Narrator's POV
The girls sat at the bar while Mirajane talked to them about random stuff.
"I'm bored! And hungry!" Jamila exclaimed as her stomach growled.
"Then get something from Mira-san!" Stephanie exclaimed back.
"And also...." Jamila began.
The entire guild were looking at them because of that loud shout.
Somehow, they did not notice.
"Well, I helped clean up the guild yesterday, so Mira-san gave me free cake as a reward."
Jamila's stomach growled again as she looked at Stephanie with pleading eyes. Stephanie tried to ignore Jamila. Tried to.
Jamila kept looking at her with infamous big puppy dog eyes. Stephanie kept glancing at Jamila, while the guild watched the drama playing before their eyes.
Jamila kept staring and staring, before she gave her infamous," Please?"
She whispered another please, resulting in Stephanie giving in.
"Okay okay I'll get you some cake from Mira-san!"
Jamila jumped with joy as Mirajane said," Coming right up!"
"Are you sure they joined the guild like a few days ago? Not to mention I heard that they were shy. Especially the one with blue hair."
"But, people change!"
"Uhhhhh I have a feeling the guild will be even more rowdy than before."
"Yeah, and it was already bad."
"Yeah and who loves cake that much?"
Hearing that sentence, Erza sent the guild member flying. He came back about four minutes later, full of bruises.
"Mira! I would like a cake too!" Erza yelled.
"Coming!" She replied.
The timer rang. Mirajane rushed towards the oven to see two freshly baked cakes. Jamila and Erza were already drooling.
"Well, I'm just going to ignore the two crazy freaks and eat my cake..." Stephanie thought.
All she saw was, an empty plate.
"OKAY?! WHO ATE MY CAKE?!" She yelled in anger. She threw random tables and yup, the guild was chaos.
"I think we have another Erza." Gray said.
Natsu shivered while Lucy started to break out in cold sweat.
That was when, a table came flying towards Lucy.
Lucy felt herself being carried away, to only see the one and only Natsu.
Stephanie immediately stopped when she saw the moment. And so did Jamila. And Mirajane.
The three squealed. Jamila and Stephanie were squeezing each other while Mirajane quickly joltted it down.
"Natsu..." Lucy thought as she began to blush.
Natsu immediately let Lucy go, as they both blushed in embarrassment.
Levy, Cana, Juvia, Wendy, Erza, Mirajane, Jamila and Stephanie had the shipper face on.
"Not only do we have two more Erzas, I think they're two Mirajanes as well!" Gray panicked.
"Sorry Luce...." Natsu whispered.
"'s okay....I should be thanking you for saving me." Lucy replied.
The girls all squealed, causing a few windows to break.
And by the way, a few is a lot.
Mirajane yelled," Girls! Your cake is ready!"
Jamila and Erza immediately rushed back to the bar and munched their cakes happily.
(And all of this started from Jamila wanting cake XD)
"Master?" Erza said as she saw Makarov walking down the stairs.
"Don't tell me Stephanie and Jamila caused this." He said, sweatdropping.
Jamila and Stephanie looked at each other, before turning into the shy girls again.
"S-s-sorry! Master!" Jamila apologised.
"Please accept our apologies!" They bowed simultaneously.
"It's okay, the guild who have been a mess anyway." He said, grinning.
Jamila and Stephanie gave a huge grin back.
That was when something caught Jamila's eye. A poster.
She walked towards the poster.
It read:
The shipping club is recruiting members!! The shipping club have activities such as, reading fanfics, watching the ship moments and squealing. The president, Mirajane, also has a few words to say! "This club is the best club! There is no harm in joining! Come and sign up now! Or, face your death..."
If you wish to join, please call *insert random phone number here* or go to the Fairy Tail guild bar.
"Hm? Shipping club? What ships are they talking about?" Jamila thought. Stephanie went towards her side and took a peek at the poster. She took the poster and yelled out for Mirajane.
"Mira-san! May we ask you a question about this poster?"
Mirajane's eyes sparkled as she rushed towards their side.
"What is it?"
"Well, w-we wanted to know what ships are i-in this club? What ship f-fanfics will we read?" Jamila asked.
Mirajane took out a loooong list of ships and began to name all of them.
"Nalu, Gruvia, Gajevy/Gale, Jerza, Rowen,Rogura, Kinabra.....*some other ships from other animes* and finally! Bixanna! I just started shipping it a while ago so its at the end of the list."
We nodded our heads and exclaimed," WE ARE JOINING THE CLUB!"
"Great! Now we have three members on board, including me." Mirajane's happy mood quickly faded. "No one really knows what ships are, so no one joins. Well, you two can be the vice-presidents!"
The two crazy girls squealed, and whatever windows were left in the guild were gone.
"Oi! Jamila and Stephanie! Who is going to pay for the repairs?!" Makarov yelled.
"Jamila-chan, this is your chance!" Stephanie patted Jamila's back as Jamila walked towards Makarov.
"M-M-Master...will you p-please forgive us?" Jamila gave Makarov the 'puppy dog eyes and please' combo.
Three seconds later, Makarov gave in.
"High five!" The two girls high-fived as the guild watched them.
"Anyways! Mira-san! Let's start discussing about activities we will hold!"
The three of them smirked at the guild members. Well, the ones that were involved in ships.
"Should we be scared?" Gray asked.
"Juvia thinks we should be Gray-sama."
"Oh god, who invited them to join the guild?"
"Ummm....It was totally not me and Lu-chan!"
"As if we believe you shrimp."
"My name is Levy!"
"Ummm Luce?"
"I'm running to your place. See you!"
"Wait! Natsu!"
"Aye sir!"
As the sun began to set, Jamila and Stephanie sneaked behing the bar and reached for the list of ships.
Jamila wrote Miraxus in Mirajane's handwriting, well it was convincing.
They shared a similar smirk. They went back to the guild to see half of the guild members gone already.
"Ne Jamila-chan, Stephanie-chan!"
It was Lucy!
"Yes?" Jamila asked politely.
"Would you like to stay at my place? You have been staying in the guild and only sleeping on the tables or floors. Come to my place!"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
Jamila and Stephanie shared a hug.
"That's unfair! Luce invited them to their place while we get kicked out!"
"Of course! You have no regards for a girl's privacy!"
"Wait, that voice is Carla!" Stephanie whispered to Jamila.
"Carla! You're back!" Wendy said.
"Jamila, Stephanie, this is Carla. My exceed." They bowed and said," Nice to meet you."
"Anyways, let's go to Luce's place!"
"Wait what?!"
"Come on! Let's go!"
Natsu took Lucy's right hand, and dragged her to her apartment. While Gray, Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy, Jamila and Stephanie tried to catch up.
Some time later~
"So Jamila-chan. Stephanie-chan. You two will share the extra mattress alright?"
"Hai!" The two girls replied.
"Ne ne Steph-chan, we need cloths. And pajamas."
"We can form some with our magic."
"Oh, alright! I'll take a bath first okay?"
Lucy made some tea for the gang and Stephanie while Jamila went inside the shower.
After a while, Jamila came out.
"Steph-chan! I don't know what to wear!!"
"Ummm but it's just pajamas right?"
"Okay okay. What are the options?"
Jamila came out in two pajamas.
And this:
"I think the first one."
The other members of course, sweatdropped.
"Anyways Steph-chan! Your turn to shower!" Jamila said as she dried her hair.
She soon came out in an outfit like this:
"Anyways! We are going to sleep now! Well, I'm going to take a shower but Jamila-chan and Stephanie-chan! You sleep first! And now shoo!" She said to Natsu and Gray.
"No way! I wanna stay!"
"Natsu...." Erza had demon eyes.
Natsu and Gray ran out.
"Well Lucy, Jamila and Stephanie, we'll take our leave." Erza said. "Bye~" Wendy and Carla waved goodbye and closed the door.
"We're gonna sleep first okay Lucy?" Stephanie said as she brushed her pillow.
"Okay! Good night!"
The girls shut their eyes as they began to fall into a deep sleep.
Well, maybe not.
They quickly jolted down the notes and went back to sleep.
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