Chapter 1
3rd pov
The meme squad had capture both Ink and blue during the fight between Nightmare and Dream Nightmare got Dream pretty bad in the ribs and was bleeding heavily he stepped back against the cliff. "Brother give up already we won stop resisting please I don't want to hurt you." Dream spat up blood and smiled. "Sorry Nightmare but I'll never surrender." Dream jumped off the cliff and flapped his wings trying to take off the high cliff Nightmare launched an attack in an attempt to stop his brother from escaping and accidentally hitting him hard in the head a crack sounded out as Dream's skull was hit by the attack the meme squad winced when the crack sounded out Nightmare watched in horror as Dream's eyes slid shut and his body dropped out off the sky and over the cliff. "Noooo!" Nightmare despite everything his brother put him through still loved his brother and never wanted to hurt him he rushed to the cliff edge with the other's behind him and saw Dream fall into the river below with Dream being unconscious he could do nothing as hell fell into the river and hit his head hard on a rock on the river bed causing his crack to get bigger and bleed more as the river swept him away. Nightmare and the others teleported to the river bank and Nightmare desperately tried to find any trace of his brother but could not see any trace of him. "Cross, Error spread the word tell people to report if they see Dream but do not make contact he may have been our enemy but he is still my brother I want to make sure he's okay search for him in off time with ink and blue in the dungeon and the castle in a mess we need to get back and take care of things." They both replied yes and they left to the castle.
Dream pov
I felt cold I couldn't move My skull was pounding why was it pounding where am I? I felt my hand twitch and for some reason my back was heavy why was it heavy I felt my sockets twitch and I opened my eye sockets and slowly moved and saw my hands they were skeletal I was shocked I heard water moving and shakily stood up he felt the weight on his back shift again and he moved to the river and looked at his reflection to see he had a huge crack his skull he lifted his hand to his skull and winced so that's why his skull hurts he also saw that he had wings he experimentally moved them they felt fine but decided not to risk flying as he had no idea how to so he lowered them again he looked around his surroundings and saw that he was in a forest how did he get here? He tried to remember and didn't know wait a second who am I? I frantically tried to search for a memory but couldn't find a single one he was lost with no idea where he was or who he was all I could do was slowly and weakly start walking in a direction hoping to find something he recognize he was walking for hours he was starving but didn't have anything to eat he kept walking the further he walked the more tired and weak he felt until he had to lean against a tree and slid to the ground against a tree he was tired freezing and starving he felt so weak he tried to stay awake but couldn't fight the darkness trying to claim me My eye sockets slumped closed and Dream was slumped against the tree passed out what he didn't realize was that someone saw him and went to report to the meme squad that Dream had been spotted.
Nightmare pov
It had been two stressful weeks I was worried about Dream and I had to also run the castle and make sure Ink and blue were taken care of and didn't try to escape we did make sure they were well cared for but couldn't take them out of their cells finally there was news about my brother he had been spotted in the forest they weren't able to get a good look at the condition he was in but I was happy he was alive me and the meme squad knew where this was as we had been there before hiding from the justice reins so we were able to teleport to the spot it took a half hour but we finally found him he was slumped against a tree he had a huge crack on his skull and his body was shaking while he was passed out I felt my soul clench my brother was in horrible condition he twitch and me and Cross and error tensed ready for a fight to break out his sockets opened and I saw his confusion he looked at our weapons and I saw fear in his sockets my brother let out a whimper and I felt myself freeze never in any of our fights did he show fear I tried to step closer hesitant but willing to try to console his brother Dream only tried to move back but couldn't because he was too weak he could only get back a little bit I watched as tears went down my brothers eyes I reached my hand out and Dream flinched away I was so concerned what was wrong. "Dream are you ok what's wrong?" I made sure my voice was soft to avoid scaring him. "Who's Dream?" I froze he doesn't know who he is. "Your name is Dream do you remember me?" "No I'm sorry." I was not used to this my brother being skittish and so frightened of everything around him I felt dread in me our fight made him lose his memory. "My name is nightmare I'm your brother would like to come with me your my brother so I'll take care of you." I smiled with my hand held out he shakily reached his hand out I was glad he was willing to trust me I saw him wince he grabbed his skull next thing I know he slumps forward into my arms. "Error , Cross we need to get him to the medical wing." I carefully picked Dream up bridal style and was alarmed by how light he was only furthering my worry we teleported back to the castle and to the medical wing a doctor came and checked him. "Well good news is he should recover from the cold and the malnutrition from not eating for a two weeks." "What's the bad news will my brother be ok?" "The bad news is the hit he took as well as the fall has done some permanent damage the crack will heal but unfortunately he will never get his memory back the only thing you can do is start over with him I'll let you have some alone time with him." I teared up I hate that this happened I didn't mean to hurt him this bad but I'll still happily take a second chance with me brother I smiled at my brother his skull was wrapped with bandages but he was peacefully sleeping on the bed I held his hand and lowered my head onto my be and allowed myself to fall asleep.
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