Taehyung obliviously looked out his window at the younger walking to his house, alone and in the dark. His face grew worried as he couldn't hold himself back from running outside and to the younger, not caring how awkward it might be.
Taehyung caught up to Jungkook and hesitated before tapping his shoulder. Jungkook paused and turned around, eyes still scanning the ground. The older of the two gulped.
"J-jungkook?" Taehyung asked as he stared at the younger who was wrapped in his hoodie, looking unbelievably adorable.
"W-what are y-you d-doing here" Jungkook stuttered. Taehyung heard the amount of sadness in his voice.
"I.. um.." Taehyung paused. "Can I walk you home?"
Jungkook then brought his gaze up to the older. His eyes and cheeks were stained red and visible tears were dripping down from his face. Taehyung felt like breaking down and crying in that moment, he couldn't stand seeing his crush like this.
"S-sure" The younger said turning around to walk back home, Taehyung followed right beside him. The two were silent the whole rest of the way, but it was a comfortable silence. One that the two missed very much.
Once the two made it inside Jungkook's house, Jungkook just stood right beside the closed door. Looking down at his feet once again. Taehyung looked at the younger.
"Jungkook, what's wrong?"
Jungkook shook his head no making his hair sway side to side.
"Please tell me kook"
Once the younger heard the nickname he looked up at Tae, and then back down.
"Jaem-min.. he.."
The two were silent once again
"He b-broke up with me.." Jungkook stated while sinking his head even lower. He started to sniffle and shake. Taehyung immediately ran over to the younger, hugging him tightly. Taehyung felt bad for sure, but he couldn't avoid the fact that he was slightly excited and happy they finally broke up.
"Well in that case it's Jaemin's loss, not yours." Taehyung said reassuringly as he cupped the youngers cheeks, looking straight into his eyes while showing off a tiny lip smile. Jungkook chuckled while wiping his eyes with his sleeves.
"May I ask why he broke up with you?" The older asked. Jungkook's smile then faded away once again which made Taehyung sad.
"H-he said he only thought I w-was hot and wanted to fuck.. he only wanted to be my b-boyfriend so he could use me for s-sex" Jungkook sobbed while clutching onto the elder. Taehyung's expression became furious as he imagined how someone could possibly use the adorable and beautiful human in front of him.
"That dick" Taehyung mumbled as he held the younger as well, loving his scent and how warm he felt in his hoodie. But their moment was interrupted by a banging on the door.
"Jungkookie I'm home!!"
The two males let go and turned their attention to the wood door that was right in front of them.
"Who's that kook?" Taehyung asked while whispering. Jungkook sighed.
"My mom." Jungkook said. The younger didn't know how he remembered her, but her squealing, annoying, screeching voice gave him a memory of his oblivious mother.
Taehyung felt his face heat up and his body become tense. He can't be there. Jungkooks mom knew the two were dating and if she saw Taehyung with him she would definitely bring up their 'relationship'. The youngers mom still didn't know about his accident because she didn't pick up the phone when the hospital called. He shivered at the thought.
"Shit.. um sorry kook I need to run up to your room and hide in your closet don't tell your parents I'm here ok and don't let them in your room thanks!" Taehyung said as he sprinted up the stares and into his bedroom. Jungkook raised an eyebrow, confused as he watched the older run up the stairs and close the door.
Jungkook shrugged it off and went to reach for the door handle. Once he opened it he was engulfed in a hug. He didn't like it though, his mom was gone for 8 months when she promised she'd be back in 2. His dad was still gone, he died when Jungkook was just seven.
"Oh kookie! You've grown so much since I last saw you! How are you? How's Taehyung? School? Your friends? What about your-"
"Everythings fine mom" Jungkook said while rolling his eyes and looking back down at the floor.
"You sound awful Jungkook! Are you ok? Have you been eating well? Did you and Taehyung figh-"
"I SAID EVERYTHINGS FINE MOM" Jungkook yelled as his anger and sadness took over him. He turned away and headed up the stairs and into his room. He slammed his door shut and jumped onto the bed, burying his face in pillows and screaming into them. Taehyung heard the noise so he walked out from the closet and by Jungkook.
"Kook are you ok what happened?" Taehyung exclaimed as he sat by the younger, engulfing him in a warm hug. Jungkook just shook his head and cried into Taehyungs chest. Taehyung looked down at the younger with heart eyes, playing with his hair.
"Ssshh ssshh everything's ok, breath in and out." Taehyung instructed, trying to calm Jungkook down. Jungkook eventually got ahold of himself and stopped crying. He was still holding onto the older which made Taehyung blush. They stayed like that for a while until it began to get really late.
"Kook I should go now.. You probably want to be alone and sleep so I'll see yo-"
Taehyung gulped as he heard the youngers request. "What?"
"Stay please" Jungkook begged as he continued hugging the latter.
"But your mom-"
"I don't care, I want you to stay"
Taehyung couldn't say no to the boy in front of him. He was physically and mentally unable to do so. So the older sighed and ended up laying down on the bed, wrapping his arms around the younger.
"Don't worry baby I wouldn't leave you anyways"
"baby?" Jungkook blushed, pushing his face into Taehyungs chest so the older couldn't spot his red cheeks.
"Oops autocorrect, I mean kook hehe" The two giggled while holding onto each other, eventually falling asleep in each others arms.
this chapter is 💗💖💘💖💓💞💕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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