• I Know •
"Hey." Amphitrite said softly as she sat down on the soft grass next to Ben. The boy with the raven colored hair didn't even turn to look over at her. He just kept his eyes trained on the pond in front of him. "I'm Amphitrite." She told him. "I know." He hissed. She knew he was edgy but there was no reason for him to be rude. But Luke had told her that there was turmoil inside of him, so for that she allowed him grace. "Your uncle said you were extremely gifted in the force." She said as she took her eyes off of him and instead looked at the pond that he was looking at. "I'm not." She added. "I know." He told her again, his voice just as monotones and spiteful as before. "Then what don't you know?" Amphitrite asked, her spirits had been a little tested by his attitude and he finally tore his gaze from the pond to look at her. His brown eyes were narrowed at her. "Sorry. That was rude." Amphitrite apologized calmly. A small silence fell between them as they both resumed looking at the pond. Amphitrite finally sighed. The clouds began to darken which symbolized rain was on its way. "I don't know where I came from." She finally said. The air around her was cool and she could start to feel a few cool drops of water on her skin. The rain was about to start. "The Force doesn't come easily to me, or at all. Your uncle thinks I'm just struggling because I don't know who I am or where I am from." She paused and looked over to him and surprisingly Ben was looking at her as she spoke and her ocean blue eyes met his Honey brown irises. "He said you would understand." Ben only stared at her for a bit, his eyes were emotionless and void of any feeling. He stood up. "You should go inside, it's going to rain and you don't want to be out here when it does." He told her as she stood up as well. She followed his instructions, thinking he would walk inside with her only to see him stay where he was by the pond, watching her as she walked away. Ben Solo sure was a strange boy... of that she had no doubt, but even still something about him intrigued her.
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