With my bag clutched to my chest and the luggage against my leg, I brave through the slightly crowded airport with a weird chill following me. It feels like forever ago since I last went out, and I can't help but feel a discomfort at being outside of my home like this.
Had it not been for my soulmates, I would not have left at all. What was I thinking, insisting to take the plane alone? I should have asked Yoongi to come with me, even if it would've felt wrong to ask for so much of his time.
To think that I met them for the first time only yesterday, and now I'm on my way to Korea to spend a week with them at their home. It feels surreal, as if I'm in a dream and I can't figure out how to wake up yet.
I look around me, already confused about where to go from here. There are so many panels with confusing information on them that I can't find the one I need, and the last thing I want is to wait at the wrong place so I need to be careful.
Spotting nearby an employee, I speed up with desperation in my eyes, something that they see right away. I must look pitiful.
After asking for directions a couple of times, I eventually manage to reach the wanted area and sit down next to the window from where I can see the plane I'm to take very soon, a long and deep sigh past my lips. I can't believe that I'm going to be flying in the sky in one of these.
I feel bad that I can't use my ability to move about as I want like Yoongi, that would have been so much easier than this, but then again, I don't think I would've been able to process my situation properly if I could simply teleport so quickly.
This plane is helping me to see as real the fact that my life is changing. Other than learning that I have an ability after all, the fact that I have not one, but seven soulmates. Idols or celebrities, I don't really know which term is more appropriate. Maybe both work just fine.
Very few people are sat in my corner, and I come to wonder if the plane will be busy for my flight. It's starting to feel like it's going to be only the few of us. The plane seems too big for only a dozen people, but maybe more will be on the way.
I look at the time, finding that I still have about an hour before the boarding time. I could walk around and visit some of the shops around here and get something to eat, but I'm so scared of missing the timing and coming back to a plane already gone that I don't dare move from my seat.
Just as I'm about to lock my phone and put it in my bag, a notification comes in from the group chat letting me know that there are... over twenty messages sent and... oh, there's a private message as well.
I'll start with the private one, if only because it'll be easer to handle than the storm awaiting me in the other.
Strongmuscle (jungkook):
Hey Y/N, I figured you were going to board the plane soon and wanted to know how you were doing. I'm thankful that you agreed to join us in Korea so soon, but I'm worried that it might be going too fast for you. You don't have to say yes to everything we say all the time, just wanted to let you know. We would understand.
How kind of him to write me just to say that... I feel a smile pull at the corners of my lips as I type in an answer. It really has been a while since I last wrote in Korean, I hope I'm not making too many mistakes.
Jungkook, don't worry about me :) it is going fast, but it's also... really not that bad, I can't explain it. Do you think my presence there is too soon?
Strongmuscle (jungkook):
Did it sound like that? I'm sorry, that's not at all why I wrote that.
I just worry that you're going to be overwhelmed. A lot of people at the agency will want to talk to you, and there will be many meetings with familiar and new faces a couple times until we figure out the best method to keep you safe. I got the feeling you're introverted like me, so I'm concerned.
Will I really meet so many people..? I thought it was going to be like... two or three people for the week?
Strongmuscle (jungkook):
I'll tell Namjoon to go easy on the meetings while you're here.
Have a safe trip, we'll be picking you up at the airport so send us a message once you've landed.
Now growing nervous after learning that I will be seeing a lot more people than I first thought, I switch to the group chat where a few more messages are flowing in at a quick pace. They're giving me quite a lot to read.
Your-hope (hoseok):
Do any of you perhaps know if Y/N has sensitive skin? Jin hyung and I are out shopping for her and we can't figure out if we should get combination skin or sensitive. We got the same brand of hair products that we use, and she can always use our soap.
Winter (taehyung):
She has combination skin, hyung.
Your-hope (hoseok):
Then, should I get the scented or unscented products?
Winter (taehyung):
Get the unscented one, she reacts to perfume in skin products.
Your-hope (hoseok):
Oh! We might have to change the shampoo and conditionner then 🤔
Winter (taehyung):
Is there any with a soft scent? She doesn't like when it smells too strong.
MrBeautiful (seokjin):
It feels like we're having a test about her likes and dislikes, and Taehyung is the teacher 🤣 We should've brought you along with us, Tae, it would've been so much easier.
Deafcat (yoongi):
Or you could always ask her instead of trying to guess everything on your own
MrBeautiful (seokjin):
But where would the fun be? I like the thrill of trying to guess.
Your-hope (hoseok):
I hate being wrong, though :(
Deafcat (yoongi):
Choose your battles, Hobah. I wish Namjoon would've gotten me a plane ticket so I can stay with her, but you don't hear me complaining about it.
Cutieface (jimin):
Hyung... you literally grumbled all day once you heard about it, Jungkookie said he couldn't handle it anymore and left the studio early. You didn't even share your food with Namjoon, you usually always share with him.
Deafcat (yoongi):
Shush, choose your battles, Jimin-ah.
MrBeautiful (seokjin):
You know that we're rich, Yoongi, right?
Why don't you buy a ticket now while you still can? Or call the airport, I bet you they'll kick someone out of the plane if needed to give you a spot
Deafcat (yoongi):
I thought about it, but I don't want to cause problems. Plus, Y/N said that she wanted to go on her own.
Cutieface (jimin):
Because she didn't want to bother you, hyung.
Deafcat (yoongi):
D'you think it's too late?
Your-hope (hoseok):
Try it! I know I would've done so if I could teleport all the way there to spend time with her ^^
Strongmuscle (jungkook):
Honestly, it would such a shame if you didn't go
Like why have that ability if you don't use it?
Literally any of us would've gone if we had his ability?
Like hyung? What are you doing man?
Deafcat (yoongi):
You know what? Jungkook-ah is right.
I'll buy a ticket.
Strongmuscle (jungkook):
My eyes widen as I find out only this way that Yoongi is attempting to take the plane with me, and for the second time in two days, my phone flies out of my hands when a sudden appearance in front of me scares me.
I meet eyes with Yoongi as he catches it with both hands. He's currently wearing a hat and a mask hiding the lower half of his face, his body clad with the clothes of someone who doesn't want to be noticed, but even then, it's so easy to tell how handsome he is.
If anything, it shows even more right now that he's someone trying to hide his identity!
"Yoongi? What are you doing here?!" I whisper shout as I accept my device while glancing around us to see if anyone noticed him. Can he even do that in an airport? It's so risky! What if someone kicks him out of here?
His eyes crease the slightest bit, and he pats my head as he adjusts his bag's strap over his shoulder, looking pleased even though I can't see most of his face. Those eyes of his are pretty expressive on their own.
"Hi, yes, I know. I have to head to the security checkpoint for a minute, but they know I'm here and are expecting me so I won't be punished, if that's what you're worried about. I'll be back soon, stay right here".
Before I can say anything, he's walking off on his own, and after following him with my eyes for a few seconds, I get to see as security staffs find him halfway to escort him to security. He wasn't lying, they don't look bothered at all that he got here through the wrong door.
I distractedly scratch my nails over my thigh as I observe the way they all seem to flutter around him like excited butterflies, but then realize it might be a good idea to let the others know that Yoongi is here. I hadn't even finished reading the group chat, but now as I notice a dozen more messages, it's a lost cause.
Erm. Yoongi made it here safely, he was brought to security just a minute ago.
MrBeautiful (seokjin):
Was he dragged? Does it look like they're scolding him? Did they call the police?
No... I think... they're taking pictures with him? That's what it looks like anyway.
Cutieface (jimin):
Ah, that explains why he's so annoyed right now 😂 I didn't think he'd have the guts, but he really did it after all. How are you, Y/N? Excited? It's going to be your first time riding a plane after all!
I'm a little nervous, but having Yoongi with me helps. Thank you for encouraging him to come to me, I really didn't want to take too much of his time by requesting his company.
MrBeautiful (seokjin):
Sweetie, Y/N. We're your soulmates, you should never have to feel like you're bothering us. If anything, it'll most likely be us who will bother you most of the time once we're together. Seven men eager to get to know you and take you out on dates, you're going to have to speak up whenever we're too much, otherwise you're going to have a hard time.
Fair point. Thank you, Seokjin, I'll try to remember what you said. Yoongi's coming back so... I'll see you guys later?
Cutieface (jimin):
We'll be waiting for you! Have a safe flight ❤️
I put my phone away right as Yoongi sits besides me with a tired sigh. "I'd forgotten what it's like to have staff push each other to be the one helping you. It's a good thing the manager was nearby, otherwise I was going to lose my cool".
Empathetic to his bad experience, I offer him a small smile before looking back to the endless space in front of us, rows of empty chairs leaving a sort of intimacy between us in the silence that looms over us like a warm blanket.
"What did they say about you being here?" I ask him, wondering if he'll have to do anything special since he teleported here just to take a plane back to where he teleported from. He brings his gaze back to me.
"Nothing much, really. I showed my passport and explained briefly about needing to accompany my new soulmate to my country. A document was brought over since I called beforehand, and I had them sign an NDA to make sure they don't reveal your existence before we do. They'll be faxed to the agency's legal team. It's all good".
Wow, someone had to sigh a non-disclosure agreement because of me... "I see. That feels weird, I won't lie".
He chuckles, hand gentle as it grabs mine to hold over his lap. "You'll get used to it, I fear. In our world... there's always someone pushing against boundaries and doing something they shouldn't, or private information that must be strictly controlled. Documents are signed left and right everyday".
"The legal world is scary" I mutter lightly, to which he shrugs just as lightly, thumb soft on my knuckles. "Maybe it is, but it's also what keeps us safe. Don't overthink this too much, you won't have to deal with those things on your own, we have people helping us for a reason".
I nod my head, eyes taking in the few families joining our corner for the same flight. Two sets of parents with two to four young children, and another couple with a toddler. It looks like they're going back home after being here on a trip. Three young woman who seem to be travelling together come a moment later.
Yoongi clears his throat weakly, mask pulled higher and cap pulled lower over his face when we notice their BTS goodies hanging on their bags. His eyes show that he feels bad for putting me through this, but really, I'm the one feeling bad that he's going through this just to keep me company.
"Are you sure it's okay for you to be here?" I ask, concerned about what might happen if someone on our flight recognizes him. What happens then, when they see me next to him?
"It is" Yoongi answers matter-of-factly, not willing to hear more of what I have on my mind about this. His shoulders relax when the girls sit further away to eat and drink their coffee away from the sleeping kids. For once, I'm glad to have such young humans near me.
"I want to be here with you" he insists. "We'll have to see how we proceed once we've made it there, though. I might have to teleport back to the car with the others and give you a call to help you find us, but it will all depend on how many people are there. It's hard to tell for now, but everything will be fine, don't worry".
I hum, lips pursed in the face of his confidence. I don't know why I'm so wary of what might happen once we land in Seoul. Maybe it's just my anxiety and he's right. Maybe everything will be fine, as he says.
A stewardess eventually opens the doors of the jet bridge, and Yoongi makes me stand with him as we grab my belongings, as do the other travelers. Slowly, we begin to board the plane one group at a time. Some go right, others go left. In our case, it's the first class that awaits us.
A kind lady guides us to our seats without looking like she knows who Yoongi is, then offers to get us something to drink, something to eat, which we politely refuse. I don't think my stomach would do well with having food in it when we're about to fly up in the sky for the first time.
Being in here makes everything feel more real, and my nerves pick up in intensity as I observe the staff outside of the plane prepare everything for the long flight. My palms are becoming sweaty, a tell-tale of having to face something new, and my heart squeezes in my throat when the motor soon comes alive with a rumble.
Yoongi, noticing the growing paleness of my skin, buckles me up with ease before doing the same for himself, then makes a move to hold my hand again, uncaring of the sweat that clings to my skin as my fingers begin to shake.
"It's going to be fine. The plane will start off slow in the beginning as we reach the right tracks. That'll take a couple of minutes" he starts explaining as he points somewhere out the window. "Then it'll be very fast so we can take off. The ascent is a bit uncomfortable, you can close your eyes if that helps. I'll be right by your side, holding your hand. Think of Jimin if it gets too much, that's what I do when I'm overwhelmed".
Jimin... that's the sweet man who held me yesterday, when I appeared in his bed. There was something very loving and warm about him as he hugged me tightly, like his touch alone could mend the endless pains out of my reach. I understand why Yoongi would find comfort in thinking about him.
It takes maybe twenty... thirty minutes before the plane begins to move, and I hold in my breath.
"You don't sound nervous. You must be used to it, Yoongi" I mutter weakly. I clench his fingers tightly, feeling ridiculous that this is how I react for my first flight in the sky. I could be brave, why am I not brave? What's this?
So much is happening, from meeting my soulmates to now being in this plane that I can't even find it in me to be depressed like usual. Right now, it's all about survival. Can I stop a plane from crashing mid-air? Will Yoongi drown with me if he can't teleport me elsewhere? Is he that loyal?
"I had to" he answers with a chuckle, seeing in my eyes that my mind is starting to come up with the famous scenarios that come with boarding a plane. "You will too. The sight when you're up there? You'll love it. Just for that, it's worth the hassle".
"I hope so, because right now, this feels just like a nightmare I had a couple months ago. Can a plane float on water?".
He grins, fingers softly patting my hand as he squeezes it tighter.
The plane begins to move faster, and with that, so does my fate.
"We'll find out the answer if it happens".
Great, just great.
Jungkook's POV
Waiting in the car is the most boring thing I've ever done.
No, boring isn't the right word here. I'm straight out of my mind impatient. I want Y/N to be here right now. I feel very selfish for feeling this way, but I wish her ability worked just like Yoongi's. I hate that we had to wait an entire day and night to get her to us.
I hate even more the thought of her having to fly back home eventually. In my mind, her home is here, with us. Can't she stay forever? Does she really have to leave after a week?
"I didn't buy a ticket back to Canada" Namjoon blurts out all of a sudden, and five pairs of eyes fall on him with various expressions. "I mean, I can always get her one if she states wanting to go back home, that's not a problem. I can't help but feel like I'm tricking her, though".
"Well... as you said, we can always buy a ticket when she asks for it" Jin mumbles with a hand holding his chin. "We don't know how long she'll want to stay for, or if she'll want to leave at all. Things like handling the matters of her home and her belongings... we can take care of that when the time comes. If anything happens and she really needs to head back, we can always go with her".
Gosh, I love that my soulmates think the same way I do.
"Then we'll have to make her fall in love with us so hard that she won't want to leave at all" I muse with a newfound joy in my voice, something that makes Jimin huff softly, a playful smile on his tasty lips. They taste just like sweet candy.
"You'll have to smile more than that, then. Keep the same face you showed her that night and you're going to scare her into wanting to head back home within the first few days".
I grimace his way before locking my gaze back on the window. It's a good thing that the windows are tinted because there are quite a lot of people at the airport right now even though it's seven in the morning. The flight is meant to last around fifteen hours so they should have landed by now.
A sudden knock on the door at the other side of the car and Hoseok opens it to Yoongi who hurries inside with his hat and mask glued in place, her luggage in hand. Hoseok and Taehyung take it from him and fit it into the trunk from the back seats as a bead of sweat rolls down his temple.
"I was almost spotted by a few fans earlier and had to leave right away" he says as he pulls down his mask. "There are too many ARMYs around, someone must have had a vision and gave a hint on social medias. I couldn't risk staying with her, drive to the front of the building, I asked a staff to guide her there since she was getting quite overwhelmed".
Jin, the one driving the van, nods before following his directives while all of us shuffle inside to give Y/N easy access to the seat besides the door that will face the airport. I take place behind her seat, knowing that this is as close as I can be right now, seeing as Jimin is already preparing to have her in his arms as soon as she gets inside.
I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now for him to have such a serious look on his face.
We watch as people come in and out of the huge building in groups, and as soon as Y/N appears with a kind looking lady next to her, Jimin opens the door again to beckon her over. It's a risky move with so many people out and about, but we don't have a choice.
Our soulmate clumsily bows to the lady in thanks before hurrying over inside, door closed behind her right before Jimin's arms find their way around her waist and back to offer the soothing that she needs and more than deserves.
"Breathe, you're alright now" he murmurs in her ear as he hugs her closer into his chest, which is when we notice the slight shivering of her body. Namjoon motions for Jin to drive away when a curious group begins to gather at our car, and off we go.
"The landing wasn't without some turbulence" Yoongi explains as he pats her shoulder softly, now seated next to me at the back. "There were strong winds and we ended up stuck in the middle for a minute of two. Can we head home right away or do we absolutely have to go to the company today?"
I look at Namjoon, eyes urging him to say home. Can't we give her a day to settle before we force her to interact with whoever he's got lined up?
Our leader sighs with a nod of the head, and I calm down immediately. "Home is fine. I'll call Si-hyuk and let him know that she's here with us and to scan the web just in case. I doubt Yoongi's appearance in the airport was entirely unnoticed and we don't know yet if pictures were taken".
Y/N pulls back from Jimin once she starts feeling better, eyes looking from one face to the next until they end on me. I attempt a small smile, which she mirrors softly, exhaustion so strong that I can almost feel it burning the tip of my fingers.
"Didn't you sleep on the way?" I ask as I lean against the back of her seat, head tilted to the side so we can look at one another without hurting our necks. She smells sweet, and I almost bury my nose in her neck out of pure instincts. She smells so good.
"I managed to sleep for an hour or two, but I was too nervous to find it that restful. Yoongi made me listen to some music with his headphones at some point, that helped. I feel like I could crash in bed right now though, I'm sorry".
I shake my head slowly. "Flying in a plane has that effect on people, don't worry. You can use my bed once we're home, you should rest a little. We'll take it easy today for you, you need to adjust to our new timezone after all".
Hoseok smiles from where he's leaning against the window, his back turned to the outside so he can look at her. "Jungkookie has two abilities. One allows him to levitate things and people, while the other allows him to share his energy with others. He's an endless source, so he can transfer some to us whenever we need a boost. Tomorrow, the timezone will not be an issue anymore".
"That's neat" she muses softly, eyes creasing with honest awe. "You don't need to sleep ever, then?"
I chuckle at her adorable question, head shaking. "I'm not a vampire, I do need to sleep just like everyone else. I simply recover much faster than what's considered normal. I need half the amount of sleep to recover just as much energy, so entire nights have me bursting at the seams and ready to go".
"Lucky" she murmurs before yawning for many long seconds, eyes needing an effort to open now that she's safe with us. "I'm always tired. I would love to have so much energy for once".
Jimin pulls her back into a hug, his cheek resting over her head as his arms squeeze her tight. "We'll help you. With us, you'll get regular love, regular meals, regular cuddles. You'll see, sleeping will be much more restful with us than when you were on your own. The bond must have drained a lot of your energy trying to reach out to us for all this time, but you're here now. We'll take care of you".
She hums softly, eyes closing as she melts in his embrace. "That sounds nice" she whispers, only to fall asleep soon after. His pride can be seen all over his face as he moves to take her seat, cradling her over his lap and against his heart with smug satisfaction.
Damn it, I want to take his place so bad!
"She takes my bed at home, you hear me?" I make sure to remind them all before they start fighting on the matter when we already talked about it before leaving this morning. "MY bed".
Hoseok looks at me with a grin, seeing through me way too easily. "Just say that you want her to yourself, Jungkookie. I bet you'll be crawling under the blanket to sleep with her as soon as her back touches the mattress".
"He's going to be creepy and stay awake the entire time, he doesn't even need sleep" Yoongi huffs with a shake of the head.
"Speak for yourself, old man" I grunt. "You slept with her for four hours. Namjoon said that you had her in your arms for three of those!" I bite with a scoff. He makes a move to threaten me with a raised fist, which I respond to with one of my own.
"I was dead asleep for three of those hours, brat. I don't even remember hugging her" he mutters with a deep pout that Taehyung soothes with a kiss. "I can't remember what she felt like in my arms anymore. You don't know the pain until you experience it yourself. It's terrible".
"It's okay, hyung, you'll get to cuddle her again soon" Tae promises softly.
Namjoon and Jin eye me from the front of the vehicle, and I close my mouth to restrain from saying anything annoying. Geez. It's not my fault if he was too exhausted to enjoy it, and it's not my fault if I get in bed with her not to sleep but to hug her, unless she says otherwise, of course. Am I not allowed?
I cross my arms all grumpy, eyes furrowed unhappily and head leaning against the small window, only to have it bump against it here and there when the road is bumpy.
If only one of them tries to keep me from staying by her side, they won't like who I'll become. Oh no.
Jeon Jungkook is not to be messed with when it comes to his cuddle time.
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