Obstacle course
Pov Dipper
Thursday wasn't as eventful as Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Soul wasn't here because she had a meeting last minute so we all didn't do anything. We had to bring our gym uniforms today which were dark blue shorts and a black t-shirt with our school name written on the back.
We were inside this huge gym with obstacles and a ring. In our old school, we would just train outside because our school was cheap.
"This is so cool!" I smiled.
"Really?" Star asked me.
"Yeah! Our school was too cheap to get this kind of stuff," I replied.
"That's sad," Star snickered.
"I know right?" Mabel said.
"And it's sad," Star added.
I chuckled softly as they made fun of our old school. I can hear Soul cursing under her breath for some reason. I hope she didn't forget anything.
I felt someone grab my waist, "Hey Pinetree~"
"Oh! Hey Bill," I smiled.
Bill let's go of me and places his arm around my shoulder.
"You're so cheerful today," Bill purred.
"I'm actually a little nervous about this," I confessed, "I feel like I'm going to do bad."
"No, you won't Pinetree," Bill placed his finger under my chin, "You'll do great."
"Okay," I said.
"That's the spirit," Bill smiled.
Bill placed his hand down and just walked with me. I can feel Bill getting tense for some reason.
"Is something wrong?" I asked.
"I'm fine," Bill told me.
"You sure?" I looked at him crossing my arms.
"I feel like someone is trying to burn my soul," Bill said.
"Oh," I said.
Bill glared into a certain direction,
"They're just being dicks."
I see Bill and Star aggressively give each other death stares. Then I see Mabel also giving it to Bill.... why do they do this.
They've been doing this since yesterday. I usually tell Mabel and Star to stop because they usually start it, but I'll try with Bill.
"Bill..." I mumbled.
"Yes Pinetree?" Bill answered.
I gave him a dull look and he sighed before looking back at me.
"Stop giving them death glares, please,"
"I bet that last part meant please," Bill said.
"Correct," I booped his nose.
"Fine," He sighed.
"You two," I said looking at Mabel and Star.
"Fine," They both groaned.
We stopped at this obstacle course that looked a lot like a game show.
"Why does this look like Truth, Lie, or Die The Game Show?" Mabel asked Star.
"I honestly don't know, but this one is new I think?" Star started to question her judgement as she looked at it some more.
"No it looks like the one from Jump, Jump, Jump," I said.
"I think it's a mixture of the two," Bill answered.
"I can see that," Star said.
Soul dropped something that made everyone quiet down. We all looked at her as she smiled at everyone.
"So I know what your all thinking," Soul said, "I know this looks like a game show obstacle course and yes you are correct, it is! Well two of them exactly."
She snapped her fingers and we were all seated.
"So this will have traps and things like that, but if you've seen the game shows you'll know them," Soul added.
"People who actually pay attention will have an advantage!"
"No fair!"
"Shut the fuck up! You guys have to learn that more people are more experienced in certain things. I knew this would happen so we add some more extreme traps." Soul said.
"Is that why Healer is here?"
"Yes!" Soul smiled.
"I'm also here to give you advice, " Healer added.
"Get ready because I'm calling random people," Soul mentioned.
"The hat!" Everyone cheered.
"The hat!" Soul yelled.
Soul picked out a name and called them out. They were lead to the start lint.
"What's the best time?" They asked.
"You'll be the first to use the thing," Soul shouted.
"Powers?" They asked.
"Yes," Soul answered, "Also you have to save someone from the class and you can choose."
I see another person walk up and sat on the X. The timer went off and he ran as fast as he could. Everyone started to cheer and someone told him to lose.
"Who do you think is going to get the fastest time?" I asked.
"I'll tell you in order," Star honestly told me, "Bill, Lady Widow, Will, Andrew, and then me."
"Okay," I said.
"You've told me about a few of them," Mabel said.
"Yeah," Star muttered.
Some kids took longer than others. If you fall off the course then it's a big drop into some water. Soul puts more time on for falling off and getting wet, but if you manage to save yourself then you don't get time added.
I think it's fair. The person that's supposed to be saved falls threw the ground because the X disappears.
Bill was sitting with his other friends while making flirtatious eye contact with me. As time went on someone got their shirt ripped off because of one of the machines.
"Nice~" Mabel said.
I punched Mabel's arm, "Mabel!"
"What?" She groaned.
"He's attractive, nothing wrong with looking," Star joined the rest of the females.
"Why do I bother," I sighed.
"I don't even know what you said," Mabel crossed her arms.
"Exactly," I smiled.
Star just laughed along and I kept watching. I saw how fast the people that Star mentioned. Healer had a lot of work to do.
They were fast. Bill didn't go yet. Mabel was up next and she picked Star. I cheered her on and she was really fast. I noticed that Soul controlled the X.
"Shit!" Star shouted because she fell.
She dived into the X and grabbed Star. Everyone gasped because they were both falling.
I stood up and shouted, "You can do it Mabel!"
Mabel made a grappling hook and shot it. They were safe! Mabel and Star both shouted grappling hook.
I chuckled and sat back down. When she finished she looked at her time.
"You beat Andrew," Star smiled.
"Damn it!" He shouted.
"I'm just glad I didn't get wet," Mabel smiled.
Mabel and Star sat in their seats as they smiled. She healed herself and wrapped her arm around Star's shoulder.
"Bill you're up next," Soul said.
"Come on Pinetree," Bill told me.
"Okay," I said.
I heard a few people gasp and I see a few strange looks. I just walked next to Bill and made a dull smile.
"Make sure not to get hurt," I said.
"I won't Pinetree," Bill told me.
I hurried to the X and waited there. I watched the timer go off and everyone was cheering.
I realized how dangerous this thing actually was. I looked at his time and Star was right, he was fast.
"Shit," Bill groaned.
I really couldn't see what was happening.
"Bill's trapped," Soul said.
"Oh no..." I mumbled.
"Fuck it," Bill said.
"Cipher put your shirt back on!" Soul yelled.
"I will later!" Bill shouted back.
"BILL!" He looks like Bill, but blue.
I saw Bill running towards me and then I felt the floor disappear.
Then I felt something soft cushion my fall. It was this light blue energy that felt fuzzy and warm.
"Oh my God what is this?" I said.
Bill chuckled, "Dream based power Pinetree."
"I feel so fuzzy and warm! This is amazing and it so soft too," I was so happy, "I never knew dreams can be so fluffy too!"
"Dippy stop being happy!" Mabel shouted.
"That was you!" Soul shouted to me.
I was back on the course and Bill was at the finish line. The timer stopped and Bill was first.
"Fuck yeah!" Bill cheered.
"Glad you didn't get hurt," I muttered.
Bill and I went back to the bleachers and saw Star with her arms crossed.
"What's the matter with you?" Bill asked Star.
"Why did you take off your shirt?" Star asked.
"It was stuck," Bill answered.
"You could have ripped it off," Star told him.
"I rather be shirtless than have a ripped one," Bill said.
"Dipper your up," Soul said.
"Come on Star," I smiled.
Before I completely left I made a shirt for Bill... I'm guessing his size.
I threw the shirt on his head, "I guessed your size."
"Thanks," Bill smiled.
Pov Mabel
I see Dipper at the starting line and Star waved at me. I hope Dipper doesn't ignore his well being this time. When it comes to saving people he completely forgets about himself.
The timer started and he bolted through the course. From the corner of my eye I see Bill sit next to me. I looked at him while I see his eyes focus on my brother.
"Aren't you supposed to be sittings with your buddies?" I asked him.
"Yeah, but they're boring." Bill told me.
"Alright, but one of them is aggressively staring at Dipper," I pointed out.
"She's over protected of Star," Bill stated, "Mother type bond."
"I get it," I said, "Dipper wouldn't let anything happen to her because he cares way too much for a human being."
"He does," Bill agreed.
"I'm always giving you death stares because I'm over protected with him. Dipper is way too nice for this world and he's too innocent." I said.
"I thought you hated me," Bill confessed.
"I don't hate you," I said, "You're pretty cool."
"You too," Bill said.
He slowed down... I got up and leaned against the fence or whatever it's called.
"Mabel is something wrong?" Soul asked me.
My eyes widen slightly when I noticed, "Nothing."
I sat back down and made a pencil, and a small notepad.
"What are you doing?" Bill asked me.
"Dipper always tells me to take notes when he does timed based things," I lied.
"Alright," Bill looked back at Dipper.
I quickly wrote down what I saw and what his time was when it happened, the what the actually time was.
Mom.... I hope she's okay.
I kept looking at Dipper and his eyes would quickly glow and then also trip. His finger tips were pitch black, but they keep fighting back with his original skin color.
I felt my cellphone ring and I asked Soul if I could answer it. She said yes and I quickly went to the hallway.
"I'm in class," I muttered.
"I know, but this is a serious matter," Dr. Angelo told me.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Is there anyone that can hear you speak?" He asked me.
"I'm in the hallway, but it's not safe to talk about it now," I stated.
"I speak four languages and you speak two Ms. Pines... French."
I took a deep breath and peeked to see if anyone was watching me. Everyone seems distracted.
"What's the matter?" I asked.
"Is your brother alright?"
I hugged myself and looked at the wall, "His fingertips were pitch black and for those few seconds they were fighting each other."
He cut me off, "W- I'm sorry keep going."
"His eyes glowed and every time they did he would almost trip," I said, "What's going on?"
"I've been getting serious calls about angels falling and it's not good. You're father called in a few minutes ago because of your mother," He told me, "She just fell asleep and she wanted to come out, but couldn't."
"To everyone? Even you..."
"Yes, and its important that he musten fall asleep,"
"My mother can't sleep because of her, why would it happen in the afternoon when shes awake?"
"Your mother and Dipper are alike Mabel. They both have sleep related ones and they both have their effects. Maria can't sleep because of her, but when she does she can come out." He explained, "When your brother is asleep he tortures him until he gives up. Falling angel mode is serious and they all have their effects on themselves and others about them."
I looked at my notes and made them disappear. I heard people gasp in the background that Dipper had wings.
"Falling mode hasn't acted up since 1950s," I mumbled, "In Chicago...."
"I know, it worries me."
"That terrifies me, five thousand innocent people died because of that and five percent weren't even angels,"
"We're doing everything in our power to make sure it doesn't happen again,"
"Should I tell him?" I asked.
"Sir, do you think their after it?"
"We don't even know where it is,"
I heard something and I looked around. I saw no one, but I can't risk it.
"Keep him safe,"
"Is this all? I don't think it's safe to talk at all right now," I quickly told him.
"Tell him what I told you and please be careful," Angelo said.
"I will..."
"Also," He said, "Be careful who you be friend..."
"I know the drill sir,"
"Study hard,"
I hung up and placed my forehead on the wall.
"Why now?"
I placed my phone in my pocket and went back to my seat. I see Star run towards the seats all happy.
"That was so cool!" Star exclaimed, "I feel sick, but flying was cool."
"You had so much fun in such little time," Dipper chuckled softly.
"You beat me by a few seconds," Bill said.
"Just by two," Dipper smiled.
Soul told everyone to change and go back to class. I didn't want to tell Dipper now because then he'll freak out.
I'm sorry Dr. Angelo, but I can't have Dipper panic right now. We all went to change and quickly went back to class.
Soul started to teach us about speed and flexibility. How it's important to stay fit.
The final bell rang and I pulled Dipper up and told him we had to leave. Then I couldn't feel Dipper's hand.
Where did he go?
I see him with Bill smiling like he always is. I over hear there conversation which was Bill flirting with him.
"Dipper now," I groaned.
"B-Bye Bill," Dipper said, "Text me later."
Bill looked confused and then I see a piece of paper in his hand. Did Dipper just give him his number?
I kept pulling him until we were completely off the grounds.
"Why are you pulling me?" Dipper asked.
I stopped and looked him, "Angel's are falling."
With those three words Dipper's eyes widen. I explained to him what happened. Now I was the one being pulled to the house.
Once we got there mom was on the couch drinking tea. Mom looked at us and smiled softly.
She placed tea down and Dipper quickly dropped his stuff and hugged mom. Dad came in the door and pulled me in the kitchen.
"Dad how long was she out for?" I asked.
"A few minutes," Dad told me, "And Dipper?"
"He didn't fall asleep, but he was trying to get out." I replied.
"Did you feel something when that happened?" Dad mumbled.
"Feel what?" I questioned.
"When it happened I felt this strange wave of energy came," Dad explained to me, "It happened right after it passed."
"I guess it didn't reach us,"
Dad and I peeked threw the living room and it was Dipper worried. Mom was trying to calm him down and kept telling him it's okay.
Dipper kept saying it's not because he scared that she might not come back. I hate when that's the only thing he thinks about when it comes to this.
Dippy... It's okay.
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