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Mirror, Mirror,
What do you see?
Between the cracks
That obscure me.
My reflection,
It's so deformed,
Rusted by tears
And anger worn
Across my skin,
A fragrance light
That smells like lies;
It smells like spite,
Like jealousy
I mask beneath
A laugh, a smile
Of bright, white teeth
I wish I had
But only see
Within the mind
That grips its dreams
Like death will come,
Rip them away;
I can't let go;
I'm so afraid
Of how I'll fall
And how I'll break;
I know the game,
Know what's at stake
And what it takes
To win the prize:
An endless race
Of sacrifice
And no return
For what you lose,
A risk you hold,
A risk you choose,
Although you're not
Prepared to make
That choice that will
Be the mistake
To ruin you,
Now that it's done.
So this is it,
The race you'll run
And try to win
Through every loss;
I know the game;
I know the cost;
I know it's high;
I know it's deep;
I know the vict-
Ory is sweet
If you can find
It in the dark,
But it's a tar-
Get hard to mark
And hard to hit
Amidst the storm,
The weight of the
Secrets you've borne
For far too long
In too much strife
To ever face
While gripping life
Between your hands
That shake and slide;
They scream in pain;
Your soul inside
Echoes the cries,
The shout that shows
All you can take
And still survive,
Still cling to life,
Still breathe once more
Despite the knife
Pressing your throat,
A threat that looms
And won't back down,
Won't release you.
You ought to please;
Don't slow your pace!
Along the road,
Engaged in chas-
Ing some far dream,
Some high ideal
That isn't right
And isn't real,
And you can't reach
It if you try;
You couldn't snatch,
Achieve, or buy
It if you were
The bright display
You've fantasized
To be one day,
So how could I?
Why do I try?
Mirror, Mirror,
Tell me why.
Yes, tell me why;
I want to hear,
Though the truth
Is what I fear
And my desire
At the same time;
Uniquely it's true;
Uniquely it's mine;
Uniquely am I
Dreaming tonight,
Wishing to make
My world seem right,
Reflection right
In this cold glass
I'll clear of haze,
And then at last
See what I am,
That truth I fear
And will obstruct
With how I veer
From word to word
And truth to lie,
Till I can't tell
Just what is my
Reflection here;
What do I see?
So, Mirror, why
Don't you tell me
And end this here,
Right here, right now;
I'll take the truth;
I'm ready now
To handle it;
I need to know,
And I'm afraid–
Does it still show–
Of how I'll take
The news you bring.
Mirror, Mirror,
Answer me.
Demons I hide
Are leaking out,
So tell me now
Before I shout
This misery
For all to see
And transform all
They know of me
Because it's lies,
Never been true,
And, Mirror, that's
Not news to you.
You see the truth;
You see it plain;
You see me in
The scars and pain
I won't accept
And never show,
But now I see;
Yes, now I know,
And it can't change
What I endure,
No matter how
It is the pur-
Est form of me;
I hate it still,
So I'll still run;
Yes, I still will
Run to the dream
I'll never reach.
Mirror, Mirror,
Please don't preach
To me what I
Already know;
It won't stop me;
I have to go
Face life as it
Will come to me,
'Cause then I'll know,
And then I'll see
How hopeless it
Was from the start,
And, Mirror, you
Will break apart
In shattered glass
Across my floor,
Reflecting me
Always to shine,
Though I'll ignore
What I can see
But no more lies;
No, none for me.
I want the truth
I won't believe.
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Perfect beauty: one ambition we'll NEVER achieve, no matter how much we try or cry or kill ourselves inside. But, we still try, don't we? I guess we can't help it; we want it that bad. Oftentimes, we maybe don't admit it to ourselves, how much we want it. We may claim we don't care, that we're unbothered, unaffected, but are we really? If you truly are unaffected, then I admire you, because you must have a strength of mind and spirit that I can only dream about. And, if you are affected, hurting, scarred, somewhere deep inside... then, that's alright. I'm right there with you. You're not alone, and it's ok to feel that way. We're human, and we're ambitious. There's nothing wrong with that. However, we must be careful to not let those human ambitions stop us from becoming who we truly can become, the reality, not the hopeless ideal.
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