Suddenly the colors stopped the feeling of the prussher left her as she fell to the wet ground. With a groan, she sat up. A dark street was illuminated by street lights a cold wind blew as the rain poured on. Amelia sat up soaking wet and cold that she shivered. "I was not expecting that," she mumbled to herself. She was glad she had a warm coat but it didn't do much good when the water soaked through.
Hagrid opened his umbrella and held it out to Amelia.
"No you use it I'm already soaked won't do much good," Amelia said Hagrid nodded and closed up the umbrella.
"Well, a little rain never hurt no one! So we both will be fine without." Amelia nodded holding her arms close to her. She was freezing. "W-where are we?" She chattered out.
"London of course! This way!" Amelia followed Hagrid down the street a few blocks till they stopped outside an old pup, it was so old and ordinary Amelia questioned if wizards were really there. She looked up at the sign hanging above the door.
"The Leaky Cauldron?" she asked looking over at Hagrid who gave a gruff nod. "See ya are a witch, no muggle could have read that sing! Now in we go," Hagrid opened up the door letting Amelia walk in first she muttered a quiet thank you. The inside wasn't much better than the outside it was dark musty and very old, but the Leaky Cauldron felt warm and comforting as well and a warm fire was burning brightly in a wood-fed fireplace. Amelia smiled closing her eyes and took in a deep breath the atmosphere was calming. A man was sitting in a seat by a window an owl perched on his shoulder and a smoking pipe in his mouth he seemed to be in deep thought Amelia noticed this the spoon was stirring in his tea by itself. A few groups of people were sitting at a table chatting about random things all of them wearing robes and holding wands. Amelia chuckled to herself she couldn't believe this was real.
"Hagrid! Back again we see! And with someone new, what a surprise! Hogwarts bussnisses again?" The man was short with a bold spot but a big smile. He shook Hagrids hand.
"And who might you be young miss? You are the second one Hagrid has brought here. I presume you will be needing a room and soon seeing you are all wet." Amelia nodded and held out her hand.
"Amelia," She froze. She wanted to say Anderson but she wasn't an Anderson she was a Potter but she didn't feel like a Potter. A random name came to mind a name that fit reather well, "Ovis nice to meet you." Tom was taken back for a moment.
"Well, you aren't the usual thing aren't ya we don't get many from across the pond here. Well, nice to have you here Miss Ovis, I will go get a room ready for you. There might be a few kids in Diagon Alley around your age you could talk to while getting ready for school this time of year in case you don't want to talk to any of the older people they can be quite cranky"
Tom whispered that last part making Amelia giggle, he let go of her hand and went off to get ready a room.
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