Lupin drained the goblet and pulled a face.
"Disgusting," he said. "Well, Harry, I'd better get back to work. I'll see you at the feast later."
"Right," said Harry, putting down his empty teacup. The empty goblet was still smoking.
"There you go," said Ron. "We got as much as we could carry."
A shower of brilliantly colored sweets fell into Harry's lap. It was dusk, and Ron and Hermione had just turned up in the common room, pink-faced from the cold wind and looking as though they'd had the time of their lives. Amelia snatched a sweet.
"Thanks," said Harry, picking up a packet of tiny black Pepper Imps. "What's Hogsmeade like? Where did you go?"
By the sound of it — everywhere. Dervish and Banges, the wizarding equipment shop, Zonko's Joke Shop, into the Three Broomsticks for foaming mugs of hot butterbeer, and many places besides.
"The post office, Harry! About two hundred owls, all sitting on shelves, all color-coded depending on how fast you want your letter to get there!"
"Honeydukes has got a new kind of fudge; they were giving out free samples, there's a bit, look —"
"We think we saw an ogre, honestly, they get all sorts at the Three Broomsticks —"
"Wish we could have brought you some butterbeer, really warms you up —"
"What did you do?" said Hermione, looking anxious. "Did you get any work done?"
"No," said Harry. "We pulled a prank on Flinch. Lupin made us a cup of tea in his office. And then Snape came in. ..."
He told them all about the goblet. Ron's mouth fell open. "Lupin drank it?" he gasped. "Is he mad?"
Hermione checked her watch.
"We'd better go down, you know, the feast'll be starting in five minutes. ..." They hurried through the portrait hole and into the crowd, still discussing Snape.
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