chapter 39 | Feel me
— Three days later —
Friday, March 11th, 2022.
6:30 pm.
"Have you watched the movie I suggested to you the other day?" I cross my legs next to him, both chatting more than watching the TV. "Yes, and I really liked it. This was better than I thought, to be honest."
"Oh, really? People usually ask me for suggestions, but in the end, they never watch what I picked," I move forward to be at the edge of the cushions and get ready to go in the kitchen, but he lifts his arms up to stretch, spreading his long and tough legs. "Those people are stupid then, and that's kind of rude, in my opinion," his knee touches the side of my thigh, but I remain calm, from the outside. "Yeah..." I chuckle, nervously.
"But anyway, you should...taste the food in case you might not like it," I stand up and step away to go to the pot, and he follows me.
I remove the top to let the steam escape and put it down to grab a spoon, but Mister Jeon stands right behind me and places one hand on the edge of the counter to have his tall body against the back of mine. He knows what he is doing, but I love this.
As his veiny hand is constantly calling for my eyes to notice it near my hip, I fill the spoon with the mouth-watering food, but I blow on it first, then I turn around to head it up to his mouth and feed this big man. "Tell me if I should add something."
He chews on it, and I turn the induction hob on to warm the food up. "This is delicious as always. You never cook anything bad or tasteless, I'm impressed," he praises me, and I smile, shyly. I cannot handle the compliments that are from him, they are too special to even be taken without any fluster. "I'm relieved you like it," I taste it again too to make sure it is good enough, feeling Mister Jeon's body heat cover the back of mine, but once I stick the spoon in my mouth and eat, he draws his body closer to mine and puts his other hand down on my left to guard my body, now enveloping me with his warmth and power.
My heart is beating a bit too fast, it needs to slow down, but he does not let that happen, he only provokes the whole opposite. "Do you have candles here?" he asks, and I instinctively turn my head to look up at him. "I do, in the cabinet right next to the dining table," I point my finger at it, and he peeks at that spot before putting his deep eyes back on mine. "Good, we'll eat with one."
A romantic dinner? I will make it so awkward with my nervousness.
I do not say anything since I low-key like the fact that he is so romantic and sweet, and I focus on the food. The seconds feel so long, and I feel so hot with him behind me, touching me with his body.
"It's a bit hot in here," he moves his hands back but rolls his sleeves, making me feel like I do not have a brain to think anymore. I swallow heavily but glance at him, and he makes eye contact right away while revealing his strong, tattooed forearms. "I'm hot too..." I let him know I feel the same way but because of him, and his smile turns into a flirty one. "You are?" he licks his lips. "You're wearing a thick cardigan, I'm not surprised."
"True," I realize how dumb I must seem, so I take this off and leave it on the chair near us, now only in a pair of jeans and white crop top, exposing some more skin, this one that is burning from the inside. I go back on my spot after both looking into each other's eyes, and this time, I let my body get submerged by some unexpected confidence. I step backward while opening the drawer in front of me to stick my body against him but feel how crazy my heart is going because of a burst of boldness.
Mister Jeon does not even stop me but reciprocates everything to make me feel like he is playing too, and he cups my waist with both of his hands, hastening the flow of my blood to get it to hit my brain hard with each pulse. "Will you need a spoon or you won't drink the soup?" I find an excuse to stay in this position but feel awfully dumb. I am so bad at flirting, this makes me want to laugh out of embarrassment.
"I'll eat it. Do you think I'm going to leave something in my dish?" his answer puts a smile on my face, but he slides his hands down to hips, and his face leans in on my right. I cannot even control myself anymore, I bite my lips. "That's cute," he picks up a kid's spoon that I brought from my parents' house since this used to be the one I had when I was a baby, and I laugh. "Don't mock me, it's my favorite one."
He chuckles in my ear but puts it back where it was. "I'm not mocking you," he holds me by the hips, almost keeping me still and against him. "I'm just teasing," his warm and soft lips kiss my neck, and my eyes close for a split second. I smile but turn my head. "You always tease me..." I press my lips together but see his eyes have their attention on them, and he smiles at me. "Should I stop?" he raises his eyebrows.
He is aware of everything I have in my head. This is frustrating.
I only answer by shaking my head and push the drawer to close it, but he goes forth as well to barely leave space between our bodies. Despite this tight closeness between our skins, he stands a bit away, only keeping one hand on my right side. Not even a second later, he takes it off of me but makes me crave for his touch.
When I do not have it, I crave it, but when I have it then do not anymore, I crave it even more.
I peek at him to check what he is doing and why he is not touching me anymore but notice his head is turned to the left. He is watching the TV from here, with his hands in his pockets.
I want to give him some hints, the need is too strong inside of me, and I do not want to go to my bed tonight, with some regrets because I was too shy to do what I want. I am tired of making scenarios in my head, I need to make them happen if I have the opportunity to do it.
I stare at him as he does not seem interested in me anymore, and I think about the best way to make him come back.
"I'm cold now..." I speak out in a small voice, hearing my ridiculous self. His big eyes dart towards me right away, making me wonder if he is doing this on purpose to test me. I bite my inner cheek to not smile, but he steps to the side and grabs my cardigan, and I cry internally.
"Here," he puts it over my shoulders, grinning but being close. "Is it better?" he keeps his hands on my arms and makes this boring, so I shake my head, not knowing what is happening with myself but not wanting to even think about it. " body is does not produce any heat..."
He takes the fluffy fabric away from me and touches my skin right between the bottom of my crop top and the waistband of my pants. "That's not true. You're hot."
I giggle, unable to find a good way to win this. He knows it, and he is just doing it on purpose. "I mean, my back is hurting a lot suddenly. I need a massage," I do not even attempt to be discreet anymore. I am obvious, and I do not care.
"Oh, you need a massage now," he plays along, and I nod but look down at the food to not let it burn. "Yeah. Just right here," I touch the right side of my waist and hip, then lay my eyes on him. "That's weird."
"Very weird, indeed," he still slides one hand on this spot and tucks the other back in a pocket of his trousers. "Does doctor Jeon know what this might be?"
"Hm," he looks down at it before diving into my soul with his eyes, and he massages me. "This might be a lie," his words shoot at me, and I laugh. I did not expect him to reply with something like this. "At least I tried..."
He scoffs and focuses on the TV again, but this time, he remains very close to me and rubs his hand up and down my side. Feeling his skin on mine, touching me so intimately again, this is like a dream. I never expected this to happen, and this makes me feel so good. Since that night, when he told me that he loves me, I keep on hearing it over and over again in my head. I cannot forget it, this is so important for me. I have been in love with him for so long, I still cannot realize that it is not just a dream.
Feeling the butterflies go insane in my stomach, I lower the temperature of the induction hob, but Mister Jeon slides the tip of his fingers under my crop top, being subtle enough to spread the butterflies everywhere in my body. His touch on me becomes possessive, heavier, and more sensual. He slips his fingers a bit higher under my top as if he knew that this spot is more sensitive, and he brushes the tip of them over my ribs, covers my hot skin with shivers, then drifts to my back. He uses his middle finger and slides it down my spine, forcing me to grip the edge of the counter and close my eyes. The chills are so powerful because of this that I feel like shaking.
Not putting an end to this nice moment, he goes back up with his whole hand as I cannot hear the TV anymore but only feel him, and he repeats this pleasing action. I am breathing so hard, I hate being so weak to his touch on my body.
I uncontrollably toy with my fingers, squeezing them, he carries on, and his hand travels all over my back, going up to the nape of my neck, this over-sensitive one full of tension, once he wraps his hand around it and massages it, I feel the weakness in my knees. The air freeing and filling my lungs at a fast rhythm, he heightens all the intensity of this moment by stepping forth to have his body against mine again. "It feels good?" he whispers in my ear and numbs my spine for a long second. I nod without thinking twice, and I open my eyes to set them on his.
I raise my chin up to stare through his soul and see his reaction, but he sticks his body to the back of mine and reveals some hardness in his pants, pressing it against me. Not holding back from pushing my butt back to rub it, my mind goes all over the place, and his other hand brushes the strap of my top down. His lips land on my shoulder for a kiss, then another one, and more to kiss his way up my shoulder and neck but cause my legs to clench and my head to tilt.
This feels ecstatic, my heart is pounding, and the arousal is growing bigger than it should the more he keeps going.
His breathing hits my sensitive neck with a sharp sigh, and he cups the other side of my throat to kiss one same spot. He gives a small bite to it, my teeth nibbling on my lips, he pampers my skin with kisses and does it right under my ear, but the effect this just sent through me makes me realize that this one spot is more sensitive than any other one. A moan escapes my mouth, and he pushes my body against the counter, pressing a boner on my lower back. I feel so turned on that I just want him to do me, right now. The effect he has on my body and mind is way too strong for me to even resist it. He can effortlessly make me horny and needy.
"Mister Jeon..." I whine and lift my hand up to his long fluffy hair to tangle my fingers into it and bend my head back, not holding the reins of my body and its actions anymore, it reacts as if Mister Jeon was the one controlling it, and I do not try to countervail anything. I let myself go.
His tongue licks my neck that he has been kissing for some long and incredible seconds, and he glides his hands down my sides to hold me by the hips and rubs his erection onto me, the feeling of it messing up with my mind and managing to make me like this a lot.
Probably wanting more than this, he turns me around, gripping my hips and leaving his mark on me, he French kisses me. His heavy breathing, his erection, his tough grips on me, and his cologne, everything makes me go insane to such an extent that my entire body is shaking and lusting for his. I do not hold back from touching him since he is literally leaving his scent everywhere on my body, and I flatten my hands on his chest, pushing on my tiptoes to deepen the kiss. I open his shirt in a clumsy manner, my trembling hands complicating everything, I reveal his abs and buff upper body to run my hands all over it and feel him up, but he exhales in my mouth right after this action of mine and thrusts against me.
I jump at the chance, understanding that this turns him on to greater levels, I skim my hands down his torso, feeling how hot he is, and I break the kiss to press my lips everywhere on his chest, that is at the level of my face.
Our excitement is so loud that I cannot even hear anything but us, and this is so thrilling. One of his hands passes through my hair right away, and he grabs it, so I brush my hand past his erection that sticks out of his pants, but a deep and passionate moan slips out of his mouth, and all the butterflies inside of me burn at the sound of his beautiful voice. This engendered so many sensations in my lower abdomen that I could not help but stop kissing his chest, my face now blazing hot, I raise my chin up to contemplate his features, and I rub my hand over his pants to give him more pleasure.
His eyes close for a short second, and he grips the edge of the counter behind me, guarding my body with his arms as I do not want to stop what I am doing with my hand. We both stare into each other's, deeply, passionately, the lust passing through our eyes to send to the other's one all the pleasure and want we feel. A few seconds are enough to make him breathe even harder, his eyes not glancing away from mine, the contact full of tension lingering as the besting of my heart is violently hitting me in the chest.
An uncontrollable smile curves his lips once he feels my trembling hand rub him over his pants a little faster, and he brings his tough hand up to hold my jawline, the tip of his nose brushing my cheek. He closes his eyes again, and his lips part near mine, his fingers slide down my throat, and he cups the side of it, before moving forth with his entire body to kiss me again.
I can feel it. He wants it, he wants so much more than this, and that is the most exciting thing ever because I can see that I am making him feel good, and I cannot explain what this does to me. What I feel is way beyond some satisfaction, that is way more than that.
The kiss deepening with his tongue meeting mine, my heart skips a beat at the feeling of his hands opening my pants, but I do not even go against it or stop him, I move my hands aside to let him continue, and he pulls it down. The hot kiss breaks for a short moment, but he quickly throws my pants on the floor and comes back. He cups my face with both of his warm hands to join our lips and take my breath away, and the excitement rises higher. His hips thrust against me, his erection that can be felt on my stomach giving me butterflies, he slightly leans over but heaves my leg up, and his fingers slide over the side and back of my thigh to inch closer to my underwear.
I bite on his bottom lip and give a tug out of loss of control, but without any warning, he crushes my waist with his hands and lifts me up, so I wrap my arms and legs around him, and he brings me to the sofa, being careful to not fall.
He does not even act rough, he kindly lays me down and gets on top of me, but he stops and moves up on his knees. While taking his shirt off, his eyes go up and down my body, and the look he gives me just triggers plenty of weird sensations inside of me. He makes it so hard for me to breathe and not go insane, that is terrible.
"Do you want to do it?" he bends over and puts one arm around me, and I nod, without thinking twice. "Do you have a condom? I didn't bring any."
"I don't..." the disappointment and pain ruin all my hopes, but he smiles. "It's okay, we'll do it another time," he kisses my lips, and no matter what I lust for, I keep quiet and do not ask him to do it without protection. I put my hands on either side of his face to hold it while we are passionately kissing, but the feeling of his sharp jawline moving at the rhythm of the kiss messes up with my mind, and once the tip of his tongue grazes my bottom lip, I cannot control myself, I ask for more and slide my tongue inside of his mouth.
He gives me what I am craving for, and his body slowly lets his weight crush me, his erection now pressing between my thighs, I clench them against his sides and compulsively thrust my hips at the pleasure that this causes to have his hard body against mine. He makes me go crazy, and I do not know how to be in command of myself anymore once he starts to touch me or look at me in the eyes.
Loving the effect this has on my whole body and mind, I desperately give him more hints with my hips, and at the exact second that I feel him smile through the kiss, I understand that he is enjoying this. He knows he has the control, he knows he can do whatever he wants with me, but he purposely makes me ask for it.
Aware of how needy I am because of him, he brings one hand down between us and undoes his belt, and the simple metallic sound provokes some more excitement, knowing what is about to happen once it resounds through the room. A soft nibble on my bottom lip shivers me, getting to know how it feels like when someone you love finds all your weaknesses and uses them to make you fall even deeper in arousal.
His lips brush down mine once he lowers his head and looks at his actions. I peek down at what he is doing but see his veiny hand pull his pants and underwear down. I am used to seeing the veins on his arms and hands, but right now, this is on another level. He looks even more intimidating with his tattoos.
Once he is done, he gazes up into my eyes and flattens his hand next to my waist, but he slowly goes back and forth with his pelvis, not even waiting, not making me beg to get it.
My lips part in no time at all, loving how this feels, how strong but gentle this is at the same time. His stare effortlessly enfeebles me, and I bite my lips, not knowing how to calm down, he smirks at me as the expression of my face must expose all the pleasure that courses through my body, and he forces a little harder with his hips to rub the most sensitive spot of my body while watching me enjoy this.
Not having enough strength to keep my eyes open anymore, they close by themselves, and he approaches his face from mine again. "Is that what you were asking for?" he speaks in a low voice, his lips leaving some kisses on my jawline. "Yeah..."
"Yeah?" he mimics the moany sound I let out but covers my skin with shivers, and I smile through the ecstasy. "Open your legs a little more for me, baby," he whispers against my lips, caressing my cheek with his thumb. I do it right away, but the shakiness of them makes it hard for me to keep them bent up, and he worsens that by moving forth with his entire body and giving a harder thrust.
"Look into my eyes," he rubs his erection up and down over my core, pushing more on one exact spot to make me die for more. "I can't..." I struggle to open my eyes and set them on his, and once he gets me to do it, he presses a tender kiss on my lips, his long fluffy hair brushing my skin. I pass my hand over his tough chest, and he goes a little faster with his hips, his facial expression turning sharper.
I contemplate his reaction, his features revealing the emotions and feelings that his brain keeps inside. A shuddering exhalation suddenly slips out of his mouth, and his eyes close as if he was going through a more intense wave of pleasure. Keeping his face against mine, he hastens the speed, panting in my mouth, his member spreads the lips through my wet fabric, and I whine without even realizing, getting him to open his sleepy eyes full of ardor. I grip his waist once I feel the orgasm taking over me in a matter of a short second.
"Don't stop..." I beg him, knowing my body and what is happening. My head forces back into the arm of the sofa, the tension in my limbs increasing. He stops, not allowing me to climax but torturing me.
He does not even say anything, I look up at him, but he makes me take my top off and drops it on the floor, then he already goes back to what he was doing and kisses his way down my neck, my breasts, using his tongue to get my body to shake, and my heart to beat faster even more, and he goes lower, making me understand what he is doing and where he is going.
I lose my breath, having no idea how I am going to react once he will go down. I bite my lips at the feeling of his kisses going down my inner thigh, and I put my sleepy eyes on him. He holds my legs apart, making sure I do not clench them, and he uses his tongue to kiss my skin and gradually bring his face closer to my core, making my heart pound my chest. This feels so good that I feel like moaning on repeat.
His lips press a kiss against my underwear, and an exhalation trembles out of my lungs. I gaze down at him, my legs shaking and not staying still, he holds them both and presses another kiss on the same wet spot, before going lower, repeating this action. He looks up into my eyes, but he smirks and grabs my soaked underwear to slide them down and leave them on the floor. He does not wait before going for it, he puts his face right back between my thighs, and he passes his tongue through the lips to spread them but makes me let out a whine.
My eyes close, and I cannot find a way to open them again, the back of my hand covering my mouth. My voice becomes even more breathy once I feel him trace circles on my clit with his tongue. I am so turned on already that I feel like coming in short seconds. He rubs the tip of his tongue over this one sensitive spot, tracing circles, flicking it on it.
"Gosh..." I grip the sofa, breathing hard and heavily. The frictions increase with the use of his whole mouth, and he kisses this area, his hands tightening their hold on the front of my thighs to keep them spread. One of his hands drifts towards my pubic bone once he hears me have a harder time keeping quiet, and he pulls up on the skin to have even more access to the most sensitive spots, and he pushes the lips apart, then his tongue flicks on my clit. More pressure getting applied, more speed being given, some tears of extreme pleasure feel my eyes, and I moan his name, my head bending back, my back arching as my limbs are tensing.
My hands clench into fists as a reaction to the build-up of ecstasy and sexual pleasure inside of me, the rush of blood, the adrenaline. A whiny moan slips out to echo through the room, the blood boiling through my veins, the sensation felt between my thighs, he does not stop but keeps up with the pace, and I do not control my body anymore. The orgasm overwhelms me, and my left hand lifts up to grip the back of the sofa as the amount of satisfaction inside of me is insanely driving me crazy.
"Don't stop—" I feel my legs and arms twitch, my toes curling, I pull my legs even more apart and thrust my hips to feel his tongue even more further in-between, the indescribable thrill makes me cry out. Some more sounds escaping my mouth, I gasp for air, climaxing and feeling the weight in my lower abdomen leave but cause a wave of a wonderful feeling to run through me without missing one spot. I moan a bit too loudly but feel self-conscious, and my body convulses, my lungs feeling tight. I bite my lips as the reaction of my body is impossible to calm, feeling Mister Jeon lick everything off, but he stops right when I clench my legs and make him understand this is painful.
My eyes do not open, my mouth do not close, the twitching continue, and Mister Jeon's hands stroke my thighs. A kiss of his hot and swollen lips lands on my lower stomach, and the heat of his body gradually covers mine as he is crawling up over me. My head still turned towards the back of the sofa, I drop my hand that was tightly clenched and try to catch my breath, waiting for the small convulsions to stop.
The silence feeling oddly too quiet because of my heavy breathing and small whimpers I cannot hold in while recovering, his fingers brush my hair back to not let them on my blazing cheek anymore but reveal the side of my face, and he softly cups my chin to direct my head towards him.
I must look pathetic in this state.
I lift my heavy eyelids up to see his features, feeling his thumb caress my cheek and soothe me. His bright eyes dive their attention into my soul, and he smiles at me. "You're adorable," he licks his lips but goes back on his knees, and he grabs a few tissues from the box on the coffee table, so I watch him but notice that he is cleaning himself.
"Did you...?" I can barely pronounce a word, and he gazes up into my eyes after wiping his cock. "I did cum," he understands what I mean and scoffs at himself. He drops the dirty tissue on the floor, and he comes back.
"How?" I look into his penetrating eyes, those big ones reflecting a lot of gleam. The expression upon his face exudes some kind of satisfaction and relish. "Hearing and seeing you orgasm, knowing the pleasure that I am giving you and enjoying it too. I'm easily affected by that."
I did not think this could happen. "Oh," I hide the hint of disappointment I feel since I would have loved to pleasure him too. He does not say anything, but his stare on me engenders a lot of butterflies that I would not be feeling if what happened a few seconds ago did not. I am quite weaker than usual and more vulnerable to the effect he has on me. This is crazy to feel so subjugated.
The orgasm fading away after making my entire body shake from everywhere and feel intense pleasure like never I have before, I finally breathe steadily as we are both gazing at each other.
I want to touch him or simply do more, but I cannot. I should have gotten on my knees before being brought on this sofa.
"What's wrong?"
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