Chapter 1
Plan for a Heist
The twins were 24 now, and the family was growing even more. A couple of years back Dutch had saved a kid in Illinois, some twelve year old that was gunna be hung by a couple of home owners. Apparently they had caught the boy stealing from them. It was lucky Dutch had found him, or he would had died. His name was John Marston, and over the next couple of years Dutch did the same to him and taught him how to read and shoot a gun, not that he was ever to interested in reading. He was fourteen now, and was just as lively as the rest of the group.
Although they gained a member, they sadly lost another. Some time before, Hosea had left the gang for a bit to be with Bessie, but slowly they eventually drifted back. Bessie was sure to stick by Hosea, knowing the kind of man he was. However not everything has a happy ending. Poor Bessie had passed a few years back from a sudden sickness. Hosea wasn't great for that year, sticking to a bottle in his hands. However when John came into camp it seemed to wake him up, and he got back into 'teaching the young'n' as he said.
Around the same time an old Reverend had joined the gang, Orville Swanson, after saving Dutch's life. Being as the Reverend had been thrown out of his job and his life seemingly falling apart, Dutch, who had been in his debt, allowed Mr Swanson to stay with the gang. Offering a new sense of belonging. So now they reside near a lively town. Slowly planing their first big catch of the beginning of their infamous life.
The sun started to rise as the residents of the camp started to stir. Amelia glanced over to the cot Arthur was sleeping in after her eyes adjusted to the rising sun. She blinked a couple of times before sitting up, stretching her arms as she stifled a yawn. She sat up and adjusted her well fit clothing, with her blue button up shirt and her overalls. She donned her hat before leaving out come under the tent awning prepared to tackle the morning.
She was up before the lot, her first mind on caring for the horses nearby, making sure they were brushed and fed respectively. Setting the saddles on the horses that were knowingly going to be going out soon when the others woke. Her next chore was to prepare the breakfast. Due to Bessie passing, she brought it up for herself to start taking over for the cooking for the gang until something else comes up for them. She didn't like it to much, with all the being cooped up in camp most the time and getting nagged from Miss Grimshaw. However she knew if she didn't do it, it was them who went hungry.
Starting the crackling of the fire she pulled some dried meat from the provision wagon and fresh vegetables along side it. She set a metal pan down on the stand, starting with the vegetables before adding the dried meat to the sizzling pan. She sighed as she cooked, rubbing her tired eyes as she prepared a well cooked meal for the gang.
"That smells good." A voice jolted her from her daze. Amelia looked up to see Hosea looking down at her with a soft smile. "I see Bessie taught you well in the arts?"
"Learned from the best." She said with small smile. Looking down at the finished food. "First come first serve. Go ahead, I'm making more for the others as they wake."
Hosea grinned at Amelia as she offered the plate. And with a soft thank you he took the meal and sat towards the table they had set up. "Be sure to get some rest after that meal Amelia. We don't need you collapsing from the heat of the work again." He warned, earning only an eye roll from the woman.
"I am fine Hosea. I can take care of myself." She stated, as the rest of the camp members started to wake up. Dutch was the next to get their meal, then Annabelle and Miss Grimshaw. Reverend and John had came in after, getting their fair share pretty quick. Arthur was the last to come up, half asleep and grumbling.
"G'mornin." Amelia said to her brother, which only earned a sarcastic smile from him. She offered him the plate, before getting her own and taking it to the table they had set up. Hosea had already finished his food and looked over to thank Amelia.
"Miss Grimshaw, please do make sure Miss Morgan rests today. She works herself to the bone." Hosea asked, earning a nod from Annabelle who was obviously agreeing with him.
"I'm fine." Amelia started slowly picking at the food she made for herself. "I have things I need to go get today. I don't have time to rest when there's a Job to do."
Dutch let out a soft laugh as he finished his own meal. "I think you're the only young woman I know who really dislikes taking breaks. Relax for today Amelia, Annabelle and I can go pick up the things you need in town. After all I need to do some looking ahead for some plans."
Amelia just groaned looking around camp, perhaps there would be time to sneak away when no one was looking. Annabelle noticed the look in the young adults eyes before piping in with amusement.
"She seems to be look'n for her escape." She revealed, a pouting look forming on Amelia's face. She looked to her brother in hopes he'd help her out of this embarrassment.
"Arthur you won't let 'em trap me like a pretty little bird would ya?" Arthur shrug, tipping his plate back as he finished the rest of his breakfast.
"Hosea's right Ami' You work yourself too hard." Arthur was no help at all. Not entertaining the fact that Amelia would rather be hands deep in work right now. John piped up, offering a compromise.
"Maybe I can practice my shootin." He confined looking over at Amelia. "Ami' can help me with that. Not to much work watch'n right?" Amelia rolled her eyes again as she stood from the table, gathering the dirty dishes that people were stacking up.
"Please say I can at leas' help the 'kid." Amelia was practically begging at this point, as Dutch thought it over. He just gave a soft smile and finally nodded.
"Fine, as long as you stay close to camp today. Nothing to extraneous ya hear? Now, you give that list, and I'll take the Wagon into town." Amelia was relieved she wasn't going to be confined to resting the whole day. Even if it meant dealing with kid John. She pulled out a list she wrote earlier for herself, and handed the paper over to Dutch.
"Also if you could bring me a new hair clip it would be greatly 'preciated. I need it to complete the look." Amelia asked, only earning a nod from Dutch as he snag the paper. He tipped his hat and turned towards Annabelle with his charming smile.
"After you, my sweet Annabelle." He flirted, earning a small sly smile from the young lady. They walked towards the shopping wagon as Dutch assisted Annabelle up onto the bench before following close behind, taking the reigns of the tied up horses. They headed off, the wheel slowly moving as it pulled out of the grassy knoll and onto the small path.
Amelia cleaned up the dishes as John walked up with a repeater that seemed almost as big as him. Amelia looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't think you're ready for a repeater yet Kid. Go get your revolver." Amelia stated snagging the repeater from his hands.
"Oh C'mon Ami' I ain't a kid no more." John groaned as Amelia just looked down at him with a sly look.
"Say that again when you're taller than me." Amelia pointed out, shooing him away to get his revolver. She assumed this Repeater was just one of their extras, just in case they lost theirs during a hectic hunting trip. So she returned it back into its crate. Securing it for another day.
John had reluctantly brought back his revolver that Dutch bought him. Amelia had begun gathering up the left over bottles they had and a crate to put them on top of for distance. They were far enough from any civilization that they could shoot a couple off near camp and still be safe from lurkers. Hosea had approached Amelia with Arthur as she gathered up the items.
"What's wrong?" Amelia halted, holding the crate of empty bottles. Hosea shook his head.
"Nothing, me and Arthur are head'n out to go hunt'n. So if Dutch asks when we get back-" Hosea had started, an eye roll coming from Amelia. She got it, but it was smart, they were starting to run out of fresh meat. Perhaps they'd catch something good.
"Just be wary, please. Also Arthur, please make sure not to fall from a tree this time? We don't have a lotta meds for that again." Arthur just rolled his eyes at his twin, giving her a nudge.
"I ain't an idiot." He said exaggerated. While Amelia just muttered under her breath after that.
"Sometimes." She smiled a wide smile before nodding at the two. She somewhat wished she could go with. But with Dutch's restrictions for the day she resigned to helping John practicing his shooting. She wished the boys luck before bringing the bottles and crate over to the clearing near the camp.
John waited as Amelia set up the targets he was to be shooting. However before she backed up he got a bit eager and shot the revolver early. It whizzed past the bottle that Amelia just had sat up, as she had shuffled backward to dodge any hit if it had shattered the bottle.
"Watch it!" She called in a hiss. "Almost took out my hand kid!" John rolled his eyes and huffed, annoyed with being called the 'kid.' However he did almost shoot Ami's hand off and felt kinda guilty about it. So he made no comment about it.
After shooting a few more practice rounds, John had gotten rid of all the bottles. His aim was getting better, and he'd be able to defend himself with the gun if he happened to need it. The group slowly returned, Dutch and Annabelle showed up in the wagon first. The camp supplies in the back. Dutch seemed extremely pleased about something, unknown to Amelia just yet. Next Hosea and Arthur trotted back, two white-tailed deers stowed on the back of their horses.
When Dutch noticed the boys returning he called to them. "There you are! I see you had a nice outing. I have found a wonderful lead boys! Probably our biggest job yet!"
Hosea and Arthur exchanged a thoughtful look before hitching their horses and hopping off. Amelia cocked her head in interest. She approached, eager to hear out what Dutch had found. When the boys had gotten over Dutch continued his dialogue.
"There's a bank in this town by the name of 'Lee and Hoyt.' Full of cash banked by the rich. Cocky that it'll keep their money safe. All we gotta do is bring in some strong arm and weapons and we could make off with more cash for the orphanage there. The poor kids are starving with no way to get food." Dutch muttered in disgust. "The Rich don't give a damn about them kids and those in need, this is the best way to help them out."
Hosea seemed thoughtful for a moment. Nodding slowly as he thought. "Let's get a more detailed plan out for this hit. We should be able to get it within the week." Amelia eyes seemed to shine briefly. Silently hoping she'd be allowed to join in on this.
"Do you think I'll be able to join this time Dutch?" She couldn't help but ask. The man seemed reluctant, not sure on whether to accept or decline. He didn't answer directly and pretty much deflected the question.
"We'll talk about it." Dutch said, causing Amelia's eyes to roll. She didn't speak up more about it, before she walked off towards the her cot. She needed a rest before she blew a casket. She held off her sigh before she sat on top her cot. She looked over at the flower Arthur kept in reminder of their mother, and that had calmed her down a bit.
She knew it was best not to get mad at Dutch rather than act calmly. If she had shouted at him there he wouldn't be too pleased and perhaps not even consider letting her come along this time. Dutch had seemed rather over protective of the woman, no matter how many times she obviously showed her worth to the group. The woman grew up able to snatch watches off of people's hands without them noticing. Or slip bills out of pockets without a flinch. What's to say she wouldn't be great at something of being a 'strong arm.'
She observed the flower in the jar in a slight sadness. A shadow had casted over her as she looked up. Arthur had been standing above her with a questionable look on his face. Amelia carefully set the flower back on the table next to the cots as she smiled up at her twin.
"So?" She asked, interests piqued. Arthur just shrugged and sat on his cot across from her.
"I talked to Dutch and Hosea about doing this. Came up with quite a plan." Arthur started as Amelia's eyes narrowed in question. She waited eagerly, hoping he'd say the words she wanted him to say. "I also convinced him that you'd be a good distraction." Yes! A smile spread across Amelia's face as she looked over at her brother.
"Thank you!" She cried, flinging her arms over the gap and hugging tightly around Arthur. He looked down awkwardly and just patted her back a couple times before Amelia shoved herself off of him. She understood that he wasn't really the type to hug, but she was just overly excited that she had gone overboard.
"Alright, listen closely now." Arthur started, as Amelia's face hardened in focus. "This is what we are gunna do."
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