Seokjin's POV
I observe the way Jungkook behaves so very gently with Y/N, whose eyes are struggling to stay open more than five seconds, with a pleased smile on my lips.
The way he massages her scalp, shoulders and arms seems healing to her, in a way. Her reluctance disappeared as soon as he started massaging her face, and it was fascinating to watch from a distance how she slowly turned into putty in his hands.
To be cared for at all, I believe, is something that will be a much needed aspect in her life with us.
None of us really know what her life was like before, back in Canada. Maybe Taehyung already knows, I don't know how many questions have been answered by the colours ever since the bond has solidified, but he hasn't told us a thing since she first got here.
Did she have family by her side? Where were they when she needed them the most? If they were anywhere near her, did they try to help? Or did they turn a blind eye on their own blood, uncaring of her mental health and how it was affecting her?
Because clearly, her mental health has met the ground of a very deep hole, judging by Jimin's first reaction of her. I'd never quite seen him as protective of someone else until that night. Even now, I can see it on his face, the pure relief that floods his eyes upon seeing her relaxed and dozing off by his side. He looks like he could start crying anytime if he wasn't trying so hard to resist the tears.
Despite what he seems to believe, it is very easy to see, or at the very least, it is for me. It makes me want to see for myself, the current state of her soul. What does Jimin see?
A warm hand takes hold of mine, and I look down at my lap to find Namjoon's large palm covering my own, fingers intertwining together, firmly. I exhale the breath I kept inside for longer than I'd realized, then lean my head over his shoulder, eyes back on our younger soulmates.
Her head lulls to the side, the fight against sleep ultimately lost, and Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin giggle quietly, hushed whispers as they move her head to Jimin's shoulder, whose smile is as bright as the depths of the universe are dark.
"Just look at them" I muse softly, my soul at peace and my heart filled to the brim.
"I'm looking" Namjoon echoes with a similar softness in his voice.
The movie is nearly over and I haven't watched a single second of it, which I couldn't care less about. I wouldn't be surprised if the same could be said of the others. How could we when there is such a lovely sight before us? It makes me wish this would happen more often.
Alas, work is only going to get more intense as we prepare for the next tour, and I don't know how we'll manage to fit Y/N into our busy schedules, or how she's going to handle it. I guess we could take her along with us, whether it is dance practice, recording sessions or accompanying us when we work in our studio, which, by that, I mean mostly Hoseok, Yoongi and Namjoon.
Not to forget that she will soon become exposed to the toxic negativity that comes with being constantly judged for her appearance and life choices. She could do something as simple as drink an iced coffee in the middle of winter and millions of people will find a reason to complain about it. I don't like that for her.
We've had years to get used to it. It was gradual, for us. One year at a time. She will be thrown head first into the worst of it.
"I'm worried, Namjoon" I murmur, low enough so none of them will hear me other than our side of the living room. Yoongi and Hoseok don't move, but I can feel their eyes on me as they cuddle nearby.
"You're thinking about her integration into our world" he says with his deep, relaxed voice, the one he doesn't use often in public. It lets me know that he's never stopped thinking about it even once. He's our leader, he's always got out back, it's no wonder that he would add her into the list of people he must protect.
I nod slowly. "We had years of hard work to get us to where we are, and it was what we wanted. She won't have a choice. If she wants to be with us, then keeping her safe also means putting her into the spotlight. It feels counterintuitive".
"I know how you feel" he hums, breathing in deeply as he rests his cheek on top of my head.
"I feel like we're racing against time. I know I should not go too fast with her, but the longer we wait, the more risks that someone reveals her existence before us, and that would be... catastrophic. Things would be way out of our control. Imagine going to the company with crowds of people at the doors demanding to know about her, or people doing everything in their power to scare her away. I don't want her to go through that".
My heart clenches just thinking about it.
The ones he's talking about are the people unable to see past the little bubble of comfort they've created around the image they have of us, as if Y/N being in our life would keep us from being the artists that they know. As if Y/N would ever keep us from creating new songs, or giving them the concerts that we all long for. I know for a fact that Y/N is not that kind of person.
She would let herself suffer in silence, if that meant she would not be a bother to those around her.
"What if we started a reveal event for her?" Hoseok blurts out when no one says anything again, loud enough that even Jimin, Jungkook and Taehyung hear us this time. "We could let our fans know that we have a new soulmate in a fun, exciting way. We can reveal something sweet about her each day, until it's time to share her picture. Not on her own, of course. It would be a picture with us".
We all take a moment to think about it. It would give everyone time to process the news, Y/N included. Let everyone anticipate who she is, and fall in love with the kind of person she is before even seeing her. It would make the global acceptance of her easier.
That's what I want to believe, anyway.
"That sounds like a good idea" Namjoon hums as his eyes fall on her silhouette again, a soft snore past her lips before she burrows her face deeper into Jimin's neck. His arms wrap around her, pulling her in so she can be more comfortable while also fulfilling his heart's sweet desires.
"I'll tell her about it when we're in my studio at the company tomorrow" our leader decides with a small nod of the head. "I made it so Bang Si-hyuk would join us there alone, so we can talk without there being a crowd staring at her. We'll explain everything, make her sign some forms for her safety, that sort of thing. We'll also talk about how she wants her reveal to be like, not for others but for herself".
Yoongi clears his throat then, and we turn to stare at him.
"Make Bang Si-hyuk hire her a bodyguard and a manager. Bonus points if they're the same person. We need someone who can be aware of our schedules and help her see how she wants to fit into all this without overwhelming herself.
"If she wants to do things on the side that don't include us, they can accompany her and keep her safe, make the appointments that she needs, etc. She's going to need an adjustment period while she's here and we won't always be able to stay by her side and guide her through everything".
A finger to my chin as I think. "Yeah... I don't know how she's going to feel about that, but we should ask her if it's something she feels she could handle. I don't want the changes to be too drastic for her daily life, but you're right that she's going to need any help she can get".
Taehyung sighs as he drops his chin on Jimin's lap to observe Y/N's sleeping form. "I hope she doesn't come to regret being our soulmate. Anyone would want to flee after being told that nothing about their life will be the same ever again".
Jungkook looks down to her hands, which he's still holding from the floor at her feet.
"She might not understand everything that being with us implies, but I know that she wants to be with us more than anything. It's our responsibility to inform her and tell her what options she has. Then, she can decide what she wants for herself, and we make it happen. She doesn't have to be entirely helpless as we change every aspects of her life".
"Ohhhh. Our Jungkookie has grown into such a good man" Jimin coos proudly, and I couldn't agree more. His cheeks blush as he looks around the living room to find all of us grinning at him, love shared with every glance that cross paths.
"Come on, guys... don't treat me like a child" he mutters with a pout before standing to his feet. "It's called common sense, that's all".
As he says those words, Jimin is left entirely helpless when Y/N begins to float into the air and right into Jungkook's arms, his main ability levitation, which he doesn't use often. Taehyung simply claps his hands in silent awe, two thumbs up raised that boost our soulmate's ego disproportionately.
"I'll take her back to bed so she can be more comfortable".
"Now, that's just not fair" Jimin complains as he shoots up to his feet faster than his shadow can follow. "She was just fine in my arms, her soul was soft and relaxed. You can't make the decisions on your own like that. Give her back, Jungkook".
"Or what? What are you gonna do about it, Jimin hyung?"
"I'm going to follow you everywhere, I'm going to annoy you and be a pain in the ass! Give her back!"
We, and by that, I mean Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok and I, watch as Jungkook begins to run off with Jimin on his heels. We listen as they both apologize to Y/N, whose abrupt waking up is announced with a gasp of fright upon not understanding why she's suddenly floating above two soulmates' heads.
In the meantime, Taehyung drags his feet behind them, a sigh echoed from his chest because he just wants to take it easy and have his soulmates near while they rest.
"Well... I guess that's the end of the spa session" Yoongi drops with a shrug before closing his eyes, as if none of the chaos just happened. Knowing him, he just doesn't want to be dragged into their mess.
Hoseok turns on his stomach from where he's been resting on top of Yoongi, then pecks his lips once, twice, thrice. "Do I hear disappointment, hyung? You can go after them and attempt to kidnap Y/N for yourself, if you really want to spend time with her".
"Nah. The kids are having fun, I don't want to get in the way" he claims as shouts begin to resound from a bedroom, a pillow smacked against something before it's thrown on the floor by the kitchen.
Y/N bursts into laughter while Jimin makes a pained noise, and I just know they're fighting right now.
"More like, you don't want to get hurt" I comment with a shake of the head. "I don't want to see any of them come crying when they get wounded. I'm not going to take care of them, not this time, I'm not doing it. It's always the same thing. They laugh, they think they're so funny, and then-"
"Yah! Why are you always so violent, Jungkook?! I'm bleeding now because of you! See that, Y/N? See how they treat your poor Jiminie? You know, a kiss on my finger would make the pain disappear instantly..."
I sit up at those words, eyes round as I stare at where their voices are coming from. Jimin giggles gleefully, most likely receiving a kiss from our poor soulmate, while Taehyung and Jungkook lose their mind over it, rightfully so.
"Y/N! I got hurt too, see? I need a kiss too, right here".
"Me too! Jimin acts all cute but he's so mean. See that, on my cheek? It's red, right? The skin feels so sore... Thank you, Y/N, I feel much better already".
Namjoon gives me the side-eye, lips stretched into a lazy grin. "I guess they won't be needing your assistance anymore. Aren't you soooo relieved now, hyung?"
"Not in the slightest" I grumble before thumping my feet over to where they're using Y/N for their own satisfaction. How dare they fake their pain just to get kisses? "I'm going to teach them a lesson or two. Take Y/N and lock the door behind me, Namjoon-ah. I don't want her to see what hell I can bring to earth".
"Oh, now that is something I want to see" Yoongi says with a grunt as he sits up despite Hoseok's body weighing over his own. "It's always so fun when Jin starts creating illusions to scare them. The last time, it was a sea of spiders crawling over them. I wonder what it's gonna be this time".
"Well, you find that out for yourself, I'm going to get Y/N to safety. Hoseok... please help me".
"I'm coming, Joonie".
Your POV
Entering the company building was much easier than I first expected, honestly.
I guess it helps that I have Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook surrounding me like bodyguards. Namjoon leads the way to a VIP elevator while I'm flanked by my two other soulmates, and I try to tune out the whispers that start to rise from around us on the way, people not so blind that they can't see me.
Seeing a stranger with their beloved group must be weird...
"So, how many of your staff know about me? This is a big building. What happens if some of them post about me behind your back?" I ask as we wait for the elevator's doors to open, no one else around here to listen in as this hallway is away from the busy area.
"They would go through a process called "Is this worth losing your job for?" where they're asked questions and offered choices" Namjoon answers first, his finger pressing on the button again, as if the elevator would go down faster that way. "They either take the pictures down, apologize to you and the company, and accept the consequences of their actions, or they're out of the picture and banned from the industry due to breach of confidentiality".
Namjoon looks back with a kind smile on his lips. "Don't worry about that, Y/N. We've got good people in the company. I can't speak for every single one of them, but for those that matter, they'll do everything they can to keep you safe".
"I don't doubt that, Namjoon. I was just curious. It's not everyday that I'm confronted to having to keep my identity a secret. It's kinda hard to do when we're out and about like this".
"Taehyung had to go through that as well, before we debuted" Jungkook reveals as the doors finally open with a chime. He gently pushes a hand onto my lower back to guide me inside, and the doors close on the empty hallway.
"He said it was tough, because he could see us interact with fans and do things openly while he had to stay in the shadows. To him, those aren't good memories. Do you hate the idea of being hidden like this? Because if you aren't comfortable with how things are going forth, then we need you to tell us so we can adapt".
I tilt my head against the wall behind me as I hum, the neon lights buzzing as we start going up.
"Well... I've never really liked having eyes on me so... right now, this is easier" I admit. "Back home, when people noticed me, it always had to do with something negative. Comments about how fat I am, how lazy I am, that sort of thing. I can't say I'm expecting better this time".
Anger flares in their chest at that admission. What could anyone have to say that's negative about my body? Is it a sin to rest just because you're the human incarnation of a squishmallow? They should be honored that they're walking on the same ground as the goddess that I am!
That's what Jungkook believes, anyway. He's going to physically send people into the sky if he sees anyone treat me wrong.
What's more frustrating in this is that none of them know how to respond. What can they say? They know the mentality of the world, let alone their country. They know how beauty standards are prioritized above mental health. Things might be changing, one step at a time, but how can they promise me anything when they know that millions of people will prove me right everyday?
"In our world... no matter what we do, or what we look like, people are always going to criticize us" Yoongi begins softly, eyes looking down as he recalls painful memories. Of his soulmates hurting, of things he heard and read about himself.
"You could have what you believe is the perfect body shape, the perfect face, and you'd still be treated the same. What you need to remember, always, Y/N, is that the way they treat you is in no way your fault. Whatever they tell you, it's their own insecurities being mirrored back at them".
He reaches for one of my hands slowly, fingers delicate as they thread with mine, and he looks deep into my eyes, in a way that feels safe.
"It's impossible to be liked by everyone. People have their issues, and how they respond to you is an echo of how they respond to anything happening to them, really. They're not mad at you, they're actually mad that they don't have control over their own life and thus take it out on others, as twisted as it sounds. Instead of worrying about pleasing those people, focus on being true to yourself. For every millions of people who hate your guts for simply existing, there will be one who will move mountains to make you smile. Find those people and never let them go, Y/N, that's all I can say".
I smile lightly. "You know, this kind of helps. Thank you, Yoongi".
Another chime as the doors open, and Namjoon hesitates briefly before resuming the walk. There's nothing to add to what Yoongi said.
As if this floor already feels safer to them, shoulders relax the further we walk into what looks like a cozy corridor with dimmed lights, with doors on each side. Some have signs of different variants showing "Shh, I'm working, don't disturb" over them, while others have a...
I slow down to look at the mat on the floor to my left. It depicts a cat showing off the middle finger while the text next to it says "Go away".
While others have things like this, I guess.
I look up to find Yoongi's cheeks blushing a very light red, a hand over his nape as he glances at me. "So... this is my studio. I've had this mat for years and... I'm not seriously against visitors, mind you, I just found it funny. Don't let it stop you from visiting me when I'm working here".
"I'll be sure to pay you a visit whenever I'm around, Yoongi. Do the others have a studio here as well?" I ask, looking around us with curiosity.
"Jungkook and Taehyung are on the floor above this one, and Jin didn't really see a need for one. If he needs to work on a song, he either comes to us or he works with the company's staff. We've got many very skilled people here, and we often work with them to get the best results of what we've created".
"That's impressive" I praise them with interest. "I'd love to watch you in the process of creating new songs, one day. I can't even imagine how that works, it sounds hard".
Jungkook's arm wraps around my shoulders as he leans over with a wink. "We can work on a song together, you and I, if you want. It doesn't even have to be made public, it can be a little thing we do together for fun. I could show you the ropes, what do you think?"
My eyes widen. "Wait, really? But aren't you busy? I wouldn't be of much help, either... I have never been good at creating stuff. I also can't play an instrument".
"It's fine, we can just go with the flow" he muses, free of concerns. "It doesn't have to be perfect, we'll have fun and that's all that matters. I'll take care of everything, little bunny, you just have to be there and give me your feedback. C'mon, please say yes?"
I glance at Namjoon and Yoongi, finding a warmth in their eyes that speaks volumes of how much the thought of us working together on a song endears them. I guess it is somewhat precious for an artist to offer something like this...
"Fine. Yes, okay" I relent, smiling when Jungkook cheers with a happy jump. It can't hurt to try, and anyway, what's the worst that can happen? It's not like our song will be heard by anyone else.
"Yes! I can't wait, it's going to be awesome. Yoongi hyung, I'll go ahead and start dance practice for an hour or two, then I'll join you for voice warm-ups before the official recording. Oh! Namjoon hyung, why don't you bring Y/N later when you're done? I bet she's never seen what a recording studio looks like!"
Namjoon quirks an eyebrow at me, and I can only blush bashfully. "It does sound really cool to watch..."
He chuckles, then nods to Jungkook. Even Yoongi looks happy to know that we'll be there, and it makes me feel a lot better about intruding on something so important. "Sure. Just text me when you're about to start and we'll head over".
"Awesome! I'll see you later, Y/N!" Jungkook chirps before running off down the corridor where he opens a door with the stairs sign. He truly has way too much energy, considering how he gave me a boost this morning just to get me out of bed. I felt half dead, but a single touch from him and I was suddenly filled with electricity, as if I'd drank five coffees.
"I'll be working in my studio" Yoongi adds while entering the security code on his door. He opens it and steps in the doorway, looking back at Namjoon and I, but mostly Namjoon. "Don't forget what we talked about yesterday, please".
Namjoon silently acquiesces, and Yoongi waves at me before closing the door, which locks with a sound before turning quiet. I turn to the last soulmate remaining by my side.
"What did you talk about yesterday? I don't remember anything like that".
He slides a hand down my lower back before leading me to a door a few paces from Yoongi's. "We talked about it while you were sleeping from Jungkook's massages. I'll tell you everything in a bit, don't worry. Bang Si-hyuk is going to be here soon, so let's get in and settle down first".
He unlocks and opens the door before allowing me inside first, his height towering over me from the back, a protective wall that wouldn't allow anything through without his permission.
As I let my gaze wander the area, I can tell that the interior represents his personality really well. Despite not having known him for very long, the earthy colours feel very Namjoon coded to me. The decor looks like a room was taken from a Korean museum and transferred here, which I like a lot.
"Have a seat or look around, don't be shy. Do you want water? I keep some bottles in the mini fridge. I also have iced coffee, soda, and beer. I don't think we should be drinking alcohol so early, though. Can you drink?"
"Ah, I'll be fine for now, thank you. But yes, I can drink" I answer absent-mindedly as I walk along a wall filled with trophies and arts. "I can't say beer is a favourite, but I do enjoy some spicy rum from time to time".
"Really, spicy rum? That's surprising. What about soju?"
"I haven't had many opportunities to try it in the past, so that's something I'm open to trying with you if you have any recommendations. I can drink saké, though".
"A woman after my own heart. Yoongi, Jin and I like to drink from time to time, you could join us, if you ever feel like it. We've got enough stock to make you anything you like. The others don't join us that often, but maybe that will change if you start drinking with us".
A knock on the door has me jumping slightly before I can reply, and Namjoon gives me an apologetic smile before walking over to open it. I take that as the signal to sit down on the leather couch in the corner, knowing that important conversations are going to be happening very soon. I'm glad that it's going to be only one person for now.
"Si-hyuk hyung, thank you for coming in so early" Namjoon greets the newcomer with a warm voice, while I shake with nerves from my seat. It truly is a blessing that I feel so comfortable with my soulmates, because it would have been impossible to keep sane otherwise.
"Is this her, your new soulmate, Namjoon-ah?"
"Yes. Come in and I'll introduce you".
The door closes with a click, and I stand awkwardly when the two of them come over to the seating area. The second man - who seems in his forties, fifties? - gazes at me with gentle eyes, and I feel myself relax a little. He's actually not that intimidating, which is nice.
"Y/N, this is Bang Si-hyuk. He's the one who made it possible for us to become BTS all those years ago, and his continued support means a lot to the boys and I. Hyung, this is Y/N, our new soulmate. She's a bit shy, but she'll warm up to you eventually. I thought we could start with the needed paperwork before talking about anything else, since that's our priority for now. Did you bring everything?"
"Yes, everything is in this bag" Si-hyuk states as he raises an arm to show us a black briefcase meant for transporting documents and the likes. "Y/N, it's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so many things about you already. I'll say, I never thought I'd get to see the boys being so fussy about every single details one day. They've been looking out for you to the best of their abilities, I hope you know that".
I nod my head slowly, feeling once more thankful with the way that my soulmates have been looking over me so far. "Yes, I'm very lucky to have such considerate soulmates. Thank you for welcoming me so warmly, sir".
"She's very polite, Namjoon" Si-hyuk muses before sitting down in front of me, the bag settled at his feet before he opens it while Namjoon sits next to me, a comforting hand falling over my knee to keep me grounded when he sees my legs bouncing restlessly.
Piles of papers begin to find a place over the dark coffee table, and I gulp upon seeing the many areas that I'll most likely have to sign. NDA documents, contracts that seem to involve security and even legal terms that I can't seem to translate in my head, and many others.
It feels like I'm going to be sold into the black market once I'm done signing these. Is Namjoon trying to get rid of me? Am I going to be sent to the butcher?
"These are documents that we need signed so we can put you under our responsibility. Your signature will allow us to act on your behalf whenever actions need to be taken, such as deleting any unwanted pictures of you online and keeping a tight control of what is written about you on the net. Of course, we can't forbid everything, but for anything purposefully harmful against you, our legal teams will be ready to act quickly. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them to Namjoon and I, otherwise, you can take your time to read and sign these" Si-hyuk explains as he adds a black pen in front of me, the seriousness of it all finally hitting me in the chest like a train wreck.
I shakily grab one paper, but even despite my advanced Korean knowledge, most of this is impossible for me to understand. My lessons never included learning legal terms, so I would have to continually use a translating app just to get through each of these.
Namjoon seems to sense my struggle when he sees the growing panic on my face, and he gently takes the paper from me with a small smile. "I'll translate them for you, Y/N. Let me know if I speak too fast, or if you need more explanations. This NDA document basically means that you agree to-"
"Y/N, you're here!" Jungkook chirps as soon as Namjoon and I enter the recording studio through the back door. It took a lot longer since Namjoon had to read everything for me, but we managed to get through the worst of it rather well.
When Bang Si-hyuk gathered the documents with a pleased sound, the conversation then moved to Yoongi's concern, which was that he wanted me to have a manager and a bodyguard, or one person who could do both.
At first, I felt a bit weirded out at the prospect, but they patiently explained how this could be good for me, and I had to relent because, as they said, my soulmates wouldn't always be there by my side and I needed someone who knew how to help me maneuver without putting myself at risk.
They also asked me how I felt about having a special event to reveal my identity as BTS's new soulmate. They could make it into a game with their fans, which would soften everyone into being more accepting of me. Si-hyuk explained with a lot of detailed info the workload that would go into making that possible, and said that I could work on my event with them, if that's something I wanted.
Apparently, Hoseok was the one to think of that option for me. It would make my arrival less of a shock and more of a fun thing for everyone, myself included, since we all would have time to process the changes without being overwhelmed.
Despite everything being a drastic change for me, I really appreciate how my soulmates are doing their best to alleviate my anxiety. I'm sure they know exactly what it is I'm going through, in a way, so it's comforting. There's no telling me to get over it, no telling me that I'm anticipating the worst for no reason. Their altruism truly is a gift for me.
The meeting ended with the older man saying that he would look into hiring someone for me, as well as inform the many teams about the upcoming event, and as if the timing was meant to be, Namjoon received a text from Yoongi saying that they were done with voice warm-ups and that they were about to begin with the recording.
Which brings us back to Jungkook's happy chirp about seeing us enter the studio after nearly two hours of brain overload.
"Have her sit down on the couch, Namjoon" Yoongi speaks into the microphone before him, which allows his voice through thanks to the speakers along the glass wall separating us. "She looks exhausted. There's water on the table, it's mine but I didn't drink in it. Give it to her".
A few employees are sat at the desk where they handle the software that controls the music and additional audio tracks, but I try to keep my sight away from it all since I've already got this terrible headache right now.
Namjoon follows Yoongi's directives, and I'm gently lowered onto the couch before he accepts the water bottle that one of the staff is handing him. He uncaps it for me, then encourages me to drink a little with a motion of the hand.
"It was a lot of new information for her. We made her sign everything in one go, so we kept the conversation as short as we could afterward. Bang Si-hyuk will hire someone for her, he thought it was for the best too. He'll also look into putting the event into the right hands so we can get things in motion. We'll probably have news about the reveal event within the week".
"Thought so" Yoongi hums before communicating with the staff about a part of the song, their words making no sense to me. It's like my brain is fried.
Jungkook looks like he would run out of the soundproof room just to cuddle with me if he could, but knowing that everyone worked through a very tight schedule to make this recording session happen keeps him from following his heart, as hard as it is.
The sound of music echoes in the room as they figure out a pattern that works best for Yoongi, and I can't resist the pull of Namjoon's shoulder once he sits next to me, my cheek squishing against it as I wrap my arms around his with a sigh past my lips.
"That feels nice" I murmur softly as he chuckles, a warm hand over my head to pat my hair gently before he moves it down to hold my own over his lap. "It must have been draining for you to translate everything for me, Namjoon. I'm sorry that you had to do it for me".
His thumb caresses my knuckles as a hum echoes from low in his chest. "Don't worry about it, my moon. I'm used to it with the others. Yoongi can handle himself pretty well if he feels like it, but I usually do all the translating when we go anywhere that requires it. It doesn't bother me".
"I could help with that, from now on. I've had to speak in English on a daily basis with my job, since most of the employees couldn't speak French. I do know some Japanese as well, but it's been a long time since I used it at all, I might not be of much help with that".
Namjoon smiles as he listens to my tentative offer, his eyes on our soulmates who've found their focus again, their eyes on the lyrics before them as they work out the beat to do their parts.
"Is it something you would enjoy?" he asks me, to which I purse my lips lightly.
"Well... not particularly, since that would mean being at the front lines. But being of help is not something you do because you like doing it. It's something you do because it's the right thing to do. You can make good use of your skills and knowledge, and it lowers the burden put on others. If you need my knowledge, then it seems selfish for me to keep it all to myself".
"That's an interesting perspective. So you would put yourself in uncomfortable situations for the sake of others".
"Don't we all?"
"Hm... no, I don't think so, Y/N. Most people would rather stay comfortable, even if it means ignoring those in need around them".
"Oh. I guess I've always taken it upon me to help others because deep down, I knew that if I didn't, then no one would".
Namjoon pinches his lips slightly, then. "My moon. You have to be careful, because although your heart is good, not everyone's is the same. While it may help the people that really need your support, it also puts you at risk of those who would take advantage of your kindness. Not everyone is sincere in their plea for help".
I think back to the past, to the times when my coworkers would ask me to cover their shift so they could head home early. Something happened with my family, I need to take care of them. Other times, it was someone saying that their dog was sick and that they needed to head home quickly. I've heard them all, quite honestly.
One thing in common that they all had... was that they all came to me. They never asked others before coming to me, they would come straight to my post and ask me if I could cover their hours, and I would always say yes, because I had no one waiting for me at home anyway.
"How do you know, then? When someone is sincere, and when they aren't?"
"I ask myself that question everyday. Sometimes, you just got to take that leap of faith and hope for the best".
We fall silent, and I observe the way Jungkook sings with passion, while Yoongi raps with intensity. There is meaning in their words, a truth that few would dare speak aloud, and yet, here they are, doing it in songs that will be heard from across the world. That's very brave.
"That just brings us back in a loop, though" I comment softly. "When someone comes up to me... I sometimes ask myself... what if that was me, asking for help? How would I feel if everyone ignored me? Maybe I'd look fine on the outside, but inside, I would be weeping. You help others, not because you're in a position where you can judge the realness of their request, but because it feels right.
"If I start saying no, then I also risk disregarding the people that have no other safe hands to turn to. If that's the case, I'd rather keep my heart open, you know? Whether they abused of my kindness or not, it still helped them, in the end. It doesn't always have to have that huge impact. Sometimes, it's just being able to get home a little earlier".
Namjoon doesn't answer right away, but I can almost hear the gears activate in his brain. He pulls my hand to his lips, where he presses a very gentle kiss. "The world has much to learn from you, my moon. I know I do".
"Let's have a short break, and we can resume in ten" someone speaks after cutting off the music, which is followed by the staff standing up to stretch and grab something to drink, while others have snacks.
Some eyes fall on me, curious, but there's otherwise no malice, and I allow myself to smile back as they incline their head slightly. They look like great people.
Jungkook is out of the soundproof room and inside the recording studio in a matter of seconds, and he's hugging what he can grab of me with a happy groan while I'm still leaning against Namjoon's shoulder. I chuckle at the cute face he makes when he glances up at me with doe eyes.
"So? What'd you think of our song? I know it's hard to get a proper feel of it since it's broken up in parts, but did you like what you heard?"
"Yes, Jungkook. I enjoyed what I heard a lot. Your voice sounds so good when you sing, it was a privilege to hear it in person. I like the messages you speak, too. Truths of the world, truths that need to be spoken and heard".
My answer seems to please both him and Yoongi, the latter coming into our side with a slow pace that speaks of a growing tiredness. I bet a nap would feel amazing for us both. Too bad that we're not at home.
"We try to stay honest no matter what, even if it's talking about things that are considered taboo" he says as he drops down next to us, his head resting against the wall while his arms lean over the back of the couch. "I could really do with a bed right about now. I'm exhausted".
"Do you have a lot to do after this?" I ask him, head tilted to the side so I can glance at him.
His eyes close before he lets out a deep exhale. "Yeah. I have to meet with the production team to finalize the details for the music video, and then with the stylists so we can work out what outfits will be worn in the needed parts. Jungkook will have to be there as well, but he's free to go afterward. I'll have to head back to my studio to fix a few things I noticed in the audio while recording".
I wince silently. That feels like a lot for someone who's tired. "Can't Jungkook share of his energy with you?"
"Right? That feels like the right thing to do, right?" Jungkook says with an exaggerated sigh. "I keep offering, but he says he doesn't need it".
Yoongi huffs slightly with a mild grin. "Why would I get rid of my exhaustion when being sleepy is my charm? It earns me the pity of others, and then I get cuddles from my soulmates, there's nothing to hate about that. Also, I like napping. It gives me an opportunity to do nothing, which is nice".
"You're right about that... napping is pretty nice. You get to put your life on pause for a while and just... nothing. Nothing at all for a couple hours" I chime in with a yawn, which triggers Jungkook's own.
"See? She gets it".
"Yeah, yeah, and we don't" Namjoon says with a shake of the head, his heart soft as he watches his soulmates turn all sleepy before him.
Jungkook pulls back from cuddling me to glance at my face. "You could always rest in one of our studios, if you need it. I have tons of blankets in mine, and a mattress in the corner. No one will bother you there".
Namjoon nods his head, wondering why he hadn't thought about this sooner.
"I have to leave the building this afternoon. I promised a friend I would be there for his birthday party, thankfully it doesn't end too late so I can still have dinner at home. If you want, you can stay here with Yoongi and Jungkook, or I can ask our manager to drive you home first. There's no one at home right now, though".
I purse my lips as I mull over my options. I could head back on my own, but for some reason, the very thought of being left alone again seems dangerous. If I'm left alone, what about the dark thoughts that crawl in my shadows constantly? All they're waiting for is a moment of weakness to attack again, and what then?
On the other hand, staying here on my own while everyone keeps busy isn't much better, either. I would only get in their way when they have important things that needs their focus.
"Where are the others?" I ask, and Namjoon quickly grabs his phone to have a look at the shared schedules.
"Jin is filming one of his Run Jin episodes, Jimin is working on an ad appearance with Hoseok, while Taehyung... Taehyung has put "Lonely bear" for most of the afternoon. I'll call him".
Yoongi, Jungkook and I stare at him as he pulls the device to his ear after selecting Taehyung's contact, my stomach in knots because of the anticipation.
"Hey, Taehyung-ah. I was just looking at the shared schedule and saw that you put lonely bear for this afternoon- ah, I see. So you have nothing to do, then. Wait just a second" Namjoon says before looking at me. "He says he'd planned to be bored for the day. Do I ask him to keep you company instead?"
I quickly nod my head, and he goes back to the call, "Yeah, babe? Y/N's kind of falling into a boring time because of our planning as well, do you want to- yeah, yeah okay, I'll ask her".
His gaze is back to me, "Taehyung wants to know if you want to go to a strawberry farm with him".
I part my lips, gaping in silence for a moment before I blurt out a concern. "What if people see us together?"
"We know a farm owner who allows us to have the space to ourselves if we call a few hours beforehand, he's a parent to someone we know, so you don't need to worry about being seen" Yoongi explains as he leans over before standing up when the break time comes to an end. "Taehyung would normally wear a mask out in public, but it won't be needed if there's no one around".
Jungkook, at this point, is stalling, his arms squeezing tighter around my hips as if that could earn him a few more seconds of contact before he goes back to the soundproof room with Yoongi.
"It would allow you to sight-see a little" he coos as he noses into my neck with a deep sigh. "Taehyung is really good at picking the best strawberries, and Jin hyung could make us a dessert with what you bring home".
A strawberry cake... or anything strawberry flavoured honestly has my heart, so if the idea of having a date with Taehyung in a strawberry farm wasn't enough, this is sealing the deal.
"Please tell Taehyung that I'd love to go with him" I murmur shyly, suddenly excited at the prospect of spending time alone with him. We haven't had alone time since we met, nor have we talked much. It's a good opportunity to change that.
Namjoon lets him know, then chuckles at what appears to be a happy outburst from our lonely soulmate. "Taehyung says that you can rest in his studio, he'll be on his way as soon as he's done with his current job. Think you can give him an hour and a half?"
"I would give him all eternity, so I think an hour and a half is definitely possible".
Those words stun the men, and myself, and the blush that floods my entire being isn't nearly ideal for hiding my embarrassment. I can only stutter out helpless noises while Jungkook kisses my face with 'muah muah' sounds, Namjoon's rumbling laughter cradling us in its embrace, and Yoongi, jealous as he is, can only sigh with longing.
"He must have saved the world in a previous life. What I wouldn't give to hear those words said to me so spontaneously... ah... hm..." Yoongi mutters as he walks to the door. He pauses, doorknob in hand, then looks over his shoulder to the sight of me hiding my face between my hands.
Maybe, just maybe, he could run away from work for just one day to have a date with me. And maybe he could get Hobah to cooperate with him. Wouldn't that be fun.
He opens the door, then steps out with much on his mind.
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