Nature's Gift
Hi guys, so sorry about not updating as much, its difficult with college and I have been feeling rather blocked. But, I found this fanart and well look at it. Its kawaii. Hope you guys enjoy this oneshot. ^_^
"Humans are a plague, a disease, they cannot be trusted. All of what they do is done purely in the pursuit of damaging nature, harming the world and putting all of us in danger." "I believe we should give them a chance Father. They... They are not all bad." "This again. Really daughter, what did that boy do to your head?"
Ash was a 6 year old boy. He was very curious about the world. Not a day would go by when he would not meet a Pokemon and make friends with these, as he saw them, gifts of nature. The young raven haired boy had plenty of love for the ecosystem and all its inhabitants, human and Pokemon alike. He would pick up trash, feed Pokemon and do anything to brighten the world around him.
As you can imagine, when the young Kantonian got the opportunity to attend a Pokemon summer camp, well he was jumping off the walls in excitement. This obviously was very entertaining for his mother Delia who couldn't help but smile at his love of the world.
When the time finally came, his excitement could no longer be contained. His mother dropped him off at the camp. In his mind his thoughts were racing. 'I wonder what kind of Pokemon I will see here. I will make friends with everyone. One step closer to becoming a trainer!'
Ash stood watching as the old guy, Professor Oak, began to explain about Pokemon evolution and bonds of friendship. Ash wasn't happy about some of the kids who were just laughing away. He should talk to them and see if they wanna be friends.
Day 2 of Camp:
Ash was excited for the events of the day. After another informative lecture from Professor Oak, he was allowed to explore and interact with some Pokemon. Ash had gotten particularly friendly with a young Pichu. It didnt like many people but it liked him. Upon finding his electrical friend his heart sank.
The boys from the day before were surrounding the small Pokemon. The look of fear on its face really angered Ash. He had never felt this way before. So he ran upto the three boys and pushed them away from the Pichu. "Leave him alone, what your doing is wrong!" Ash yelled defiantly at the boys who took a few moments to recover from his appearance.
These boys were bigger than Ash each one at least two years older. The biggest one looked down on this scrawny little six year old with scorn. "Get lost kid, this Pichu belongs to us. Hes gonna do exactly what I say or get a pounding. What about you? You want a knuckle sandwich?"
"You see daughter, these boys mean to harm that Pichu, they are nothing but a threat!" "Wait, look father." The girl indicated to the young raven haired boy about her age. She blushed slightly at his handsome appearance. "That one is protecting the Pichu, he is a caring person."
Both of them watched the scene unfold from afar. The young girl was now concerned for the boy. Her father, Zygarde seemed fairly disinterested, his view was humans were a disgusting illness and none could be trusted. His daughter was the opposite. She was fascinated by humans.
"Keep away from Pichu, your just bullies." Ash said calmly with the now injured Pichu in his arms. The bullies had kicked Pichu when they got Ash away from it. "Fine, you asked for it you little worm." The largest of the boys let loose a punch which smacked Ash across his face. As he flew to the floor he cradled Pichu in his arms refusing to let it come to further harm.
When he stumbled back up, he felt his cheek had now swollen. He winces at the pain but something spurred him on, a voice, a distant female voice. "Never give up till its over, you must protect that Pichu." Ash didnt know where the voice came from and he didn't have much time to care as another punch met his face in the same place.
This time Ash spat out blood. Pichu was too weak to move. Ash barely made it to his feet with Pichu in his right arm. "Say goodnight runt!" The leader said as his fist flew towards Ash one last time. Ash closed his eyes and braced for the impact. The impact which never came.
"Noo!!" A voice echoed throughout the area. A green wind rushed through the clearing the boys were in. It was so strong it knocked everyone off their feet. All except Ash who seemed perfectly unharmed. He opened his eyes as the boys flew backwards.
The bullies stood up and fear was stripped across their faces. "What was that?" The smallest one screamed. "Who cares, lets get outta here!" The bullies then ran as fast they could back to the clearing.
Ash had no idea what happened but whatever caused that wind had saved him and Pichu. He looked behind him and squinted into the distance. The only thing that he could make out was two small blue spheres. They reminded him of the ocean and they looked like...eyes. Ash thought they were beautiful. "Whoever you are, thank you! Lets go Pichu."
Pichu gave a small squeak of agreement as Ash ran back to camp to get him treated. Zygarde and his daughter watched as he left the scene. "Why, what made you help the boy?" Zygarde was genuinely intrigued by his daughter's actions. "Father, he is good hearted I feel it. He deserves a chance. I... I like this one." Zygarde watched his daughters expression change. He knew what she felt. Her human side was maturing. "Fine, seek him out, prove to me he will not hurt you and maybe I will reconsider my judgement." She squealed and hugged her father who appeared in human form. Its time she met this boy, the boy who captured her heart.
Day 3 of Camp:
Ash walked aimlessly around the camp. Pichu was perched on his shoulder. After Ash had saved it yesterday, the little mouse Pokemon was very grateful of this human for his kind actions. It now decided to befriend him. It felt safe with this boy and Ash was happy to keep him around. He was in search of a specific Pokemon. His activity was to find a specific Pokemon and the one he was searching for was Poliwag.
After about half an hour of ambling around in the forest, he was actually considering calling it a day. That was until, a small blue tadpole Pokemon hopped along the path both of them were on. Ash sighed. "Now you show up." Pichu snickered next to him. "Yeah yeah." He said as he stroked behind his new companions ears earning a coo of bliss in response. "Never give up till its over." Ash said quietly. This quote was now like a mantra to him. They walked at a quicker pace to keep up with the Poliwag.
The young girl walked through the woods surrounded by Pokemon of all sorts. As the daughter of the guardian of the earth, she had an excellent bond with all Pokemon. Typically she would converse with the Pokemon but her mind was elsewhere. It was with Ash. How was she to meet him. She couldn't get that boy out of her head. She had developed a crush. Her honey blonde hair blew in front of her face. When she pulled it back she ended up tripping since she could not see the log in front of her.
The young girl fell to the floor and all the Pokemon immediately ran to her when she fell, each one concerned for her safety. "I am fine everyone, do not worry." She stated as she tries to stand. She immediately fell back to the ground in pain due to her now extremely painful knee.
The Pokemon were still worried for her but when the rustling of a nearby bush alerted them to a new presence they quickly scattered. They did keep a watchful eye on their half human friend though. The rustling ceases and a Poliwag hopped out, gave one quick glance to the injured girl and continued due to its pursuer.
A few moments after the Poliwag scampered away. Raven black hair protruded from the bush. Then Ash's head and rest of his body quickly followed. "Poliwag?" "Pichu?" Both of the newcomers looked on for the Poliwag but instead found a small honey blonde girl about Ash's age cropped up against the tree.
"Hey are you ok?" He asked with a hint of concern. He didn't know why but staring into this girls eyes seemed to feel familiar. He began to blush in the slightest, this girl was beautiful like nature itself. Pichu hopped off his shoulder and ran to the girl. He climbed onto her other knee and began to rub his cheeks against hers.
Ash smiled at this sight. His blush remained and the girl also began to blush more than him. " Oh my Arceus, its him, out of all the people in the world." The girl thought though she was actually happy to see her new crush. This was technically their first face to face and hopefully not the last. The conditions could have been a bit better though as the pain in her knee returned.
"I hurt my leg." She said. Ash frowned for a moment. He wanted to help this girl. He then introduced himself. "I am Ash, here I have something which can help." Ash then reached into his pocket. In his hand he held a small blue handkerchief. Ash got on his knees and knelt closer to the girl. He then gently wrapped the cloth around her wounded knee. As he tied it off she simply watched him in awe. 'He is as caring as before.'
"It still hurts." Ash eyed the girl and still felt obligated to help. He tried to inspire her with what inspired him. "Hey, dont give up until its over." He reached out his hand for the girl to grab. She hesitantly put her hand up and he grabbed it pulling her up. She grunted slightly as she was pulled into a hug with the human boy.
She was now in full blush as she pulled back from his grasp. "See you stood!" Ash flashed a toothy grin which was accompanied with a tiny tinge of pink across his face. The girl gave a small smile in response. All the Pokemon watching were completely relieved. They had no problem with this human, some of them were already friends with him.
Ash thought for a moment. "Hey, what is your name by the way?" Ash said with a raised eyebrow. The girl seemed to be hesitant but she smiled nervously. "Ohh, um I'm S-Serena." She managed. Ash watched her for a second and then smiled. "Serena huh? Thats a pretty name, it suits you."
The girl who Ash now knew as Serena immediately grew really red once again. Still holding hands, Ash turned around slightly. "Hey, we should probably be getting back to camp." Serena immediately pulled away. Ash was confused by this. "Uhh, I cant I was just exploring."
Ash stood with a puzzled expression. He turned his head to the path back to camp. "Yeah that's why I was..." When he turned his head back to Serena she was gone. A few flowers floated slowly to the floor in her place. Bright pink flowers. " gonna bring you back..." He walked forwards and caught the last flower before it hit the floor.
"Where did she go? Well, I dont know but I will remember her. She was like an angel. This flower will help me remember you...Serena."
"Sorry Ash, I cant be among people for long. My father would not approve but maybe, just maybe you can convince him that humans are good. I will be watching and waiting. You remembered my quote. I will see you again my new love..."
So sorry for not updating but I hope you guys enjoy this oneshot... So far. There is gonna be a part 2 soon, maybe this weekend. Hope you enjoyed, its quite different. Comment what you think guys. Thank you!
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