chapter 5 | Louder
"Does my dad make you nervous?"
"No..." I lie, again. "Sure."
"Why would he?" I dig my grave by pretending to be fine with him, and he chuckles but drifts his attention towards the man, who is already coming back. "I don't know, because women always feel intimidated in front of him."
I shake my head to not say anything since Mister Jeon is here and that he is pouring the cold drink in my glass. "Who?" he is interested in this matter as expected, making me feel even hotter with nervousness. "You."
"Me?" he acts like it is surprising to hear that, putting the glass before me. "I didn't know women feel intimidated by me," he dares to not see how powerful his aura is. "Oh, come on. They all act like 'Oh, Mister Jeon. It's so nice to see you today, how are you doing? I hope you had a good night and had a restful night'," he speaks in a ridiculous voice to mimic what should be a woman's one. "Then you flirt with them, and you tell me 'No, I'm just a gentleman'," he glares at his father as he sat down, deepening the lilt of his voice to reach his. "That's not even true. I don't flirt. Stop saying that."
"Gosh," he rolls his eyes, but they both make me smile. "Come on, let's eat," Mister Jeon changes the subject, and we all dig in the food.
7:20 pm.
"Hey, do you come here this weekend?" Hajoon asks me as he heard his father leave the bathroom, probably hoping for me to stay a little longer here. "I will. I work every day," I hold Hyejoon closer, feeling him nestle his head in the crook of my neck.
He gapes at me, not focusing on his phone anymore. "Seriously? That means I'm gonna be with you all day long?" he expresses way too much joy about this, and I smile at him. "Yes, it does."
"We're gonna play even more then," he beams at me, but his father joins the conversation and sits near me, holding the medical stuff he needs to change my bandage. He has not dried his hair, they are still wet, he looks even more attractive and unreal.
I put my leg over the sofa to place it next to his, and I slightly heave my knee up, making him inch closer and touch my calf. "Has the painkiller helped you?" he asks me, peeking at me into the eyes. I confirm that it did, loving the attention he gives me. For some reason, I am glad I got hurt, this would not have happened if I was not injured.
"Good," he brushes his fingers over my skin and grabs the medical stuff, and I keep my eyes fixed on him, dropping them on his pajama pants but discerning the thickness of his thighs that is even more prominent than in his trousers. At the exact moment that he rolls his sleeves up, I cannot help but scrutinize all the tattoos over his arms and hands. One of his veiny ones grabs my calf, and he brings my leg lower to take the bandage away, revealing my injury.
"Can you go upstairs and get a washcloth?" he addresses his son, and this one agrees, leaving the sofa with his phone. I stay quiet, but Hyejoon does not stay still on me, he raises his head up and sits onto my lap, gazing up into my eyes, with his pacifier in his mouth. My lips curve up, and I brush my fingers past his chubby cheeks.
"This is getting better," Mister Jeon touches the area around the small wound that does not hurt anymore, and I listen to him without saying a word, getting my eyes on him again. "I'll change it tomorrow in the morning. After that, I do not think you will need to keep wearing one. So don't be worried," he reassures me, and I smile back at him.
"How was it today with my little boy?" he waits for his other son to come back and looks at us both. "I wanted to ask you while we were eating, but Hajoon never kept quiet," a soft chuckle runs out of him. "It was great, he just cried a little before eating, but other than that, nothing happened. It was a good day."
"I'm glad to hear it," he shows some delight, and Hajoon comes back, but Mister Jeon asks him to soak it with water and soap, so he goes away and does it.
— Three days later —
Sunday, September 27th, 2020.
5 am.
I enter Mister Jeon's house with the key that he gave me as no one seems to be awake, and I close the door behind me, leaving my luggage to the side. I take my shoes and jacket off, but a door gets opened and catches my attention. I look up in that direction, and Mister Jeon appears, going out of the bathroom.
"Good morning, y/n. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you," his features already make my day, and I smile in return. "Good morning. Don't worry about it, I hope you're doing all right," I walk up to the sofa and put my bag down on it. "I am. I hope you are as well. Have you slept well?" he heads towards the kitchen, ready for the day in a tight pair of dark grey cargo pants, and a black muscle fit t-shirt that exposes even more how toned and muscular he is. "I did, and you?" I follow him.
"Good. I did too, it was just a bit too short," he pours some coffee in a cup, and I smile without even realizing, but he gazes up at me. "By the way. Your bedroom is ready."
"Ah, I can't wait to see it," I do not hide my excitement, and he grabs his cup. "Let me show you," he takes a sip but moves back towards the living room with me, peeking at the front door. He notices my luggage and does not leave it there, he moves towards it and carries it for me. "I'll transfer the two-thousand dollars on your account in two days, okay?" he leads me to the bedroom but astonishes me. I did not expect to get the money that fast.
"Thank you," I do not know what else to say, and he opens the door, stepping back to let me in. I go forth but feel the awe invade me. This room is so modern, pretty, and cozy as much as I like it.
"Do you like it?" he puts my luggage down, and I turn towards him to answer. "I love it so much, thank you for doing this just for me," I bow to him, not realizing yet. I have never had a big bedroom like this one for me only, so I am more than happy. This is luxury for me. "No need to thank me, I'm happy you are."
I watch her scan every corner of the room with sparkling eyes, loving how touched and happy it makes her. I tuck one hand in a pocket of my pants and drink the cup of coffee that I need almost every day. "The key is on the nightstand so that you can have your privacy."
"Okay," she responds with bliss, and she walks up to the other door. "You can open it, it's your bathroom," I let her go inside, and she enters the room. Since she is visiting her new personal space, I sit at the desk and take my phone out. I do not work today, so I want to take this opportunity to spend it with her and see how she works, how she behaves.
I cross my legs once she comes back, and I smile at her facial expression that exudes nothing but delight. "This is amazing, Mister Jeon. Thank you very much," she shows her gratification, but I leave this to the side. "No need to."
Her smile does not fade away, and she steps towards the king-size bed to land her eyes on the dressing gown that I folded on the bed. "I got you one. This will probably be too big for you, but I noticed that you like to wear oversized clothes, so I thought you would like it."
"I do, thank you," these two words full of respect never cease leaving her mouth, and she takes a closer look at this black, soft, and fluffy fabric. She brings it closer to her to have it near her nose. "This smells so good."
"I washed it after buying it, this is the detergent I use for the laundry," I tell her but get her eyes to meet mine. "Well. I love the smell you chose."
I chuckle but drop my attention on my cup, holding it on my thigh with both hands. Her presence in this house brings something delicate and fresh, I cannot explain why, but she seems to give off some good vibes to everyone. At least, to me, Hyejoon, and Hajoon. "Anyway," I clear my throat and stand up. "I leave you alone, the closet is here," I step to the right to open the sliding doors. "If you need help or something, I'm in the kitchen."
"Okay, thank you," she bows to me, and I tilt my head forth, before going out.
1 hour later...
"Mister Jeon?" a soft voice drifts my attention away from my work as the girl knocked on the door of my office. "Come in," I raise my voice to be heard, and she steps inside, quietly, and slowly as if she would not want to disturb me.
"I'm sorry if I'm bothering, but I wanted to ask you what you'd like to eat for breakfast?" she asks in a small voice, keeping her hands behind her back. "For breakfast?" I repeat and think, leaning back on my desk chair. A humming sound vibrates through my throat, and I rotate my chair from left to right. "I don't know, some steamed eggs? Could you cook that for me?"
"Yes, sure. Is that all?" she takes my order, and I quietly laugh but acquiesce. "Yes, it is."
"All right, I'll come back with the food," she leaves the room and closes the door, but since I have some time to work and can do it later, I decide to finish the email I was writing, and I send it to leave my office. I take my glasses off and grab my packet of cigarettes and lighter, feeling anxious about the content that I sent and to which I will receive an answer shortly. I walk around the garden in the center, this one enclosed in glass walls. I pass by the living room but cannot help taking a peek at y/n, but she catches sight of me, and a smile grows on my face. "I'm in the backyard if you need me," I warn her and head towards it.
I open and close the sliding doors, feeling on edge and needing some time for myself. I walk on the wood terrace floor, make my body end on the outdoor sofa just on the left, and I put my stuff on the cushions to pick one cigarette out, light it up, and smoke.
The weather is not the best to stay outside, but I feel better here, the wind is softly blowing, not more than a breeze would. It is enough for me to clear my thoughts.
I put my eyes on the pool at some feet away, on a lower floor, where the sun is shining. I cross my legs but put my right elbow down on one arm of the sofa to rest it there, and I keep on moving my hand towards my mouth, then back towards the ashtray. I watch the wind create some undulations over the surface of the water, blankly as my mind is ruining this relaxing moment.
I wonder what my life would be if I was happy like in the past. I do not even know if I am the problem in this matter. Am I too greedy? Too demanding? Too irresponsible? Despite these being asked to myself, I do not have the answer to any of them.
"Dad?" the sound of my son's voice snaps me out of my thoughts, and my head whirls towards him. "Yeah?" I bring my cigarette down, hating him to see me do this when I promised I would stop multiple times. "Can I play on my computer with y/n?" he puts his hood on, hiding in his warm hoodie to protect his skinny body from the cold.
"Y/n?" I tap the ash off, feeling like my boy is really appreciating this young girl. "Have you asked her first?"
He nods but lifts his arms up above his head and rests them on top of it. "Yes. She said she wouldn't mind after cooking breakfast and washing the dishes, but I'll help her to wash them."
"Oh, you don't mind washing the dishes now?" I tease him about this, but he hides his uncontrollable smile. "Well, I'm growing up...I need to be responsible and all...I'm just a 'gentleman'," he cites me, and I chuckle at this little brat. "Hm. All right then, be a gentleman. You can play with her, she knows where your laptop is."
"Ok, thank you," he walks back towards the doors that he did not close. "By the way," he does not leave right away, so I look at him. "Didn't you say you would stop because it's just temporary...?"
I remain silent for a few seconds, averting my eyes from him out of shame and self-loathing. "I it from time to time..." I tell the truth, or half of it, I am not even sure myself. "Sure. From time to time, but still enough to ruin your health," he states and goes away to not let me say a word after this. He is right, I cannot even be mad.
I breathe out heavily and look down at my right hand, the cigarette between my fingers, the veins popping out of my tan skin, the tattoos. The words of my son echo through my head, and I stub this toxic stick out. I leave this couch and grab my stuff to get back inside, I put my lighter and cigarettes in my pockets, and I move towards the kitchen to throw everything away.
Once I join Hajoon and y/n, they both glance at me, but only y/n keeps her attention on me. "The food is soon ready, Mister Jeon," she tells me as if I was here to ask for it, and I grin. "No worries, take all the time you need," I wash my hands after taking care of my stuff, and I head to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
10 minutes later...
"Mister Jeon?" y/n asks for me, so I turn around and look over the back of the sofa to give her my attention. "Do you want to eat here or in the dining room?"
"In the dining room," I lock my phone and leave my spot to get at the table, seeing the young girl carry the pot in her small hands while keeping her eyes on the food while making careful steps. I cannot help but smile at how cute this is, but I remain quiet and follow her. Once we are both there, I sit down, and she places the dish in front of me. "Here you are," she blushes again, melting my heart with her behavior. "Thank you very much," I keep my eyes on her, waiting for her shy eyes to come across mine. "Would you like a drink?" she returns the gaze, and I nod. "Yes, please. My glass is on the coffee table."
"Okay," she listens without ever complaining and walks away to go and get it, trying hard to do her best. I wait before digging in, and I peek at my son, who is still in the kitchen, but who was staring at y/n the whole time. We both make eye contact, his look telling me that he is still upset about what he saw in the backyard.
He breaks it and turns around to wash the dishes, but y/n appears within sight again, in her black pleated skirt, tight black and white t-shirt tucked in it, and her black thigh high socks. She peeks up at my face but puts my glass down, so I wrap my hand around it and thank her once more.
"Would you like anything more?" her body language shows some nervousness, so I leave her alone, kindly. "No, you've already done more than needed," I take the spoon in my hand, and she steps away, so I dive the spoon into the warm and soft steamed eggs. "No need the wash the dishes, I'll do it after eating. Go and play," I tell her to allow her to have a break, but she turns around and does not do as told right away. "Are you sure? I can do—"
"I am," I assert, and she obeys, to my greatest pleasure. Both Hajoon and her leave the kitchen, this boy being way too excited about it to not be obvious. I eat my breakfast now that they are gone and love how tasty it is. This young girl cooks better than I do, what a blessing.
"What are they doing?" the peacefulness gets shattered by a voice I did not want to hear.
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