I Totally forgot that I had started a sequel. Man, I need to pay more attention to updates. Not that I am not constantly reminded *cough* readers *cough* *cough*
Honestly it never fails the second I post, there is someone already demanding an update. But that's okay. I think you all come to realize that updating is a rarity for me. Perhaps thats why my chapters are so treasured *coughs* not *cough* *cough* Though I do want to thank everyone who has been at my side while writing. I know I have said this before, But I really would be nothing without you guys. So Here's to you.
I Will TRY to get more updates done tonight, it depends how much work I have to do when I get home. But Hey, you never know. I maybe will get all my updates done..or maybe not. WE will have to find out I guess.
Hope you all happy updating and future reads! Thank you again for all of your love and support and dealing with all my constant bullshit I put you through. I will try to refrain from 20 pages of blankness before I actually write the update...TRY XD
All the love from your (not so) Favorite Author,
"Uhg...it smells like old people." Wally complained as he walked up the stairs silently. "Why are we here again? There was no reports or calls in here.."
"Let's just say I have a source." Jason whispered.
"You do know that picking a lock is like..illegal right?"
"Well do you want to find Dick or not?" JAson whispered harshly, causing the speedster's face to go stern.
"What is this source of yours?" Wally questioned, not liking how the lights were on, but it was eerily quiet.
"Well it was not a source." Jason admitted, "More of a hunch. This man was a witness. And If I were an assassin.. I would cover up all loose ends."
"It's almost scary how much you think like them." Wally muttered, but he did see the other's point. If this was the witness' house, he personally would leave all the lights on himself. Try and keep all dark corners lit. But that did not explain why it was so quiet-- Wally opened a door and nearly gagged, covering his mouth as the scent hit his nostrils.
Jason walked in and looked down at the dead body sprawled on the floor. "Looks like a few days old." He said cooly.
"SMELLS like a few days old." Wally gagged again. "How can you be so calm? There is a corpse on the ground!"
"You will need to learn to have a stronger stomach if you want to continue this case. Grow up." Jason growled and started to glance around. "Don't touch anything without gloves and to not step in the blood and track it around. After we are done looking around, I will contact batman saying there was a possible lead, though knowing him he has already considered it and will investigate. So try not to do anything stupid while we are here."
Wally glared slightly and tried to calm down his urge to be completely repulsed by the dead body. Not alone hold back the guilt for not being able to save the civilian.. Even that he knew that even if he did make it on time-- something told him that the killer would have him horribly outmatched. He gave a silent apology to the man before looking around the drawers or for any sign of break in. There was nothing unusual, even the windows and doors were locked before they came in. "Did you see any tampering with the locks when y'know..we tampered with them ourselves?" Wally asked.
"There was no sign of scratching on the locks if that is what you mean. You can usually tell if someone pick a lock because of the scratched off varnish on a lock..there was none before we entered.."
"Oh great, we are dealing with a killer ghost." Wally complained.
"I thought you did not believe in ghosts." Jason rummaged through the drawers to see if any valuables were taken, but everything that looked expensive remained untouched, some even collecting dust.
"I Don't I'm just wondering if he might y'know density shift ..Though I doubt Martian Manhunter or M'gann did this." He shuddered when he glanced at the blood stained wood flooring.
"Did you find anything unusual?" Jason asked in a frustrated tone. Getting more irritated with every square inch he examined. The body itself was a hint, but he could not risk examining it and disrupting the crime scene more than he has. Batman was already suspicious of Jason's involvement in the case, and he was not going to let Batman be lead on to what they were doing and try to put a stop to him. Especially someone who has given up on their own son, AGAIN.
Wally shook his head. "Not that I could find... But we should get out of here before the cops come..I don't really want to explain to the bat what we were doing lurking around. How about you, Did you find anything? Please say yes so we can get out of here. I am honestly beginning to feel really sick."
"Not a damn thing. It is basically spotless..if you don't count the blood--" Jason paused as a glint of something in the closet of the victim caught his eyes. "Hold on a second. I think I might have found something" Jason stepped over the body and to the closet, opening it up. "Scratch that..I definitely found something."
Wally sped over, nearly tripping over the corpse (which he already almost threw up on when they first arrived) . "What is it?"
"Nothing you're going to like." Jason held up a piece of parchment with one hand a slim dagger in the other. " It is definitely from our assassin friend."
Wally leaned in to get a better expectation of the what was written on it. A rhyme, that never ceased to cause chills up his spine. "Well..so much for it being a myth."
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