Amelia and Hagrid walked down the streets of Diagon Alley in slices Amelia hugging the wand box close to her chest. "Ner we have thee more stops. Madam Malkin's fer yer robes. And then pet shop and Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour." Amelia looked confused.
"Pet shop? Ice Cream Parlour? What for?"
"Te get yer an owl of cruse! And yer'll need somethen to eat rushed out of The Leaky Caldron without a bite been gone all day you must be hungry." Amelia nodded she was a bit hungry.
"But I don't need an owl. I wouldn't even know how to take care of one and my dad hates birds in the house and only ever kept chickens. I'm not a cat person either and I have no clue how to take care of a toad. It would just be better if I didn't get a magical pet not yet anyway." Hagrid gave a gruff nod.
The bell once again sounded throughout Madam Malkin's as Amelia walked in. "Hello again. I have your robes right over here."
Madam Malkin rushed over to the front desk where three small flat boxes were on top of each other with Amelia's robes inside them. Madam Malkin picked up the boxes and handed them to Amelia. Despite the bokes being small with how Amelia was holding them they were over her eyes.
"Um, Hagrid could you please take these for a second so I can pay Madam Malkin for my robes?" The boxes were lifted over Amelia's head and set down on the cart that was next to Hagrid. Amelia reached into her never-filing bag and pulled out her Madam Malkin the four gallons for her robes. "Thank you dear have a lovely day."
"You as well."
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