Lost Soul
Hey guys, first I love college right now, already feel settled in. Second this oneshot is another request from XxWhiteYvonnexX. If your an amourshipper, check her out, she has some of the most phenomenal stories there is. I understand she is ill currently so I hope this makes good reading material till she's back on her feet. A bit shorter than normal as I'm still getting into the swing of things. Get well soon. Hope you all enjoy ^_^.
Serena lied in her bedroom, a prison with open bars. A prison she cannot leave as it isn't metal that constrains her, it is her own emotional anguish. Its not the first time either...
She was consumed in a sea of sadness and anger. All of this since she lost her love and with it her soul.
Once when she was young, she attended a summer camp in a distant, unknown region. Every moment was absolute agony and fed her inner hate. She came so close to shutting out the world altogether, until one boy opened her eyes, showed her the light.
This boy was Ash, a young raven haired boy with a kind heart and warm smile that Serena immediately became enamoured with.
She spent countless hours with this boy, both of them got very close. Serena was shown that the world is indeed filled with light, no matter what there is always a light.
However, one fateful day, the time had come for Serena to depart back to her own region. The very young honey blonde was mortally crushed by this. She soon faded to memory for Ash though she never forgot him.
For years she hoped he would come and sweep her off her feet. In these years she truly became consumed in hate. Eventually, weeks turned to months and months turned to years. No sign of her light. That place in her heart was nearly nothing but an empty void.
Something had to fill it, an entity of some kind. That void soon became the home of her darkest desires, most hated thoughts and abandoned dreams. She almost completely gave herself to the dark.
In her room she stayed, the outside world was a blur, a stain on her own existence. Why should the world, so full of light, mock her with its unfair choices? What had she done wrong? Her family misunderstood, believed her to be... troublesome. Yet all she needed was someone to show her the light.
Serena was no longer just...Serena, something else inhabited her mindscape, burrowing deeper into her conscience planting seeds of deceit and hate. This dark Serena was the manifestation of all her jumbled emotions. It almost took control until a certain someone finally reappeared.
Ash arrived in Kalos, Serena felt a new emotion, one she thought she had lost altogether. This emotion was a spark of hope. The dark side was pushed back, buried deep within, but never gone always waiting for a new opportunity to arise.
She seeked out the boy, the boy of her dreams, her hope and light. When she reunited, they travelled together. Not alone of course, they were joined by two new friends, a brother and a sister.
Life was different, special and renewed all at once for Serena. She loved the time she spent with Ash in particular. However, once again she made the same mistake...
He left her again, he left her completely. She stopped him, came so close to releasing years of pent up emotion in three simple words. She never made it past the first. Something deep inside stopped her.
And so she became consumed in the abandoned embrace of darkness all over again. The pain returned, the heartache and her...
Control was lost completely. Her light, so fervent and powerful, now reduced to a wisp on the end of a star, a candle at the end of its wax. Dark Serena had claimed her place.
2 years had passed and Serena was trapped all over again, her anguish a painful and emotional cage. Except this time, she had no will to fight back.
Alot changed in that time. She cut her hair. A symbol of resolve at one point. But this time, every lock she trimmed was an extra part of her life ebbing away. It reminded her too much of Ash. The only thing she willed herself to keep was her ribbon. One of two gifts Ash gave her, the other being friendship. He didnt realise that wasn't her desire.
Another thing that changed...was her eyes. What were once sapphire orbs filled with love, compassion and a curiosity for the world were replaced with blood soaked red retinas of hate and malice. A murderous stare accompanied them.
Dark Serena had her trapped and yet in some strange sense she felt sorry for her counterpart. They shared the pain of course. In all of this even her red eyes felt the release of some tears over their life.
Then, something happened, something which surprised them both. One fateful day, a knock could be heard on the door. With no one at home, Serena answered because evidently this person would not take no for an answer.
Upon opening the door, Serena's red eyes were met with auburn brown. Stood before her for a third time was Ash. Except for once, he came for her. This time he hadn't forgot her. He spent a year and a half trying to find her to...apologise.
Serena was overwhelmed with unthinkable emotions. Dark Serena now felt, for the first time empathy of Serena. They both shared a common view, a common goal and a common truth. 'The one I love has returned and I wont let him go ever again.'
Ash hugged Serena whose eyes reverted slowly to oceanic blue. The dark essence in Serena was lifting. Ash spoke very important words. He told her about how he thought about her every day, how he heard through their mothers how she was suffering.
He told her his mistake and that by looking to the stars he noticed something and came to a realisation. "Darkness is merely the light we cannot see, it to needs love and compassion. The stars may be small in the night sky, but they are also strong and meaningful. Limitless in their possibilities." Ash told her of his own feelings, how he truly felt in his deepest being.
Finally, those three words left Serena's mouth. "I love you." Ash recuperated the words and emotions. Dark Serena was still there but she became part of the light, she cared to.
After a loving embrace and an exchange of heartfelt words, the light had finally returned to Serena's world. And it was here to stay. Ash brought her back and proved that as long as she has those who love her and support her and she believes in them how they believe in her, she will never be a lost soul.
Well, again apologise for the shortness. This is different than my other oneshots. A different way of writing. Perhaps honouring another way of writing... A true challenge. Emotionally driven. I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot :).
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