Acne Awareness Month: my journey
June is Acne Awareness Month, and I thought it would be a good time to share my experience of living with acne.
I've always had bad acne. Looking back on it now, I'd say that when everyone was going through their novice acne level, I was already well into the professional level.
It was really common for people in my family to recommend creams, and just talk about my acne in general, as if I wasn't there.
It really impacted my confidence, and my self-esteem. A girl in school walked past me and commented on a spot of mine, saying that she could see the pus. My friend heard and we locked eyes. She didn't say anything, and neither did I. I was so embarrassed.
And I remember thinking that this is never going to go away. I'm going to be ugly forever, and no one is going to see past my acne.
For a long time, I hated my skin. My body image struggles started with my acne, and it just spiralled from there. The further I sat from the mirror, the better. That way, the light wouldn't shine on my face, and I couldn't see my acne.
Fast forward a few years, and the majority of my acne cleared up. I still have spots, but they don't come as frequently as they used to. What I have now though, are the scars. And in some ways, they're worse than the actual acne, because they're like a reminder of what I went through.
And trust me, I don't need any reminders.
People can be so mean. If I hadn't gotten those looks, or if some people hadn't thought of a way to bring up my face in every conversation, would I be struggling with the body image and self-esteem struggles I am now?
I don't think so.
When I discovered the skincare world, and watched YouTubers like Hyram, Cassandra Bankson and James Welsh, I started to understand my skin a lot more. And honestly, that has helped me so much in terms of learning to love myself.
Learning that my skin isn't against me, and that it will work with me if I don't give up on it, truly helped me get through the days were my skin was rougher.
I'm still struggling, and my body image struggles haven't gone away, but I'm in a much better place.
Please remember to be kind. You may be drawn to a mark on someone's face, or some acne that looks quite sore, but DON'T comment on it. We're all going through changes in our appearance. It's NORMAL.
I want you to know that having acne does NOT mean your dirty. You are NOT ugly.
You're going to feel like it's never going to get better, but take it from someone who pretty much gave up after no recommendations worked, things will get better.
And if it doesn't, or you still have the acne scars, please do NOT let that diminish your worth. You are NOT your acne, and you are NOT the scars that come with it.
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