Grand Magic Games?!
Jamila's POV
Another normal day. I jumped out of the shower and changed into some casual clothes.(in media)
I was debating between the two sets of clothing when Steph-chan woke up.
"Steph-chan! Great timing! I have no idea which outfit to pick!"
"The second one..." Steph-chan replied drowsily.
"Okay. You go take a shower and wear this!" I shoved an outfit into her arms as she went inside the shower. I combed my hair to see Lucy getting up.
"L-Lucy! Good morning!" I greeted.
"Oh, you two are already up?" She asked, seeing me and the occupied bathroom.
"Yo!" I heard a voice yell.
"NATSU?" Lucy exclaimed before giving her famous LUCY KICK!
I just sweatdropped at the drama.
"Why are you here baka?!"
"Well I missed ya! And also, the grand magic games are coming!"
"What?! It has been a year already?"
"You didn't know?"
"Uhhh no."
I took my mobile phone and took a photo of them, of course resulting in them looking at the phone in amazement.(I don't think phones appeared right?)
"What is this device? A lacrima?"
"Umm...this is a mobile phone. You can use it to play games and communicate with other people.
Natsu snatched my phone away and started playing with it.
"Oi Natsu! Don't just snatch her phone away!"
"But..." Natsu's eyes widen when he saw my home screen.
"Sh*t." I cursed. "It's freakin nalu."
"Ne ne Luce! Look at this cute picture of us!"
"Hm? Oh it looks cute–EEHHH?! That's me?! And that's you?!"
"Yup looks like it! And you look really pretty too Luce!"
Lucy didn't think of any comebacks and could just blush.
And of course, I had my shipper face on. Steph-chan stepped out of the bathroom in the outfit I gave her.
I snatched my phone back from Natsu and whispered the event that just happened.
Ummm....the window has a crack now.
"Meh." We both said at the exact same time.
"Anyways, can we go to the guild now?" Stephanie asked.
"Okay!" Lucy opened the door and we all went out to the guild.
With Natsu of course.
A few minutes later ~
We reached the guild and the first thing we saw was, a table flying. Me and Steph-chan dodged with ease as we walked towards the bar.
"Mira! Look at this cute picture of me and Luce!"
"Wait Natsu! Don't show her!"
Natsu took my phone and showed the picture to Mirajane. Somehow the girls joined and they all squealed.
Thank god there are no more windows.
"Natsu!" Lucy was blushing and snatched the phone and returned it to me.
"You can't take other people's things like that!"
"But we looked really cute!"
Me and Steph-chan walked towards the bar.
"Mira-san! I would like a piece of cake and a smoothie please!"
"I'm not hungry so a cup of tea please!"
I felt everyone looking at me. "What? Is there something on my face?" I asked.
"YOU ARE NOT HUNGRY?!" Steph-chan yelled, obviously shocked.
"Ummm yes?"
"Oh dear god, the world is coming to an end! Cause for the first time in forever, Jamila-chan isn't hungry~"
I smacked her in the face to shut her up. Big mistake.
She threw a punch at my face while I kicked her in the face. She summoned a harp just like what happened in the job.
However, I didn't summon my flute this time. Me, being sneaky, summoned a harp too.
"Now you're just a copycat!"
"No, you got it wrong. I practiced summoning other instruments and decided to improve them once I could summon them." I said winking. "The Melody of the strings: Harmony!" I shouted out my VERY OWN spell, which took forever to make. Steph-chan was knocked back, and she was about to attack me with her harp again until we hear Makarov–Master's voice," Listen up brats! The Grand Magic Games are coming and we'll be having two teams!!"
I squeezed through the group, to get pushed by Steph-chan.
"What was that for?!"
"It wasn't my fault! Blueberry!"
"You're on the hot-tempered one!"
Let's just say a fight begun.
"Girls!" I heard Erza yell. She was ready to kill us!!
"Jamila-chan!" Steph-chan ordered me,
"Hai!" I replied, giving a small salute. I went to Erza and gave her the puppy dog eyes. "Please?" She still resisted. However, I had a backup plan ready! I showed the picture of Jellal and Erza going to kiss scene. "If you resist, this will be posted in public." I said, a smirk on my face. But is already over the Internet since Twitter, Facebook, Instagram etc. In the real world, it's famous! Anyways, Erza still stayed strong. "You wouldn't dare...!"
"Oh gosh! Erza is mad!" Natsu and Gray trembled in fear.
"Please Erza? Or this is going on the internet." I gave her my best puppy dog eyes until she said," FINE! JUST DON'T PUT IT ONLINE!"
I showed a thumbs up to Steph-chan, to which she returned.
The guild rushed towards me to ask about Erza's weakness. Steph-chan saved me by saying," MASTER!! PLEASE CONTINUE!"
Master then continued," Ahem! Anyways, in team A, it shall be, Natsu!"
"All right! I'm all fired up!"
"Wait, me again?"
"Sorry master, but I must decline. I don't plan to join this year as I want to catch up with a friend."
Steph-chan had the shipper face on. "Oh and master! That friend is J E L L A L!"
She flew away.
"What about me?" I heard Jellal's voice. He closed the guild doors and joined the group of guild members.
None of us bothered to explain.
"Umm Jellal, can you replace Erza? As Mystogan of course."
"Of course, I owe you a favour anyways."
Erza began to ask Jellal questions like," You're joining the games?"
"Okay! And the last two members for Team A is..."
"Stephanie and Jamila!"
I took a while to digest what he just said, and right after that I shouted," WHAT?!"
Steph-chan stumbled back into the guild with a bump on her head.
"Stephanie you're joining the grand magic games." Master said.
"Okay....WAIT WHAT?!" She shouted in disbelief. I patted her back and said," Don't worry, I have to suffer with you."
She started crying anime tears as she said,"Hai."
"And for team B!" Master exclaimed.
"Looks like we're against each other, Natsu!"
"Yes! Juvia is with Gray-sama!"
"And Gildarts!"
"WHAT?! Master, I'm an old man!"
"Come on Gildarts-san!" Steph-chan shouted. "Cana-senpai will be proud of you!
"Cana-senpai?" The guild sweatdropped.
"Cana-senpai told us to call her that, and she said her father, Gildarts-san, was a pathetic old man!" I started to laugh.
"Anyways Gildarts! You're in!"
"Team A! Gather here please!" Lucy yelled out. "We will be training with Team B! Is that all right?"
"Hai!" We all answered. Of course, Jellal answered with an okay.
"Then minna-san! We will be training at a resort! And Master!" Mira called. "You will gladly pay to book the entire resort for a few days right?" She smiled widely as Master stared in shock. "F-f-f-fine..." he said sadly.
"Don't worry master! We will pay for the damages!" Steph-chan 'assured' him.
"Anyways! This is the plan! To prevent Master from spending so much, we will have to share rooms. Also! Erza,Gajeel,Levy,Romeo,Wendy, Carla and Happy will join us. After we book the resort, we'll go there and I'll assign the rooms, okay?"
"Okay!" We all yelled, well, instead of a specific someone. Natsu.
"Who made you the boss?!" He yelled at Mira. All of us shivered in fear as she turned into her satan soul.
"You were saying?" She said, menacingly.
"Gomen!" Natsu quickly apologised.
"Well, minna! Start packing your bags! We'll be leaving tomorrow!"
"Aye sir!"
Hey guys! I honestly had to get rid of about half of the chapter since I didn't know I wrote the wrong part. So i had to rewrite the entire chapter and I realised it was like the one I previously wrote. So I wrote the chapter again and added a few parts in the ending to not mix it up in the next chapter. Anyways, thanks for reading!
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