(3 months later)
*Megan POV*
Well Nicole woke up from the coma after a month and was let out of the hospital a couple weeks after. Casey is still in the hospital and the doctors still don't have a cure for it. Other than that everything is ok.
"Megan come on we have to leave" Chad yells
"Where are we going" I yell back
"The office. We need to work on a few things" he yells
"Guys stop yelling I just put the boys down for a nap" Fallon says
I grab my backpack and go downstairs.
"You okay" Chad asks
"I just really miss Casey" I say
"I know you do. So does Nicole, Liam, her brothers, and Joey" he says
"I just wish they could find a cure. It feels like they aren't even trying. That they just stopped and want for her to suffer and die." I say
Chad grabs my hand and pulls me to the car. We get in and he drives off in the opposite direction of the office.
"Where are we going" I ask
He doesn't reply and keeps driving. Shortly we get to Joey's house.
"Stay here" he says
He gets out and goes in a little bit later he comes out dragging Joey by the arm. Joey get in the back and Chad gets back in the drivers seat. After ten minutes we get to the studio. We go in and the other two are there and Alan.
"What took you guys so long" Caleb asks
"Megan and Joey were whining" Chad says
"I was not" we say
All of a sudden Joey's phone rings. He pulls it out and answers it. He hangs up a couple minutes later with a smile on his face.
"They think they found a cure for Casey" he says
"Really" I ask
"Yeah but there's a chance it might not work" Joey says
"Oh" I say
"Alright let's get started" Chad says
"No we have to get to the hospital and see Casey" I say
"Megan we're gonna stay here and work for a bit because we won't even get to see her for a day or two because they want to make sure it works before anyone sees her" Joey says
"No this isn't fair" I say
"Megan calm down everything is going to be fine" Joey says
"No I want John and Kyle" I cry
"Megan they aren't here" Chad says
"Yes they are. They're on their way here. They'll be here" I say
I collapse to the ground and keep on crying. I hear footsteps walking away then someone picking me up. I keep my eyes shut and clutch their shirt crying. They sit down and rub my back.
"Hey Megan its Luke and Liam and Dylan. We need you to calm down." One of them says
"Come on baby girl open your eyes and let go of Chad's shirt" Dylan says
"No I can't" I say
I clench the shirt tighter and hide my head in Chad's chest.
"Are Kyle and John almost here" I ask
"Sis they died a few years ago" Liam says
"Come on. Baby girl. Let's go for a walk" Dylan says
I nod my head let go of Chad's shirt. Dylan picks me up and after a bit I feel the cold breeze hit my face. Dylan sets me down and holds my hand.
"You ok" he asks
I don't nod or shake my head o just look straight out ahead of me. He pulls my arm and we start walking in no time we get to the meadow and sit down.
"What's wrong" he asks
"I don't know" I say
"Yes you do." He says
"Why does Chad put up with me" I ask
"What do you mean" he asks
"I've hurt you, the guys, my brothers, Chad a lot of times, my friends, Why do you all come back. Why don't you just ditch me" I ask
"Because Megan. We all are broken and have our flaws. We shouldn't let someone suffer." He says
"But I've yelled at Chad, my brothers, left them, hurt people and caused a lot of trouble" I say
"We've all gone through a lot and have our stories. Some are good and some are bad. It depends on the day and what you let happen to make the day turn out the way it will" he says
"Ok" I say
"You ready to go back" he asks
"Yeah" I say
We stand up and start walking back. We get to the office and go inside. I go over to Chad and Joey.
"I'm sorry guys. I'm sorry I freaked out you both" I say
"It's ok" Joey says
"No it's not. I've been exploding and taking all my stress and anger and frustration out on all of you for the past couple of weeks and you guys don't deserve it" I say
"And you my dear don't deserve to be bottling all of your emotions in until you explode like a volcano" Chad says
"Ok" I say
"Alright let's get back to work" Spencer says
"Really Spence you ruined a really sweet moment" Nicole says
"He's good at doing that" Caleb says
"He does it to me and Jewel a lot or Caleb and Kelsey. Never Chad and Fallon. I think it's because he's afraid of Chad." Joey says
"Alright alright you guys really need to get to work and do I need to work on a few thing" I say
"Well we're so deeply sorry madam we'll let you get back to work. Luke, Liam, Dylan you have to leave. Only employees can be here at the time" Caleb says
"What about Nicole" Luke asks
"Sorry bro she's with me today" I say
"What she doesn't work here" Dylan says
"Actually l three girls work here. Megan does the computer stuff, then all three of them are working in their on stuff" Chad says
"Oh ok" Liam says
"Bye" I say
They leave and I turn to Nicole.
"Alright girls we really do need to work in stuff" Caleb says
"But I don't want to" I whine
"I don't either" Joey says
"Same" Nicole and Spencer say
"I'm really not in the mood for working either" Chad says
"Then what are we going to do" Caleb asks
"Let's go to Liam's and fool around there" I say
"Ok" Spencer says
We all get into the vehicles and head to Liam's. When we get there no one else is there so I grab the spare key and unlock it. We go in and start playing video games. We start our fifteenth round of Mario kart when there's a knock at the door. I get up and go to the door. I open the door and two guys are standing there. I look up and instantly recognize the faces.
"J-John k-Kyle" I stutter
"Hey sis. How are you" they ask
"I thought you died. We were told you were dead" I cry
"They thought we were but we weren't and we didn't want to face you guys yet so we waited till we were released from the military hospital" John says
"Wait why were you in there" I ask
I look down and see they each have a prosthetic leg.
"Oh" I say
"We're so sorry we didn't come to you all sooner" Kyle says
"It's ok. We met Liam. This is where he lives" I say
"What about mom and dad" john asks
"Dad is in Australia and mom and grandma are in jail. Chad and Fallon adopted me and nick and Owen. Then Caleb and Kelsey adopted Luke" I say
"Do we get a hug" Kyle asks
I nod and hug them. We pull away and I keep crying.
"Hey princess didn't anyone tell you princesses aren't suppose to cry" Kyle says
"I'm sorry it's just I have mixed emotions about this" I say
"We understand. Now are we allowed to come in and meet the people you talk nonstop about or are we not welcome" John asks
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry. Come in come in" I say
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