final pieces
Soooooo seems like it's end here XD
Sans wake up..feeling like he just get hit by truck...his brain keep pounding painfully... but aside fron that...now Sans remember... he remember it all...and now the same thing and same questions is replaying once again
What will he do?
Give his memory once again...and they will forgot each other...maybe Sans will begin to remember and search for her again...
He will give up and let the virus kill her brain slowly... but she will remember him once again...
What will he choose?
Sans honestly don't want to give his memory once again...remembering that he must see her gone, search once again without knowing is she even alive... remembering that his soul feel so broken with all of this torture... he can't take it anymore... and when he found her and when he feels that everything will be alright this happen...this is like second resents hell once again....
But... he also can't watch her die...even if she will remember and they will life happy...but... for how long till the virus kill her brain?!! He can't lose her.... this is to much to bear...
Sans move to the room where she lay helplessly on the bed... her chest keep making rise and fall motion, her breath sounds so gentle... he felt his tears forcing it's self to come out...and he let it fall..
"Dear.... what are you feeling right now....hehehe dumb question huh.....you...you know...when you are gone to your country.... i-i always waiting for you to come back....you know...i already planning our wedding... i know you even didnt know it...but i want it to be a surprise you...."
Tears continue to fall...leaving a blue stain on the bed sheets...Sans stumble over his own word but he don't care...he keep this to long till he feel like he will die. Fortunately Alph understand Sans conditions and walk out from the room, leaving Sans who continue to sobs and Frisk who still lay still on the bed...
"You know what honey....i really love you... you remember when the first time we meet at my hot dog stand? I really stunned at your beauty... i stond there like dumb.... but you know what... i really love you...
Honey....i can't... i can't doing this...i will always remember you no matter how....and i will suffer and searching for you again..i can't !!! But... i can't let you die either.... "
Sans keep silent for a good 10 minutes.... then he chuckling silently...feeling depression taking over him...
"Hoe about we die together hm... we can always be together after that..."
Sans continue to laugh...but tears of pain keep rolling on his cheekbones... he grip Frisk hand tightly... searching for any comfort and answer...
"F-frisk!! Dear you wake up!!"
But she keep mumbling... clearly still unconscious...
"Wha! What are you trying to say dear!!"
Sans shake her body so hard..he forget that she still hurt, but Sans is to scared to care... but what actually surprise him is...she open her eyes and smile......a sad smile....
"S-ans....than...k..you...but...i-if...i can't...pass this...please smile....for me..."
"Noo...if you die im going with you!!!!"
"No...you must...life"
Frisk stare at him...her smile turning to frown and she lift her hands and hug him... Sans cry on her arms, he don't care Alph hear.... he just feeling so broken...so helpless..
Not long after sharing hug, Alph come back with red eyes...her face is so depressing... and with that face all Sans hope is gone..
"So...what will you decide Sans?"
Glancing at Frisk who give him a small nods... Sans take a deep breath...but it's not helping at all...
"I-I Choose to....le-let her....go"
"Are you sure Sans?"
Alph voice is full of shock...she never think Sans will give this answer...
"Im sorry if i disturbs you two...but i believe three of us is involved to in this"
Sans glance at the voice, the tree of Frisk bro is arrive... and it's look like Asriel face is telling that he want to punch someone.... who like to share his belove sis anyway?
"Y-yes...you three can come in..."
"So how is my sister?"
Alph begin to tell them her conditions and they listen to it with fear in their face...a side from that, Sans can't stop hugging Frisk who laugh a lil with that...what a nice time to say good bye....
But Sans embrace is got cut off from MK innocent statement...
"So we need seal her memory using other memory right? And the person who give their memory will forgot too....but...what happen if they are more than one person that give their memory? "
Sans eyes went wide, how come he never think of that.....its seems like his fear is really blinding him...
"Ahh! We can decrease the damage from it! So maybe the person who give it will not get amnesia completely!! "
Alph jump up and down feeling really excited... but then she stop...
"Uh...but who want to give their memory? Im not really sure that this gona work"
Two hand and one tail raise in the air, belong to no other than the three bros...Sans want to raise his hand too but BP stop him...
"No...you already doing all you can for her...now...please make our sis happy "
"......i will"
Alph rush to other room while dragging three of them.... leaving Sans who can't believe this actually happening and keep frozen in his palce until something give him a gentle grip on his hand...
Clanging beside him, he see a big smile on Frisk face...and with that he cry once again...while trapping her on his death hug...
"I'm glad... thank you God!"
He keep repeat it over and over again...and all Frisk can do is sigh and pat him on his back...
Frisk sudden statement make him raise his face to look at her eyes...
"Yes what?"
"I agree to be your wife"
Sans can't be happier than that day....
*2 month later*
"I DO!!!"
Frisk is frustrated because Asriel put a mushroom in her soup when he absolutely hate it...
"Gezzz you are loud...for 20 years old girl "
"there there sis no need to shouting....oh yeah you promise me that you will buy me a new X-box today right "
See you in the next story!!!
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