8: Tension Is Not A Remedy
"I swear something is not right here!" Meghan told him, twisting the hem of her shirt in her hands. "It has never been right."
"So, they're here?" Gordon repeated what she had previously said.
"Yes, and I don't know if they followed us or if it is coincidence." Meghan inhaled deeply, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I'm actually glad we're getting to your apartment today."
Yesterday, Meghan and Carly had stayed out all day and arrived at the hospital later into the night. At first, they were just going to come back after sushi but Meghan knew Carly needed the break and she also wanted Ryder and his father to be alone together. Despite the situation, she still wanted to heal the bond between the two boys. At least having that done could lead to better communication with one another.
Meghan glanced over at Carly and Ryder. Carly was watching the nurse take his IV out with her nose wrinkled at the sight of the needle slipping out of his skin. Ryder's appearance was disheveled and he had small bags underneath his eyes, but otherwise, he seemed to be fine. As soon as the papers were officially filled they could leave the hospital to Gordon's apartment. Maybe then, Meghan could relax knowing the location would most likely not be discovered by whoever had been stalking them. She hoped the police department would find the person before anymore harm could be done by them.
"How did things go with you and Ryder yesterday?" Meghan asked, maintaining the hushed voice she had been using all morning.
Gordon rubbed his hands together and watched the two children on the bed talking to the nurse. "Fine. He seemed keen on avoiding eye contact but when I talked to him he responded in short sentences."
Meghan nodded, avoiding his judgmental gaze as he realized she was prying. He frowned and released a slight yawn, rising from the chair. Meghan leaned back, not quite ready to get up.
"How big is your apartment?" Carly asked Gordon, looking up at him for an answer.
He smiled. "Big enough, ladybug."
"Will it have room for a Christmas tree?"
"I daresay it will," he replied fondly. "It isn't that small."
She laughed before playing with her red curls, looking out the window. Last night, she had a minor panic attack after waking up in the night. Meghan wasn't sure if it was because of the events from yesterday or just because the room was beginning to get claustrophobic for her. She had been doing well with their temporary stay but Meghan could easily sense her eagerness to officially get out.
"We will get a couple papers signed and then we can go," Meghan told them. "So get yourselves ready to leave while we do that, okay?"
Carly and Ryder both nodded as they get off of the hospital bed to collect a few things. Gordon followed Meghan out of the room when she beckoned for him to follow, seemingly confused as to what she wanted.
"Once we get the papers signed I just want you to remember that even though this is your apartment we are going to - and I respect that - that these are also my children who are coming along," Meghan said once the door shut. "I have a right to what they can do at your apartment, too, and I don't want you feeling like you are in charge of me while we're there."
Gordon folded his arms, staring her down with a hard look. "You didn't have a problem bossing me around at your place. Why should I give you this free courtesy?"
"You're the one that left us," Meghan harshly reminded him. "You abandoned us and I took responsibility. Until we get everything organized and you as an official legal guardian, I am acting as if I have them completely. After you disappeared for a month, I lost any trust in you. You're back now but that trust is not. I want to be able to be just as equal an adult and rule maker at your apartment as you will be."
Gordon studied her, clearly cross. Meghan didn't step down though. No matter how rude she was coming across as, she wouldn't change her mind. It shouldn't be a big deal but she also wanted to make decisions at his apartment. Gordon had been gone a year. Meghan knew what the children needed more than he did. Gordon finally relaxed his tense posture and grit his teeth. "Fine, Meghan. But don't let this pass get to you and make you think I will allow you to push me around still. That's always been something in you that I couldn't stand and it is surfacing again."
Meghan scowled at him, adjusting her glasses. "Thank you. And you think there aren't things I can't stand about you? Right now, the only things coming to mind that were no doubt perfect about our marriage are Ryder and Carly."
"I could say the same thing," the man snapped, his blue eyes piercing into hers. "But I'm not trying to fight. Our talk is over."
Meghan watched him open the door and step back into the room, giving her one more glare before the door shut. Meghan released a shaky breath and leaned against the wall, getting a sudden wave of nausea. At least she had what she wanted. But the reminder of their marriage was fresh in her mind and she swallowed hard, shaking her head to try and calm herself. There were many wonderful things Meghan was able to learn and receive during their marriage. For instance, love. She had felt what love feels like. Gordon gave her a love that she adored so much. He was her everything and she was his.
Ending the marriage was for the best. It wasn't working out. She sighed loudly before taking a moment to regain her composure. She could hear Carly and Ryder playing a game together through the door. Witnessing their interactions with one another had never ceased to give Meghan an amazing feeling of peace and success. They always had each other's backs. At least that was something she and Gordon succeeded in teaching them together.
Meghan re-entered the hospital room and made her way over to the chair without a glance at Gordon who was positioned against the wall, watching Carly and Ryder play with the same determination to avoid her. The doctor should be in with the papers soon. As much as she hated to admit it, she felt as if being at Gordon's apartment would be the safest bet so far.
"Are you okay, Mom?" Ryder suddenly asked, his attention focused on her and his eyebrows furrowed in concern. "You look upset."
Meghan gave him a smile. He was such an amazing child. She was so thankful that he was her son. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it."
Her son's gaze moved between her and Gordon, some slight realization flickering across his face. Meghan watched painfully as he frowned at Gordon, most likely thinking he did something to hurt her. Meghan wished she could tell Ryder that Gordon wasn't the man he thought he was. He wouldn't believe her, though. She could only hope that things fixed between them without any need of intervention.
Meghan closed her eyes to try and relax. She couldn't wait to finally get back to a normal life.
As soon as the door swung open, Meghan inhaled deeply in hesitance, part of her wishing there was a better alternative. She watched her children follow Gordon into the apartment before following behind with more than a little reluctance building inside of her. Carly was talking excitedly the whole ride to the apartment about how she was happy that they were going to spend more time together and not worry about the figure from back at their house because "the police will catch it." Unfortunately, even with a change in location, Meghan didn't feel as secure as she wished she could be.
"Just, uh, settle down," Gordon told them, clearing his throat awkwardly as he stood by the small kitchen to the right.
"So, is this our new home?" Carly asked, her gaze moving between the two adults as she clutched the suitcase she didn't want to part with after they had parked. She had insisted she brought it up herself. "Are we not going to go back?"
Meghan shrugged, taking in the new scenery as she slipped her shoes off. "I don't know, Carly. We will have to sort that out."
Ryder remained silent as he wandered around the living room and toward the small hallway revealing a few doors, from what Meghan could tell. Since he was released from the hospital just about an hour ago, she had felt more protective and responsible over him. She couldn't help but allow her gaze to wander after him when he seemed to be distancing himself from her. She didn't want to go back to the hospital for reasons like before ever again.
"I can show you to your rooms," Gordon said as he slipped his jacket off. "Thank goodness the heater works now. This apartment used to be as cold as a freezer in the past." He motioned for them to follow him toward the narrow hall. "Over here."
Carly was quick to follow after him, lugging the suitcase with her. Meghan's eyes found a familiar piece of antique propped up on a shelf by the television set. She approached it curiously, twisting her hands together in nervousness as she came to a stop.
It was the China vase she and Gordon had received as a wedding gift from an old friend. She had thought he would have thrown it out after she had screamed at him to take it with him when he left. But no. Here it was. A memento holding broken memories in its beauty. Meghan grazed her finger over the delicate glass, breathing shakily. She couldn't believe he kept it! He ended their marriage, so why would he keep something that was a reminder of it?
She jerked away from the shelf, turning to Gordon. He glanced between her and the vase silently, his face stoic. Meghan shifted uncomfortably before hurrying to pass him and enter the small hall before he could say a word. She could hear Carly and Ryder in the first bedroom, their voices soft as they talked quietly to each other. She turned the doorknob, once again feeling out-of-place as the knob did not rub roughly against her palm with rust. No. It was new and shiny. Not like the ones back at their burned home. She cracked the door open. It didn't creak when she opened it. She peeked inside the room to see Carly and Ryder sitting on the floor beside their suitcases, flipping through some sort of book together.
"Your room is this one," Gordon told her from behind, causing her to jump in alarm. He was pointing at the door right next to the childrens.
She slowly closed the door before turning to the one Gordon motioned to. He opened it for her and moved for her to enter. As she passed by and into the room, she involuntarily tensed. She didn't like living in a new location. Especially one that Gordon has domain over. It sent a dreadful feeling through her body as if, at any moment, something may happen that would need her to be on high alert - like a deer in an empty meadow.
The room was smaller than what she was used to with a bed on one side beside a dresser and window overlooking the city. A closet was on the other side. The neutral blue wallpaper made the room seem smaller than it actually was. She turned back to Gordon, forcing herself to meet his eyes. "Thank you."
He nodded, seeming uncomfortable all of a sudden. His blue eyes pierced into hers. "About the vase-"
"It's fine," Meghan interrupted abruptly. "I don't want to talk about. You took it like I asked. That's the end of it."
He looked almost irritated as eyebrows furrowed and mouth tilted down at the corners. But he was quick to cover it up, nodding curtly before exiting the room and closing the door behind him. As the door clicked shut, Meghan relaxed deeply, letting her body slump as she sat on the bed. Their house was burned down, Ryder ended up in the hospital, they saw the figure from at their house here in this location, and she must cope with the new environment. All at Christmastime. A prickly pain started in her eyes as they slowly moistened. She slipped her glasses off and rubbed the tears away, shaking her head.
"Get a grip," she whispered to herself, blinking rapidly. They would still have an enjoyable Christmas. After all, they had yet to see Santa Claus at the mall and get a new Christmas tree for the apartment. That should help to lift their spirits a little more.
Meghan didn't notice her door opening until Ryder entered the room and closed it behind him. She gave him a smile and motioned for him to sit beside her on the bed, noticing the hardness in his face. "Everything okay?"
He sat beside her, his eyes focusing on the blisters on his hands as he nodded. "Yeah. Are you okay though?"
"Of course," Meghan said, putting an arm around him. "Just getting used to the apartment."
Ryder didn't seem convinced. "I heard you arguing outside the hospital room with...him. And you two came back in with angry looks on your faces. Is he hurting you again?"
"No! Of course he isn't," she quickly told him. How had he heard them arguing? Were they that loud? "He's a good father, Ryder. I wish you could see that."
"How is he a good father when he left us?" her son asked softly. "I just don't get it. He wanted to leave us and yet you still accept him into our lives. If he wanted to leave, he shouldn't be back. It is only bringing tension and drifting us all farther apart."
"He is always welcome back," Meghan said. "I don't want him permanently leaving. I never did. The divorce was better for our family. Even if it means you and Carly have...have to move back and forth, it was better. If he had stayed, it would have torn us apart. I didn't want that to happen."
Ryder released a sigh, shaking his head. He had been quieter and more deep in thought since he woke up in the hospital. "But that has already happened. Divorce didn't fix it!"
Meghan frowned. If only he would understand.
"Mom!" Carly's voice suddenly cried into the silence. "Dad! Come see this!"
The alarm in her voice caused Meghan to jump to her feet and race toward the door. What's happened? Ryder followed behind as she left the room. She quickly made her way to where Carly stood by the apartment door. Gordon had emerged from a room to investigate, as well.
"What?" Meghan asked her daughter.
Carly had her hand on the doorknob, her face frozen in shock. She looked between them silently before slowly opening the door to reveal what she had discovered.
Three little fawns huddled together beside the door.
"Oh, great," Meghan muttered.
The fawns bolted into the apartment before any of them could react. The fragile animals shivered as they found refuge in the corner of the room, their bodies pressed tightly together.
"They're back!" Carly said, a mixture of happiness and confusion in her voice. Meghan expected her to race to their side but she remained by the door, slowly closing it as she stared at them. "How...how did they get up here?"
Meghan leaned weakly against the wall. How did they get here? How did they survive the fire? How did they know where to go? Gordon's body was rigid. He stared at the fawns, probably holding the same feeling of helplessness that Meghan could sense inside of herself. Ryder was the first to move toward them. They pressed themselves tighter into the corner but didn't bolt when he reached for their collars. He crouched beside them as he read the gold plaits attached to the collars. He turned back to them with a worried look. "It's Cupid, Vixen, and a new fawn."
"Where's Comet?" Carly asked, moving forward as well to join her brother. "Who is the new fawn?"
Ryder rose to his feet as Gordon moved to join them. "Prancer."
Meghan looked back at the closed door, suddenly wishing it had a lot more locks than one. She quickly turned the lock to seal the door shut before joining her family in the corner of the room. "I don't know what is going on here, but we really need to take this up with high authorities or something."
"We already told the police," Carly said. "Who else can we tell?"
"Anybody helpful," Meghan said, almost as a plea, as she tried to regain her calm composure. Gordon's apartment was on level four, so how did the fawns even get up there? They didn't even have any visible wounds or seemed to be in pain at all. They looked completely healthy.
"I don't remember ever hearing about fawns getting this attached to a family before," Gordon said as his eyes roamed over the fawns.
"That's because they probably don't," Ryder replied. "There is something off here and we barely even do anything about it!"
"But we're in a new location," Meghan said. "They shouldn't have followed us! They shouldn't even know where we are! They are babies, for goodness sakes! And they're owned by somebody."
Carly gingerly stroked Prancer's spotted back as she turned to look at her parents. "My teacher always says that we can't run away from problems. That they will just follow us wherever we go until they are resolved. What does resolved mean?"
Standing up straight, Meghan zoned out as Ryder explained the meaning of the word to his sister. She made haste as she approached the window looking out at the city. She couldn't help searching the streets for a sign of the thing they had seen so many times before. Did it really follow them there? Did it have a connection with the fawns?
"Oh my gosh..." Meghan suddenly whispered, realization dawning on her. Gordon joined her at the window with a look of curiosity as he grabbed her arm. She didn't realize she was trembling until he gently steadied her.
"What is it?" he asked, searching the streets to try and detect what he thought she saw. She shook her head, turning him to look at her. Ryder and Carly stood to the side in anticipation, waiting for her to speak her mind. Gordon shook her slightly. "What is it? Did you see something?"
"The fawns," she murmured. It all made sense now. Whoever or whatever was breaking into their house and leaving notes holding threats to be given out if they did not return something to them now made sense. It all happened after the first fawn arrived. She looked over at her children and inhaled deeply. "They wanted the fawns."
Carly blinked, her mouth opening slightly at Meghan's words. Ryder just stared, the same look of realization dawning on his face that Meghan had felt just moments earlier. Carly shook her head. "I don't understand. Why did they want the fawns?"
"Were they the owner?" Ryder asked.
Gordon shook his head. Meghan didn't think he would actually believe her. "The owner wouldn't do that. This must be a person trying to scare us into handing them over so they can raise them for butchering or something."
"That's awful!" Carly exclaimed. "We aren't going to give them to the person, are we?"
"I don't know," Meghan told her. "Maybe they will leave us alone if we do."
"But they are doing illegal things to get what they want," Gordon pointed out, sitting on the edge of the small couch. "We aren't going to allow illegal acts to go unpunished."
"So you really think it is just someone who wants the fawns for food?" Meghan demanded.
"Yes, I believe so," he confirmed. "You don't? You're the one that pointed it out."
Meghan bit her lip, adjusting her glasses. "I don't know. They would try to murder us? Risk the fawns lives in the fire?"
Gordon shrugged. Meghan watched as his expression hardened slightly. "People do dumb, insane, and selfish things."
"But why is there a new fawn?" Carly asked. "And where is Comet?"
Meghan rubbed her eyes, feeling pains at the back of them. Comet. Vixen. Prancer. Cupid. The names swirled around in her head, taunting her. What owner would lose so many fawns? And who would go to such murderous levels to get what they want? How did the fawns find them there?
"I think we might be overthinking this all," Gordon softly said after tense moments of silence. "Why don't we just get rid of the fawns once and for all and try to have a nice Christmas together?"
"You're going to try and give them away again?" Carly exclaimed, frowning deeply. Ryder put an arm around her.
"Carly," Meghan said firmly. "We can't take care of them. Especially not now. And don't we have some Christmas things to do together? Like, get a new Christmas tree? And see Santa at the mall?"
Carly sighed loudly, poking at a stain in the rug with her foot. She nodded in quick defeat. "Yes."
"So, let's make a call, and then we can watch a Christmas movie together," Gordon suggested. "Tomorrow, we can go pick out a Christmas tree."
"Okay," Carly mumbled, turning to head back to the fawns. Ryder watched her before plopping himself down on the floor in silence, leaning back against the wall and closing his eyes.
As Meghan turned to head back down to her bedroom, a shimmer of gold glinted in the corner of her eye. She turned to look, only to be met with one of the fawns looking at her, almost as if it were studying her intensely. She swallowed and quickly raced away.
The stress was starting to get to her brain.
Hope you're all having a great day! I love interacting with you all, so don't hesitate in commenting. :D Thank you so much for all the support!!!
Question: How do you think the fawns got there?
Question: Do you think Meghan is being a bit pushy and controlling?
Bonus Question (this is probably an easy question with an obvious answer, but): Do you think they are going to be safe at Gordon's apartment? If not, why do you think that?
Bonus Question: How do you think Christmas tree shopping is going to go?
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