Chapter 12
— So ?
— After I've gained a nice amount of money thanks to a strategy that I'll keep to myself...
— ...Counting the cards ?
— Won't you stop interrupting me ? I will not answer to that question. Anyway, I was ready to leave when a certain man... Came my way.
— You wanted to go back home ? Wait, how long did you stay at Vegas ?
— I'll admit, I don't remember well. Just... Let me finish the story, okay ?
— Okay... I said, putting my hands up.
— So this guy offered me a job.
Suddenly I had this urge to say something, a comment that just came to my mind but also was pure genius. The thing is, I sensed my grandmother wasn't really found of that type of humor, so I decided to just keep it down, for now.
— By then, I was rich enough to spend the rest of my life spending money and it wouldn't even matter. I declined without listening to the offer.
— And it was...?
— A mistake.
— That bad ?
— I mean, he turned out to be a total psycho. So yes, that bad.
— What happened ?
— He didn't really accept my... Rejection and more or less kidnapped me. To be his slave. Can you imagine ? Hello, 21st century ! And I'm not even black !
— What ? Oh yeah sure that was racist.
I rolled my eyes. If my grandmother was on Twitter I don't even want to imagine what kind of dumpster fire she would find herself in. Now that I'm mentioning it, I miss Twitter's dramas.
— Are you even listening ?
— I'm sorry, you were saying ?
— I knew I should've learned the spell that blocks the person who's dreaming to be lost in their thoughts when you're around. Anyway I was saying... Do you imagine me as a slave ? At my age ?
— And I recall you hate to do the housework...
— Just thinking about it makes me sick. That moron was making me do everything ! Every task, from the filthiest to the most... Unpleasant.
— Even the...?
— Yes. Even that. For crying out loud, I'm too old for this shit !
— Are you still captive ? Is that why you're asking for my help ?
— What ? No ! Don't be silly ! I spent two weeks top, there.
— So he... Freed you ?
— If that was the case I wouldn't have said he was a total psycho. No, I took the opportunity of him having a stroke to leave without looking behind me. I'm so glad he didn't have the whim to make me wear a maid outfit or God knows what, I wouldn't have beared it.
— A stroke ? How old was that man ?!
— Its funny you'd asked that, he actually insisted for us to celebrate his 94th birthday together !
— What business could a 94 years old man have at a casino ?
— Technically he wasn't in it but on the exit.
— Same thing. What was that job he offered ?
— Who knows ? She simply said, shaking her shoulders.
— On second thought, I don't wanna know.
— That's good because either way you can't know. Unless...
— Unless what ? I asked, fearing the answer.
— Do you think Voodoo can allow communication with the Dead ?
— I-
— That's fantastic ! Do you realize how many possibilities this offers ? It's just awesome !
— I hear you but-
— Okay time to wake up. This dream of yours is beginning to feel a little long, over 1800 words !
— Huh ?
— Forget about that. I'm about to use my favorite annulment technique ! Also known as...
—... Riskless method to wake Julie !
— Are you sure ?
— Only one way to know... ON THE COUNT OF THREE !
— But we're only two... Technically if we're counting her we're three but her participating in the commando mission of waking her up wouldn't make any sense.
Huh ? Am I awake ?
No doubt possible. By opening my eyes, it really is Vlad and Gus I see leaning over me.
I hate mornings. I can deal with waking up, but if someone woke me up, they'd have to deal with my... very bad mood. Especially if the waking me up part wasn't absolutely necessary.
I also hate not having full control, in other words I hate being confused, and for a short time, I clearly was.
— Ha ! I told you your plan sucked balls !
— I'm finding her quite joyful, could've been worse.
— Okay you fools, it's your lucky day. I'm gonna pretend you never woke me up, and believe me it's better for you that you never did.
Especially since I had neither the desire nor the energy to take care of either of them.
— But we thought...
I really wasn't in the mood to tolerate their childish behavior. Not that I ever am, there's no such a mood, but for now I just can't stand them.
I have stuff to think about.
Once again, Granny, or at least the one who appears in my dreams more and more frequently, had proved that those weren't simple dreams.
I would call my mother to confirm, but I forgot the phone number. My grandmother probably expected it, and I hate to admit her little... staging was rather convincing.
She had chosen the exact moment to disappear and leave it to the two morons I'm living with. She even made sure they would complete her sentence ! Or at least it seemed like it. If that ain't Voodoo I don't know what is. Unless... Ugh! I'm sick of trying to understand what the heck is going on.
Either way, I remember almost every detail, and I don't recall seeing an extremely bizarre thing I would've found totally normal in the moment. So those weren't ordinary dreams. Mystery solved.
I wonder what she's doing right now. Practicing Voodoo, maybe ? She seemed rather in a hurry to try it... As a new mean of communication.
With all of this, she still didn't tell me for what she's been asking my help for over a few weeks.
What is she planning ?
To hell with this ! My head hurts from thinking. Maybe I should just... Uh, what the hell ! I decided to browse my phone in order to empty my mind, since I can't put order in my ideas.
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