chapter 42 | Mommy
"I thought about this the other day, like, what if," he takes a moment to let it out, eating some gummy bears. "Y/n lives with us, and that since I am nineteen and that she won't be in her house anymore...Why can't I take this house for myself...?"
"Do you want to leave this house and live on your own?" he asks him, and I listen to them both, wondering if I could be the problem. "No, but it could be like a secondary house. Like, when I want to party with my friends, or if there are days where you want to be alone with her, I could go there with Hyejoon."
"I wouldn't make you go into another house with Hyejoon, you know I don't like that," he does not agree with this idea but still does not refuse what he suggested. "All right, but if I want to party."
"I don't know. I'm not going to pay the rental of a house that is just meant to party. This is stupid, Hajoon," he gives him his answer, but I look away at the sound of Hyejoon talking to me.
I smile once I see him come closer to move his small car all over my arm. "What are you going to do with that house then?"
"We don't know yet. We're going to ask to the landlord if she can leave because the tenancy is supposed to end in six months, so we don't know yet," he explains the situation to him.
"Okay," he drops it, understanding that he cannot get the answer he wants.
"What if I bring some girls and go over th—"
"You better not ever do something like that," Mister Jeon reacts instantly to this, not liking it to hear his son say such a thing. "I'm joking. I'd never do that," he grins and throws a gummy bear in his mouth, but while Hyejoon is driving his car over my back, I look up at him. "You're not like that?" I raise my eyebrows.
"No, I don't hook up with girls. Don't act like you don't know me," he frowns at me, and I smile, knowing that he would not do such a thing because his father raised him well. "Whatever, give me a gummy bear," I lift my hand up but feel the baby pass his car over my butt, getting me to turn my head and giggle.
"He finds slopes fun," Hajoon walks up to me and drops a gummy bear in hand. "Excuse me? What does that mean?" I put it in my mouth, and he sits down next to me but leaves his small bag of candies between his legs to grab the ambulance car that Hyejoon does not play with. "It means your ass is flat."
I punch him in the abs and push him down. "You..." I oblige myself to not curse. "You're lucky your little brother is here."
He laughs without taking me seriously. "I'm joking, I'm joking...It's not flat," he tries to make it up, but I chuckle. "I don't care. Just shut up."
"Oh my god, dad," he whirls around to glance up at him. "Did you hear this? Did she just dare to talk badly to your son?" he uses his father to have someone to defend him, and I set my eyes on this man who has all the power in this house.
"She's right, keep your mouth closed," he walks away, making me cackle at his failure. "Dammit..." he mumbles, the frustration coursing through him. "See, now I'm his favorite," I speak in a low voice to provoke him, but he smirks at me. "Bubble is his favorite."
My smile full of confidence disappears from my face, and I pretend to not have heard anything. I turn around and sit down, letting the baby drive his car over my thighs while making some cute noises, but Hajoon looks at him and smiles. "He seems to like it a lot."
"Yeah," I watch him climb on my legs with his small body, and he drives the car up my stomach but rests his head on my chest. "Can you play with me today? My best friend will be there," he never stops mentioning his games. "What time?"
"Around five," he gives a certain hour, but I do not know yet since I might have some things to do or just want to stay with Mister Jeon. "I'll see at that moment."
"Okay," he does not complain or insist, to my greatest relief. "I wanna ask a question though because my dad didn't really answer like I wanted him to."
"Hm, what is it?" I give him the go-ahead and look at him. "Why the hell do you keep on calling him 'Mister Jeon'? You're his girlfriend, why don't you call him by his name?" his curiosity puts a smile on my face, and I find a way to reply to this without telling the whole truth. "I don't know, it just feels weird to call him by his name. I'm not used to it."
"Yeah, but that's weird to call your man 'Mister', or maybe that's just me," he chews on his gummies, and I chuckle. "As long as he's comfortable with it and that I don't mind it, it's fine. I'll try to call him by his name once to see how he reacts."
"Do it when I'm around, I wanna see it," he grins and gazes at his little brother. "Or...maybe you can, know," he peeks at his dad who is in the living room and watching the TV while standing, and he comes closer to speak in a low voice. "Call him old man and act like you didn't mean to," he scoffs, being dumb again. I shake my head but cover Hyejoon's ear that is not against my chest. "You're a dumbass, I swear."
"Come on! I'm pretty sure that would be fun to see his reaction," he finds it amusing, always in the mood to bug his dad. "I'll call him Jungkook, nothing else."
"All right, boring girl," he rolls his eyes and provokes me non-stop, so I punch him and make him fall on the floor. "Go away."
He wheezes like an idiot but stands up, and he walks towards his dad, but without expecting it, I feel him give a pull on my hair and flee away. "I—" I whirl my head around to grumble, but he just leaves and ignores what happened.
"Don't ever be like your brother, my baby," I press a kiss on Hyejoon's head, and he gazes up at me, wondering what I meant. "Be a cute little boy all your life," I kiss the tip of his nose, not able to stop myself at the sight of his cute face, and he giggles, getting me to smile and do it again, but this time, he fidgets on his spot and hides his face in the crook of my neck to hug me, and I know with only this type of moment that I will never feel any happier than I am right now.
"Are you shy?" I poke his waist, and he squirms but giggles even more, and I pamper his face with kisses while tickling him. Hearing the sound of his laughter brings so much peacefulness and delight that I do not want to stop, this baby is a blessing.
6:40 pm.
"Look how cute she is for daddy," Mister Jeon purposely maddens me with his kitten who clings onto him twenty-four hours a day, but I focus on my baby that I am hugging, and who does not want to leave me either.
To make sure that I can hear him, he makes some little noises while cuddling her, petting, and pecking her, and this small animal enjoys it a lot. She is lucky.
"Your dad is so mean, my baby..." I mumble to Hyejoon, but the one concerned lays his brown eyes on me. "No, I'm not. Don't say such things to my baby," he corrects what he does not like to hear, and I raise my eyebrows at him. "I was talking to him, not you. Just pay attention to your kitten. At least, this little boy makes me feel loved," I squeeze him in my arms but feel him hold me even more tightly with his small arms, and he puts the side of his face against mine.
I smile at his reaction and how affectionate he is, but Mister Jeon puts his warm hand on my thigh. "My kitten makes me feel loved too."
"She has all your attention all the time, not me," I tell a lie just to playfully complain, and he smiles. "She gets it because she acts cute, she knows how to get her way."
"Oh, does that mean I have to act cute to get—"
"When are we eating, dad?" Hajoon interrupts me and walks down the stairs, shirtless, with his hands in his messy hair to pull it back. Mister Jeon turns his head to peek at him but clicks his tongue. "Where's your shirt?"
"On the floor, I was hot as hell while playing," he answers with earnestness and comes up to us, so Mister Jeon removes his hand from my thigh that he was stroking. "I'm going to cook, give me a minute."
"Okay. What are we eating?" he lands on the sofa and puts his cap backwards. "Dumplings, rice, and kimchi," he answers him, putting his hands away from the kitten. "I can't wait, I'm hungry."
"You're always hungry," he moves forth to get ready to go in the kitchen, and he takes Bubble in his hand to put her down on the floor. "I have a young body unlike you, so I need more energy," he smirks and keeps his hands over his head, and I cannot hold back from laughing in a quiet manner, but Mister Jeon hears me right away and sets his eyes on me. "You find this funny?"
"Yes," I do not fear him and grasp this opportunity to take revenge. His stare on me remains where it is, and he pushes his inner cheek with his tongue. I smile but glance away, not feeling so cocky anymore. He stands up, knowing I will not raise my eyes up again.
"A little faster would be great, old man," he looks up at his dad, playfully, but this strong man snatches his cap away from his head. "I made you with two arms and two legs, so if you want something, you stand up and do it," he pulls his hair back and wears the cap, but the young boy follows him to get his belonging back. "But you made me lazy, so I can't use them. Give me that," he jumps to grab it, but Mister Jeon places his hand over it to make sure he cannot retrieve it.
"Come on!" he giggles but fights with his dad to get what he wants, and Mister Jeon pushes him away to annoy each other. They both are so cute, and I love to see them be so happy.
My attention gets dragged away once Hyejoon moves his head up, I check what he is doing, but he toys with my hair and gazes at me. "What is happening, my baby?" I smile at him, but he peeks away and touches my earrings. "What is that?" he asks me, and I answer him.
"And what is that?" he puts his finger against my lips. "My lips," I attempt to not smile. "But why are they red?" he rubs my bottom one, wondering why mine are brighter. "Because I applied some lip tint."
"Oh, it hurts?" his curiosity melts my heart, and I press a kiss on his hand. "No, it doesn't."
"Okay," he does not ask any more questions. "Mom!" Hajoon comes back but giggles like a maniac, and at the sound of this word, my eyes dart up towards him but only fall upon him, with his cap back on his head. "Mom?" I repeat what I cannot believe to have heard, and he drops his body next to mine. "I'm tryna to get used to it, but this is weird. Not gonna lie."
"Yeah," I chuckle and agree with him. "If you ever annoy me, or that I want to annoy you, I'll call you mom for sure."
"When do you even try not to annoy me?" I state facts, but he just gives me a smile. "You're just a drama queen."
"Then leave me alone," I do not devote my attention to him anymore, but he giggles and approaches his face from Hyejoon's one to peck his cheek. "Do you love mommy?" he calls me that again, and this adorable baby responds with some shyness and hides his face in my chest.
"I'm gonna call you mom so that he gets used to it," he does not change his mind about it, meaning those words. "But I'm not...I just take care of him..."
He puts his elbow down on the back of the sofa behind my back, and he holds his head. "A mom is a woman who takes care of a baby, who loves them, who makes them feel loved and worth their time, who devotes all their time and attention to them, who raises them and teaches them everything about life. Now, tell me what's the difference between you and what I just described," he speaks without ever saying anything stupid, and a smile forms on my face. "See, there's none. You're his mom, and I want him to call you that. Unless you don't want to, and I'll understand—"
"I want him to," I cut him off, unable to keep my answer to myself. "That would make me happy."
"Then I'll get him used to it," he smiles and gazes down at him. "Hajoon," Mister Jeon gets him to turn his head and not focus on us anymore. "Yeah?"
"Can you give some food to Bubble, please?" he asks him to do, and the young boy listens without any complaint.
— Next day —
Sunday, March 13th, 2022.
6:10 am.
"Hey, good morning," Hajoon pokes my waist but startles me when I was cooking without anyone around but the silence of the house. "Hajoon!" I throw my hand up to my chest, instinctively. "Don't do that again. You scared me..."
"I'm sorry," he laughs but sips on his banana milk, and his eyes land on a piece of bread covered in Nutella that I left on the counter. "What's that?" he picks it up, but I snatch it away from his hand and shove it in my mouth. "My food."
He chuckles at me and licks his finger as some of the chocolate must have been left on it. "Did you have a good night in your new house?" he traps the straw of his drink between his lips, and I nod, swallowing before speaking. "I did. It feels great to not be alone."
"That means you'll grab your stuff and live here after this weekend, right?" he smiles and tilts his head to the side, and I lick my lips but grin. "I'll see. I have to talk about it with your dad. By the way," I mention something else. "Does he like breakfast in bed?"
"Are you gonna do that for him?" he points his finger at the food that is in the pan, and I confirm. "Yes."
"He's gonna like it so damn much, trust me," he gives me a hand without knowing, and I feel some relief knowing that it will be appreciated. "Great."
"I'd like it too though..." he sends me hints, and I cannot hold back from scoffing. "You're not in bed anymore."
"I can go back to it..." he bites on the straw and gets closer to look at the pancakes, the breakfast he loves the most. "If you eat in bed, you eat all alone. Are you sure you want that?" I let him choose, but his facial expression does not tell the same anymore. "Well...forget it then. It sounds sad, I'd rather eat with you and Hyejoon."
"Let me finish this then, and I'll stay with your dad while he's eating," I tell him to make sure he knows and does not wait for me here, and I serve the food in the different dishes that are laid on a tray. "Okay. He's really gonna be happy and surprised because I think no one ever did that for him, or maybe when I was still a kid."
"You're still—"
"Shut up," he knows me too well and stops me before I could finish my sentence. "I was being kind, and you attack me again, you're asking for it at this point," he glares at me, and I restrain my laughter. "I'm sorry, poor little boy."
"Thank you, fake ass girl," he snarls and walks away, so I do not miss to remind him of something. "You're welcome, and forget about breakfast, you won't get—"
"I'm joking!" he comes back in no time at all and hugs me from the side. "Thank you, sweet and sincere person," he pecks my cheek and steps away. "I'm gonna take a shower so tell me once you're about to cook, okay?"
"Okay," I answer with a smile upon my face, and he goes back upstairs.
10 minutes later...
I open the door of the bedroom with difficulty, holding the heavy tray with both of my hands, and I step inside as quietly as possible. The disappointment overwhelms me once I notice that no one is in the bed anymore.
My surprise is ruined.
I put the tray down on the bed that is made but hear the shower run, so I look through the glass walls of the bathroom but sit down on the bed and wait in front of the door. I cannot see behind the shower since it is not a transparent wall. I hope he is not going to take too long. Maybe I could join him though. I took mine already, but another shower with him would not be a problem at all.
Lacking self-control, I stand up and make my way to the bathroom. I do not knock on the door but get inside, hoping for him to not hear me, I step towards the walk-in shower and peek over the wall, but I only come across his attractive back. The back of his naked body down which the hot water is running. He is so tough and muscular, this is insane. I could spend hours watching him, reading his tattoos over and over again.
Feeling the need to join him, I step back and take my clothes off, leave them on the floor, and I tie my hair up to hurry and head towards him. I make it slow and wrap my arms around his body, and I press mine against his tall and robust one that makes me feel tiny.
The startle cannot be denied, he stops rubbing his hands over his chest and turns around, and we both smile at each other. "Good morning," I slide my arms down to his hips, and he cups my throat with his hands to press a kiss on my lips but give me butterflies right in the morning. "Good morning, baby. What were you doing?" he turns the faucet to not let any water run down our skins anymore, and he pulls his wet hair back.
"I was cooking. Your breakfast is waiting on the bed," I gaze into his eyes, mesmerized by them. "Aw, thank you so much," he holds me tight against him and kisses my forehead. "I love you, you're such an angel."
"I love you too," I run my fingers up and down his back, and his hands slide over my hips and waist. "Let's take our shower together," he makes the water fall again, and the shower rain lands on us. "I already took mine earlier, but let's pretend I didn't," I tell him the truth but see him smile. He grabs a bottle to pour some product in it, and he rubs it all over my back first, then goes for the front of my body, my arms, and he continues while I'm doing it for him.
"Stop flexing," I giggle, feeling him contract his abs and pectoral. "I'm not doing anything," he lies and flexes them, so I tease him and pass my hand over his v-line, and I go down to his thick thighs but press my lips on his lower abdomen.
I wash his thighs then go down on my knees to get to his calves, and I move back up to get to his back, and I look up at him but see that he is staring at me while smiling. I give a squeeze to his butt, but a chortle escapes him, and he slaps mine. "Don't be naughty."
I did not expect him to do that, and I liked it without even thinking that I would. "I'm not doing anything," I mimic him and repeat the sentence he said a second ago, but he stares into my eyes, looking deep into my soul with plenty of passion and sparkles. "You're playful today, aren't you?" he brushes his lips past mine.
"I am," I do not retreat but enjoy his flirty behavior. He beams at my reply, probably loving the way I act, and he leans forth to press a kiss on my neck. "Let's make it quick. I'm hungry because of you."
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