chapter 48 | Us
"I didn't want to tell you, I wanted it to be a surprise."
My heart skips a beat. Not believing what I am seeing. I reach out for his wrist and hold it to scrutinize every detail of this tattoo that was the reason for them to take so much time to come back home. I make sure to not touch the inked part of his skin, the wrapping still around it, I bite on my inner lips and keep my emotions as hidden as possible.
"You recognize what this is?" he asks me, and I nod, feeling on the verge of crying. This is from a picture that I took when he was still a baby and that I compared his tiny hand to the palm of mine. I read the sentence written right underneath with the date of my birthday. 'I love you dad.'
I smile and look up. "This is...This is so beautiful, I don't even know what to say," I clear my throat, but feel my eyes get filled with tears. I would never have expected this to happen, and I have to be honest, this is so touching. "You have no idea how much this means to me," I nervously chuckle to not burst into tears but step forth to take him in my arms.
"Do you like it?" he hugs me back, obviously nervous about this. "Of course I do, I love it," I struggle to keep my emotions hidden, and I look at it again. "Did you go to the one I always go to?" I wipe my tears away. "Yeah. He recognized me right away, and I told him it was for you. He said it was an amazing one and that he knew for sure that you would be touched by it."
I chuckle, remembering that I always tell him about everything. "It hurt a lot, right?" I smile and look up at him, but his facial expression exposes the pain he went through but that he does not want to admit. "Just a little..."
"He fainted," y/n roasts him, and she comes closer, but he huffs, glaring at her. "I told you not to say it!"
Her soft giggles provoke my smile to grow wider on my face. "Why is he in his diaper only?" she asks, carrying this little boy who did not listen to me. "I gave him a bath and had to pee afterward, so I told him to put his onesie on, but when I came back, I saw him play with Bubble, with this red lipstick over his lips, and by the way," I move towards the table to grab the stick. "What is this?"
"Oh, I made it for him. It's safe, it's just sugar and corn syrup, so don't worry. I just noticed that he's always amazed by the color of my lips when I wear some, so I wanted to make one for him."
"Ah, I'm relieved," I smile and put it back down. "When I asked him what it was, he told me that he wanted to do like mommy," I pronounce his words to let her know that he called her that, and her eyes sparkle momentarily. "Really? He did?"
"Yes," I nod, and she smiles, she puts her eyes on him and caresses his cheek to then leave a kiss on it. "Can you make him put his pajamas on? I know he will listen if you're the one telling him," I ask her to do, and she agrees right away. "Where is it?"
"It's on the sofa," I point my finger at it and head up towards it. I grab my phone, and she sits down on the cushions with my baby. "What are we eating for diner?" Hajoon questions me while sipping on his drink, but I open my camera and wrap my hand around his wrist to heave it up. "I don't know yet, I wanted to ask you first. Don't move," I keep my phone still to take a picture of his tattoo, not keeping this in my memory only.
"This is so beautiful," I check the picture then look at his arm again, loving this more than I could ever have imagined. I know that he loves me, even if we sometimes fight, but never I would have expected him to do such a thing. "I love you," I smile and hug him once again, feeling the need to do it. He returns it without complaining. "I love you too."
I drop a kiss on his head, still seeing him as my baby no matter how old he is. I step back to not make it too long and bother him, and I look down at his arm again. "I wanted to make a tattoo for Hyejoon too, but I couldn't handle it anymore, so I'll get another appointment next week."
"You're willing to do it again?" I put my phone in a pocket of my trousers, and he nods. "Yeah. It's worth the pain. I want to have something related to him, and I want to have a body like yours, covered in tattoos," he chuckles, not knowing this is significant to me. "This will take years to get as many tattoos as I have."
"I know, and a lot of money and pain too," he states the sad truth, and I do not disagree. "Yeah, that is the bad side of it," I turn around to check up on my woman and baby but see that she is smiling at him. "Wait, I forgot about something," I leave Hajoon for a second and walk up to them, I set my eyes on Hyejoon, who is putting his pajamas on like a big boy, but I bend over the back of the sofa and touch his cheek to whisper in his ear and remind him of something important. "Give mommy the drawing that we did."
"Yeah," he shakes his head up and down in an enthusiastic manner, but he leaves the sofa with only half of his onesie on. "You could have done it after putting your pajamas on entirely, baby," I chuckle, and he already takes hold of the drawing. He steps towards y/n with a shy smile upon his face, and he gets right between her legs to hand it to her. "This is for you," his big eyes stare into hers, and she peeks down at the piece of paper to grab it.
Her lips turn up, and her features reveal her emotions. "Aw...this is so cute and pretty," she leans in to hug him. "Daddy and I did it."
"Really? Thank you so much, I love it a lot," she presses a kiss on his cheek, and he cannot hold back from beaming. He puts his pajamas more properly and closes the zipper, and she lays the drawing on the coffee table. "I'm going to keep it in a book so that I always have it with me."
Her sentence brings him a lot of bliss, and he climbs up on her lap, puts his hood on to have bunny ears, and he hides his face in her chest to be held like a baby by her. I let them both cuddle and go back to Hajoon.
"Can we eat some chicken today? I'm really craving some," he looks up at me, holding his phone in his hand. "Yes, do you want some sauce with it or just a chicken cooked in the oven?" I move to the kitchen, and he follows me. "Some white sauce with it. The one that y/n once cooked, I don't know if you remember it."
"I do. It was a dish that I once ate a restaurant, and I told her about it, then she cooked it for me, so I won't forget about it," I smile and get everything ready to cook diner, feeling hungry and eager to eat now that I know how great the meal will be.
"I wanted to talk about something with you," he lowers his voice as if he did not want y/n to hear us, and I give him a nod to let him go ahead. "I thought about getting a matching tattoo with you, and with y/n one day...What do you think about it?"
"I love the idea a lot, and I'll definitely do it whenever you're ready," my heart of father gets hit with too many emotions again, feeling like the happiest man on earth. "You don't think this would be rushed to do it with y/n, right? 'Cause..." he tells me about his doubts. "I talked about it with her, and she told me she would love to get a matching tattoo with us, and that this means a lot to her, but I was scared that she might think I'm going too fast by already considering her as my stepmom and getting a tattoo that is related to her."
"Well," I find the right words to say, believing that it is not a bad decision. "Considering the relationship we have, the things that we went through together, the things she's done for us, and the person that she is, I don't think it's too rushed, but if you want to wait, then wait. We have plenty of time to do it, so take the time to think and be sure of it because a tattoo is permanent."
"Yeah," he hears me. "I know I won't regret it, but I just wanted to have your opinion on this."
"I'm for it, so that's up to you to decide, but just know that we have a lot of time before us to get this," I offer him my point of view since I know what it is to get tattoos that are related to someone. If there is one thing that I am relieved about in my life is that I never took the decision to get a tattoo that was related to my ex-wife. I thought about getting one, but thank god I reconsidered this.
"All right, I'll take time to think about it," he takes my bits of advice without brushing them off.
8:20 pm.
The movie playing in the living room as all of us are watching it, I peek down at Hyejoon at the feeling of his hand moving away from my chest, he rubs his eye, holding his favorite plushie against him but looking tired. He does not watch the movie anymore but yawns in one of the cutest manners, letting out a soft sound of sleepiness, he closes his eyes and puts his hand back on the spot he likes, where my heart is.
I press a kiss on his forehead and tighten my clasp around him, smiling without even realizing it. "Do you want to go to bed, honey?" Jungkook leans towards us, noticing his baby. "No..." he answers with his small voice, and his father brushes his thumb over his warm, chubby cheek. "But you're tired."
"I want to stay with mommy," he mumbles in my chest, and my heart warms up at the sound of this. I better not tear up so easily. Jungkook smiles as soon as I did, and he comes closer to kiss him. "Sleep tight and have sweet dreams. Mommy will keep you in her arms," he drifts his hand down to his back to rub it in a comforting manner, and he gazes up at me. "Tell me once you're tired, okay?" he whispers to me with a tender look in his eyes, and I nod, but since Hajoon just went to the bathroom, he gives me a kiss on the lips and makes my heart beat faster.
"What would you like to eat for breakfast tomorrow?" he stays near us and lays his hand on my thigh. "I don't know yet, but I'm the one cooking anyway," I grin, not letting him wake up earlier just for me. "No. I'm the one cooking tomorrow. I want to do it. I always wake up after you because of work, so let me do it on the weekend."
I stare at him, willing to say no but knowing he will not like that answer. "All right?" he gives a squeeze to my thigh, his lips curved upwards. "All right, but I'll be there to hug you."
"I don't mind it," he shrugs and does not have any problem with that.
10:40 pm.
Feeling better after a hot shower and blow drying my hair, I put my pajama pants on and leave the bathroom to join y/n, who is lying on the bed and doing something on her phone. As soon as I step out, she looks at me but has her attention over my torso first. Of course.
I smile at her and get under the blanket, but before going to bed, I grab my phone and make sure I set an alarm for tomorrow. Once I am sure of it, I put it down and lay my eyes on my girl who is remaining quiet. She does not focus on anything but her phone, toying with her lips while staring at her screen.
Wondering what is going on for her to not act like usual, I move my hand down to her hair and comb them. "Is everything okay, baby?"
She locks her phone and looks up at me, but only a humming sound leaves her mouth for an answer. "Hm? Sure?" I keep my fingers tangled in her hair, and I brush my thumb over her ear. "Sure," she affirms, but I know her way too well to not see that it is not the whole truth.
I lean towards her and press my lips on hers, resting my arm on her pillow to leave it above her head. "You're acting a bit weird."
She puts her phone aside and snuggles up against me, and her eyes stare into mine. I wait for her to let it out and rub my thumb over her temple without ever glancing away.
"I wanted to ask you a question..." she finally speaks about it. "Tell me, you know you can always talk about everything to me."
"'s out of curiosity, nothing else. So don't feel like I'm going too fast or anything, I was just asking myself this question earlier," she worries too much and overthinks, so I kiss her lips and reassure her. "Stop fearing my answer or reaction, baby. You know I'm always here to listen and have a serious talk with you."
"Well..." her eyes drop to my lips. "I wanted to ask you, in the future, I mean— No. Just, what would be your thoughts on getting another baby...?" the question runs out, but she stresses out. "I'm not saying that I already want one now, okay? I just want to know what you think about this."
I remove my hand from her hair and use it to hold my head, and I touch her hip with the other one under the blanket. "I love to hear you talk about this. I knew this would be brought up at some point, and I wanted to talk about it with you as well since I'm already thirty-nine and soon forty. This is actually an important topic for me because I don't want to be too old to have another baby if you want one or two. I feel like forty-three is probably the limit. You know, I don't want to be too old to raise my kids."
"I understand, that's exactly why I wanted to talk about it with you too," she shows some relief, and I stroke her side, smiling at her but feeling bad about this whole matter.
She is only twenty, so if I was not that older, she would have time before her to have her first child but because of me, I feel like she might rush it, and I hate it.
"When would you want to have one? Without caring about my age and my point of view, when do you think would be the best for you?" I care about her own ambitions and plans. "I don't know. I love Hyejoon as if he was my son, but taking care of him made me want to have my own baby. Not like, he will mean more than Hyejoon does to me, but just because I want to...I want to make a baby with you...I want to experience the first time seeing the human you created...looking in their eyes for the first time, holding their hand for the first time after they just discovered the real world...knowing that I made them with you...I want to experience that," she nearly gets me to be misty-eyed, the emotions in every word she said bringing back all the memories I have of the very first time that I saw Hajoon and Hyejoon enter this world.
"I totally understand you, and trust me, I know how it feels like, so I want you to experience that too, and I want to experience that with you," I express all my delight at the sound of the future she wants to have, but she gazes at me with some worry. "This isn't mean towards Hyejoon, right? I still love him and will always love him the same way, but I'm scared that he might think I want another baby because he isn't enough..."
"No, baby. Don't think such things," I slide my hand over her waist and move it up to her jawline. "Wanting a baby doesn't mean that you don't like him anymore. I know why you're feeling like that, it happened to me when I had Hajoon but wanted another baby, I was worried and scared of my own thoughts and mind, but then I realized that this has nothing to do with the love you feel for the child that you already have, it has to do with the way you feel because of them. The happiness they bring into your life, all the new things that you learn and realize because of them, you love everything they bring and offer you, and you just want more of it," I explain to her from my own experience, knowing how she is feeling right now and willing to erase that fear.
"This is worse when they grow up because you know that some of the things you did with them won't happen again because they're too old for that, and this causes a lot of pain to a parent when you see your child becoming an adult and kind of drifting apart because that's how life is, and you just want to do it again. Of course, you're happy to see your child grow up and live their life, but giving life to a human and teaching them everything about life, making them who they are, seeing them grow up, have their own personality, feeling loved and safe with you because they know that you're there for them and will never leave, and knowing that you're the one they trust more than anyone on this earth is the most worthwhile part of life ever. And honestly, I'm pretty sure that Hyejoon will be happy to have a little brother, I know it," I let my emotions speak, aware of how great and amazing life becomes once you have a child. She smiles at me, and my heart flutters, glad to see that I was able to make her feel better.
She doesn't say anything but comes closer to put her arms around my neck and hold me tight. "I love you so much, Jungkook...I know I tell you this all the time...but...I feel the need to..."
"Never stop telling me those words, I feel so good whenever I hear you say that, so don't ever feel like you should stop," I kiss her shoulder. "I love you too, you mean the world to me," I keep her as close as possible to me, and we do not let go of each other. The warmth of our bodies radiating against the other's one, I embrace her and close my eyes to cherish this moment, and she holds onto me, gives me all her love like no one ever did to me before.
The end.
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