The first to fall
I'm tied to a chair by chains. They rub against my hands uncomfortably. The chair is metal and cold, with only one light hanging motionless above it. I'm surrounded by darkness. I can hear footsteps. A man walks under the light. He stands in front of me. I know what he's here for, what he's here to do. He brandished a beautiful Taurus PT111 handgun. I heard the click of the safety as he cocked the gun and slowly held it to my forehead. I could feel the cold muzzle of the Taurus pressed against my forehead. My body was filled with pain. I felt the man's finger begin to pull the trigger. Time began to slow as I heard the mechanisms of the handgun twisting into position. Then I woke up.
Arla awoke suddenly to the sound of William's voice over the emergency radio. He sat up in a cold sweat, and felt pain shoot throughout his entire body. Arla climbed out of bed and walked over to the radio.
"What do you need boss?"
"I need the Jafar colony erased."
"How soon?"
"Yes sir."
Arla grabbed the key card taped to the bottom of his nightstand. He walked over to his book shelf and slide his copy of War and Peace aside to reveal a scanner for his key card. He scanned the card and the bookshelf popped slightly forward from the wall. Arla slid it to the right, revealing his secret weapon stash. He took down his custom Pelican sniper rifle case and carefully laid it on the ground. He grabbed his custom Barrett 82A1 with a steel optics rail, dual barrel springs, 29 inch fluted barrel, high efficiency muzzle brake, reinforced bi-pod, shock absorbing stock, a variable NightForce NXS scope and BARSKA infrared 2nd generation scope. Arla then got down his Blackhawk Sportster Deluxe range bag and filled it with 50 ten bullet magazines loaded with full metal jacket M-118LR handload rounds and two grenades. He slid the bookshelf back in front of the weapon stash, locking it. He walked over to his closet and pushed his never worn casual clothes aside to reveal another scanner for his key card along the wall. He scanned his card again and a medium sized compartment door popped opened up below the scanner. He opened it and pulled out his custom, lightweight, military grade sniping attire. He had water proof boots, cargo pants with knee pads, shirt with elbow pads, fingerless shooting gloves, jacket and scarf all in urban camouflage. He carefully packed it all in an urban camouflage backpack that was in the back of the compartment. Arla closed the compartment and placed his three bags at the foot of his bed. He called in his personal assistant Marry.
"What can I do for you sir?"
"I need you to take this stuff outside the colony to my garage and put it into the silver Ford Mustang." Arla tossed Marry the keys. "Have a Hunter escort you, the pass code is 8394.No questions."
"Anything else sir?"
"Yes, I will need a high protein meals prepared for me. Breakfast I will eat here, lunch, dinner and tomorrow's breakfast I want packed and taken to my Mustang as well. I want my breakfast ready for me when I get back from my walk."
"Very well sir, it shall all be done to your liking."
"Thank you Marry, I appreciate it."
Arla went on a morning walk everyday, to different places in his colony. He liked to check on the people, see how they were doing and see how he could help. He enjoyed being a Baron not for the power to control, but for the power to help. He was known for his kindness and reasonable rule making. During his walks residents would come out to see him and talk to him. His walks usually took about an hour, which Arla thought was a reasonable enough time for the cooks to get everything prepared for him.
When Arla returned he ate his breakfast and detailed to Marry what powers he granted her the ability to exercise while he was gone. He then left out of a secret side door he had installed for emergencies only. He quickly made his way to an old parking garage he had secured and fortified for his private collection of cars.
His 2016 Ford Mustang has been customized to effortlessly cut through zombies without sustaining any damage. It has also been retrofitted to hold all of his equipment in the back. The engine is a perfect balance of power and silence.
Arla changed into his sniping gear and prepared his equipment. He made sure the car was full of gas before pulling out and heading towards the Jafar colony. He did not drive directly to the colony, he took side routes to attract as many zombies as possible. A wave of zombies, six times the size of a horde, was following Arla when he reached the Jafar colony. Nightfall was approaching as Arla began to circle the wave of zombies around the colony. When a wave of zombies gets moving, it can't be stopped. Arla positioned his car so that the zombies would be funneled around him. He pulled out a custom grapple hook and gun with a 100 foot lead out of the car's prepacked equipment. He grabbed his gun case and ammo bag and tied it onto himself. Then he fired the grappling hook unto the top of the wall and began scaling the wall. Arla got to the top of the wall just as the sun set on the horizon.
Arla quickly took his gun out of its case and sniped the guards along the wall, emptying the magazine that was already in it. One bullet for each guard. He left his gun case there and slung his ammo bag over his should so he could easily reach in and grab another magazine when he needed it. Arla switched his NightForce NXS variable scope with his BARSKA infrared scope, then laid down on the ground to begin his work.
Arla decided to do a sweep, sniping across the colony from the people closest to the door to those farthest away. He would strategically snipe people to attract as little attention as possible to remain hidden as long as he can. This way no one could escape and he would be able to methodically kill everyone in the entire colony without getting in danger. Arla looked directly at the door through his scope. There was a little girl playing with her ball by it, her mother watching not far away. He put a bullet through the mother, then the little girl before she could notice what had even happened. Arla knew this was going to be a long night.
Arla couldn't stop thinking about his nightmare. He always had the same one, except it was no ordinary nightmare. He could feel the pain as if he was alive, and the worst part, he usually didn't wake up when the man shoots him in the head. He has had the nightmare more times than he can remember, but he never gets used to it.
Arla watched the sun rise, sitting on the edge of the wall with a trail of empty clips traveling along the wall behind him. his feet dangled over the wave of zombies as he breathed in the cold air that stung his lungs. The city had caught fire behind him, the roaring flames climbed the buildings. It saddened Arla that amidst this apocalypse, amidst this carnage, there was still a beautiful sun rise.
Arla collected and packed up his gun and all the empty magazines. Then took the two grenades and blew up the outside and inside doors. Within a half hour, all the zombies flooded into the burning city and began feasting on Arla's leftovers. Once the zombies cleared out around his car, he climbed down, loaded everything up, and drove back to his colony. Arla spent the rest of his day alone, in grievance.
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