever you two want to do" Megan says
"Wait when is you date with Dylan" I ask
"Tonight" Megan says
"Do you know where you guys are going" Casey asks
"No. All he said was to dress warm." She says
"Ok" I say
We sit in the car and talk until it's 3. We get out and go in. We go in and Joey is glaring at us.
"You ok there cous" Casey asks
"You girls are 30 seconds late" Joey says
"No they aren't" Chad says
"Yes" Joey says
"No. They were in the parking lot by 2:45. You never said they had to be inside by three you just said they had to be at the studio by 3" Spencer says
"How did you know we were here" Casey asks
"Spencer can track where his car is" Caleb says like it's nothing
"Wow" I say
"Oh yeah Nicole can I have my keys" Spencer asks
"No I want to drive home" I say
"What Luke didn't call you?" He asks
"No about what" I ask
"Oh he's gonna be here in like real soon to pick you up. He's taking you on a date" Spencer says
"But what am I suppose to wear" I ask
"He doesn't care what you wear. You always look beautiful. That's his words not mine" Spencer says
"Alright" I say
"Oh yeah Casey Liam's also taking you out. He's gonna be here any minute" Joey says
"Well megan and I need to head out. Her and Dylan are going out tonight and she needs to change into something warmer" Chad says
They leave and we go back to conversing.
"Well I'm gonna head out. You two ladies have fun on your dates. Let me know if Luke breaks your heart because I'll punish him" Caleb says
"Caleb he's 22 technically you can't do that" Joey says
"Oh well" Caleb says
He grab his stuff and leaves. A couple minutes later Luke and Liam come inside.
"Have her home by 11" Joey and Spencer both say
"Don't worry" Liam says
"That just makes us worry even more" Spencer says
"Stop worrying you big baby" I say
"Ready" Luke asks
I nod and we go out to his car.
"So where are we going" I ask
"Just to Chick-fil-A." He says
"Ok" I say
*Casey POV*
We get in Liam's van and he starts it.
"So where would you like to go today" Liam asks
"Can we go to the movies and see hidden figures" I ask
"We just saw it last time we went on a date" he says
"Please" I beg
"Alright fine" he says
(P.S. I've seen this movie twice and I really wanna watch it again but my brother said no and that it's a terrible addiction. I beg to differ.)
We get to the movies and go in. We get our seats and sit down.
"Really Liam and Casey again" we hear
We turn around and see John and Kyle.
"What are you two doing here" I ask
"Well Liam came home talking about how good it was so we decided that we wanted to see it" John says
"Oh" Liam says
I look at Liam and smirk.
"And you said you didn't really like it" I say
"Oh shush. Just pay attention to the previews" Liam says
I smile and pay attention to the screen.
*Megan POV*
Chad and I get home and I go up to my room. I change into sweatpants and sweatshirts and then take my glasses off and put my hair in a bun and then put my glasses back on. I go downstairs and the rest of my family is watching a movie.
"Where you going megan" Nick asks
"Out with Dylan" I say
"Are you gonna kiss" Owen asks
"Woah there Owen" Chad says
"Come on dad Dylan and I have kissed before" I say
"We don't need Owen and nick knowing that" Fallon says
"They're gonna go through this at some point. I mean nick already has a girlfriend" I say
"Nicky who's your girlfriend" Chad asks
"Rowe but Jason says that Rowe is his" nick pouts
"Well Dylan is here. Bye bye guys" I say
"Goodbye. Have fun. Don't get back too late or too early" Chad says
I nod and go outside. I get out there and Dylan is holding the car door open for me.
"Why thank you kind sir but all this chivalry is not needed" I say
"Too bad it's what I gotta do" he says
We get in and he starts his truck.
"So Ali and Antonia were both playing with the twins but Ali got mad at Antonia and went up to their room and was playing with drew. And I was sort of eaves dropping on her talking to him and she kept on talking about Jason. I think she has a crush on him" Dylan says
"So does Rowe and so does Presley. Rowe and Presley also love Nick so does Ali. Ali told me" I say
"Wow. That's a very complicated relationship." He says
"We don't have to worry about it yet" I say
"Maybe a third guy will come along and then they can play Rock Paper Scissors for the guys" Dylan says
I punch him in the shoulder and he just laughs. We arrive to our special place and get out. He grabs a few things from the back seat then we go to our spot. Yes, we're at the meadow. He lays down the blanket and we sit down. He then pulls out some food. Stuff to make tacos and nestle chocolate milk.
"Now this is a perfect meal" I say
"Nope it's missing something" he says
"What" I ask
"Cookies" we say
He pulls them out and sets them down.
"Now this is perfect" I say
"It's always perfect when I'm with you" he says
"Wait who's watching your siblings" I ask
"Aunt Brycie. She left Uncle Alan with their kids and went to Liam's to watch my siblings" he says
"Ok" I say
He prays and we start eating. As the night goes in it gets colder and I cuddle up to Dylan.
"You cold or something" he asks
"Maybe a little" I say
"What the heck has the world come to an end? Calisia Megan Graham is cold" he says
"Stop it" I whine
He laughs and pulls out another blanket.
"You're just set for everything" I say
"That I am" he says
"I love you" I say
"Love you too" he says
We look up at the sky and just watch the stars.
"Hey did you hear that Liam plans to propose to Casey once she turns 18" Dylan says
"No. How did you find this out" I ask
"I was eaves dropping in his convo with his older brothers" he says
"You have a really bad habit of eaves dropping" I say
"Sadly" he says
He's just about to kiss my cheek when his phone rings.
"It's my aunt" he says
"Go ahead and answer it" I say
he gets up and walks away a bit. He comes back and sits down.
"Everything ok" I ask
"Yeah. Antonia isn't feeling well and she wants me home. I told my aunt we'd be home in an hour or so" he says
"We can leave now" I say
"Are you sure" he asks
"Yeah. I know how it is when siblings are sick and you aren't able to be there when they want you to be there" I say
We pack everything up and go back to the truck. We get in and he drives to Chad's. he drops me off and walks me to the door. He kisses my cheek and I go in.
"Hey how was it" Chad asks
"It was good. I'm gonna head up to bed" I say
He nods and kisses my forehead. I go upstairs and get ready for bed.
*Dylan POV*
I get to Liam's and go inside. I go into the living room and find my aunt and Ali.
"Hey aunt Brycie are the twins in bed" I ask
"Yep. Antonia is up in bed but she fought with me for a bit. She wanted you. Ali doesn't want to be in the same room as Antonia though" she says
"That's fine. Ali would you like to sleep with me in my room" I ask
"Yeah" Ali says
"You can go Aunt Brycie" I say
"You sure" she asks
"Yeah. I'll text or call you or I could always ask Fallon or Megan for help" I say
"Ok. Love you" she says
"Love you too. Tell Uncle Alan and the girls hello" I say
She kisses my forehead and leaves. I pick Ali up and go upstairs. I put her in my bed then go to the girls room. I get in there and Antonia is almost asleep. I go over and sit on the edge of her bed.
"Hey Dylan you feeling ok" I ask
"No. My stomach hurts and my head and my throat" she whimpers
"Do you want some medicine" I ask
She shakes her head no but I shake mine yes.
"Do you want to go to the zoo soon" I ask
"Yeah" she says
"You won't be able to go unless you feel better and you won't feel better unless you take medicine" I say
"What if I throw up" she asks
"That's just helping you to get better quicker" I say
I pick her up and walk to the bathroom. I sit her on the edge of the tub and look through the medicine cabinet. I find the medicine and pour the correct amount in a cup. I give it to her and she drinks it then I give her a bottle of water. She drinks some and gives it back to me.
"You ready to go to sleep" I ask
"Yeah but what if I throw up" she asks
"Don't worry I'll hear you. Just try to get to the bathroom" I say
"Ok" she says
She reaches her arms up and I pick her up. I carry her to her bed and lay her down.
"Get some sleep" I say
I kiss her head and then go to the twins room. I go in and they're both still sound asleep. I go to my room and Ali is laying in my bed with my tv on.
"What are you doing" I ask
"I wanted to watch full house" she says
"Yeah well it's bed time. It's 10:30 at night" I say
I turn the tv off, hide the remote and lay down in bed next to her.
"I love you Dylan" she says
"Love you too Ali" I say
I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.
Hope you all are enjoying this story. I've been busy with school and other stuff so I haven't been updating a lot. However, I have gotten a new interest in Hamilton. We read it in English class and I fell in love with it. Also, if any of you read my latest chapter in the book falling in love with a Friend you would of seen the lyrics for the Aladdin medley. The lyrics weren't posted anywhere so I spent a half hour or an hour on writing the lyrics word for word by listening to the song. Any ways vote comment read my other stories. Love ya.
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