Chapter 9
— Augustus ? Max ? Vlad' ? Show yourselves ! I said, not having a damn clue of what I was doing.
— Julie ?
— Granny ?
What was my grandmother who was said to be overseas doing here ? And where is "here" anyway ?
— I'm coming back soon. Did you get my postcards ?
— What postcards ? I thought you were dead !
— Me ? Deceased ? What else now ? Did you really think I'd leave this world without knowing the end of One Piece ?
— Well, I don't think it can be controlled...
— Bullshit ! I'd like to know who told you such silly things.
— My science teachers. All of them.
— Idiot ! I wasn't talking about that ! Who told you I was... You know... Dead ?
— Well, no one used those words but come on, everybody knows what "old person went on a trip" really means.
— How dare you say your own grandmother is old ! This new generation has no respect for anything...
— That damn postman must've lost the card. By his fault, my family thinks I'm taking a dirt nap ! She continues, not paying much attention to me and it almost seems like she's gonna start to cry.
What in the world is that old fart mumbling ?
— It hurts ! Where did that cane come from ?!
— I heard you, little brat ! We're in a dream, she then answered as if it was something natural, I can summon anything I want.
— Oh, so we're in a dream ? It means that you may really be gone for good, and all of this is just my brain showing me something somewhat familiar in times when my life is going nuts. This is just a dream I'm dreaming.
— What makes you so sure that you are not just an invitee in my dream ?
— I actually have no clue.
— Exactly ! So now, you're gonna listen and stop questioning my experience.
— But this is- Ouch ! Okay, okay, I'm done ! Stop hitting me !
— You can be so stubborn !
— Sorry Granny...
— That's better ! Now, you're gonna wake up and tell your mom to call to complain about the post services. My family thinks I kicked in the bucket because of them ! It's literal scandal !
— But um... The thing is... I don't want to give false hope, especially to Mom. Also I-
— You're just like them ! She yelled, shutting me up again, And there I thought my only granddaughter would stick by my side no matter what...
Is that a flask of fake tears ? Where did she get it ? Oh, right... The dream thing.
— Granny... I mumbled.
— Who's Granny ?
— AAHH ! I yelled and my fist went right to the face of the fool who dared to wake me up and September hasn't even ended yet !
— What is up with you ? I thought you got used to it !
— Being disturbed during my precious sleep will NEVER be a habit. I did the effort to open my eyes. What are you doing here ?
— Lord Vladimir sent me. Are you somehow... On bad terms ?
— On bad terms ?, I repeat, still rubbing my eyes, Don't be silly !
He doesn't really look convinced.
— Then what's up ? he said before sitting on the side of my bed, right next to me.
— Gus, you're not Mary Poppins !
— Who ?
— Forget it.
— Why won't you tell me what's wrong ?
— Gus, please, stop. Just in case you haven't noticed, you're not my mother.
— I still want to know what's going on with you. You're grumpy these days. I mean, more than usual.
For the sake of my mental health, I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that last sentence.
— Come on, say !
— Okay, okay ! It's because of a dream.
— A dream ? You mean a nightmare ? Is it because you're not used to sleep alone ?
— God, no ! It's not really a bad dream, it's just... I don't know how to explain it but-
— Use words.
Thanks captain obvious. You saved the day !
— I was saying... I dreamed about more or less the same things several times lately. I thought my grandmother dead but now I'm doubting it and I've got no way to make sure of it.
— So, you think she's alive ?
— Well, I don't really know. I've been seeing her in my recent dreams, and she says she's still alive. At first, I thought it was just a dream, the way my genius of a brain found to remind me that I miss her, or that I needed something somewhat familiar to put up with all the madness I'm dealing with lately, but I saw her so many times that I'm starting to doubt.
— Why don't you just go check on her by yourself ?
— Are you insane ? I'm certainly not going to dig up a corpse ! Plus, I don't even know where it is.
— If she's buried, then why are you doubting?
— The thing is, I have no idea. When I was little I was told she was gone on a trip and I never saw her again. I deducted that it was their "kids friendly" way to tell me about her death but maybe I was completely mistaken, after all.
— Maybe you were.
— Yeah well, shut up. You're not helping !
— So... Do you think she's alive, or do you think she's dead ?
— I don't know ! That's the point ! And even if she was alive, that wouldn't explain what she's doing in my dreams !
— What if she is... I don't know... Practicing Voodoo secretly ?
— Ha-ha. Very funny.
— What, you don't believe in Voodoo?
— I'm tempted to say "Not a chance" but after all, I'm living with vampires, so...
— Good point. These could also be just dreams, you know.
— You're really not helping.
— Got it the first time. Come on, I'm trying to !
— I know, it's... Appreciated.
— Really ?
— Yeah, for real. Do you know what I would appreciate even more ?
— What? he asked, sparkles in his dead eyes.
— If you could just...
— Yeeees ?
— ...Get the hell out of my room.
— What ?
— You heard me. Out !
— But I thought...
— Go now on go. Walk out the door before I make you leave myself.
— Okay, okay !
And I smiled as the door closed.
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