'Can't go in there,' said Ron gruffly, 'that's a girls' toilet.'
'With the way you removed your hand, I would have sworn it burned you. Relax Ron.' said Aelia well rolling her eyes.
'Oh, Ron, there won't be anyone in there,' said Hermione, standing up and coming over. 'That's Moaning Myrtle's place. Come on, let's have a look.'
'Really you two it is just like any other bathroom. The worst that happens is you see some blood becouse someone forgets to flush, let's go!'
Ron and Harry shared confused looks at Amelias' statement.
Hermione ignoring the large 'Out of Order' sign opened the door.
It was the gloomiest, most depressing bathroom Harry had ever set foot in. Under a large, cracked and spotted mirror were a row of chipped, stone sinks. The floor was damp and reflected the dull light given off by the stubs of a few candles, burning low in their holders; the wooden doors to the cubicles were flaking and scratched and one of them was dangling off its hinges.
Hermione put her fingers to her lips and set off towards the end cubicle. When she reached it she said, 'Hello, Myrtle, how are you?'
Harry, Ron, and Amelia went to look. Moaning Myrtle was floating on the cistern of the toilet, picking a spot on her chin.
'This is a girls' bathroom,' she said, eyeing Ron and Harry suspiciously. 'They're not girls.'
'No,' Hermione agreed. 'I just wanted to show them how – er – nice it is in here.'
'They could be very ugly girls.' Joked Amelia.
She waved vaguely at the dirty old mirror and the damp floor. 'Ask her if she saw anything,' Harry mouthed at Hermione. 'What are you whispering?' said Myrtle, staring at him. 'Nothing,' said Harry quickly. 'We wanted to ask –'
'I wish people would stop talking behind my back!' said Myrtle, in a voice choked with tears. 'I do have feelings, you know, even if I am dead.'
'Myrtle, no one wants to upset you,' said Hermione. 'Harry only –'
'No one wants to upset me! That's a good one!' howled Myrtle. 'My life was nothing but misery at this place and now people come along ruining my death!'
Amelia frowned. She was going to have some people on her hit list.
'We wanted to ask you if you'd seen anything funny lately,' said Hermione quickly, 'because a cat was attacked right outside your front door on Hallowe'en.'
'Did you see anyone near here that night?' said Harry.
'I wasn't paying attention,' said Myrtle dramatically. 'Peeves upset me so much I came in here and tried to kill myself. Then, of course, I remembered that I'm – that I'm –'
'Already dead,' said Ron helpfully. Amelia smacked Ron roughly upside the head. Suicide was no joke and it shouldn't be treated like one.
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