chapter 12 | Delicate
"Promise you won't talk about it with anyone."
"I promise you, Mister Jeon," she gives me her word, and I do not even ask twice, I know I can trust her. "I...this is serious, and you might not even believe it, but...this is about the relationship I have with my wife and..." I stop myself before continuing. I peek behind me to make sure the door is closed, and I keep going. "So...this is about that, but I guess you expected it..."
"Kinda," she confirms, and I go on to explain what is happening and torturing me. "I...I haven't talked about it with Hajoon, I feel like this is better to avoid it, but..." I clear my throat, finding it difficult to speak and recall this day. "Almost one year ago, when she was pregnant with Hyejoon. I left my workplace a bit earlier to be able to surprise her at her work for her birthday. So I went back home with a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolates, then I wrapped it up and all, I did everything and added a note for her...And Hajoon was already home, so I told him about my plans, he knew about it," I point it out since this is important to me, and she nods, listening carefully.
"So I left the house, I drove to her workplace...and...You have no idea how happy I was, I kept on thinking about her reaction, about the smile she would have on her face, but..." the knot in my throat tightens now that I'm close to saying the worst. "When I was there, I went out of my car, with the presents. At first, I was supposed to give her the note with the other items, but when I saw her car near mine in the parking lot, I thought this would be a bit romantic to leave it on her door. So I moved towards it, and once I got closer...that's when...when I saw her," I clench my fist to not burst into tears again. "She was with her boss...cheating on me..." I bite on my lips. "This was so painful to witness it that I did not even have the strength to do anything. The only thing that went through my head was that I just stumbled upon the one I love the most in my life, and she was having sex with another guy...and the pain in my chest was so unreal and agonizing that I could barely breathe. I felt so dumb...I could have beaten that guy up, do something, but I didn't. I went back into my car like a stupid dude, and I cried so much...the physical pain was the worst one I've ever had, it was like someone had stabbed and torn my heart apart..."
She does not say anything, but the more I look into her eyes, the more I can discern the glisten in them. " it was not enough. I received an email this week. To make it quick, I asked for a paternity test. You know, after catching her cheat on me when she was pregnant, seeing her act fake with me without ever feeling any guilt made me doubt a lot. So I requested one test to check if Hyejoon is indeed my son, or if she had him with this guy...and...I waited for, like, two or three weeks, and they answered me," I do not keep quiet but need some pauses between my sentences, staying quiet to be heard by her only. "The test showed that...I'm not..." I nibble on my inner lip, still not believing that it is real but just a living nightmare. "I'm not his father..."
"How could she do that to you?" she tears up because of this, but I force a smile and wipe her tears away. "I was maybe not enough...I don't know..."
"Not enough? That's impossible. You're an amazing man. I hate her even more could she do that to you...?" she leans towards me to hug me again, and she rests her head on my chest. My hand makes its way to her hair in short, thoughtless seconds, and I tangle my fingers in it. I rest my cheek on the side of her head, and I close my eyes, feeling mentally and physically worn out. I just want to sleep and forget about everything, to be happy in my dreams, or just leave the real world.
"Don't let her ruin your life because she's a horrible person. I know it must be really painful and hard for you because of what you got to know...but...Hyejoon is your son. You're the one who takes care of him the most, you love him, you're there for him like no one else is. You're a wonderful and caring father...the DNA won't change that..."
No matter the acute pain inside of me, her words and voice are able to put a smile on my face. I comb her hair, now remaining silent and doing my best to think about this moment only and not the negative side of my life.
— One month later —
Saturday, November 21st, 2020.
8:30 am.
"Good morning, Mister Jeon," she starts my day with a bright smile, and I instantly move towards her to respond with the same expression and honesty. "Good morning, sweetheart. How are you doing?" I grab the cup she hands me as she's holding my baby. "I'm good, and you?"
"You're good, like good?" she asks and emphasizes the word, but I nod, grinning at her. "Yes, good like good."
"All right, then I'm good as well," she nearly makes me understand that she is doing fine because I am, but I do not say anything about this. "The breakfast is already on the dining table," she carries my cute baby with both arms and leads me to the room on the right, and I sit at the table but gaze at her fixedly enough to make her figure out that I want her to be here too.
She smiles once she knows what this means, and she sits down. "Come on daddy's lap, baby," I stretch my arms out to him, willing to have him in my arms. He does not think twice before moving forth and beaming broadly, and y/n helps him so that I can sit him on my thighs.
My heart is full of softness right when he's against me. I avoid thinking about what could mess with my head, and I just enjoy the moment with my child. I press a kiss on the crown of his head, and he puts his small arms around my waist. "There's nothing cuter than a dad taking care of their baby and speaking in this type of voice."
"What type of voice?" I feign incomprehension and grab my spoon to eat the pieces of fruit, but she gazes at me and giggles, softly. "That cute, high-pitched voice. It oddly fits the strong, tall, and intimidating man, that you are, a lot."
"Oh," I tilt my head to the side, receiving all the compliments and feeling blessed by them. "Strong, tall, and intimidating. I feel very attractive with you," I do not keep quiet, even though I know this will make her shy to hear me repeat it. As expected, she grins and uses her hand to hide her face but act like she's holding her head. "I'm just stating the truth."
"Hm, then thank you," I chew on the pieces of apple, unceasingly peeking at her. I don't glance back at my food once I cannot ignore something new on her. I put one arm around my son but focus on her, despite the nervousness this can cause her. Her hair down with two ponytails, and the soft makeup, I find it adorable.
"I like your hair and makeup today, I never saw you wear that before," I mention it but realize it didn't sound the way I wanted it to. "I mean, you're always pretty, but I like how different it is."
"Really?" she touches one of her ponytails, her face exposing how nervous she just became. "Yes," I do affirm my statement, and she does not even hide her content. "Thank you. I thought I messed up, but if you like it, then I'm happy."
"Is my opinion the only thing that matters?" I take another spoon, and she rests her chin on both of her hands, nervously cupping it in a cute manner. She nods, and I hope she does not mean it. My opinion cannot be the only one that she wants.
2:10 pm.
I type on my keyboard while enjoying the sun that shines on me and keeps me warm, working in the backyard to be alone and be lucky enough to breathe the fresh air while doing my job.
The birds singing gets covered by the sound of the sliding door opening, and I look in that direction. I make eye contact with y/n, and I smile, naturally. "Hey," I leave my work for a moment, and she comes closer but does not say anything. She sits down next to me, none of us breaking the contact. I do not understand the silence that she gives me, but she just stays there, staring at me, with shyness.
"What is happening?" I peek at my screen, waiting for the sound of her voice to leave her mouth. It does not, so I save what I wrote and close my laptop to focus on her. I place it on the end table on my right, and I turn towards her, put my arm behind her, and I stare into her eyes as well. "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
I do not get any answer from her, she just maintains eye contact and keeps on gazing into both of mine. I smile without getting annoyed at all, and I bring one hand up to her hair to push them behind her shoulder in a kind manner. "Are you playing a game? You know this is dangerous to do so, don't you?"
Her lips turn up as she's trying very hard to continue what she is doing. "This is not because something is worrying you, right? Or have I said something wrong?" I cannot keep quiet since I want to know what she is doing.
She does not respond, but she leans closer, she flattens her hands near my thigh and pushes on them, and her lips end on my cheek for a kiss that I did not see coming. Out of shyness for sure, she joins her hands and traps them between her thighs, and I do not hide how soft this made me.
"Is that supposed to be a yes?" I take it as an answer to my question, but she does not repeat her action. Since I don't know what this game is, or what she wants to make me understand, I move forth and kiss her cheekbone, before gazing into her pretty eyes again. "Is that what you wanted?"
Her body language exposes all the nervousness I caused, and I enjoy it. "Hm? You do not want to talk?" I cup the side of her neck and press my lips on her cheek once more, getting her all flustered. "I won't stop until you tell me what this means," I repeat my actions to leave my kiss on her jawline, but she ends up giggling and throwing her body on mine to hide her face in my chest, and my hand slides to the nape of her neck.
"I wanted to see if you would ignore me," her voice finally goes out, and I comb her hair. "Why the kiss?" I bring up, and I feel her arm move up my torso, so I gaze down and see her fiddle with her rosy lips. "Hajoon said this is impossible to make you shy, so I tried to, but I failed."
"Hm, no one can make me shy. Not anymore," I do not mind it, my fingers running through her hair. She raises her head up to look at me but puts us in a tight close position. "Not anymore? Does that mean you were before?"
"Exactly, I was a shy boy, in the past," I do not lie to her about this, even though I used to hate myself. "You? Shy? Shy like me, or less than that?"
"More shy than you. I could not even approach a girl or ask one out," I pull my hand away from her hair but move it towards her warm cheek to stroke it. "I used to have those red cheeks too."
She laughs at this sentence, but she tilts her head to the side as if it was instinctive and that she liked my hand on her. "You're making fun of me. That's mean, Mister Jeon."
"That is not. I'm just teasing you," I give a kind pinch to her cheek but take my hand off of her, and I put it on the back of the sofa. She does not even leave any space between us, she lays her head on my arm and closes her eyes. "My back hurts like hell..."
"What did you do?" I remain still and scrutinize her features as she's not looking, but she reopens her eyes. "I was playing with Hyejoon and fooled around, and I hurt my back."
"Tch...I can't even imagine what you were doing. Where is it?" I ask her to locate it, and she straightens up to show me all her shoulder blade. "Here."
"Do you want a massage?" I propose to relieve the pain, and she nods as if she was waiting for me to ask this. "If it's from you, yes."
"And if it's not from me?" I do not know how to stop myself from teasing her. "Then no thanks."
I chuckle. I can't believe this girl.
Since I know she wants and needs it, I draw her closer to me and pass my hand underneath her oversized sweater to have my skin in contact with hers. "Is my hand cold?" I ask, but she shakes her head. "No, it's all warm. It feels good"
After this answer, I start and knead her shoulder blade first. "Don't fool around anymore, little idiot," I remark what I cannot keep to myself, and she smiles but nods. "I won't, Sir."
I grin, and I massage her shoulder to relieve her from the muscle pain. "Tell me if some spots feel more sensitive," I ask her to warn me for this to be even better, and she agrees. "The spot between my shoulder blade and spine is more painful."
I slide my hand there, and I apply enough pressure to make it pleasing and satisfying. I go slowly, and my eyes check her reaction. "Here?" I do it in a circular motion, and she bites her lips and tells me it is the perfect spot, so I keep going like this.
"It's a bit difficult like this," I change of position, trying to be comfortable to do it well. "Do you want me to get between your legs? You're right-handed, and I can feel it," she laughs at how clumsy this must feel with this left hand I use, so I get her between my thighs to make it easier. I spread my legs, giving her enough space. I can now massage both sides.
"Wow..." she fidgets, bending her head. "You're not kidding with this hand."
"I'm not, I'm good at this," I don't play. I know how to give a good massage, so I'm doing it properly to make her feel better. "You should feel fixed after this," I chuckle, but she moves back and comes closer with her body.
The birds singing, the sun shining on our skins, everything feels so good right now.
Someone already interrupts this peacefulness I was enjoying. My wife. The worst.
I don't remove my hands from y/n but see her establish some distance as if this woman was the cause of some scare. Sooyeon looks at me, and I lower my hands to y/n's forearms.
"What are you doing?" her audacity is enough to make her get mad at me, but I do not waste my time getting annoyed. "I'm giving her a massage. Why?"
"A massage?" she turns her head as if she did not hear my clear words, faking a smirk out of anger. "Since when do you touch a girl like that? Have you forgotten your wife is here or you just—"
"She's in pain. I don't see the problem, I'm a doctor," I do not care, feeling emotionless after all the things I went through because of her. I do not feel any sadness because of her anymore, just wrath and disgust. The only thing that does not want to leave me alone is the pain that the paternity DNA test provoked.
"Oh, you're a doctor. Sure," she doesn't yell again, to my greatest pleasure, and she leaves. This feels better like this, without her around. I heave a sigh once she slams the door, and I look back at y/n. She turns around to make eye contact, and I slide my hands up her arms. "Let's not care," I convince her this is fine, and she allows me to continue.
3 pm.
"Mister Jeon," y/n comes closer to me, leaving Hajoon and his friends who are having fun in the pool as I'm sitting on one of the stairs to keep an eye on them when she is here. "Yes?" I smile and put one strawberry in my mouth, but she bends over me to speak in my ear. "You look amazing," she makes me soft with easiness, and before I could answer her, she kneels down on the stair below the one I'm sitting on, between my legs, and she looks up into my eyes.
"I know I do," I tease her with fake confidence, and she giggles but looks down at the fruit I have in my hand. "But you look amazing too, so you know how this feels like."
She shakes her head and now regrets complimenting me. "I was trying to make you shy. Do not return it, please," she cannot handle it, but I enjoy this. "I'm just telling the truth," I take a sip of my drink.
"I told the truth too," she lays her hands on her thighs, peeking at the punnet of strawberries next to me. "Aren't your fingers sticky?" she notices the whipped cream I added and which melted, and I look at it. "They are, but I'll wash my hands once I'm done."
"Hm," she nods, her gaze making me smile internally and do my best to not let it form on my face. I look into her eyes, and I eat another strawberry, knowing she wants one but cannot ask for it. "I bought them today, and let me tell you, they're delicious," I provoke some hunger to her stomach, and she changes of position. She sits down to have one of my legs behind her back, and she pretends not to care. She bends over, moves towards the punnet, and she puts her arms over my thigh to reach out for the strawberries. "Can I taste one?" she asks me first, and her behavior melts me to the core.
I chuckle but pick a big one up, I cover it in whipped cream, and I bring it to her mouth. I put the whole thing inside, and she eats, so I lick the cream she left on my fingers while watching her try it. "So?"
"This is the best strawberry I've ever eaten," she speaks while chewing, and I laugh. "I'm glad you like it," I place my arms over my thighs and keep my eyes on her. "Are the boys bothering you?"
"No, they're pretty kind," she relieves me. I was a bit worried about letting some boys come over when she is here, but I guess they are more mature than expected. "Good," I comb her hair and brush some strands behind her ear with my clean hand, loving the fact that she always seems to like when I do this type of thing. After only a few seconds, she does not focus on the boys anymore but bends her head back and rests it on my thigh, and she closes her eyes, putting a smile on my face.
"You like it?" I continue to do it, and she confirms with a 'hm', then without any more words or looks, she leans closer to my body and hides her face in my torso, resting it on my stomach. "I'm sleepy now."
"Sleep if you want," I softly gaze at her, feeling affected by how adorable it is. I let her stay in this position and caress her cheek to soothe her.
"Bro," my best friend nudges me in the arm when I just threw the ball in the basketball hoop. "What?" I catch the ball and look at him, wondering what he wants. "What's the relationship between your dad and y/n?"
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