'I have not been giving out signed photos,' he said hotly. 'If Lockhart's still putting that about –'
But then he saw that Hagrid was laughing.
'I'm on'y jokin',' he said, patting Harry genially on the back and sending him, face first, into the table. 'I knew yeh hadn't really. I told Lockhart yeh didn' need teh. Yer more famous than him with- out tryin'.'
'Bet he didn't like that,' said Harry, sitting up and rubbing his chin.
'Don' think he did,' said Hagrid, his eyes twinkling. 'An' then I told him I'd never read one o' his books an' he decided ter go. Treacle toffee, Ron?' he added, as Ron re-appeared.
'No thanks,' said Ron weakly. 'Better not risk it.'
The fire crackled loudly making Amelia jump. Everyone's attention was brought to the fire where Harry saw a big green egg placed in a gold cage sitting in front of the fire. The egg had a big crake down the middle of it.
'He should have hatched a few days ago not still be in his egg.' In all honestly Amelia didn't know if the dragon was going to be a he or she, she would say either. Another loud crack echoed around the room but it wasn't from the fire. The egg had moved and a new crake had formed.
They all gasped. Hagrid hurried and used the fire poker to pick up the cage by the handle and set it down in the middle of the table. They all gathered around it Ron was still holding his bucket.
'We better put a cooling spell on it we don't want him to burn his paws,' whispered Hermonie though there was no need to whisper. Amelia gave a nod and pulled out her wand which glowed before fading away. The light had dimmed but it never truly went away. Amelia quietly cast a cooling spell the heat sizzled off the cage. The egg cracked again.
'Hagrid can you open the cage door? I don't want the pore thing to be born in total captivity.' Hagrid nodded and unlocked the cage door. The egg continued to crake for five minutes making slow progress but Amelia never looked away. You could never tell what way a dragon would be facing when it hatches, but you could be the first thing it sees.
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