Chapter Sixteen: Tinkering With A Corrupted Heart
Margo's POV
It came to pass when I plunge through frigid waves and a merciless stream that held my tainted thoughts captive. I analyze Asher underneath a dome of remorse while he stands above the pool, contemplating the movements of each convulsion. It's almost like he refuses to trust the ripple he last embraced Gwendolyn and chased after Juliet eons ago. His face hovers over mine, gazing with unsympathetic eyes. Moments ago, Asher decided to assist me with callousness rather than the compassion he gives to his friends, and now I perceive the chasm dividing us wavelengths apart.
I let out a breath hidden in the dancing sunlight of the natatorium as I ponder the last hour in my heart. Somehow I feel corrupted, teetering in the waves as my mind resets within the walls of Goulding Manor. It's profound how everything starts to unravel at this moment and intermingle as pieces of my memories begin to pulse in the beat of my heart. How do I mask my tears when the unexplainable haunts my dreams, and the boy I've always dreamed of possesses a flame for another, one I would die to capture? Why would any girl choose to remember the invisible scars littered across their thighs?
I swim further into the water as I break into the ocean, encapsulated in fragments scattered all over the natatorium. I can still imagine the barrel of Elijah's gun pressed against my back as I dragged my bare feet across the cold, arctic floor. It wasn't the man who seized me on the second floor that made me scream from my core, or even the pistol in his hand. It was the thought of Asher's blood gushing out of his body as he laid on the floor motionless. I couldn't bare to witness the light fading out of his irises without ever feeling his lips against mine.
How can I tango with misery when my heart's hidden in the breadth of the ocean next to Juliet? I guess my memory loss is fitting to the whims of irony as Juliet once again taunts me from the raging sea. It's amusing because I once adored her like the simplicity in the sky when the fog combs over the horizon, but I remember not fitting in her posse. Juliet only associated with the likes of degenerate ballerinas and the descendants of superficial millionaires who sought after her only for her status. Then came the disloyalty with a fine line of betrayal drawn in the extravagant chambers of Rosewood Academy, and it remained until her demise.
I sail through an expanse of water, underneath pillars surrounded by a bouquet of azaleas. The water soothes my body as my mind withers under Asher's concerned visage. I suspend in the pool, listening to my distorted screams echo through the halls. I don't know what to do except the natural instinct everyone was born to do, and that's keeping breathing, but above the water lies my humanity. He could've died today, and I don't even know how to tell him, I care whether he lives or dies.
I've always cared about him.
"Sometimes, you have this dark side fashioned in your electric blue irises, and when it flashes, that's when you terrify me the most," I admitted as Asher glared from the rooftop of Rosewood.
I watched in awe as Asher smiled at the moonlight. "If I scare you, then why are you alone with me when you could be inside with the minds of tomorrow? It's not like an opportunity will present itself on the rooftop of a burning building."
"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him with confusion. "Rosewood Academy isn't on fire."
"When you look at it from this angle, you realize just how wrong you are, and how everyone inside resembles a soul burning alive in a deteriorating building. Except for Juliet, she isn't on fire. She's the only light that radiates in the darkened halls."
Asher lowers as I plunge through the surface, greeted by Charlie's curious gaze, and Andre's endearing countenance. It was five minutes ago, and I remember it well as water seized my body while Asher only raised his eyebrow in indifference. We were arguing because I finally had enough of Goulding Manor. It's something about the extravagance of this place that changes people because when Asher stood over Elijah, I could barely recognize him. He practically begged Frank to pull the trigger and blow Elijah's brains out.
"Sorry, but you needed to gain some composure," Asher criticizes without blinking as he glares at me.
"So, I needed to gain composure?" I ask sarcastically with venom laced in my tone. "You know what your right, I was out of line for reacting the way any sane person would, and for that, I apologize. Seriously, I'm sorry for not being desensitized to you provoking Frank to take another man's life."
"You're welcome," Asher shrugs. "but when you're apologizing and lose the attitude. Then remember the same man you were crying for me to save tried to kill us not three hours ago. If he had his way Andre would've shot you in the head without even blinking. Do you understand, Margo? You would be dead!"
"Duly noted," I force a smile as my heartbeat increases. "Can you just help me out of the pool? I have orientation today."
I mutter the sentence behind my tongue, unnoticed by Asher as he extends his hand with a sigh, pulling me inches apart from those piercing blue eyes. I cherish the contoured lines in his smile and the precision detailed in his cheekbones, yet I still couldn't resist. I'm taken over by an overwhelming sensation as I expel a mouthful of chlorine in his face. I watch as a vein twitches on his forehead, and he bites down on his bottom lip. Asher closes his eyelids, withholding my wrist as he faces me with fury lurking in his countenance while I'm starstruck by every nerve he has the will to summon.
"Don't let that happen again, Tinkerbell," Asher mutters under his breath while Charlie and Andre snicker. "Next time I'll drown you in this damn pool myself, do we understand each other?"
I nod in confirmation as I erase the smirk from my lips. "Yes sir, now can I go to school, or am I on house arrest? If so, then can you kindly release me."
Asher grabs my waist, placing me on the edge of the pool as our hearts fall in sync, and I glimpse at the sensitive boy eluding behind the strong man. It's not long before he's gazing at the deepest parts of my soul that not even I can control. I blink hard as he overpowers me as if he witnesses my body diving into the shallowness of the ocean, pledged by the strife in my heart but bound by Juliet's captivity. I was conflicted as she hovered centuries above Asher, slowly rising to the surface with her cornflower eyes again oblivious to his attention. It wouldn't be long before Juliet's body rose to the surface, and I wanted to contain her as I debated the shackles that enamored my mind, but my heart chose to rebel.
My thoughts fault as I look at the symmetry in the tiles embedded on the edge of the pool. Asher doesn't protest or even offer a sarcastic remark as he steps to the side, avoiding eye contact while I teeter to the elevator. The objective was always to withhold myself from the wiles of Asher's heart, then his irises suddenly bored into mine, and for a moment, his attention never left. I attempt to flee as Asher grabs my hand while my mind wanders to his lips crashing against Gwendolyn's, and for a moment, I collapse into myself. He kissed Gwendolyn, and captured her body in his hands the same way he would hold Juliet whenever he thought they were alone.
"Margo, you can't tell anyone what happened here," Asher says, stepping only inches apart from me.
"You don't have to worry," I say, faltering as fear crawls into my smile while Asher stares at me. "I'm not going to say anything. I mean, why would I want too? No one would believe me."
"You don't understand what Asher's saying," Andre explains with a raised eyebrow. "We can't risk anyone finding us again and using you as leverage. If it was just one of us, we could handle it, but you're a liability we can't afford."
Charlie's gaze sinks to the floor as Andre closes the gap between us and for a split second I saw the guilt lurking in his dark brown eyes. "Why is everyone repeating themselves. I promise I won't tell anyone anything I saw in Goulding Manor." I say, raising my voice.
"I know you won't tell anyone because the second we get there, we never met, which means don't talk to us in the hallway and don't pull us to the side so you can ask about anything, not unless you're dying. Margo, from this moment, your dorm room is your home. I need you to tell me you understood everything I just said." Asher announces.
My vocabulary lodges in my esophagus as I fight the tears, threatening to escape my eyelids. I swallow hard, trying to form a sentence without erupting into tears. "Umm, yeah, I-I get it, you want me to stay away from you, which means I can never return to Goulding Manor. Oh, and even if I'm in trouble, I can't call you. Don't worry; I won't contact you, Andre or Charlie, ever again." I mutter, glancing at the ground as I shuffle quietly to the elevator.
I tremble to the edge of the pool while the lights above the platform flicker on the sixth floor as the doors glide open. Then I step inside the elevator while the sunlight illuminates amongst the darkness. It's a silver lining how the firmament isn't saturated with a thousand tears of revelation as the elevator nearly shuts. Still, Charlie holds the platform open with compassion twinkling in his brown eyes as he looks upon my melancholy. Somehow, he looks different without the camera lens situated in front of his countenance. It's not long before the platform grows silent, and I'm stuck pondering Asher's ways.
"I'm sorry this happened," Charlie gazes at me as he pulls Asher's cell phone from his pocket. "It's not personal; it's just Asher and Andre dwell on the facts, and when you're in our proximity, there's no telling how you'll get hurt. The guys just don't want to see anything happen to you because of us, but Asher wanted me to give you this. You should know to take everything Asher says with a grain of salt, so if you're in trouble, just call Andre or me. We'll pass the message on to Asher, he might even surprise you. And Asher said your father called looking for you, he thinks you should talk to him more."
"Thanks, tell him I'm sorry about his mom. I would've but were not that close," I grab Asher's phone just as the elevator slides open on the first floor and in an instant I lose consciousness.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum." I mutter, turning to face Charlie with a blank expression.
"If you want peace then prepare for war," Charlie says, finishing my sentence as I gaze at him while he stares into the distance. "where did you learn that?"
"From the same person you did, so if you want my advice. Then run for the hill's because the Goulding's are at war, and Juliet isn't here to protect you anymore." I turn around, blinking back into consciousness, tears cascading down my face as Asher's banishment replays in my mind.
How did you like the chapter?
Tell me what you think about the opening paragraph? Do you feel that Margo and Asher's relationship has changed over the past few days? Why do you think Asher kept his distance from the water? Could it have been his last encounter with Gwendolyn? Or does he think he betrayed Juliet?
What do you think about Asher throwing Margo in the water to gain some composure? Why do you think Asher is so tough on Margo? In the flashback do you think they were having a moment on the rooftop? Do you agree that whenever Margo and Asher are close to forming something their always a thousand steps back? Or is Margo just delusional?
Thank you guys so much for reading chapter sixteen, and as usual let me know what you think in the comment section. I hope everyone's enjoying the last day of their weekend and quarantining at home. Oh and the next chapter will finally be set at Rosewood Academy. I can't wait for you guys to read it! Please remember to social distance guys and stay safe! P.S Don't forget the trailer to #ACK is in the section titled, Amidst Crimson Kisses. P.P.S The picture shown in the media box was just inspiration for me to write this chapter. P.P.P.S The next chapter will be written in Margo's POV.
Thank you so much for reading
GOD bless you all ❤️
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