"No, I'm not!" said Harry.
"Are you mad?" said Ron, goggling at Hermione."Hand in something that good?"
"If I hand it in, I'll have to say where I got it! Filch would know Fred and George had nicked it!"
"But what about Sirius Black?" Hermione hissed. "He could be using one of the passages on that map to get into the castle! The teachers have got to know!"
"Rise your hand if you're not responsible enough to turn in the map but responsible enough not to set a teach on fire?" said Amelia, raising her hand. Harry and Ron followed suit. "That was one time!"
"So far."
"He can't be getting in through a passage," said Harry quickly. "There are seven secret tunnels on the map, right? Fred and George reckon Filch already knows about four of them. And of the other three -- one of them's caved in, so no one can get through it. one of them's got the Whomping Willow planted over the entrance, so you can't get out of it. And the one I just came through -well - - it's really hard to see the entrance to it down in the cellar, so unless he knew it was there..."
Harry hesistated. What if Black did know the passage was there?
Ron, however, cleared his throat significantly, and pointed to a notice pasted on the inside of the sweetshop door.
--------BY ORDER OF -------- THE MINISTRY OF MAGIC Customers are reminded that until further notice, dementors will be patrolling the streets of Hogsmeade every night after sundown. This measure has been put in place for the safety of Hogsmeade residents and will be lifted upon the recapture of Sirius Black. It is therefore advisable that you complete your shopping well before nightfall.
Merry Christmas!
"See?" said Ron quietly. "I'd like to see Black try and break into Honeydukes with dementors swarming all over the village. Anyway, Hermione, the Honeydukes owners would hear a break-in, wouldn't they? They live over the shop!"
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