Third Person
It's been weeks since the violence had progressed more, but serious things have happened. The school has been receiving letters from random villains. Threats to the new hero's that dear go against them. They had more plans than simple threats... A plan that will destroy.
Regardless of that, Dipper has been jumpier than usually because he's been overthinking about many things.
If he's safe
His mother
His father
His friends
Things haven't been good for any angel these days because of the sudden outburst. Falling angel mode has become more of a threat than a friend to them. Angels have always seen their other half as a burden than a friend either way, why think different?
Today Dipper is at the local coffee shop with Mabel. Their parents are off with their daily duties and not just fighting bad guys. Promise.
"I like their hot chocolate here," Mabel smiles brightly as she sipped.
Dipper stared at his cup as he mumbled, "It is, but I like their coffee."
Mabel rose her eyebrow and looked at her brother, "Dipper stop worrying."
"I'm not worrying," Dipper exclaimed, "I'm thinking."
Mabel rolled her eyes and leaned toward Dipper, "Don't give me that bullshit. I know you're worried about everyone, but it's okay."
"Mabel you know that I can't stop worrying even if I really tried," Dipper confesses, "I just can't."
"Yes you can," Mabel placed her hand on top of his, "You just need to relax."
"Alright," Dipper sighed, "I'll try."
Mabel smiled at her younger brother and continue to drink her coffee. Dipper took small sips as he watched the TV behind Mabel talking about the recent crimes.
'Well Gravity Falls, there is no hope into stopping this sudden outbreak of crime running down the streets. People are becoming afraid of what might happen next! Isn't that right Frank?'
'You're sure right Carla! These crimes are sure a mystery, but the letter being sent to our upcoming heroes are a concern. We have also heard that they want something more than our upcoming heroes, but we don't know exactly what yet.'
"Dipper stop watching the news," Mabel groaned.
"I'm sorry," Dipper apologized, "I couldn't help it."
"We're going to the mall and buying that sweatshirt you found online," Mabel said.
"Yeah!" Dipper cheered.
Dipper wasn't usually the shopping type because he would always get bored, but he wanted to find a sweatshirt that was to die for. A baby blue sweatshirt with a small pinetree on the front.
Mabel just wanted to go shopping. They finished their drinks and quickly left the coffee shop.
They walked to the mall while talking about their grades and other things. Dipper had a funny feeling in his stomach which considered him. He felt like someone was following them as they walked.
"Dippy we're here!" Mabel chuckled in excitement.
Dipper ignored his gut and smiled, "I don't get why you're so excited Mabel, you've been to the mall before."
"I know, I know, but still! It's the mall Dippin' dots," Mabel smiled.
"Where you can find clothing and stupid stuff that people end up buying for no reason," Dipper stated.
"And sometimes that stupid stuff comes in handy," Mabel said.
"We're both creations," Dipper sighed, "We can easily make this stuff."
"It gets boring and plus what's the point if you can't have fun with trying on clothes that you'll never buy," Mabel claimed.
"Very true," Dipper said.
They raced inside and walked to random stores that they considered buying clothes from. Dipper waited for Mabel to try on dresses and other clothing.
Dipper was usually the person who helps Mabel make her final decisions. Without Dipper, she would be there all day.
"Dipstick opinion," Mabel wore a sweatshirt with an alien smoking that said: but this is art.
"Love it," Dipper smiles.
"You just like it because of what it says," Mabel crosses her arms while looking at Dipper.
"To be honest that shirt is amazing because it sounds like something that you or Star would say," Dipper confessed.
"What?" Mabel said.
"I don't know it just feels like that," Dipper chuckled.
Mabel tried a few more things until Dipper stopped her when she wore something that didn't suit her in his opinion.
"That dress is awful," Dipper blurred out.
A few females heard Dipper and they gasped when he said that. Such a rebel.
"Really?" Mabel questioned Dipper.
"It doesn't look good on you," Dipper stated.
"Does it make me look fat?" Mabel asked him.
"You think every dress makes you look fat," Dipper said.
"Your body is perfect Mabel, but it doesn't suit your body type. It makes you look like a box," Dipper said.
"Really?" Mabel said.
"It also gives me old lady vibes for some reason," Dipper confesses, "Never mind it remains me of a curtain that an old lady bought."
"What the fuck Dipper?" Mabel laughed.
"Fuck! I know what it looks like," Dipper exclaimed, "That one curtain that Ford bought!"
"Wait..." Mabel said.
"It does!" Dipper laughed to himself.
"Oh my god, it does!" Mabel laughed.
Mabel went back into the changing room while chuckling to herself. Dipper went on his phone and started to text a friend.
Mabel came out and decided not to buy anything, the line was way to long and she didn't feel like waiting.
Dipper found the sweatshirt that he saw online. Dipper grabbed Mabel and rushed over to the store.
"Do I really do this to you when I find something I like?" Mabel asked.
"All the time," Dipper told her.
"Remind me to stop doing that," Mabel said.
"You'll stop for a week and then get back to doing it," Dipper honestly told Mabel.
"True," Mabel answered.
Dipper found a hoodie of the sweatshirt that he loved. Since he didn't bring a hoodie he bought the hoodie and wore it.
"YES!" Dipper turned bubbly.
"Christ Dipper," Mabel said, "Your happiness is so strong."
"Don't care~" Dipper sang.
"Let's go get bubble tea and sit down," Mabel said.
"Pineapple bubble tea!" Dipper was a child.
"You're the first person that I've ever heard that like pineapple bubble tea," Mabel replied.
"It's yummy," Dipper said.
"You can be such an adorable child," Mabel smiled.
They walked over to the food court to get bubble tea. Mabel felt someone bump into her with a black hoodie covering their face.
Mabel turned her head slightly to see the person gone. Dipper looked around for the person in the black hoodie. He couldn't find them.
That was weird, Dipper thought. Mabel just ignored what happened and they continued to walk.
They bought their bubble tea and sat down near the window. Dipper got that feeling again like someone was watching them.
"Mabel?" Dipper mumbled while taking a small sip of his pineapple bubble tea.
"What is it DipDip?" Mabel responded.
"Do you feel like someone is watching us," Dipper mumbled.
"We're in a public place Dipper," Mabel told him.
"I know, but it feels like that we're especially being watched," Dipper muttered.
"Dipper it's fine," Mabel said.
"Okay..." Dipper mumbled.
Dipper tried to ignore that feeling against which didn't work this time. From the corner of his eye, he saw the person with the black hoodie. They were with someone else with a light gray hoodie and another person with a dark gray hoodie.
They were somewhat spread out which kind of considered Dipper. He saw one of them move closer to them which made his handshake.
She's not going to listen to you, ya know.
A voice deep voice echoed in Dipper's head. Dipper stayed claimed as he listens to the voice that echoed in his head.
You know that your right so go on, tell her what you see.
What if you're wrong, Dipper thought, you always lie to me.
You know I'm the other half of you Mason, I'm just like you but better.
Dipper ignored the last part and thought about what he was going to do.
You could be next, you could be beaten up or our dear sister beaten. Which one sounds fun?
Dipper wanted to yell at the voice for even thinking about that. He looked around and noticed that people in the dark gray hoodies were gone.
The only one left was the person in the black hoodie. He felt like the person was staring inside his soul.
A large pop sound echoed.
"What the fuck was that?" Dipper jumped.
"It was a balloon," Mabel exclaimed.
"Mabel we should go," Dipper said.
"Are you still freaked out?" Mabel asked.
"Yes," Dipper told Mabel.
"Let's go you paranoid child," Mabel said.
They both got up and left the mall. Dipper held on to Mabel's arm because he didn't want anyone to run off with her. Safety purposes.
Dipper kept looking around and saw the three people in hoodies following them.
"Mabel three people have been following us," Dipper whispered.
"..." Mabel stood quiet and looked around.
"Three people in hoodies and one of them bumped into you," Dipper told her, "I don't know why they're following us, but we have to lose them."
Mabel nodded, agreeing to Dipper's plan. They both walked faster and went somewhere were lots of people were. The park!
Mabel quickly made a dark blue hoodie and made Dipper a large hoodie to go over his baby blue hoodie.
"Got the GPS on your phone?" Mabel whispered.
"Yeah," Dipper answered.
"We split up and meet near the pop," Mabel said.
"Make it inside because it's a club for kids," Dipper whispered back, "We'll blend in."
"Alright," Mabel said.
Dipper and Mabel put the hood's on and quickly raced away. Two went after Mabel while the male in the black hoodie went after Dipper.
Dipper texted Mabel that they were two people behind her. Dipper was panicking to himself because he didn't know what was going on.
What are we going to do? Dipper thought as he quickly walked around. Dipper saw the person in black following him.
His hands started to shake violently as his heart raced worrying about Mabel. Dipper felt sick.
"Why are they after us?" Dipper softly cried to himself in Latin.
Dipper looked around and couldn't see the black hoodie. Dipper stopped and looked around for the hoodie.
"Where are they?" Dipper mumbled.
Dipper quickly raced away finding his way to the pop. Dipper texted Mabel that he lost the person after him.
Mabel texted back that she was in the pop waiting for him. Dipper walked quickly to the pop In case the person was still around.
He saw the pop and smiled. Dipper was about to race inside until he felt someone grab him. Dipper was pulled into an ally way and being dragged deeper inside it.
His mouth was covered as he struggled to get out of his grip. Dipper bit the person, but claws appeared and scratched his face.
Blood went down Dipper's face as he looked at the person trying to do something with him. He had a mask on so there was no point into finding out who he was.
Dipper quickly raced away, but he tripped because the person claws extended and grabbed him.
"Let go!" Dipper kicked his claw.
Dipper could be arrested if he used his powers. He didn't want that, no one wanting to be a hero would want that. The person got up and grabbed Dipper.
"Don't make my job harder!" He yelled at him.
"Let me go you asshole!" I yelled.
"Shut the fuck up!"
Dipper kept struggling because he remembers what his mother taught Mabel and him.
"You have to struggle as much as you can kids, no matter what you have to struggle. People won't stop if you say no because that's not how this world works. Struggle, scream, bite, scratch, and do anything so they won't take you or anything worse." Maria told them.
They were seven when Maria taught them that lesson. Dipper kicked him he even bit his hand again. He didn't work this time.
"You better be worth the money," He groaned, "Especially what they've told me about you, you're worth billions..."
"Why do you want me?" Dipper could barely speak because of the person's hand.
"Angels are worth a lot of money," He smiled.
Dipper bites his hand harder, "Don't hurt my sister she isn't an angel."
"You gotta be fucking kidding me," He groaned.
Dipper felt his claw dig into his side as he was being dragged somewhere. Dipper kept struggling to make it harder because he didn't know where he was going to be at. A glass injector fell out of his pocket spilling all over the floor.
"Now you're gonna be awake the whole time," He groaned, "Drugs are fucking expensive."
"Let go of me you pig!" Dipper shouted from the top of his lungs.
Dipper saw an opening to another part of the city. Dipper knew that he had to use his powers to throw him against the wall.
Dipper raced away while taking off the bloody hoodie and throwing it away.
Dipper started to heal himself, but it wasn't working. Dipper ended up bumping into someone.
"I'm so sorry," Dipper looked up and saw Bill.
"What happened Dipper?" Star saw the huge scratch.
"We need to get Mabel now," Dipper said.
"Where is she," Lady Widow asked him.
"The pop,"
"I'm gonna go get her too, "Star said.
The two left to get Mabel before it was too late. Will looked at Dipper and made sure anywhere else near his face was hurt.
"What happened?" Will asked.
"We left the mall because I had a feeling that someone was watching us," Dipper told them.
"We can talk about this later," Bill said, "Did they hurt you anywhere else?"
"I don't think so," Dipper said.
"Who's house is the closest?" Bill asked.
"Ours," Will said.
Dipper saw the rabbit mask and quickly hugged Bill tightly.
"P-Pinetree?" Bill stuttered.
"I-I'm so scared," Dipper whimpered.
Bill hugged him back and told him it was okay. Andrew noticed the mask on the bench just sitting there.
"That's so fucking weird," Andrew pointed out.
"A rabbit mask?" Will said.
"Bill.... please don't let go of me," Dipper muttered.
"I won't," Bill said.
"I kicked someone!" Star shouted from afar.
The three went over to the males. Mabel saw Dipper in Bill's arms just holding him.
"We need to go to a safe place," Lady Widow said.
"Dipper is pretty fucked up at the moment," Andrew said.
"This question needs to be answered now by my brother," Mabel said.
"Mabel not now," Bill said.
"Let's get to a safe place first," Lady Widow asked.
"Fine," Mabel said.
Andrew looked at the bench and saw the mask gone.
"That little rabbit mask is gone," Andrew mumbled.
"Shit we gonna go now," Mabel said, "Andrew just answered my question."
They all quickly hurried back to Will and Bill's place. When they got there they sat down.
"Will where's the first aid kit," Lady Widow asked.
"We need to find it," Will said.
"I'll help," Star said.
"I need to make a quick call because this is under the organization's hands now," Mabel said.
"Wait so we're not calling the cops?" Andrew questioned.
"If they didn't hurt Dipper than we could, but since he's hurt the organization has to deal with it," Mabel explained.
"I'll stay here with Pinetree," Bill said.
They went to do their things and Dipper just looked at his feet. Bill placed his hand on his other cheek.
"Let's clean off that dry blood," Bill smiled.
They both got up and went over to the kitchen where Bill found a clean rag. He soaked it in water and looked at Dipper.
"You better take off that hoodie," Bill said, "It'll get wet and a little bloody."
"I had two hoodies," Dipper said, "I threw the bloody one away."
Dipper took off the hoodie and his arms were a little bruised. Bill started to clean Dipper's cheek and he slowly placed his other hand on his waist.
"Mph..." Dipper flinched.
"I'm sorry," Bill said.
"The hand on my waist," Dipper mumbled, "I think I did get hurt there."
Bill quickly removed his hand, "Sorry."
"It's okay," Dipper said.
Bill finished cleaning the dry blood off Dipper's face. He was still curious about what happened to him. Mabel was still making a phone call while the others were still struggling to find a first aid kit.
Bill traced his thumb over Dipper's cheekbones, "What happened?"
"Shouldn't we wait for the others," Dipper asked.
"It would be easier," Bill said placing his finger under his chin.
"Okay," Dipper answered.
Dipper buried his head into the crook of his neck. A light blush went on Bill's face as Dipper shakily took a deep breath.
"He wanted to drug me," Dipper told Bill.
"..." Bill felt Dipper hold on to his shirt.
"He told me I was worth so much money Bill. I was so scared," Tears went down his eyes.
"..." No words.
"He was going to drug and take me away from here... He told me I was worth billions because I was an angel, but I felt like it was more than that." Dipper cried softly.
"You don't have to talk anymore," Bill said, "You're okay."
Bill whipped Dipper's tears away and held him as he claimed down. Will, Star, Lady Widow, Andrew, and Mabel finally came. They just saw Bill and Dipper in the kitchen.
"What happened when we were gone?" Mabel questioned.
Mabel still had her protective side on and especially around Bill. Too much of a flirt.
"Let's go fix you up," Bill whispered.
"No," Dipper muttered in Latin.
"I'm smart enough to know what that means," Bill said.
"Now we can talk about what happened while we fix him up," Andrew said.
"Can't he heal himself?" Star asked.
"It didn't work when he tried earlier," Will said.
"I keep forgetting that I can heal him," Mabel said.
Mabel went over to Dipper and healed him quickly. His bruises were still there, but the rest was fine.
"Let's talked about what happened," Mabel said.
"Mabel not now," Bill said.
The tension was thick when Bill said that to Mabel. Everyone knew something bad was going to happen.
"It's okay..." Dipper muttered.
"Pinetree you don't have to," Bill said, "To tell them right now."
"It's fine," Dipper said.
"My room is in the first door on the left if you can't handle it," Bill whispered to Dipper.
They all went to the couch and Dipper looked at everyone. Then he froze when he was about to talk. He couldn't anymore and just left the room.
"He's not ready to tell anyone yet," Bill harshly said.
"Dipper wait!" Mabel said.
"Let him claim down," Bill said.
"I feel so bad for him," Star mumbled.
"I can tell you want happened," Bill said.
"He told you," Lady Widow said.
"It broke down when he told me and cried," Bill told them, "He was so scared."
"What did happen?" Will asked.
"They wanted to drug him and sell him," Bill said, "They told him that he was worth billions because he was an angel... Pinetree thinks it's more than him being an angel."
Everyone went silent as they looked at Bill and then the hallway.
"We're gonna walk them home when we know it's safe," Bill said.
"Taken in real life," Andrew said.
"That's pretty funny, but it's not the right time," Star said.
"Trying to make the atmosphere less tense," Andrew told Star.
Mabel received a text from Dr. Angelo and from their parents to come home quickly. Mabel told them that they had to go home and quickly so everyone got ready. They just needed Dipper. Bill went to get him since he was in his room and he didn't want anyone else to get near Dipper.
He saw him hugging himself while his fingertips were turning black. Bill didn't know what that part exactly meant but he still went to comfort him.
"Pinetree we're gonna walk you home," Bill smiled softly.
"Okay," Dipper muttered.
"Hey Pinetree," Bill said, "What's going on here."
Bill held Dipper's hand and looked at his fingertips. Dipper placed his hand on Bill's check and smiled softly.
"I'll tell you later Bill," Dipper told him, "I promise."
"Is it something I should worry about?" Bill asked.
"I'll answer that later too," Dipper replied.
"It has to be a pinky promise," Bill said.
"Alright," Dipper said as they're pinky's intertwined.
"Lock and key," Bill smiled.
"Whatever," Dipper said.
"It's not final if you don't say it," Bill said.
"Is it really necessary," Dipper asked.
"I did this all the time as a kid," Bill confessed, "It's very important."
"Lock and key," Dipper said before nuzzling his face into his neck, "Thanks."
"No problem," Bill smiled.
Dipper's fingertips slowly turned back to its natural color before leaving the room. Will kind of peaked through the door why they gave out the pinky promise to something.
They just walked with them until they got to their house which was pretty nice. Will kept secretly loving Bill and Dipper's closeness because he was just so proud of Bill. He's always had a hard time showing his emotions, but his anger sometimes.
"Proud little brother," Will mumbled to himself.
"Why the fuck are you muttering to yourself?" Star asked.
"Nothing Star," Will sighed, "Nothing."
Dipper hugged Bill one last time before going inside. They finally leave and head back to Bill's and Will's house. When they do Bill saw Dipper's hoodie on his bed. He was surprised when there was no blood on it.
He sat down and held it... Poor sapling.
Meanwhile, in another part of the city, there was a person with a plain black mask wearing a dark purple cloak. They looked at the three men kneeling before them.
"Your one fucking job and you idiots blew it!" They held.
"I'm so sorry," The men said.
"They said that you wanted the girl and the boy," The man in the dark gray hoodie responded.
"No you shitheads! I wanted the boy alive," They groaned.
"They told us that you wanted both," The man in the light hoodie answered.
"You fucking shits, I said the boy and only him," They yelled, "You three failed me."
"I'm sorry please forgive us!" They all yelled.
Her fingers snapped and the ones in the gray hoodies were shot dead. The male in the rabbit mask violently shook.
"You were the only one that didn't fail me as bad," They said
"What now?" He said.
"How far did you get," They asked.
"I was only a few feet away from the car," He answered, "He knocked the drug out of my pocket."
The masked person got up and walked around the person.
"I don't like failures, but since you've come so far I won't make your death so," They took out their gun and shot him.
They walked back to their seat and started to laugh. People in mask start to take out the bodies.
"I'm so fucking dead," They laughed, "At least I died killing someone else."
I hope I have a slow death. They thought.
"I wonder why he needs an angel so badly," They said, "I just grabbed the first one I saw that might be easy."
"Welp I won't be alive to see it." N
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