Chapter 5
Sometimes I feel like I'm the only down-to-earth 14 year old girl who isn't all about romantic lovey-dovey stuff.
Of course, I'm not THAT self-centered, I'm perfectly aware that it's not the case. But, I don't know, everything seems to revolve around it these days. And by everything I mainly mean culture. Cinematography be it or literacy, love has always had a place in fictional worlds, because many of them have entertaining and making people dream as a priority, and what greater feeling to attract dreamers than love ? "Love is great", "love is everywhere", "love gives wings", "(...)makes you accomplish anything, as stupid as it may seem."
Everyone wants to love and be loved, because of the magic and passion people have when they talk about it. Who doesn't want to feel enchanted ?
Me ?
I never had what we most commonly call "a crush" and I never thought that much about it, until my so-called classmates teased me about it. I decided not to care, because, yeah, they say it's not "normal" but what is ?
I sighed
Certainly not being kidnapped by some vampiric creep that claims you're his soulmate.
I suggested to help him find that poor unfortunate soul, instead of just going along with the stupid idea that it was me. I mean, I would've felt something !
I never really knew what love is, but I read enough books, watched enough movies and heard enough stories to know that it's not a feeling you can ignore, let alone not know it's there.
I always felt the love I received from my tiny family and my rare friends was more than enough for me. I never looked somewhere else for affection, because I never felt like I needed it. Maybe one day I would, but I never gave it much thought. Qué será será, as said Doris Day.
So, here I am, in the same room I woke up in the second time but slightly redecorated so I wouldn't be tempted to puke evey time I look at any corner.
The month he gave me is almost over, and I still don't have a bloody idea as of what to begin with. I guess I'll just improvise, as always.
As I lay back down on my new bed, earphones in ears, I put my next-generation iPod on shuffle mode and hit play.
Okay, I may have more that slightly abused of his powers for more than the decoration. Hey, he kidnapped me, it's only fair !
It's weird though, it's been more or less a month that I'm getting a nagging feeling, like I'm forgetting something, but what ?
Well, I guess if I forgot, it must not have been important.
Now that I know vampires are real, I wonder what other popular myths are true, if any is.
For exemple, how do vampire kids grow up ?
Are there even vampire kids ?
Maybe they just come out in adult form, they'd come out of eggs like snakes, or cocoons like butterflies, because I can't imagine some vampire momma having to carry her 6 feet son (or daughter for that matter) in her womb.
I mean, it's well known that vampires are forever young and tall but how are they born ?
Maybe all vampires are sterile and every vampire that exits is over a thousand years old. Maybe the average is very much higher than a thousand, what do I know ?
I suppose it's only fair, considering they don't technically age and... Can a vampire even die ?
I don't know how long I've been lost in my thoughts, but when I started paying attention to my environment again, I heard «Ancient mystery»
I hear you loud and clear, brand new iPod !
Suddenly, my stomach made a funny noise, sign for me that I should get up, as soon as freaking possible.
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