Two weeks have gone by since Taehyung witnessed Jungkook and Jaemin at the bar, apparently they were still dating which annoyed Taehyung. The male was currently laying on his bed fast asleep with chips spread out across his shirt. Taehyung hasn't gone out much in the past few weeks which really concerned his friends, especially Jimin.
Taehyung was a person who would usually be hanging out with people all day everyday, but he didn't feel the same when Jungkook wouldn't talk to him or even acknowledge his presence. They would lock eyes for a few when they were hanging out with their friends, but that was really it.
Jungkook never texted Taehyung anymore, and he was always out somewhere with Jaemin. Oh how much Tae hated Jaemin. He stole his most favorite thing ever. Taehyung missed the times when they would go on cute dates, hold hands, and cuddle. Those were the things that made the brunettes whole day, but now those things were gone.
Now Jimin was standing over Taehyung trying to get him to wake up.
"Taehyung get the fuck up or else I'm calling the exorcist to wake you up"
"No" Taehyung pouted as he rolled to the other side of the bed, trying to ignore Jimin.
"Taehyung you've been laying in your bed for the past two weeks, you need to go out and do something this isn't like you."
"It's not like you to call the exorcist on your best friend who just wants to sleep." Taehyung proclaimed as he tried to fall back asleep. Jimin chuckled, grabbing a hold of his best friend. "C'mon Tae, we're going to eat with the guys" The pink haired boy stated as he dragged Taehyung off his bed and out the door.
The two got into Jimin's car and drove off to the restaurant. It was dead silent which never was the case when the two besties were in the car together.
When the two boys got there, they saw the other five guys standing there waiting for them. Including Jungkook. Taehyung wanted to cry when he saw Jungkook because he missed him so bad, but he didn't. Jimin just kept pulling Tae along so he wouldn't run away.
"What took ya'll so long" Jin said as he greeted the boys.
"This one wouldn't get out of bed so I had to drag his ass here" Jimin said as he finally let go of Tae. The brunette still looked super depressed but no one asked why since they all knew, well besides Jungkook of course.
The seven friends all walked into the small, but cute restaurant and took their seats. They began chatting away, besides Taehyung who was silent the whole time and staring at his lap.
"And that's how I got my dick stuck in my washing machine." Hoseok said as everyone cracked up. Even Taehyung giggled a little bit, he didn't hear the story but the last thing Hoseok said was funny to him.
Jungkook laughed while slightly glaring over at Taehyung. He saw the older giggling at Hoseok, his eyes shaped like crescents and his cheeks rising. Jungkook wasn't going to lie to himself, he missed seeing his best friend laugh and smile. He thought Tae was pretty cute when he laughed.
"Literally no one asked" Yoongi said while scoffing and rolling his eyes. Everyone just glared at him. "Yoongi, YOU literally asked" Jimin said while yoongi just rolled his eyes.
"Ok Tae your turn"
"Wait w-what?"
"An embarrassing story?" Jin said more like a question. Taehyung widened his eyes.
"Uh.. I dunno-"
"Oh my god Tae remember that one time at the hospital when you didn't want to pee in the cup so you peed on the doctor" Jimin said while everyone laughed again. Taehyungs cheeks heated up because he knew Jungkook heard that which is definitely something he didn't want the younger to know.
"Shut up Jimin!" Taehyung exclaimed while everyone continued to laugh. Right before the food came around, Jungkooks phone buzzed and everyone turned their attention to the youngest. Jungkook picked up his phone and read the text.
"Ah sorry guys, Jaemin wants me to come over. He said he wants to talk" Jungkook said while everyone nodded, waving goodbye to Jungkook while Taehyung just sat in his seat looking dead. He was actually starting to have a good time and almost had a conversation with Jungkook before he got reminded that he has a boyfriend. Now that Jungkook was gone, he just wanted to go home again.
"Guys I think I'm gonna go too.. I'm tired" Taehyung said while getting up.
"Aw c'mon Tae, we were having fun" Jimin told the younger while Taehyung just shrugged.
"I'll see you guys" Taehyung said as he began to walk off, leaving his friends back at the resturaunt. Taehyung walked outside and remembered that Jimin was his ride here, so he had to walk home. The brunette rolled his eyes as he began to walk home. Jungkook took his car here so he probably was already at Jaemin's house. "Lucky brat" Taehyung said to himself while walking.
The boy finally made it home and flopped onto the couch in the living room, looking up at the ceiling and thinking about a certain someone.
It was currently 8 pm, the time when Jaemin would be walking Jungkook home. Taehyung always secretly watched the two walk home because Jungkooks house was just a few blocks down from Taehyungs, so he would end up walking right by Taehyungs house.
Taehyung turned his head towards the window and waited to see the couple walk, usually holding hands. The brunette waited a few more minutes for the two until he saw a male approach his house. He was walking alone with his head down and hands in his pockets. Taehyungs eyes widened as he looked closer.
It was Jungkook, And he was walking alone for the first time.
at this point i'm literally just making up scenes on the go while writing lol
do you guys like this story so far?
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