chapter 11 | Close to you
I hurry to check who it is, even though I barely doubt, and once I see her name, I pick up the call.
I stay silent and wait for her to speak. "Hey..." she softly initiates it, and I smile. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Hm. What about you?" she sounds weird, provoking some worry. "I am as well. What are you doing? Are you having trouble sleeping?"
"Kind of, but that's not the matter. Are you sure you're okay? Like, you're not concerned or bothered by any thoughts, right?" she draws attention to this the most, and I cannot hold back from asking some questions. "I...I'm fine. Why are you worrying like that?"
"Hajoon," she reveals. "He told me you were outside felt the need to call and talk to you. Unless you want to be alone," she does not even realize how good it feels for me when I hear her concern, her sincere care. I smile now that I know the reason for her to call me at this hour. "I'm fine, sweetheart. Don't stress over things like that. I'm just enjoying some time outside while everyone is asleep, and I love to be with you on the phone right now, so don't feel like you're disturbing."
"I'm relieved to hear it," she responds with an audible smile that I can perceive through her voice and intonation. "Have you tried to sleep at least? Or you went outside without trying?"
"I was working in my office, then I just did not want to go to bed, so I went outside. I like to stay here," I explain to her with no lies. "Oh, but isn't it cold outside?"
"Let's say chilly," I grin, unconsciously. "Don't catch a cold..." she quietly tells me, this sounds like an order, but a cute one. "I won't. I barely get sick."
"Yes, but...there's always a first, you know..." her small voice soothes me, and I close my eyes but bite my lips, the emotions taking over me at the wrong time. "I'm not doing this to annoy you or anything..." she almost whispers, my heart beating harder as I'm fighting against myself to not cry. "I just care about you a lot and wouldn't want to see you struggle or feel some pain..."
I need to control myself now, I cried since I opened that email, I need to stop. "Are you mad...? I apologize if—"
"I'm not, sweetheart," I smile but clear my throat to attempt to get the knot away. "I'm not mad at all."
"You scared me for a second," she does not hide it, but no more words leave me, I do not know what to speak about anymore, what to say. I just wish she could be by my side so that I would get everything off my chest and alleviate a part of the killing ache.
"What have you eaten once you went back home?" she does not let the silence separate us, and I sniffle. "I ate some pizza and ice cream with Hajoon at a restaurant, we go out to eat now."
"Oh, that's great. You can spend some time just together like this," she thinks like I do, and I agree. "Exactly. We can have some more serious conversation or just enjoy our time together, and since we're talking about him, he'll come with me tomorrow to visit you in the afternoon, but he'll come earlier. He wanted to come today, but I thought it was better to wait for tomorrow since I had your clothes."
"You did great," she makes me happy with my decision, and since I already know what she ate for dinner, I talk about something else.
— Two days later —
Friday, October 23rd, 2020.
7 am.
"Here we are," I close the door behind us, putting y/n's luggage on the floor. She takes her shoes and jacket off, but I keep mine on since I have to go without waiting.
"Thank you very much, Mister Jeon," she smiles at me and stands before me. "Hajoon should be here in a min—"
"Hey," the one I talk about steps out of the kitchen, probably nervous about the surprise he prepared. I grin as soon as I see him, and y/n lays her eyes on him. "Hey, how are you?"
"I'm fine...what about you?" he comes closer without the roses and presents, and I tuck my hands in my pockets while watching this adorable scene. "I'm fine too. Are you hungry?"
"I am, a little," she does not pretend to not need anything, but my son glances at me in an obvious way to make me understand he would like me to leave. "Well," I do not embarrass him or make him nervous. "I have to go to work. Rest and do not hesitate to call or text me if something is going on. Okay?"
She nods, focusing on me a lot. "Good. See you later and eat," I grab the handle of the door that is behind me, and she joins her hands in front of her body. "See you. Be careful on the road, Mister Jeon," she bows to me when this is not necessary anymore, and I grin but leave.
"What is that?" he points his finger at the plush toy that I'm holding, and I gaze down at this white bunny. "Your dad bought it for me. It's cute, isn't it? And it's all fluffy."
"Hm," he nods but does not seem to agree. "Anyway, I have to..." he lifts his hand up to his head and scratches it. "I'm coming back. Wait here."
I do not move but allow him to go back to the kitchen. I take this opportunity to gaze down at the plush toy that Mister Jeon got me. This is so soft and fluffy, and it means a lot to me, for some reason. I bring it to my nose to see if it is the type of plush that has a scent, but the only one I smell is Mister Jeon's. I did not expect to smell his fragrance on it.
Once I hear some noise come from a plastic wrapping, I raise my head up but see Hajoon come back with something behind his back. "What are you hiding?" I hold my toy with both hands, and he stops right in front of me, nervously. He bites his lips but reveals what was out of sight.
A bouquet of roses. This is so adorable.
"Aw..." I can barely believe it. "This is for you, I wanted to...make you...I don't know," he does not find the right words, and I giggle unwittingly. "They're so beautiful," I take the bouquet. "Thank you so much, Hajoon."
He beams at me and ruffles his hair as if he was shy. "Do you like those roses?"
"I do, they're so pretty," I smell them but feel touched by his gesture. I never felt so pampered. "I just don't know where to put them, I don't have a vase or anything."
"It's fine, there must be one in the kitchen or something," he shrugs and turns around. "Let me...find one," he walks away but stops before even making a few steps. "Oh, wait. Let me bring your luggage to your room first," he heads towards it and grabs it by the handle to carry it for me.
Not only Mister Jeon but his son as well is an amazing person.
6 pm.
I step inside the house after a long and cold day, and some appetizing smell of food greets me, but not the girl I expected to hear.
I take my shoes and jacket off to get comfortable but see Hajoon studying next to y/n, who seems asleep. I get closer to them and check up on her, but I catch sight of her sleeping with the bunny plush on her face. I smile, uncontrollably. "She asked if she could take a nap while I was here, so I let her do it."
"Was she tired?" I put my bag down on the sofa, and he nods. "She dozed off in a few seconds," he keeps his eyes on his book, and I smile at her but hear the pumps of my wife reverberate through the house.
"Why did you buy her a plush toy?" he asks me, his mother passing behind us. I bend over and places my hands on the back of the sofa, staying near y/n. "I wanted to. Why?"
"Just like that..." he shrugs but cannot hide the fact that something is wrong about that. "Did she say something about it?"
"She likes it. Apparently, she kept it near her the whole day," he tells me but causes some curiosity and apprehension. "And what about the flowers? The food you cooked for her?"
"She liked it too..." his monotone voice ticks me off, irritating me with his way of speaking but keeping something to himself. "All right then," I do not persist, I peek at y/n once I see some movement, but we both make eye contact right when she wakes up and pulls her bunny plush down. "Hello," I let her come back to consciousness with a smile upon my face, looking at her upside down.
"Have you been home for long?" she hides a part of her face with her bunny and straightens up to fix her hair. "I came back a minute ago. Don't worry, and you can sleep whenever you want."
She listens with delight and holds her plush close. "Was it tough at work?" she asks me the question I was waiting for, and I shrug. "It was busy, but I could handle it. What about you?"
"It was great. I started to teach Hyejoon some words, even if this is a bit early," she mentions something I didn't know, and I cannot even hide my joy. "Really? I'm going to do it with you this weekend. I want to be there for that as well."
"He'll be even happier then," she glances down at her thighs but puts her plush aside. "You can take a shower to relax then, I'm going to warm the dinner up and serve you," she stands up and leaves the bunny on the sofa, but I correct that sentence. "Serve us, you mean, right?"
She smiles and nods to me. "Yes, us, Mister Jeon."
"Good," the satisfaction fills me, and I move to the bathroom.
2 am.
I bring my cigarette to my mouth to inhale it, and I move my hand away but hold my head, blow the toxic air out of my lungs, and let my tears roll down my face. I close my eyes out of exhaustion and let all my emotions go out, not standing the pain anymore, the standing how lonely I am into this struggle.
The cold wind blows on my skin, and my breathing shakes, turns unsteady the more I'm sobbing and trying hard to stand the agonizing pain that the truth decided to cause. My head is never empty, never filled with great memories or thoughts anymore, and I now feel like dying.
I wipe my tears away and grab my glass of whiskey to drink and let this strong liquid clear my tight throat. Someone suddenly opens the sliding door on my right, so I hurry to put my glass down and get rid of my tears.
I sniffle and clear my throat, and I set my eyes on the person who joined me on the terrace.
Y/n, holding the bunny plush in her arms and keeping her blanket around her. "Hey," I force a smile, and she returns it in a sincere manner. "Hey, can I...join?" she does not even come near right away, but I nod with no second thought.
She sits down by my side, and I stub my cigarette out. I look in her direction but catch her already staring, the puffiness and redness of my eyes doubtlessly exposing me and what I tried to conceal.
"Are you all right?" she asks in a worried voice, and I lie. "Yes, what about you? What brought you here?" my hand combs my long hair back, and I dig deep to act fine in front of her.
Despite the fight against myself that I believe to be winning, she does not glance away as if she knew and didn't like the way I'm not telling the truth. "Hm. I'm good. I'm just unable to fall asleep..." she maintains eye contact, and I run my fingers over my lips. "Is there a—"
"Mister Jeon..." she interrupts me, the tone of her voice softening but grasping certain grief. "Are you sure you're okay...? Your eyes are...they look like you cried..." she does not even beat around the bush, and she complicates it.
I do not even say anything or react at all. I do not want to lie, feign, or anything. I'm tired. I stare into her eyes but feel the tears flood mine anew, her gaze affecting me twice more than usual. "What's wrong...?" she touches my arm, delicately, and I go to pieces. I lower my chin and hide my face with one hand, avoiding her gaze as I cannot control my emotions any longer.
"I'm so sorry for crying," my voice cracks in a ridiculous way to put more shame on me, but she rubs her thumb over my arm. "No, don't be sorry. It's okay, just let it out," her hand remains on me, but she inches closer and puts her arms around me, getting my heart to ache even more and make me hold her tight too. One arm encircles her neck, and the other her waist. I cannot even hold back from gripping her blanket and closing my eyes.
She rubs my back to offer me some comfort, and she brings me what I've been needing this whole time. "I'm sorry that you have to go through this..."
I raise my head up but retreat to pass one hand over my cheeks and remove the wetness. I run my fingers through her hair but put one arm behind her to rest it on the back of the sofa.
"I don't know what to do anymore..." I heavily exhale and lift my hand up to my face to rest it on my fist. "Why? What is happening?" she turns towards me, and I look into her eyes. "Promise you won't talk about it with anyone."
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