Pov Soul
I hate last minute fucking meetings. We come back and they just decided to have this meeting when I actually planned a pretty good lesson. I hope Healer actually started it with them while I was gone for basically two god damn week!
I mean why the fuck would Stan and Ford make a meeting that fucking long. Don't get me wrong, right now we're a fucking mess. I mean the villain attacks going around and the violence in this town is going out of control.
I'm just worried about everything and with the kids being hurt makes us look bad and other people look bad. Then the news people fucking come and that's when I unleash the undead on their asses.
I walked into the school grounds where I saw kids doing random things. I walked into the classroom to see everyone just chatting amongst themselves.
"Good to be back," I whispered.
"HI SOUL!" They all shouted.
I sighed while giving them a smile, "I'm back kids."
Then I noticed that something was off about my classroom. It was more quiet than usual and that's not right. The Cipher's and their group isn't here yet...that's why.
I thought they were behaving for once in the morning instead of yelling at Star to stop picking fights with Andrew. That almost scared me for a quick second.
I see Lady Widow, Will, Mabel, Andrew, and Star come rushing in. They all stopped and smiled at me while telling me, Welcome back.
Where are the other two? When they went to their seats the bell rang for classes to start. I looked at the door and it opened quickly. I see Dipper and Bill show up which made me chuckle for some reason.
"We didn't mean to be late Soul," Dipper said.
"Really?" I questioned.
"We didn't and I was walking slow," Bill told me, "Pinetree wanted me to hurry up."
"Because we were going to be late," Dipper gave Bill this pouty look.
"We'll go to our seat Soul," Bill grinned at Dipper.
I see the two walk to their seat quickly as I start to get ready to talk about their assignment that they were supposed to be working on. I hope they did it because I don't know what I'm going to do if they didn't.
I blame Healer, Ford, and Stan for this.
"So when I was gone you guys were supposed to be working on a project," I explained.
"What project?"
"We didn't hear about a project,"
"There was a project?"
"Was I hear for that?"
"We didn't hear about it,"
I wanted to hit my head on my desk because I trusted Healer to tell them about the project. HEALER WHAT THE FUCK!
"What did you guys do when I was gone?" I asked my students.
"Healer was telling us stories because we just asked,"
I hit my head on the wall once because they were supposed to do the project. Healer. What. The. Fuck.
"This is what I get when Healer is a sub," I muttered.
"So..." Everyone said at different times.
"You guys are going to do a small last minute poster," I sighed, "You can't choose anything because we're using the hat method."
"This project is going to be about other peoples powers," I explained, "So pick one people and if it's your own then you can't fail this."
I passed the hat around and smiled at everyone hoping some of them get their own. I'm going to beat the shit out of Healer during lunch.
"Everyone start and if you need any help use your phones and then come to me," I'm being honest here.
I hope they finish.
Pov Dipper
I got creation and I'm not mad because I can have Mabel to double check if I'm wrong. Mabel told me that she got Star's power so we had to move.
"So what did you guys get?" Mabel asked while we sat down.
"I got my own powers!" Lady Widow smiled, "Iron-based powers man."
"I got Andrew's," Will sighed, "Can turn his skin into any martial."
"I got Will's and Bill's," Andrew sighed.
"I got Star so she's helping me," I smiled.
"I got my moms powers." Star smiled, "Talking to animals."
Why does she sound like a surfer dude?
I don't know... Maybe she's expected about getting her own powers.
It sounds weird.
I know it kind of does, but we really can't control it because it's Lady Widow. I was actually curious about where you went because I haven't heard from you for a while now.
I don't know... I've just felt quiet lately and I do other things in our mind. Plus when you talk to yourself alone I listen, but I can never talk because you never let me.
I looked at my card and kept staring at the word creation while listening to Mason. It was true that I could talk to myself when I'm alone. Yeah... I'm sorry that I don't let you talk.
You've been talking to Cipher a lot... He's really nice.
He's really nice and sweet. Why do you call him Cipher?
Because I can.
You don't have to be moody... I just realized that I started to space out while everyone was talking.
You better do your work.
"Pinetree?" I felt his hand touch my shoulder.
"Y-Yeah?" I answered.
"You okay?" Bill started to whisper to me.
"I'm okay," I replied back in a soft whisper.
"Are you talking to him?" Bill questioned.
"Yeah..." I like that I told Bill about him.
"Pinetree has to do work and he has to help me because I got your powers," Bill told me.
"Alright," I chuckled softly.
Bill and I started to do our work while I helped him with the questions he didn't know. I've told Bill lots of things about my powers so I'm not surprised that he hasn't asked that much.
"Do you think Soul is going to question this?" Bill asked me.
"I don't really think so because it is a part of my powers and every other angel has it," I explained Bill feeling a little uneasy.
"I feel like she is going to question it," Bill told me.
"Maybe..." I muttered.
"I should probably erase it because this is giving me anxiety," Bill confessed.
"You did well with the drawing," I smiled softly.
"Drawing wings are hard," Bill aggressively look at the drawing.
"But you did a great job," I said pointing at the parts that I personally liked.
Pretty good for someone that barely knows what angel wings look like.
I chuckled softly, "Give him a break, at least he tried."
"What did he say?" Bill was waiting for an answer.
"You did pretty good for someone that barely knows what an angel wing looks like," I responded.
"This shit is hard," Bill said a little too loud.
"Why is he so angry?" Mabel asked.
"Nothing," Bill crossed his arms and pouted.
"You did really good," I tried to make him feel better.
You told me honestly was the best.
It is, but sometimes it ends up this way.
"What's it about?" Star asked.
"Something on his poster," I explained to them.
"Let me see," Mabel said.
Bill didn't erase the other information on it yet and Mabel doesn't know that Bill knows.
"Wait!" We both said.
I ended up slipping off my chair when I was trying to get up to get the poster back. I'm currently on the floor and my head hurts a lot.
You should have been more careful.
"Pfff...A-Are you okay?" Andrew wanted to laugh.
"That really hurt," I groaned.
"Pinetree!" Bill joined me on the floor, "Pinetree are you really okay?"
"The floor is cold and I somewhat enjoy it, but my head hurts," I told Bill.
"Let's get up," Bill muttered.
I made the mistake of sitting up very quickly and now I feel dizzy.
"Dizzy," I whimpered.
"Oh shit," Andrew chuckled.
"Stop laughing!" Lady Widow hit Andrew on the back of his head.
"Stop being mean," Star pouted at Andrew.
"Dippy are you actually okay?" Mabel asked.
I placed my head on Bill's shoulder and mumbled a little. Bill told me to be careful next time and placed his arm around me.
"Pinetree do you need to go to the nurse?" Bill asked me.
"Just let me stay here for a few minutes," I said.
"Can you make an ice pack?" Star asked out of curiosity.
Can she?
"I-I don't know," I said out loud.
"I can!" Mabel cheered.
Maybe you can heal yourself?
"Do you think if I heal myself would it make it worse or better?" I wanted their opinions.
"Worse," They all answered.
"Mabel try to heal him," Bill said.
Mabel placed her hand on my head and healed me. I was surprised that it worked. I felt a lot better but I wanted to stay on the floor because I'm lazy and don't want to stand up.
"That actually worked," I said.
"Get up so you can finish your work," Mabel said.
I looked at Bill and he looked at me. "Nah, I'm fine here and plus I'm already done with my work."
Bill used his powers to get the poster, "GOT IT!"
"Wait..." Mabel was processing what happened, "I never got to look at it."
"HA!" Bill smiled.
"The floor is cold and I'm hot so I'm going to stay on the floor," I explained.
"Bill get off the floor," Will sighed.
"I can't get up because of Pinetree and I'm done so why not?" Bill explained.
"Yeah," I cheered.
They might think that this was planned, but it wasn't we were in actual pain.
I'm glad that he pointed that out because I didn't think about that. I wonder if they think that, but if I say it out loud then they'll start to think about it.
We need to stop over thinking...
"We do..." Latin is a very useful friend in this situation.
"Dipper stop speaking a language that no one understands," Mabel threw a pencil but Bill protected me by catching it.
"You could have hit him in the eyel with this," Bill groaned.
"You could have used an eraser-head," Will pointed out.
"I threw what ever was in my hands," Mabel states.
"Thanks," I smiled at Bill.
"Did you guys finish?" Bill gave them a devilish look.
"I'm also done!" Star pouted.
"I'm just doodling on my paper but I'm basically done," Lady Widow mentioned.
"Not yet," Mabel and Andrew said.
"I'm adding details," Will answered.
Mabel, Andrew, and Star continued to work on their posters while we talked. Will and Lady Widow shares their doodles with each other. I opened Bill's and pointed out the illustration he did.
"I really like this..." I muttered.
"Thanks Pinetree," Bill answered.
"The way you drew the feathers on the wings are really nice," I drew a smiley face next to it.
"Thanks for the amazing smiley face," Bill smiled softly.
Are you not realizing that he drew you? Or...
"Did you draw me?" I'm glad that he noticed it.
"I don't know anyone else with wings so it was more easier for me," Bill told me.
"Okay," I nodded.
Bill and I started to doodle on the back of his poster because we were bored. It was pretty fun just doing nothing. I heard footsteps but I thought that it was just someone else walking.
"Kids I'm here to- Why are those guys on the floor?" Soul looked at us.
I smiled and waved at Soul while Bill simply nodded at her.
"Dipper ended up tripping or slipping off his chair and hit his head on the ground," Star explained.
"Then he stood on the floor for a few seconds and Bill sat on the floor making sure he was really okay," Andrew cut off Star.
"Then he sat up way too quickly and he felt dizzy so he stood there with Bill," Lady Widow told Soul.
"Then we were wondering if Mabel could make an ice pack because we all honestly didn't know," Will said.
"I can," Mabel added.
"Then Mabel healed Pinetree and we just didn't want to get up," Bill finished the explanation.
"Why didn't you tell me," Soul crosses her arms.
"We never thought about that because we were thinking about Mabel and the ice pack," Star muttered while fiddling with her sleeve.
"Give me your projects," Soul sighed.
I handed Soul Bill's because I was closer to her and Will gave her mine.
"I love the doodles of little kittens dancing with puppies," Soul muttered.
"What?" Andrew said.
"I doodled on the back of Bill's paper," I smiled.
"Of course you did," Mabel said.
"I'm happy that some people got creative with it," Soul told us.
"Really?" We all said.
"I like seeing the ideas you guys have on projects because they end up being really cool," Soul said before walking away.
Pov Soul
School is over and now I need to grade all of the things which shouldn't be that hard. I have a little cheat sheet in case they have something wrong or to write down in case I find any new information.
I have my little red pen to mark down new information or to correct the papers. Then I have to show my finding to Ford because he's the smartest and knows more about this than anyone.
I start to grade the posters and they were all correct so far. There were some small corrections I had to make and add some information.
Then I got to Cipher's poster about Angel based powers. He's pretty good at drawing when he wants to be. Will is usually the artist of the group when he wants to be too.
I started to read the information and most of these things weren't on the paper at all. I start to write them down because I don't know if this is true or not.
"Information source... Pinetree," I read.
I started to search online and nothing showed up about any of these things. I mean Dipper can't be wrong about his own powers.
Could this be what I saw... He looked different and he was stronger in a way. He had these marks and his hands were pitch black. Woah... he can control people!
"Basically he can control people, but he has to have physical contact that same day or else it won't work and say a certain phrase in Latin," Why does his powers have so many god damn rules!
After grading the rest of the papers I grabbed Bill's poster and the cheat sheet. I quickly raced to Ford's office.
I knocked on the door I hear come in from two people. Stan is probably there because he doesn't leave the building without him.
"Why are so out of breath?" Stan asked me.
"Give me a second I don't know why I ran here," I said out of breath, "I could have walked."
"Do you need water Izzy?" Stan asked.
"I'm good now," I said.
"Isabella what's the matter?" Ford is so formal.
I sat down and showed the cheat sheet for the assignment what we were doing.
"I don't know if it's true or not, but I'm not as surprised as I'm suppose to be-" His facial expression changed quickly.
Stan looked at the poster and pointed out the drawings which he admired.
"Who made this?" Stan wondered.
"Bill Cipher," I smiled.
"He's done a great job with the line work," Stan complimented.
"There's so many doodles on the back," Stan chuckled, "Who's Pinetree?"
"Dipper Pines," I answered, "Bill gave him a nickname and he doesn't mind. They're really close to each other."
"Our nephew already has so many nicknames," Stan whispered under his breath.
That explains a lot...
"Was this a group assignment?" Ford's voice went deep.
"No it was independent, but if someone in the class has the power then they could ask them," I replied.
"Thank you Isabella," Ford gave me the paper, "Just give this student what you think he deserves."
"Really?" I questioned because this isn't like Ford.
"Yes," Ford said.
"We're sorry about the rush Izzy, but have a meeting," Stan told me.
"Oh... okay," I said.
I grabbed my stuff and before I left I heard a sigh from Ford, "Dipper..."
He sounded pissed. I left and headed to my room and looked at everything. Bill's getting an A because he got his information from Dipper. Dipper would never lie.
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