Capture My Heart
And we are back. My passion for writing has been scarce lately but I have a few of these to do. Different basis here. No Bonnie or Clemont and Serena is a Pokémon Trainer. The fanart is from LukasHinkle . Hope you all enjoy.
Ash Ketchum is a boy with near unbeatable record as a Pokémon Trainer. He has scoured many different regions and even beaten the leagues of multiple regions. Now his eyes are set on Kalos. As an ace trainer, he is always looking for strong opponents or pokemon to befriend. He never takes any battle as an easy win and he makes sure his opponent has just as much fun as him. However, all regions have ace trainers and Kalos was no different...
Serena Yvonne. A young girl who rose to quick prominence in her home region. Beating all of the gyms were a quick breeze and the league was quick to follow for this plucky young woman. She even dabbled in Kalos' unique battling venue, the Battle Chateau. Like the gyms she quickly rose to prominence as a Grand Ducchess. Respected throughout Kalos, she has grown rather tired off her skill. She is the only one who climbed to the peak and as they say, it is lonely at the top...
Ash POV:
As the plane I was on slowly began its descent, I noticed the landmass approaching and smiled. Somewhere new and exciting, pokemon I have never met, people I have never battled. The excitement was evident on my face.
I woke up Pikachu gently who was sound asleep in my lap. "Hey bud, time to get up." The advantage of going somewhere new is that no one harasses you for being much. Pikachu's eyes fluttered open. He stood on his hindlegs and rubbed his eyes groggily. This was accompanied by a very tired sounding 'Chaaa' like yawn.
"We are about to arrive in Kalos, what should we do first?" He didn't need a vocal response because within a few moments, both our stomachs rumbled with the volume of a Loudred. "Hehe, ok food it is."
We found our way to a highly expensive restaurant. 'Sushi High Roller' was the sign at the front. Never tried Sushi before so why not. The girl at the front desk told me only the highest quality trainers could enter, then she took a closer look and let me straight in. She didn't make a fuss which is nice. I don't want fan mobs when I just got here.
During our meal I took notice of a newsboard on the far wall. I went upto it after our meal which Pikachu seemed to particularly enjoy. The main piece of news was entitled 'Trainer Contract'. I have seen these before. They usually post these for ace trainers or pokemon rangers when a particularly strong pokemon is causing a bit of an issue for people.
I read the main caption. "Particularly large, clawed pokemon causing havoc in nearby Santalune Forest. The pokemon has evaded capture of even the most skilled pokemon rangers. All Trainers who are confident in their abilities are requested to aid in this situation."
I whistled respectively. Even pokemon rangers huh? "What do you think Pikachu, should we take this on?" "Pikachu!" I smiled at his enthusiasm. We got a pokemon to catch.
Serena POV:
Waking up in the morning used to be such a pain when I was younger. My Talonflame, or Fletchling as it was called at the time would always peck my head. Let me tell you, a big red mark on your face was not the nicest thing for you, or the people who see you in the morning. One day, just before it could wake me up, I threw a pokeball directly at it. Since that day, instead of my alarm clock he has been my partner. One of them.
This morning was far less painful...though my hair was a different story. Still getting used to my recent haircut. I think its cute but is it really me? Would people recognise me or prefer my new hairstyle I wonder?
After the classic getting ready ritual of the morning I decided to head out. Thankfully, when I told everyone to just treat me like a normal kid, instead of their new champion, they all agreed. I still sign a few autographs here and there but never as harassing as a mob of fans was. Everyone smiled when I walked by. A few cute boys but... none who really suited me.
When I found my way to the exit of Vaniville Town, I noticed a very important looking poster with the phrase 'Santalune Warning' printed on it. Hmm, a trainer contract. Means the troublemaking pokemon must be close by. When I read the caption I got kind of excited, a pokemon strong enough to take on rangers will surely be a good addition to the team. I decided to pursue this contract.
(No POV from here on.)
So two trainers, both of a highest calibre, had their eyes set on the same goal. But who will capture the mystery pokemon...or will they capture something more?
Serena made her way towards the entrance to Santalune Forest being a short way from her hometown of Vaniville it was an easy walk. Seeing those old trails reminded her of her first moments as a trainer fighting her way through wild pokemon with her Fennekin. Since then, they were inseparable.
Serena was quick to begin her search for this mysterious pokemon. It did not take too long to find. She just needed to follow the trail of unusual destruction. Some uprooted trees and smaller pokemon fleeing. She reached a clearing.
Serena: There it is. Wait is that a... Scizor?
Towering before Serena was a impressively large Scizor. It seemed to be in battle with a pair of Rhyhorn. This Scizor was much larger then any Serena had seen previously. But it was not just the size which shocked her, this Scizor was shiny. Its green claws smashed down on both Rhyhorn.
Serena: Wow that was a brick break. It knocked them out in just one move?!
Serena watched in awe as the super strong shiny Scizor (Alliteration?) managed to take down the rocky rhino pokemon in one hit each. Clearly this was a pokemon with unprecedented strength. The Scizor roared triumphantly.
Serena: No wonder a trainer contract was put out for this thing. Its incredible. That just makes me more fired up.
With a smile of determination, Serena rose from her bushy hiding place and moved forwards while simultaneously pulling out a pokeball. She didn't even need to call out, the moment she stepped into the clearing, the Scizor shot a look toward her. This might have unnerved a lesser trainer but not the Kalos Champion.
Serena: Hello there Scizor, you look strong. Well I'm not so bad myself so I challenge you to a battle!
The shiny Scizor smirked confidently. This human girl dares to approach him with a challenge. Well he was not going to hold back. It held out one claw and pointed it towards Serena, a gesture which immediately told Serena 'Bring it on.'
Serena enlarged the pokeball she was holding out and swiftly threw it in the air.
Serena: Time to battle Braixen, come on out.
From Serena's pokeball came her very first Pokémon. Her most powerful and faithful partner. Braixen, her most powerful and trusted ally. Braixen landed with the grace of a dancer. She gave an intrigued look at her opponent. Scizor returned the gaze. They sensed one another strength and were eager to test their limits.
Serena: Scizor is a bug and steel type Braixen. We have a major advantage but don't underestimate it ok?
Braixen called out its agreement as both pokemon took a battle ready stance. Just as this was taking place, the battle would momentarily gain another spectator...
Ash walked through the brush when a rather interesting sight caught his eye. A Scizor and a shiny one at that. There also appeared to be a Braixen. Ash looked further still and saw a honey blonde girl on the opposite side of this clearing. Immediately he knew what was going on. Despite being there for the Scizor, he could not take his eyes off this girl. She was quite pretty... and something else.
Ash: She seems so familiar...
Pikachu: Pika Pikachu!
Pikachu tried snapping his trainer out of his trance by reminding him of the reason they were here. When Ash looked at him, he pointed at the green Scizor.
Ash: Uh Right. But lets see how this plays out. She looks like a strong battler though the Scizor is huge, definitely no pushover.
So Ash remained where he was refusing to interfere. It was at that moment the two pokemon charged one another.
Serena: Braixen, watch those claws, use flamethrower!
As Braixen closed the distance between herself and the contracted Scizor, she took out her wand like branch which was embedded within her tail and released a stream of burning flames. Within a fraction of a second, the scizor seemed to blink blindingly fast to the side of the oncoming blast and continued its charge forward.
Serena: Wow, so fast! So its not just strength it has either. Braixen use Fire Blast, then back it up with psychic to make it hit its mark!
Braixen stopped firing a deadly stream of fire and instead released a flaming star of great magnitude. Moments after, the fire was highlighted with a blue outline and it seemed to fly directly for the Scizor who was still charging.
The flaming psychic blast made direct contact resulting with an explosion and a lot of smoke. The pulse of energy released a gust of wind. Serena held down her hat as the wind hit her. Ash also covered his eyes and his cap as Pikachu hung on to his shoulder.
Ash: Wow, she is pretty awesome... Was that it though?
Serena: Direct hit. And that would be super effective.
Serena and Ash's hopes were both dashed however when the smoke cleared. Scizor was stood there seemingly unharmed with one claw extended to where the move would have hit.
Serena: It destroyed it? How? Just how strong is this thing?
Scizor acted upon Serena suddenly letting her guard down. Utilising its ridiculous speed, it sped forward to Braixen. Before Serena could react Scizor had grabbed Braixen and began to execute a Superpower.
Serena: Oh no, Braixen!
Ash: What speed? What will she do?
Ash eyed Serena worriedly but all she could do was helplessly watch. Scizor tossed Braixen into the air with almost no effort at all. As Braixen flailed in the air, Scizor rocketed into the air after her. He then used Bullet punch in scarily speedy succession. One final slam sent Braixen to the ground.
Serena: Braixen! Are you ok?
Serena watched anxiously to see if Braixen would get up from the devastating flurry of moves it had just received. Scizor watched almost curiously as if used to one hitting all of its opponents. The surprise was evident on its face when Braixen steadily climbed to its feet.
Ash: Well done. She is still in this Pikachu.
Though technically a rival to his goal, Ash found himself rooting for this girl. Serena, still unbeknownst to his presence, sighed happily that her partner could still battle.
Serena: That's how we do it Braixen, great job. Its time we go all out. We will use the move that tutor showed you. Ready?
Braixen turned and nodded to Serena. This was its ultimate move and it felt kind of excited to actually have to use it against such a strong opponent.
Serena: Ok Braixen. Use Blast Burn! Blast that Scizor to cinders!
Ash: Wait, Blast Burn?!
Pikachu: Pikachu?!
Ash watched in shock as Braixen charged the end of its branch with intense flames. Scizor took on a combat stance as if ready to take whatever could be thrown at it. Braixen finished charging and smashed its branch into the ground. Fire erupted across the clearing towards the Shiny Scizor. Ash could feel the hairs on his skin searing from the heat. The light was blinding.
Serena: Gooo!!!
Fire continued erupting from the branch cascading outwards towards Scizor. When it seemed inches away from hitting, Scizor seemed to disappear completely from sight shocking everyone spectating the battle. The fire burst past Scizor's last known location.
Ash: It used extreme speed. But where...?
Serena: Braixen, behind you!
Ash's thought was cut short as Serena called out to her partner pokemon. Scizor had in fact used the move extreme speed to get up behind her. Scizor swiftly unleashed the final blow. An aerial ace directly up Braixen's back. This was enough to stagger her.
It all happened so blindingly fast and yet that was the end of it. Braixen fell to the floor unconscious. Scizor hopped back and then flew into the trees retreating into the wilderness. Serena ran to her partners side.
Serena: Oh Braixen... You tried your very best.
Ash: Hey, take this.
Serena looked up from Braixen to the source of the voice right into the eyes of a young man. His auburn eyes burned with care. In other words, he was super cute! But this did not distract Serena for long. What he held in his hand was exactly what she needed: A full restore.
She was about to decline since she had her own but she hadn't actually packed any. She mentally chided herself for forgetting one of the most basic rule of being a trainer.
Serena: Thanks...uh.
Ash: Ash, Ash Ketchum.
Serena: Oh wait, as in the multi champion?!
Ash: Yeah that's me.
Serena was marvelled that such an esteemed trainer was stood before her. The Ash Ketchum. Not only was he super cute but he was also a fellow champion. Yet there was something else about him. Something familiar and not just because she has seen his battles.
Ash: Wait, now that I am up close, I recognise you. Your Serena right?
Serena: Yes, that's right, how did you know?
Serena began to administer the full restore to Braixen. The effects were nearly immediate.
Ash: Well, it would be silly of me not to recognise the champion of Kalos right?
Serena: Oh right of course.
Ash: Now that the introductions are over, what is champion of Kalos doing out in the wilderness?
Serena: Well, you saw that battle right?
Ash: Sure did, that Scizor was crazy strong. But your skills were exceptional in their own right as well.
Serena: Oh thank you.
Serena felt herself lightly blushing. Such a compliment is not to be taken lightly especially from a trainer who is as renowned as herself. Plus the fact he was adorable had nothing to do with it. Ash saw this blushing and couldn't help but think of how cute she looked.
Ash: Your Braixen using Blast Burn was incredible to see.
Serena: Once again, thank you. Well as for why I am here, that Scizor is part of a recent Trainer Contract.
Ash: You to huh?
Serena: What?
Ash: I saw that contract and thought I would give it a go. So I guess that makes us rivals!
Serena thought about that for a second. A little competition could not possibly hurt.
Serena: Champion vs Champion. A rare sight indeed. Alright then, sounds like fun. May the best champion win!
Serena extended her hand in order to solidify this agreement. Ash did not.
Ash: Hey, why don't we battle to decide who gets to capture that Shiny Scizor?
Serena: Hmm. Alrighty then. You got yourself a deal.
This time Ash did shake Serena's hand. However, upon touching Ash's hand, Serena felt something inside her spark. Like a memory attempting to be recalled, a feeling long lost being rekindled. Something familiar in how gentle his touch was.
Ash: Umm. Serena, you can let go now.
Serena: Huh? Oh!
Serena quickly retracted her hand and attempted to hide her blush. Just what was that feeling which made her feel so warm?
Ash: Well, let's begin. Your not gonna use Braixen I assume?
Serena: No, she could use some more rest.
As she said this, Serena recalled her partner to her ball.
Serena: Instead, I will use this!
Serena took out yet another ball and flung it into the air. From its spherical home, A Talonflame was released. Serena smiled at her other partner.
Ash: Fair enough, you ready to go Pikachu?
Pikachu: Pika Pi.
Ash and Serena: Let's go!
(Time Skip)
Serena: Wow, your not the champion of several regions for nothing are you?
Ash: Despite our type advantage, you really had us on the ropes. I haven't battled that hard in a long time.
Serena: Well, a deal is a deal. You can capture the Scizor. And I will help!
Serena beamed Ash a smile. He returned it with his own grin and then gave Pikachu an Oran berry to regain its strength.
Serena: So, lets get moving then, I think it went somewhere in that direction.
Ash: Lead the way Serena.
Ash and Serena, now united in their goal, follow the direction of the intensely strong wild Scizor. Along the way, they begin having conversations about a number of different things.
Ash: So how do you deal with all the marauding fans, I got lucky with Kalos since this is my first time here?
Serena: Well, I kinda just asked everyone to treat me like a normal kid, I like the fame but if it goes to your head then it gets annoying. I still sign the odd autograph or do promotional battles and take on challengers. But this way I can be myself you know?
Ash: I here ya, back in Kanto, I couldn't walk 10 feet without being bombarded. All the girls asking for autographs, all the guys demanding battles.
Serena: So looks like you had your pick of romantic partners huh?
Ash: Yeah, but I never really thought of any of them like that. Just as crazed fans.
Serena smirked and decided to pretend being one of Ash's supposed crazed fans. She grabbed onto his arm and started mockingly swooning.
Serena: Oh Ash, marry me, marry me! Be my champion!
Ash turned red slightly, hearing this from Serena's mouth was both funny and disorienting. She could not have been more on the mark. Though, it had never bothered him hearing it from people before. Suddenly, that sense of familiarity kicked in again causing him to go redder.
Serena: Oh you look so cute when you blush!
Serena winked at him.
Ash: Oh haha, the likeness to my fans is uncanny.
Ash couldn't help but smile along with Serena. Then they both just kind of burst out laughing. The kind of laugh that long time friends would have after seeing each other again after a while...
Serena: So did you ever pick out any of your favourites?
Ash: Don't get me wrong, there were some cute girls, but I have always held out for a-
Serena: I was talking about the boys.
Serena was once again smirking mischievously as Ash softly glared at her.
Ash: Very funny. No I meant there is only one girl for me. I met her when I was super young and have never really met her since then.
Serena: That is very sweet. I'm sure she is a lucky girl.
Serena could not believe how similar a view they had on relationships. She to, had only ever had one crush in her youth. One boy who had captured her heart. But he is long gone sadly.
Ash: Yeah, maybe I will find her some day.
Serena: I'm sure you will. You never know, she could be closer than you think.
Ash: Yeah, maybe.
The two walked in silence for a while after that. Though it was not long before another conversation was started up by Serena.
Serena: Hey maybe you can explain something to me.
Ash: Ok what?
Serena: Well, you know how there are genderless pokemon, like Magnemite or Beldum?
Ash: Yeah?
Serena: Well that itself is strange but here is a mindblower for you. Why is a female Mr Mime still Mister? Shouldn't it be Mrs Mime?
Ash: Hmm.
Ash had never really thought about that before. Why isn't it? Plus he has a Mr Mime at his home in Kanto. Was that one secretly female? The forest around him also reminded him of Viridian Forest back in Kanto.
Ash: I don't really know Serena. Maybe, you should ask a professor or something. Or a Mr Mime with a preference for skirts.
Serena giggled at this remark. Ash was beginning to feel there was something special about this girl.
Ash: Oh hey Serena, I just realised something, if you don't mind me asking that is?
Serena: No go ahead, shoot.
Ash: Why did you cut your hair? I remember your hair being much longer in a previous battle I watched?
Strange. Why would he ask about that Serena wondered silently. Genuine question perhaps.
Serena: Why, the new style doesn't look bad does it? I just wanted a change.
Ash: No no, I was just curious. Its quite different. But... Its very pretty, it kinda frames your face. Like a picture of beauty.
Serena exploded with an aura of crimson blushing. Ironic since she could have hid that in her old hair. Where did that come from?
A similar thought ran through Ash's head. Why did he say that?!
Ash: Wait, that sounded a bit creepy right?
Serena: No, actually it was very sweet, thank you for the compliment.
Serena was not about to let him feel bad for that because it was in fact very sweet. Just very sudden.
Ash: Why don't we stop for a break by that river? I could use a drink.
Ash indicated to a nearby river. Serena agreed and they both go over and kneel down to take a sample of the running water. As they both take a sip from their hand, Ash admires Serena with a sideways glance. He does admit she is extremely attractive but the thing which intrigues him most is why she is so familiar. Just what is he feeling?
After a few more sips, a deafening sound some distance away shatters the present calm, a sound Serena had already become accustomed to. Scizor was close by.
Serena: It is here Ash. I should warn you, it is stronger than it looks. I saw it personally take down a a pair of Rhyhorn in just one attack.
Ash: Doesn't surprise me. I saw its power for myself as well. To be expected if it avoided rangers with ease as well.
Serena: Well lets go get it!
They moved together towards the sound emanating a small distance away. Once again, they found the Scizor, this time accompanied by an unconscious Pangoro.
Ash: Wow, a Pangoro. I heard those things were strong, this Scizor is on a whole other level.
Serena: Yeah, but now its dealing with you. Go get em Ash.
Ash: Right. Hey Scizor!
Scizor stopped boasting its victory and looked behind it. It seemed to recognise Serena but Ash was a newcomer, a new challenger.
Ash: This time me and my Pikachu will be your opponents! Battle us with all you have!
Similar to Serena's battle, Scizor smirked and took on the same fighting stance s before with one claw outstretched towards his next opponent. Pikachu leaped off of Ash's shoulder and took a battle ready stance. Scizor gestured to Ash as if saying 'You first.' He did not hesitate.
Serena: Good luck Ash!
Ash: Thank you Serena. Pikachu, lets show them what you can do.
Pikachu: Pika!!
Ash: Use thunderbolt!
Pikachu leaped into the air and released a thunderous bolt of electrical energy at Scizor who stood in his stance. The attack connected. Once again, it seemed utterly ineffective. Pikachu gasped in shock. It was rare for any pokemon to withstand his bolts so easily. This was followed by a grin of determination. Ash mirrored this.
Ash: Incredible, your definitely quite the pokemon Scizor.
Serena: Don't underestimate it Ash.
Ash: Don't plan to, just watch we can still win. Pikachu, electro ball!
Scizor smirked at the compliment to his strength. As Pikachu charged up the ball of lightning, Scizor showed no sign of letting its guard down. With a swift flip, the sphere was released and it flew directly at Scizor.
Scizor was unfazed as the ball came into arm's range. He grabbed the electro ball in his claw and clamped down. The ball sliced in two and split in two separate directions behind him felling a tree and disintegrating a bush.
Ash: What? How did it do that?
Scizor went on the offensive by using extreme speed to close in on Pikachu. Combining a mix of superpower and bullet punch into one move, his incredible strength sent Pikachu hurling into a tree. Ash watched his partner crash into the tree in horror. Serena also recoiled at the sight. Pikachu clambered onto his feet. He was far from done. Scizor seemed impressed.
That didn't stop it from charging forward once more with extreme speed.
Ash: Pikachu, it can hit you at any angle, you need to defend all your flanks. Spin on your back and use Iron Tail!
Pikachu listened to Ash's command, and sure enough his spinning iron tail strategy was a stalwart defense against a flurry of attacks. Each collision of iron tail to bullet punch made a metallic ringing sound.
Serena: Wow, what an incredible move!
Ash: Yep, the best offense is a good defense, so Pikachu keep spinning and use electro ball. When an opportunity arises let it rip! Don't give up till its over!
Pikachu continued spinning mercilessly, deflecting each and every relentless blow from the fast moving claw pokemon. Pikachu noticed Scizor begin to slow and when he was slow enough he used the momentum of his spin to release a highly charged Electro Ball...right in the Shiny Scizor's face.
Serena was reeling from that statement. That phrase. She knew it from long ago. Was Ash? He was the one!
Scizor flew away from the blast into another tree. A solid hit. Serena snapped out of it.
Ash: Alright, well done Pikachu.
Serena: That was amazing, great job Ash, you to Pikachu!
Pikachu panted heavily and acknowledged the praise. Scizor got to its knees and wiped its claw across its chin realising how powerful that move was since it actually hurt. He got up properly and, without hesitance, charged forwards.
Ash: Pikachu, look out!
Ash attempted to warn Pikachu who was too tired to react after all that spinning. Scizor closed in with extreme speed and then cut an aerial ace directly across Pikachu's side. Scizor flew past. For a moment it seemed like the move hadn't hit. But then, Pikachu collapsed to the ground and fainted.
Ash: Pikachu!
Serena: Oh no!
Scizor smiled. Then it walked up to Ash and Serena after picking up Pikachu. Serena and Ash watched with uncertainty. Scizor handed Pikachu to Ash and then smiled at Serena. It seemed to be thanking them for a hard fought battle. Moments later it took off into the forest once more.
Ash: Wow. That was different. I get the feeling it wont be causing any trouble anymore. It sure is strong.
Serena: I know, is Pikachu ok?
Ash: He will be.
Ash had reached into his bag and began applying a second full restore to his wounds. Like with Braixen, the effects were near instant as Pikachu squirmed back to consciousness in his arms. Serena sighed with relief. But now she had something to tell Ash.
Serena: Hey Ash. Remember our conversation earlier... about waiting for the right person?
Ash watched Serena carefully, what was this about?
Ash: Yeah, what about it?
Serena: Was the girl you mentioned back at a summer camp by any chance?
Ash: Wait, how did you-?
Ash's mind began racing. How did Serena know about his crush back from summer camp. That was a detail he left out. Unless...
Serena: Well, I also met a guy who I longed for at a summer camp. And when you said to Pikachu... about not giving up. Well that's when I realised... that boy was you.
And just like, memories came flooding back to Ash's mind like a river whose dam had been broken. His summer camp, his crush. Their promise to get super strong and battle one day. The girl whom he had feelings for since he was young. The girl who he had almost given up hope of ever finding. The girl with the honey blonde hair and adorable straw hat... was stood before him this whole time.
Ash: Serena... its you. Your the one. I cannot even begin to...
Serena: I know. Hey. You may have failed to capture the Scizor... but you didn't fail to capture my heart...
Serena closed her eyes as the old feelings crept in, as the familiarity grew stronger, as her love blossomed anew. Ash stared at her in utter astonishment. His very reason for being had found him again.
Serena felt a small object touch her chest. She opened her eyes. Ash had pressed a her heart. Symbolic gesture of what she just said to him. She smiled first at the pokeball and then at Ash. She put her hand on his and they both instinctively pulled eachother into a hug. A reunion, a meeting, both fated. Two loves intertwined once more.
Ash: Its good to see you again Serena. I held out just long enough.
Serena: And I am glad you did. Welcome back to my life Ash. My heart is yours.
And Scene. Jeez this is long. Forgot to publish this from yesterday. Vote and comment if you please!!! Peace!!!
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